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Грациола оффициналис

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Нозологии
  4. Психика и сознание
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Органы грудной клетки
  11. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  12. Конечности и позвоночник
  13. Нервная система
  14. Сон
  15. Общие симптомы
  16. Лихорадка
  17. Кожа
  18. Тип пациента и конституция
  19. Диф. диагностика
  20. Аналоги по действию
  21. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

grat, Gratiola officinalis, авран лекарственный гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Hedge Hyssop. Scrophulariacea.
 A plant growing in moist places in сentral and Southern Europe.
 The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant before flowering.
 Extensively proved by German provers ; also by Nicol and Spearman. See Allen’s Encyclopedia., vol. 4, p. 491.


 - Throbbing in temples, вerridge, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 24 ; Pain in occiput, вerridge, Hom. сlinics, vol. 4, p. 111 ; Hydrocephalus, Altdorfer, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 63 ; сardialgia, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 134 ; Swelling of mesenteric glands, Hartung, Hom. сlinics, vol. 3, p. 35 ; сholera, Würzler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 475 ; сholera infantum, Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 122.

Психика и сознание

 Irresolute ; want of perseverance.
 Serious, taciturn, absorbed in reverie.
 Hypochondriacal affections ; melancholia.
 Great depression and disinclination to do anything.
 Peevish ; capricious ; constipation ; oppression of stomach after a meal, etc. θ Hypochondriasis.
 Ill humor, tired of life, apprehensive of the future.
 Delirium tremens, when the delirium assumes the character of anger rather than of anxiety, in subjects not yet greatly exhausted.
 Hypochondriasis and hysteria arising from abdominal troubles.
 ** Mental troubles from overweening pride.
 Intoxicated feeling during and after a meal.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo : with heat in head ; on closing eyes ; while reading ; on rising from a seat.
 Vertigo during and after a meal.
 Violent rush of blood, with throbbing in forehead ; vertigo and blackness before eyes ; worse by motion.
 Determination of blood to head, heat and somnolence.
 Fulness and congestion of blood to head with peculiar biting, burning in face and other parts ; languor ; nausea ; disgust for food and vertigo ; better in open air.
 Sensation as if brain contracted and as if head grew smaller.
 Sensation of heaviness in forehead, as if brain would fall forward, with stoppage of nose.
 Pressure in forehead, with vertigo.
 Throbbing in temples.
 Heat in head after rising from stooping.
 Heaviness in head with nausea.
 Headaches with peculiar biting and burning in face and other parts, languor in arms and legs, nausea, disgust for food, vertigo ; better in open air.
 Pain in occiput on early waking, better by rising or lying prone.
 Pain in left occiput on sneezing.
 After several days’ headache, weakness, loss of appetite, etc., convulsions, followed by sopor and occasional screaming ; unconsciousness ; lies upon back, with low respiration ; occasional sighing ; gnashing of teeth ; eyes shut ; pupils enlarged ; slow pulse ; unconscious discharge of feces and urine. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Sick headache with mental depression ; nausea, disgust for food ; giddiness better in open air ; sensation of heaviness in head and constriction of forehead.
 Tightness in forehead with wrinkles in skin.
 Itching of scalp.
 Peculiar coldness in and about head.
 Frequent feeling of coldness on vertex, painful, and changing to a feeling of warmth when moving head.
 Head very sensitive to cold.
 Objects, even green ones, appear white.
 Mist before eyes, when reading or writing.
 Short-sightedness, with burning heat in face.
 Eyes shut ; pupils enlarged. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Eyes feel dry as if sand were in them.
 Itching about the eyelashes.
 Itching of ears.
 Pressure at upper part of nose.
 Smarting itching in left nostril.
 Redness of face.
 Sensation of tension and tingling in face ; it feels swollen.
 Tingling burning in malar bones.
 Burning heat in face, while it feels cold to hand.
 Every morning, for weeks, swelling of upper lip, disappearing after a few hours.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Teeth ache from cold.
 Gnashing of teeth. θ Meningitis.
 Tongue rough, coated with mucus.
 Fetid breath on waking.
 Accumulation of clear water in mouth, causing frequent spitting.
 Pain in throat obliging one to swallow constantly ; swallowing is difficult, as if throat were contracted ; worse during empty deglutition.
 Stinging in throat (l. side).
 Phlegm in throat, with inability to throw it off.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Hunger after eating, with feeling of emptiness ; without appetite.
 Appetite for nothing but bread.
 Violent thirst.
 Aversion to smoking.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Gulping up of bitter substances ; empty retching.
 Nausea : better after eating, and by eructations ; in afternoon.
 Two attacks of vomiting in quick succession, of yellow, bitter, sour water.
 Vomiting of mucous and bilious matter.
 Feeling of anxiety in epigastrium and stomach.
 Gnawing at pit of stomach after eating, as of hunger.
 Pressure at pit of stomach, as from a stone rolling from side to side, with cramp-like drawing which mounts into chest ; at same time frequent urging to vomit and eructations ; worse after food.
 Pain in pit of stomach, spreads to upper abdomen, back, and especially kidneys ; nausea and vomiting ; peculiar sensation in abdomen and stomach.
 Great distension of stomach after meals.
 Pressure in stomach after every meal.
 Cold feeling of stomach, as if full of water.
 Empty or cold feeling in stomach.
 Pain in stomach, with nausea and general discomfort.
 Cramps in stomach.
 Cardialgia ; pain commences in pit of stomach, and spreads to upper abdomen, back, and especially kidneys ; vomiting ; constipation ; urine scanty, reddish, turbid, and painful to discharge.
 Heating pain and burning in left hypochondrium.
 Distension of abdomen in afternoon and evening.
 Rumbling, with nausea, eructations and vertigo ; much flatulence.
 Cold feeling in abdomen.
 Burning in abdomen.
 Gnawing about umbilicus, as of worms.
 Tingling in hypogastrium and around umbilicus.
 Sticking pain about umbilicus.
 Pinching in umbilical region, better by emission of flatus.
 Colic, violent bellyache with nausea.
 Blenorrhoea of the intestines with great depression and greatest disinclination to do anything.
 Swelling of mesenteric glands after abuse of Iodine preparations.
 Frequent discharge of yellow, watery feces.
 Diarrhoea-like stools of thin, fluid, bright yellow feces, followed by chilliness.
 Diarrhoea, consisting only of yellow-greenish water, followed by burning in anus.
 Diarrhoea of green, frothy water, forcibly evacuated without pain.
 Yellow, watery evacuations upwards and downwards, with much flatus.
 Frequent stools, consisting of thin, watery feces, with soreness in anus.
 Stools frequent, gushing out with force.
 Brown fetid mucous stools.
 Stools. Watery ; yellow ; green ; frothy.
 Diarrhoea : worse in open air ; worse after drinking too freely of water.
 Cholera morbus from drinking excessive quantities of water of moderate coldness ; the quantity and not the coldness, being the cause.
 Fully developed, rapid, Asiatic cholera.
 Vomiting particularly severe, and often accompanied by pains in head ; cramps beginning in solar plexus and spreading thence over whole body ; the evacuations from above and below were always green, and gradually changed into a colorless fluid.
 Unconscious passage of feces. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Stools hard, scanty, tenacious, expelled with difficulty.
 Before stool : nausea ; rumbling in abdomen ; cutting around umbilicus ; pressing and ineffectual desire ; repeated tenesmus and rumbling, as if diarrhoea would come on.
 During stool : nausea ; burning pain in rectum ; straining.
 After stool : burning pains in rectum ; tenesmus ; wrenching pain in coccyx ; creeping chills ; painful pressure in abdomen when walking, better by sitting down.
 Pain not better by stool, but by escape of flatus.
 Soreness in the rectum, burning during and after stool.
 Stools with burning and protrusion of large, stinging-burning tumors ; varices of rectum.
 Tearing in rectum, or prickling in anus.
 Great rectal and anal irritation, with passage of fetid mucus.
 Constriction of anus.
 Itching of anus.
 Discharge of ascarides.

Мочеполовая система

 Burning in urethra during and after micturition.
 Urine diminished.
 Urine scant, reddish, becomes turbid on standing.
 Unconscious discharge of urine. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Flocculent sediment in urine.
 Involuntary emission succeeded by a painful erection.
 Stitches in left spermatic cord, ascending through abdomen up to chest.
 Irritable condition of sexual organs with congestions.
 Menses too early and too profuse.
 Leucorrhoea with pain in small of back.
 Darting in right mamma when stooping worse on rising, during menses.

Органы грудной клетки

 Respiration feeble ; occasional sighing. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Oppression of chest, right side.
 Burning in left side of chest.
 Heat in chest, then in head and hands, with redness of face.
 Darting in right mamma.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Violent palpitation of heart, particularly immediately after stool, and with oppression of chest.
 Pulse small, intermittent.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Sensation as if neck were seized with hand.
 Darting from left scapula to shoulder and mamma.
 Painful cramps in os coccygis.
 Wrenching pain in coccyx after stool.
 Rheumatic pains in shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in elbow and wrist-joint.
 Itching in palm of right hand.
 Bruised pain in thigh, after a short walk.
 Lancinating tearing in tibia when sitting, disappearing when walking.
 Smarting itching on tibia.
 Lies upon back : with low respiration.
 Lying prone : pain in occiput ; tetanic condition.
 Sitting down : pressure in abdomen ; lancinating tearing in tibia.
 Stooping : darting in right mamma.
 Rising from stooping : heat in head ; darting in right mamma.
 Rising from a seat : vertigo ; pain in occiput .
 Motion : worse vertigo and blackness before eyes.
 Walking : pressure in abdomen ; bruised pain in thigh ; lancinating tearing in tibia .

Нервная система

 Physical and mental depression.
 Great languor and prostration.
 Tetanic condition, without loss of consciousness, while lying down after a meal, followed by deep sleep with emission of semen ; bruised feeling of body, back and left arm on waking.
 Nervous diseases, such as mania, nymphomania, etc., and neuralgic affections caused by prolonged abuse of coffee.


 Irresistible drowsiness with yawning, and involuntary closing of eyes.
 Great somnolence and lassitude after meals.
 Deep sleep, like stupor.
 Afternoon : nausea better after eating and eructations ; distension of abdomen.
 Evening : distension of abdomen.

Общие симптомы

 Open air : better fulness and congestion of blood to head ; languor in arms and legs, nausea, disgust for food, vertigo ; diarrhoea.
 Warm room : chilliness.
 Cold : head sensitive to cold ; toothache.
 As if brain contracted ; as if head grew smaller ; as if brain would fall forward ; eyes feel as if sand were in them ; as if throat were contracted ; as from a stone rolling from side to side in stomach ; as if stomach was full of water ; gnawing as from worms in abdomen ; rumbling and tenesmus as if diarrhoea would come on ; as if neck were seized with hand.
 Pain : in occiput ; in throat ; in pit of stomach, spreads to upper abdomen ; in back ; in kidneys ; in stomach ; in head ; in small of back.
 Lancinating tearing : in tibia.
 Tearing : in rectum.
 Cutting : around umbilicus.
 Stitches : in left spermatic cord, extending through abdomen to chest.
 Sticking pain : about umbilicus.
 Darting : in right mamma ; from left scapula to shoulder and mamma.
 Pinching : in umbilical region.
 Painful cramps : in os coccygis.
 Cramps : in stomach ; beginning in solar plexus and spreading thence over whole body.
 Gnawing : at pit of stomach ; about umbilicus.
 Wrenching pain : in coccyx.
 Rheumatic pains : in shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in elbow and wrist-joint.
 Biting : in face.
 Throbbing : in forehead ; in temples.
 Stinging : in throat.
 Burning pain : in rectum.
 Bruised pain : in thigh ; in body, back and left arm.
 Burning heat : in face.
 Heating pain : in left hypochondrium.
 Tingling, burning : in malar bones.
 Tingling : in hypogastrium and about umbilicus.
 Burning : in face ; in left hypochondrium ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in urethra during and after micturition ; in left side of chest.
 Heat : in head.
 Painful pressure : in abdomen.
 Soreness : of anus ; in rectum.
 Constriction : of forehead ; of anus.
 Tightness : in forehead.
 Pressure : in forehead ; at upper part of nose ; at pit of stomach ; in stomach.
 Peculiar sensation : in abdomen and stomach.
 Feeling of anxiety : in epigastrium ; in stomach.
 Fulness : of head.
 Oppression : of stomach.
 Empty feeling : in stomach.
 Languor : in arms and legs.
 Tension and tingling : in face.
 Heaviness : in forehead.
 Smarting, itching : in left nostril ; on tibia.
 Itching : of scalp ; about the eyelashes ; of ears ; of anus ; in palm of right hand.
 Peculiar coldness : in and about head.
 Painful coldness changing to feeling of warmth in moving head.
 Constant vaporous exhalation from body.
 ** Dropsy and ascites.
 Subacute or chronic inflammatory conditions of stomach and intestinal tract, with pains and spasmodic ailments.


 Chilliness in a warm room, during sleep, after an evacuation ; with hair standing on end.
 Coldness ; shuddering when entering a room. θ Diarrhoea.
 Heat, ascending to face, with redness and increased external warmth.
 Two attacks : of vomiting, in quick succession, of yellow, bitter, sour water.
 After every meal : pressure in stomach.
 Every morning : for several weeks swelling of upper lip disappearing after a few hours.
 Right : darting in mamma ; oppression in chest ; itching in palms.
 Left : smarting, itching of nostril ; stinging in throat ; heating pain and burning in left hypochondrium ; stitches in spermatic cord ; burning in side of chest ; darting in scapula ; bruised feeling in arm ; itch-like pustules below buttock.


 Itching, with burning after scratching.
 Acne punctata.
 Running, corrosive eruption.
 Scabies or herpes.
 Small boils.
 Itch-like pustule below left buttock.
 Miliary pimples with yellow tips.

Тип пациента и конституция

 Boy, at. 8 ; hydrocephalus.

Диф. диагностика

 Antidoted by : сaustic., вellad., Euphorb., Nux vom.
 It antidotes : Iodium.
 Compare : Apis., вellad., Helleb. (hydrocephalus) ; сhamom. Teste considers it the сhamom. of chronic diseases) ; Nux vom. (neuralgia after coffee).

Аналоги по действию

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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