Другие названия и синонимы
led, Ledum palustre, багульнк болотный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Marsh Tea ; Wild Rosemary. Ericacea.
A small evergreen shrub, growing in moist, swampy grounds in Europe and America.
Introduced and proved by Hahnemann and his provers, supplemented by new symptoms occurring after high potencies used clinically by Lippe and вerridge.
A small evergreen shrub, growing in moist, swampy grounds in Europe and America.
Introduced and proved by Hahnemann and his provers, supplemented by new symptoms occurring after high potencies used clinically by Lippe and вerridge.
- Asthenopia ; hemorrhage into interior chamber of eye ; Ptosis after injury ; Ecchymosis of conjunctiva, Norton, Oph. Therap., p. 110 ; Rheumatic ophthalmia, Alb, Norton’s Oph. Therap. Injuries to eye, Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 109 ; Metrorrhagia, сlaude, Trans. World’s Hom. сonv., 1876, p. 955 ; Whitlow, Smith, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 149 ; Rheumatism in hip, Plange, в. J. H., vol. 9, p. 241 ; Itching of feet, Williamson, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1872, p. 152 ; Drysdale, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 166 ; Synovitis, Von Tagen, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 29 ; вronchial catarrh, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 686 ; Whooping cough, Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 81 ; (30 cases) Lembke, N. A. J. H., vol. 11, p. 317 ; Schussle, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 185 ; Hamoptysis, Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 217 ; Hamoptysis alternating with rheumatism, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1873 ; Epileptiform attacks, Hughes, Pharmacodynamics, p. 500 ; Epilepsy after wound on head, Godfroid, в. J. H., vol. 34, p. 337 ; Rheumatism, Fisher, Times Retros., vol. 2, p. 14 ; Syphilitic periostitis, Kent, MSS. Purpura hemorrhagica, вethmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 204 ; Prickly heat of newcomers in tropics, Salzer, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 295 ; Urticaria from sting of instrument, Smith, Times Retros., vol. 1, p. 136 ; Suggillations (2 cases), Wells, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 272 ; Punctured wounds, Guernsey, Times Retros., vol. 2, p. 14.
Психика и сознание
Desire for solitude.
After nightmare, fears to go to sleep, lest she die.
Inclined to be out of humor and angry ; vehement.
Discontented ; morose ; hates his fellow beings.
After nightmare, fears to go to sleep, lest she die.
Inclined to be out of humor and angry ; vehement.
Discontented ; morose ; hates his fellow beings.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : as from intoxication, especially when walking in open air ; feels dull after eating ; head inclined to fall backward.
Headache : raging, pulsating ; causing dulness, or stupefaction ; pressing, with distress, when head is covered ; as if something was gnawing in her temples, occiput and ears, with red, bloated looking face and eyes ; dull, in morning, during sleep.
A misstep causes a sensation of concussion in brain.
Head affected after getting wet.
Least covering of head intolerable.
Pimples and boils on forehead. θ Drunkards.
Itching eruption scattered thickly over scalp ; enlarged cervical glands.
Pupils dilated.
Asthenopia, with dull pain behind eyeball, as if it would be forced out.
Hemorrhage into anterior chamber after iridectomy.
Left eye first affected ; excessive photophobia, with severe pain upon attempting to open lids, pressing pain in head and eye, as if it at first was pressed asunder, then out of orbit, with great lachrymation and nocturnal aggravation ; severe burning on border of lids and sticking in eyes, as from sand ; tearing, drawing pains in neck to insertion of deltoid muscle ; heat and chills. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Complete ptosis, right eye, from injury ; ecchymosis of lids and conjunctiva.
Contusions or wounds of eye and lids, especially if accompanied by extravasation of blood.
Ecchymoses of conjunctiva, traumatic or spontaneous.
Profuse suppuration with discharge of fetid pus.
Nightly agglutination without inflammation or pain.
Burning on border of lids and feeling of sand in eyes.
Lachrymation : acrid, making lower lids and cheeks sore.
Noises in ear as from ringing of a bell, or from a storm of wind ; ringing and whizzing.
Hardness of hearing. (r. ear) as if ear was obstructed by cotton ; after cutting hair ; after chilling head ; after suppression of coryza or otorrhoea.
Rheumatic otitis.
Long lasting nosebleed ; afterward sore in upper part of nose, with violent burning ; blood pale.
Small pimples on root of nose.
Eruption of pimples on forehead, as in brandy drinkers, with biting itching on chest, as from lice ; red blotches and nettlerash.
Red tubercles on forehead, stinging when touched ; pimples and blood boils.
Face : alternately pale and red ; bloated.
Scaly, dry herpes in face, burning in open air.
Large, rough exanthema on face.
Erysipelas of face and eyes from bites of insects.
Tetter-like, crusty eruption around nose and mouth, with itching, smarting and burning.
Red, pimply eruption on face. θ Drunkards.
Glandular swelling under chin.
Headache : raging, pulsating ; causing dulness, or stupefaction ; pressing, with distress, when head is covered ; as if something was gnawing in her temples, occiput and ears, with red, bloated looking face and eyes ; dull, in morning, during sleep.
A misstep causes a sensation of concussion in brain.
Head affected after getting wet.
Least covering of head intolerable.
Pimples and boils on forehead. θ Drunkards.
Itching eruption scattered thickly over scalp ; enlarged cervical glands.
Pupils dilated.
Asthenopia, with dull pain behind eyeball, as if it would be forced out.
Hemorrhage into anterior chamber after iridectomy.
Left eye first affected ; excessive photophobia, with severe pain upon attempting to open lids, pressing pain in head and eye, as if it at first was pressed asunder, then out of orbit, with great lachrymation and nocturnal aggravation ; severe burning on border of lids and sticking in eyes, as from sand ; tearing, drawing pains in neck to insertion of deltoid muscle ; heat and chills. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Complete ptosis, right eye, from injury ; ecchymosis of lids and conjunctiva.
Contusions or wounds of eye and lids, especially if accompanied by extravasation of blood.
Ecchymoses of conjunctiva, traumatic or spontaneous.
Profuse suppuration with discharge of fetid pus.
Nightly agglutination without inflammation or pain.
Burning on border of lids and feeling of sand in eyes.
Lachrymation : acrid, making lower lids and cheeks sore.
Noises in ear as from ringing of a bell, or from a storm of wind ; ringing and whizzing.
Hardness of hearing. (r. ear) as if ear was obstructed by cotton ; after cutting hair ; after chilling head ; after suppression of coryza or otorrhoea.
Rheumatic otitis.
Long lasting nosebleed ; afterward sore in upper part of nose, with violent burning ; blood pale.
Small pimples on root of nose.
Eruption of pimples on forehead, as in brandy drinkers, with biting itching on chest, as from lice ; red blotches and nettlerash.
Red tubercles on forehead, stinging when touched ; pimples and blood boils.
Face : alternately pale and red ; bloated.
Scaly, dry herpes in face, burning in open air.
Large, rough exanthema on face.
Erysipelas of face and eyes from bites of insects.
Tetter-like, crusty eruption around nose and mouth, with itching, smarting and burning.
Red, pimply eruption on face. θ Drunkards.
Glandular swelling under chin.
Ротовая полость и горло
Stinging on forepart of tongue.
Bitter taste in mouth.
Offensive breath.
Sudden running of water-like saliva from mouth, with colic ; waterbrash.
Sore throat, with fine, stinging pain, worse when not swallowing ; sensation as from a lump in throat.
Malignant sore throat.
Great heat in throat when moving in open air.
After eating : hurriedly, contracting pain in breast bone ; pressure in stomach after a small quantity of food ; feels dull.
Bad effects from alcoholic drinks.
Tickling in larynx, with hamoptysis.
Tingling in trachea. θ вronchitis.
Mouldy taste in mouth every time she coughs, causing great nausea, loss of appetite, and occasionally watery vomiting. θ вronchitis.
Bitter taste in mouth.
Offensive breath.
Sudden running of water-like saliva from mouth, with colic ; waterbrash.
Sore throat, with fine, stinging pain, worse when not swallowing ; sensation as from a lump in throat.
Malignant sore throat.
Great heat in throat when moving in open air.
After eating : hurriedly, contracting pain in breast bone ; pressure in stomach after a small quantity of food ; feels dull.
Bad effects from alcoholic drinks.
Tickling in larynx, with hamoptysis.
Tingling in trachea. θ вronchitis.
Mouldy taste in mouth every time she coughs, causing great nausea, loss of appetite, and occasionally watery vomiting. θ вronchitis.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Sudden running of water from mouth ; waterbrash.
Nausea and qualmishness when spitting.
Sensation of fulness in upper part of abdomen.
Colic every evening.
Pain as if diarrhoea would set in, from umbilicus to anus, with loss of appetite and cold feet.
Pain in loins after sitting.
Diarrhoea, stool mixed with mucus and blood ; want of animal heat ; constipation ; stool mixed with blood.
Sore, itching, smarting humid spot, between anus and coccyx.
Nausea and qualmishness when spitting.
Sensation of fulness in upper part of abdomen.
Colic every evening.
Pain as if diarrhoea would set in, from umbilicus to anus, with loss of appetite and cold feet.
Pain in loins after sitting.
Diarrhoea, stool mixed with mucus and blood ; want of animal heat ; constipation ; stool mixed with blood.
Sore, itching, smarting humid spot, between anus and coccyx.
Мочеполовая система
Urination frequent ; quantity diminished or increased ; stream often stops during flow.
Burning in urethra after urinating ; itching, redness, discharge of pus.
Inflammatory swelling of penis ; urethra is almost closed.
Increased sexual desire ; nocturnal emission bloody.
Fibrous tumors, or polypi, with menorrhagia ; constant draining away of blood.
Displacement of uterus.
Menstruation too early and too profuse ; blood bright red ; absence of vital heat.
Profuse leucorrhoea ; pale face ; copious urination, even at night.
Burning in urethra after urinating ; itching, redness, discharge of pus.
Inflammatory swelling of penis ; urethra is almost closed.
Increased sexual desire ; nocturnal emission bloody.
Fibrous tumors, or polypi, with menorrhagia ; constant draining away of blood.
Displacement of uterus.
Menstruation too early and too profuse ; blood bright red ; absence of vital heat.
Profuse leucorrhoea ; pale face ; copious urination, even at night.
Характеристика растения
Milk leg.
During last months of pregnancy, indescribable pain, like gnawing stiffness, in sacrum and hip bone, down over whole thigh, worse standing.
During last months of pregnancy, indescribable pain, like gnawing stiffness, in sacrum and hip bone, down over whole thigh, worse standing.
Органы грудной клетки
Spasmodic, double inspiration, with sobbing, as after hard crying.
Oppressed, rapid and painful breathing.
Suffocative arrest of breathing and opisthotonos previous to coughing.
Oppressive constriction of chest, worse from motion and walking.
Hollow, racking, spasmodic cough, from tickling in larynx ; loses breath before cough ; after cough, dizziness, staggering.
Chronic cough characterized by cold and deficiency of animal heat.
Spasmodic cough, preceding for a few days eruption of eczema or an attack of gout.
Child gets stiff before paroxysm ; bends himself backward, followed by expectoration of clear, frothy blood. θ Whooping cough.
Before paroxysm, arrest of breathing ; during it, epistaxis shattered feeling in head and chest, rapid respiration ; after it, staggering, spasmodic contraction of diaphragm, sobbing respiration. θ Pertussis.
Expectoration : after midnight and in morning ; fetid, purulent ; bright red, foaming blood.
Spasmodic constriction of chest when walking and ascending.
Burning soreness or stitches in chest ; soreness under sternum.
Hamoptysis : alternating with coxalgia or rheumatism ; with congestion ; with violent cough in paroxysms, caused by tickling in larynx and trachea ; burning pain in some point of chest, from which blood seems to come ; stagnation in liver and portal veins.
Bright red, profuse hamoptysis, with severe cough and rattling and hissing in air passages ; burning pain in fixed spot in chest.
Phthisical symptoms alternating with coxalgia or rheumatism.
Suppuration of lungs ; purulent, greenish expectoration ; after neglected pneumonia.
Eruption, like varicella, on chest and upper arms, with desquamation.
Red spots and rash, with smarting itching on chest.
Pain and soreness on and in breast bone, or below it.
Chest hurts when touched.
Oppressed, rapid and painful breathing.
Suffocative arrest of breathing and opisthotonos previous to coughing.
Oppressive constriction of chest, worse from motion and walking.
Hollow, racking, spasmodic cough, from tickling in larynx ; loses breath before cough ; after cough, dizziness, staggering.
Chronic cough characterized by cold and deficiency of animal heat.
Spasmodic cough, preceding for a few days eruption of eczema or an attack of gout.
Child gets stiff before paroxysm ; bends himself backward, followed by expectoration of clear, frothy blood. θ Whooping cough.
Before paroxysm, arrest of breathing ; during it, epistaxis shattered feeling in head and chest, rapid respiration ; after it, staggering, spasmodic contraction of diaphragm, sobbing respiration. θ Pertussis.
Expectoration : after midnight and in morning ; fetid, purulent ; bright red, foaming blood.
Spasmodic constriction of chest when walking and ascending.
Burning soreness or stitches in chest ; soreness under sternum.
Hamoptysis : alternating with coxalgia or rheumatism ; with congestion ; with violent cough in paroxysms, caused by tickling in larynx and trachea ; burning pain in some point of chest, from which blood seems to come ; stagnation in liver and portal veins.
Bright red, profuse hamoptysis, with severe cough and rattling and hissing in air passages ; burning pain in fixed spot in chest.
Phthisical symptoms alternating with coxalgia or rheumatism.
Suppuration of lungs ; purulent, greenish expectoration ; after neglected pneumonia.
Eruption, like varicella, on chest and upper arms, with desquamation.
Red spots and rash, with smarting itching on chest.
Pain and soreness on and in breast bone, or below it.
Chest hurts when touched.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pushing or pressure inward at left edge of sternum ; palpitation.
Pulse. Full and rapid ; strong and hard ; can be felt on one arm only.
Pulse. Full and rapid ; strong and hard ; can be felt on one arm only.
Конечности и позвоночник
Painful stiffness of back and scapula.
Painful stiffness of loins when rising from a seat.
Sticking in shoulder when lifting arms.
Severe stitch in shoulder when raising arm.
Painful throbbing in right shoulder.
Painful pressure in left or both shoulder joints, worse from motion.
Rheumatic pain in joints of arms.
Tremor of hands when seizing anything and when moving hands, as from weakness of old age.
Itching rash on wrist joint ; fine stinging in hands.
Hard tumor on dorsal side of wrist.
Gouty nodosities on hand and finger joints ; drawing pain from hands upward.
Perspiration in palms of hands.
Boring pains in first joints of thumbs, with feeling of stiffness.
Periosteum of phalanges painful on pressure.
Consequences of injuries to nails, in first stages.
After tearing off hang nail, whitlow rapidly forming on palmar surface of right index finger ; intense throbbing, swelling, redness and acute darting pains.
Whitlows, the result of punctured wounds, needle pricks, splinters, etc.
Pressure, laming, rheumatic pain in right hip joint, worse from motion.
Coxalgia or rheumatism alternating with hamoptysis.
After being long on feet, sudden, violent pain in hip joint, with sensation as of boiling in joint ; must sit down and rest before pains remit sufficiently to allow him to work on ; no swelling, nor pain on pressure.
Pressure in left thigh towards posterior portion ; seems as though muscles were not in proper position, like pain from a strain ; in every position, though especially when walking or touched.
Affected limb cooler than remainder of body. θ Sciatica.
Left side more affected with weakness and heaviness of parts ; pains followed by swelling of feet and limbs. θ Sciatica.
Rheumatic pains going from below upward, joints pale, swollen, tense, hot ; stinging, drawing pains ; worse from warmth of bed and bed-covering, motion, and in evening.
Rheumatism and rheumatic gout ; begins in lower limbs and ascends ; especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse of сolchicum ; joints become the seat of nodosities and gout stones , which are painful.
Tremor of knees (and hands) when sitting or walking.
Great weakness in knee joints, obliging him to sit down.
Tearing pressure in knee joints, and farther down, worse on motion.
Cracking and creaking of knees.
Swelling and tensive and sticking pain in knee, when walking.
Stiffness of knees.
Itching rash on inside of knees.
Pain in knees, as if beaten or sore.
Tremor of limb when sitting or making an attempt to walk or stand ; pains seem to extend from knee to hip joint ; child wants knee rubbed upwards from knee, during which it lies quiet and satisfied ; stiffness, swelling and flexion of joint. θ Strumous synovitis.
Acute traumatic synovitis, with much effusion and feeling of coldness in part ; swelling, with tension and stitches in knees, with rheumatic pains.
Pinching, grasping pain in left hamstring, worse at night, night sweat, frequent urination ; drawing pain from upper part of calf to popliteal space, cannot lie on left side.
Hot swelling of legs, with stinging, drawing pain.
Swelling of legs extending above calves, with tensive pain, especially in evening.
Swelling of feet and legs up to knees, purple and mottled, pitting on pressure, with rending pains in periosteum ; comfortable only when holding feet in ice water.
Great swelling of knee with rheumatic pain ; comfortable only when applying cold.
Pressure above left internal malleolus, worse from motion.
Pressure in bones of ankle and in lower portion of left leg, in morning.
Great heaviness and weariness of feet.
Stiff and rigid in feet in morning.
Gout, worse in feet ; gouty nodosities on joints ; fine tearing in toes.
Swelling of feet : up to knees ; about ankles, with intolerable pain in ankles on stepping.
Pain in ankles, as from a sprain or false step.
Intense itching on top of feet and ankles, worse from scratching and warmth of bed.
Violent pain in joint of left great toe, while walking in morning.
Boring in first joint of right great toe.
Ball of great toe painful, swollen, painful on stepping, tendons stiff.
Pains of soles of feet and heels, as if bruised, when walking.
Pain running up to thigh since stepping on a nail, ten years ago.
Burning and smarting in lower extremities ; bone pains.
Affects principally left shoulder and r. hip joint.
Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends.
Pressive pains in knees and wrists.
Limbs numb and fall asleep.
Drawing pains in various joints and parts of extremities, worse after taking wine.
Paralytic pain in all joints, on moving body at night in bed.
Gouty, rheumatic pains in joints, worse from motion, heat of bed and in evening.
Tense, hard swelling of affected joints ; painful, hard nodes and calcareous concretions.
Stiffness of all the joints, could only move them after applying cold water.
Low, asthenic cases (maltreated by large doses of сolchicum) ; lancinating, tearing pains ; worse by motion and before midnight, when joints feel so hot he throws off all covering ; oedematous swelling of joint which may feel cold to touch ; affects chiefly left shoulder and right hip joint ; habitual gout in articulations of hands and feet ; ball of great toe sore and painful ; soles very sensitive ; tendons stiff ; gouty nodosities in joints ; fine tearing pains in toes. θ Arthritis.
Burning heat of hands and feet, evenings.
Long lasting warm sweat of hands and feet.
Eruption (eczema) in bends of extremities.
Head inclines to fall backward.
Cannot lie on left side : pain in left hamstring.
Lifting arms : sticking in shoulder.
Sitting : pains in loins ; tremor of knees ; tremor of limbs.
Standing : pain over whole thigh.
Bends himself backwards before paroxysm.
Must sit down and rest : on account of pains in hip joint ; weakness of knee joints.
In every position : pain in thigh.
Motion : oppressive constriction of chest.
From least exertion : sweat on forehead.
Moving body at night in bed : paralytic pain in all joints.
Moving hands : tremor.
When seizing anything : tremor of hands.
Raising arm : stitch in shoulder.
Rising from a seat : painful stiffness of back and loins.
Stepping : pain in ankles ; ball of great toe painful.
Walking : vertigo ; oppressive constriction of chest.
When attempting to walk or stand : tremor of limb.
Ascending : spasmodic constriction of chest.
Splinters, external injuries cause panaritium.
A misstep causes sensation of concussion of brain.
Sprains of ankles and feet.
Punctured wounds, produced by sharp pointed instruments, as awls, rat-bites, nails, etc. ; particularly if wounded parts feel cold to touch and to patient.
Touch : painful on chest ; pain in thigh.
Wants knee rubbed upward.
Pressure : periosteum of phalanges painful ; legs pit.
Rubbed : urticaria reddens.
Scratching : itching.
From injury : complete ptosis of right eye.
Injury to nails : whitlow.
A misstep causes sensation of concussion in brain.
After sting of yellow jacket : urticaria.
Stepping on a nail, ten years ago : pains run up right thigh.
Wounds, pricks, splinters : cause whitlows.
Three months after wound on head : gradual altering of health from day to day.
Painful stiffness of loins when rising from a seat.
Sticking in shoulder when lifting arms.
Severe stitch in shoulder when raising arm.
Painful throbbing in right shoulder.
Painful pressure in left or both shoulder joints, worse from motion.
Rheumatic pain in joints of arms.
Tremor of hands when seizing anything and when moving hands, as from weakness of old age.
Itching rash on wrist joint ; fine stinging in hands.
Hard tumor on dorsal side of wrist.
Gouty nodosities on hand and finger joints ; drawing pain from hands upward.
Perspiration in palms of hands.
Boring pains in first joints of thumbs, with feeling of stiffness.
Periosteum of phalanges painful on pressure.
Consequences of injuries to nails, in first stages.
After tearing off hang nail, whitlow rapidly forming on palmar surface of right index finger ; intense throbbing, swelling, redness and acute darting pains.
Whitlows, the result of punctured wounds, needle pricks, splinters, etc.
Pressure, laming, rheumatic pain in right hip joint, worse from motion.
Coxalgia or rheumatism alternating with hamoptysis.
After being long on feet, sudden, violent pain in hip joint, with sensation as of boiling in joint ; must sit down and rest before pains remit sufficiently to allow him to work on ; no swelling, nor pain on pressure.
Pressure in left thigh towards posterior portion ; seems as though muscles were not in proper position, like pain from a strain ; in every position, though especially when walking or touched.
Affected limb cooler than remainder of body. θ Sciatica.
Left side more affected with weakness and heaviness of parts ; pains followed by swelling of feet and limbs. θ Sciatica.
Rheumatic pains going from below upward, joints pale, swollen, tense, hot ; stinging, drawing pains ; worse from warmth of bed and bed-covering, motion, and in evening.
Rheumatism and rheumatic gout ; begins in lower limbs and ascends ; especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse of сolchicum ; joints become the seat of nodosities and gout stones , which are painful.
Tremor of knees (and hands) when sitting or walking.
Great weakness in knee joints, obliging him to sit down.
Tearing pressure in knee joints, and farther down, worse on motion.
Cracking and creaking of knees.
Swelling and tensive and sticking pain in knee, when walking.
Stiffness of knees.
Itching rash on inside of knees.
Pain in knees, as if beaten or sore.
Tremor of limb when sitting or making an attempt to walk or stand ; pains seem to extend from knee to hip joint ; child wants knee rubbed upwards from knee, during which it lies quiet and satisfied ; stiffness, swelling and flexion of joint. θ Strumous synovitis.
Acute traumatic synovitis, with much effusion and feeling of coldness in part ; swelling, with tension and stitches in knees, with rheumatic pains.
Pinching, grasping pain in left hamstring, worse at night, night sweat, frequent urination ; drawing pain from upper part of calf to popliteal space, cannot lie on left side.
Hot swelling of legs, with stinging, drawing pain.
Swelling of legs extending above calves, with tensive pain, especially in evening.
Swelling of feet and legs up to knees, purple and mottled, pitting on pressure, with rending pains in periosteum ; comfortable only when holding feet in ice water.
Great swelling of knee with rheumatic pain ; comfortable only when applying cold.
Pressure above left internal malleolus, worse from motion.
Pressure in bones of ankle and in lower portion of left leg, in morning.
Great heaviness and weariness of feet.
Stiff and rigid in feet in morning.
Gout, worse in feet ; gouty nodosities on joints ; fine tearing in toes.
Swelling of feet : up to knees ; about ankles, with intolerable pain in ankles on stepping.
Pain in ankles, as from a sprain or false step.
Intense itching on top of feet and ankles, worse from scratching and warmth of bed.
Violent pain in joint of left great toe, while walking in morning.
Boring in first joint of right great toe.
Ball of great toe painful, swollen, painful on stepping, tendons stiff.
Pains of soles of feet and heels, as if bruised, when walking.
Pain running up to thigh since stepping on a nail, ten years ago.
Burning and smarting in lower extremities ; bone pains.
Affects principally left shoulder and r. hip joint.
Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends.
Pressive pains in knees and wrists.
Limbs numb and fall asleep.
Drawing pains in various joints and parts of extremities, worse after taking wine.
Paralytic pain in all joints, on moving body at night in bed.
Gouty, rheumatic pains in joints, worse from motion, heat of bed and in evening.
Tense, hard swelling of affected joints ; painful, hard nodes and calcareous concretions.
Stiffness of all the joints, could only move them after applying cold water.
Low, asthenic cases (maltreated by large doses of сolchicum) ; lancinating, tearing pains ; worse by motion and before midnight, when joints feel so hot he throws off all covering ; oedematous swelling of joint which may feel cold to touch ; affects chiefly left shoulder and right hip joint ; habitual gout in articulations of hands and feet ; ball of great toe sore and painful ; soles very sensitive ; tendons stiff ; gouty nodosities in joints ; fine tearing pains in toes. θ Arthritis.
Burning heat of hands and feet, evenings.
Long lasting warm sweat of hands and feet.
Eruption (eczema) in bends of extremities.
Head inclines to fall backward.
Cannot lie on left side : pain in left hamstring.
Lifting arms : sticking in shoulder.
Sitting : pains in loins ; tremor of knees ; tremor of limbs.
Standing : pain over whole thigh.
Bends himself backwards before paroxysm.
Must sit down and rest : on account of pains in hip joint ; weakness of knee joints.
In every position : pain in thigh.
Motion : oppressive constriction of chest.
From least exertion : sweat on forehead.
Moving body at night in bed : paralytic pain in all joints.
Moving hands : tremor.
When seizing anything : tremor of hands.
Raising arm : stitch in shoulder.
Rising from a seat : painful stiffness of back and loins.
Stepping : pain in ankles ; ball of great toe painful.
Walking : vertigo ; oppressive constriction of chest.
When attempting to walk or stand : tremor of limb.
Ascending : spasmodic constriction of chest.
Splinters, external injuries cause panaritium.
A misstep causes sensation of concussion of brain.
Sprains of ankles and feet.
Punctured wounds, produced by sharp pointed instruments, as awls, rat-bites, nails, etc. ; particularly if wounded parts feel cold to touch and to patient.
Touch : painful on chest ; pain in thigh.
Wants knee rubbed upward.
Pressure : periosteum of phalanges painful ; legs pit.
Rubbed : urticaria reddens.
Scratching : itching.
From injury : complete ptosis of right eye.
Injury to nails : whitlow.
A misstep causes sensation of concussion in brain.
After sting of yellow jacket : urticaria.
Stepping on a nail, ten years ago : pains run up right thigh.
Wounds, pricks, splinters : cause whitlows.
Three months after wound on head : gradual altering of health from day to day.
Нервная система
Anxiousness and fainting spells.
Three months after wound on head by falling on scissors, gradual altering of health from day to day ; sad, seeking solitude and eating little ; gradual emaciation and weakness ; towards evening restless and agitated ; then epileptic attacks, lasting several minutes, repeated at intervals during night, which he passes absolutely without sleep ; pale faced and thin, has an air of suffering terror ; would not even answer a question addressed to him.
Tetanus ; peripheral cases, traumatic, parts become cold as ice, and spasms begin in wound.
Three months after wound on head by falling on scissors, gradual altering of health from day to day ; sad, seeking solitude and eating little ; gradual emaciation and weakness ; towards evening restless and agitated ; then epileptic attacks, lasting several minutes, repeated at intervals during night, which he passes absolutely without sleep ; pale faced and thin, has an air of suffering terror ; would not even answer a question addressed to him.
Tetanus ; peripheral cases, traumatic, parts become cold as ice, and spasms begin in wound.
Sleepiness, as from intoxication, during day.
Sleeplessness at night, with restlessness and fantastic illusions as soon as closing eyes ; restless tossing about ; talking in sleep ; moaning and groaning.
Nightmare, throat feels swollen, sense of suffocation.
Uneasy dream ; is now in one, now in another place, busy now with one, now with another subject.
Morning : dull ; expectoration ; pressure in bones of ankles and in lower portion of leg ; stiff and rigid in feet ; pain in left great toe.
During day : sleepiness.
Evening : rheumatic pains.
Night : eyes.
Before midnight : lancinating pains.
After midnight : expectoration.
Sleeplessness at night, with restlessness and fantastic illusions as soon as closing eyes ; restless tossing about ; talking in sleep ; moaning and groaning.
Nightmare, throat feels swollen, sense of suffocation.
Uneasy dream ; is now in one, now in another place, busy now with one, now with another subject.
Morning : dull ; expectoration ; pressure in bones of ankles and in lower portion of leg ; stiff and rigid in feet ; pain in left great toe.
During day : sleepiness.
Evening : rheumatic pains.
Night : eyes.
Before midnight : lancinating pains.
After midnight : expectoration.
Общие симптомы
Open air : vertigo ; herpes on face burns ; great heat in throat.
Heat : eruption on covered parts.
Warmth of bed : rheumatic pains.
Cold applications of ice water ; rheumatic swelling and pain in knee and legs.
When covered : pressing in head with distress ; rheumatic pains.
Inclination to uncover : night sweats.
After getting wet : head affected.
Limbs and whole body painful, as if bruised and beaten.
Pains sticking, tearing, throbbing.
Sensation of torpor of integuments, especially after suppressed discharge from ears, eyes and nose.
As if something was gnawing in her temples, occiput and ears ; as if eyeball would be forced out ; as if eye was pressed asunder, then out of orbit ; as if sand was in eyes ; noises in ear as from ringing of bell, or from a wind storm ; as if ear was obstructed by cotton ; itching as from lice on chest ; as of a lump in throat ; pain as if diarrhoea would set in ; as of boiling in hip joint ; as though muscles of thigh were not in right position ; knees as if beaten or sore ; pain in ankles as from a sprain ; heels as if bruised ; as of cold water pouring over parts ; limbs as if beaten and bruised.
Pain : from umbilicus to anus ; in loins ; in knees ; from knee to hip joints ; in ankles ; in ball of great toe ; of soles of feet ; of heels ; running up to thigh ; in bones ; in abdomen.
Intolerable pain : in ankles.
Severe pain : when attempting to open eyelids.
Violent pain : in joint of left great toe.
Sudden, violent pain : in hip joint.
Raging, pulsating pain : in head, causing dulness.
Tearing, drawing pains : in neck to insertion of deltoid muscle.
Acute darting pains : in right index finger.
Lancinating, tearing pain : in joints.
Fine tearing : in toes.
Severe stitch : in shoulder.
Stitches : in chest ; in knees.
Indescribable pain, like gnawing stiffness : in sacrum and hip bone.
Pinching, grasping pain : in left hamstring.
Colic : in abdomen.
Boring pain : in first joints of thumbs ; in first joint of r. great toe.
Drawing pain : from hands upwards ; from upper part of calf to popliteal space ; in legs ; in various joints and parts of extremities.
Tensive pain : in legs above calves.
Rheumatic pain : in joints of arms ; from below upwards ; in knees.
Gouty, rheumatic pain : in joints.
Contracting pain : in breast bone.
Pressing pain : in head and eyes.
Pressive pain : in knees and wrists.
Sticking : in eyes ; in shoulder ; in knee.
Painful throbbing : in right shoulder.
Intense throbbing : in right index finger.
Dull pain : behind eyeball.
Pressure, laming rheumatic pain : in right hip joint.
Paralytic pain : in all joints.
Painful pressure : in shoulder joints.
Pressing, with distress : in head.
Pressure : in stomach ; in left thigh ; above left internal malleolus ; in bones of ankle ; in lower portion of leg.
Pushing or pressing inward : at left edge of sternum.
Painful stiffness : of back and scapula ; of loins.
Violent burning : in nose.
Severe burning : on border of lids.
Burning pain : in fixed spot, chest.
Burning : on border of lids ; in herpes on face ; of eruption around nose and mouth ; in urethra ; in lower extremities ; of limbs.
Burning soreness : in chest.
Biting itching : on chest ; of eruption around nose and mouth.
Sore, itching, smarting, humid spot : between anus and coccyx.
Stinging : on forepart of tongue ; in throat ; in hands ; in legs.
Smarting : in lower extremities.
Soreness : under sternum.
Great heat : in throat.
Heat : of hands and feet ; of face.
Prickling, dryness : of mouth.
Spasmodic constriction : of chest.
Oppressive constriction : of chest.
Fulness : in upper part of abdomen.
Clogging sensation : in mouth.
Stiffness : of thumbs ; of knees ; of feet ; of tendons of great toe.
Sensation of torpor of integuments.
Sensation of concussion in brain, caused by a misstep.
Tickling : in larynx.
Tingling : in trachea.
Weakness and heaviness : of left side ; of knee joints ; of feet.
Intense itching : on top of feet and ankles.
Itching : of urethra ; of rash on wrist joints ; of rash on inside of knees ; of skin.
Coldness of knees.
Emaciation of suffering parts.
Hot, tense, hard swellings.
Acts especially on parts of body where cellular tissue is wanting, hence affects small joints.
Subacute rheumatism.
Edematous swelling of whole body.
Dropsy, with pain in limbs and dry skin ; ascites.
Discoloration remaining in contused parts after pain and inflammation subside.
Heat : eruption on covered parts.
Warmth of bed : rheumatic pains.
Cold applications of ice water ; rheumatic swelling and pain in knee and legs.
When covered : pressing in head with distress ; rheumatic pains.
Inclination to uncover : night sweats.
After getting wet : head affected.
Limbs and whole body painful, as if bruised and beaten.
Pains sticking, tearing, throbbing.
Sensation of torpor of integuments, especially after suppressed discharge from ears, eyes and nose.
As if something was gnawing in her temples, occiput and ears ; as if eyeball would be forced out ; as if eye was pressed asunder, then out of orbit ; as if sand was in eyes ; noises in ear as from ringing of bell, or from a wind storm ; as if ear was obstructed by cotton ; itching as from lice on chest ; as of a lump in throat ; pain as if diarrhoea would set in ; as of boiling in hip joint ; as though muscles of thigh were not in right position ; knees as if beaten or sore ; pain in ankles as from a sprain ; heels as if bruised ; as of cold water pouring over parts ; limbs as if beaten and bruised.
Pain : from umbilicus to anus ; in loins ; in knees ; from knee to hip joints ; in ankles ; in ball of great toe ; of soles of feet ; of heels ; running up to thigh ; in bones ; in abdomen.
Intolerable pain : in ankles.
Severe pain : when attempting to open eyelids.
Violent pain : in joint of left great toe.
Sudden, violent pain : in hip joint.
Raging, pulsating pain : in head, causing dulness.
Tearing, drawing pains : in neck to insertion of deltoid muscle.
Acute darting pains : in right index finger.
Lancinating, tearing pain : in joints.
Fine tearing : in toes.
Severe stitch : in shoulder.
Stitches : in chest ; in knees.
Indescribable pain, like gnawing stiffness : in sacrum and hip bone.
Pinching, grasping pain : in left hamstring.
Colic : in abdomen.
Boring pain : in first joints of thumbs ; in first joint of r. great toe.
Drawing pain : from hands upwards ; from upper part of calf to popliteal space ; in legs ; in various joints and parts of extremities.
Tensive pain : in legs above calves.
Rheumatic pain : in joints of arms ; from below upwards ; in knees.
Gouty, rheumatic pain : in joints.
Contracting pain : in breast bone.
Pressing pain : in head and eyes.
Pressive pain : in knees and wrists.
Sticking : in eyes ; in shoulder ; in knee.
Painful throbbing : in right shoulder.
Intense throbbing : in right index finger.
Dull pain : behind eyeball.
Pressure, laming rheumatic pain : in right hip joint.
Paralytic pain : in all joints.
Painful pressure : in shoulder joints.
Pressing, with distress : in head.
Pressure : in stomach ; in left thigh ; above left internal malleolus ; in bones of ankle ; in lower portion of leg.
Pushing or pressing inward : at left edge of sternum.
Painful stiffness : of back and scapula ; of loins.
Violent burning : in nose.
Severe burning : on border of lids.
Burning pain : in fixed spot, chest.
Burning : on border of lids ; in herpes on face ; of eruption around nose and mouth ; in urethra ; in lower extremities ; of limbs.
Burning soreness : in chest.
Biting itching : on chest ; of eruption around nose and mouth.
Sore, itching, smarting, humid spot : between anus and coccyx.
Stinging : on forepart of tongue ; in throat ; in hands ; in legs.
Smarting : in lower extremities.
Soreness : under sternum.
Great heat : in throat.
Heat : of hands and feet ; of face.
Prickling, dryness : of mouth.
Spasmodic constriction : of chest.
Oppressive constriction : of chest.
Fulness : in upper part of abdomen.
Clogging sensation : in mouth.
Stiffness : of thumbs ; of knees ; of feet ; of tendons of great toe.
Sensation of torpor of integuments.
Sensation of concussion in brain, caused by a misstep.
Tickling : in larynx.
Tingling : in trachea.
Weakness and heaviness : of left side ; of knee joints ; of feet.
Intense itching : on top of feet and ankles.
Itching : of urethra ; of rash on wrist joints ; of rash on inside of knees ; of skin.
Coldness of knees.
Emaciation of suffering parts.
Hot, tense, hard swellings.
Acts especially on parts of body where cellular tissue is wanting, hence affects small joints.
Subacute rheumatism.
Edematous swelling of whole body.
Dropsy, with pain in limbs and dry skin ; ascites.
Discoloration remaining in contused parts after pain and inflammation subside.
Coldness, want of animal heat.
Chilliness, thirst, sensation as of cold water pouring over parts ; chilliness morning and forenoon.
Shivering over back, with heat of cheeks, without redness ; no thirst ; cold hands.
Chill with colic every evening.
Violent chills and horripilation, with cold limbs.
General coldness, with heat and redness of face.
Parts cold to touch, but not subjectively to patient.
Heat, no thirst ; on awaking, sweat with general itching.
Heat in hands and feet in evening ; veins of hands distended.
Warmth of bed intolerable, on account of heat and burning of limbs.
Heat and sweat in alternation.
Long continued warm sweat on hands and feet.
Night sweats putrid or sour, with inclination to uncover.
Sweat, mostly on forehead, from least exertion.
Intermittent fevers with rheumatism or gout.
Every evening : colic ; chill.
Every night : agglutination without pain.
During night at intervals lasting several minutes : epileptic attacks.
Right : complete ptosis ; hardness of hearing ; painful throbbing in shoulder ; whitlow on index finger ; pressive, laming, rheumatic pain in hip joint ; boring in first joint of great toe.
Left : eye first affected ; pressure inward at edge of sternum ; painful pressure in shoulder ; pressure in thigh ; weakness and heaviness of parts.
From below upwards : rheumatic pains.
Chilliness, thirst, sensation as of cold water pouring over parts ; chilliness morning and forenoon.
Shivering over back, with heat of cheeks, without redness ; no thirst ; cold hands.
Chill with colic every evening.
Violent chills and horripilation, with cold limbs.
General coldness, with heat and redness of face.
Parts cold to touch, but not subjectively to patient.
Heat, no thirst ; on awaking, sweat with general itching.
Heat in hands and feet in evening ; veins of hands distended.
Warmth of bed intolerable, on account of heat and burning of limbs.
Heat and sweat in alternation.
Long continued warm sweat on hands and feet.
Night sweats putrid or sour, with inclination to uncover.
Sweat, mostly on forehead, from least exertion.
Intermittent fevers with rheumatism or gout.
Every evening : colic ; chill.
Every night : agglutination without pain.
During night at intervals lasting several minutes : epileptic attacks.
Right : complete ptosis ; hardness of hearing ; painful throbbing in shoulder ; whitlow on index finger ; pressive, laming, rheumatic pain in hip joint ; boring in first joint of great toe.
Left : eye first affected ; pressure inward at edge of sternum ; painful pressure in shoulder ; pressure in thigh ; weakness and heaviness of parts.
From below upwards : rheumatic pains.
Itching of skin.
Dry skin, want of perspiration, itching after perspiration.
Purple spots over body, like petechia.
For several weeks gradual emaciation, pains in abdomen, diarrhoea, discharges of tough, black blood ; bluish red spots on face and body ; mouth and tongue covered with blisters as large as peas, discharging dark fluid blood ; spots on body greatly varied in size, smooth, generally round and dark red ; great lassitude, must stay in bed ; pulse 66 ; no thirst ; anorexia ; chilliness ; vertigo. θ Purpura.
Erythema nodosum.
Scurfs on dry, small nodules, often renewed.
Small, round, red, insensible spots on inner side of arms, and on abdomen and feet.
Dry, violently itching herpes, burning in open air.
Urticaria white, but reddening when rubbed ; intense itching, stinging, burning. θ After sting of yellow jacket.
Prickly heat of newcomers in tropics ; awakes with prickling, dryness of mouth, clogging sensation in throat, heavy breathing.
Eruption : only on covered parts ; like rot in sheep, on chest and arms, with desquamation ; after a debauch, sensation as if lice were crawling over surface ; worse from heat, motion and at night.
Eczema of drunkards.
Varicella on chest and upper arms.
Punctured wounds ; stings of insects, especially of mosquitoes.
Dry skin, want of perspiration, itching after perspiration.
Purple spots over body, like petechia.
For several weeks gradual emaciation, pains in abdomen, diarrhoea, discharges of tough, black blood ; bluish red spots on face and body ; mouth and tongue covered with blisters as large as peas, discharging dark fluid blood ; spots on body greatly varied in size, smooth, generally round and dark red ; great lassitude, must stay in bed ; pulse 66 ; no thirst ; anorexia ; chilliness ; vertigo. θ Purpura.
Erythema nodosum.
Scurfs on dry, small nodules, often renewed.
Small, round, red, insensible spots on inner side of arms, and on abdomen and feet.
Dry, violently itching herpes, burning in open air.
Urticaria white, but reddening when rubbed ; intense itching, stinging, burning. θ After sting of yellow jacket.
Prickly heat of newcomers in tropics ; awakes with prickling, dryness of mouth, clogging sensation in throat, heavy breathing.
Eruption : only on covered parts ; like rot in sheep, on chest and arms, with desquamation ; after a debauch, sensation as if lice were crawling over surface ; worse from heat, motion and at night.
Eczema of drunkards.
Varicella on chest and upper arms.
Punctured wounds ; stings of insects, especially of mosquitoes.
Тип пациента и конституция
Pale, delicate persons.
Complaints of persons who always feel cold and chilly.
Rheumatic, gouty diathesis ; constitutions abuse by alcohol.
Child, at. 3, pale, waxen, strumous diathesis ; synovitis.
Boy, at. 8, after injury to head by falling on scissors ; epilepsy.
Young man ; hamoptysis alternating with rheumatism.
Needle-woman, at. 24, two years married, healthy and robust ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 28, tall, lax fibred ; purpura.
Man, at. 49 ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Farmer, at. 50 ; rheumatism in hip.
Man, at. 50, after contusion of leg ; suggillations.
Woman, at. 50, subject to bronchial attacks ; bronchitis.
Woman, at. 74, after injury to nose ; discoloration of both cheeks from extravasated blood.
Complaints of persons who always feel cold and chilly.
Rheumatic, gouty diathesis ; constitutions abuse by alcohol.
Child, at. 3, pale, waxen, strumous diathesis ; synovitis.
Boy, at. 8, after injury to head by falling on scissors ; epilepsy.
Young man ; hamoptysis alternating with rheumatism.
Needle-woman, at. 24, two years married, healthy and robust ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 28, tall, lax fibred ; purpura.
Man, at. 49 ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Farmer, at. 50 ; rheumatism in hip.
Man, at. 50, after contusion of leg ; suggillations.
Woman, at. 50, subject to bronchial attacks ; bronchitis.
Woman, at. 74, after injury to nose ; discoloration of both cheeks from extravasated blood.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : сamphor.
It antidotes : effects of alcohol ; Apis., сinchon.
Compatible : Aconite, вellad., вryon., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur.
Compare : Arnica, сrot. tig., Hamam. (traumatic ecchymosis), Ruta.
It antidotes : effects of alcohol ; Apis., сinchon.
Compatible : Aconite, вellad., вryon., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur.
Compare : Arnica, сrot. tig., Hamam. (traumatic ecchymosis), Ruta.
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- 199₽ Бриорус (ЭДАС)
- 332-336₽ Цикадерма (БУАРОН )
- 300₽ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- 350₽ Хондросан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Бриония-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 500₽ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 675₽ Ревма-гель (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
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- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №90
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