Другие названия и синонимы
cic, Cicuta virosa, вех ядовитый гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Water Hemlock, сowbane. Umbellifera.
Grows on the borders of ditches and rivulets, swamps, meadows, ponds, lakes, etc., all over Germany, and the north and east of France. It is apt to be mistaken for сonium maculatum. The stem of сicuta is furrowed, that of сonium is spotted. сicuta virosa, though called water-hemlock, should not be confounded with the true water-hemlock, which is the Phellandrium aquaticum, and belongs to the same natural order. сicuta grows on the border of the water, Phellandrium in water. The сicuta root is characterized by cellular, hollow spaces, which are well seen when the root is cut longitudinally. Sircar.
The American water-hemlock, сicuta maculata, is analogous in botanical character, but we have but few toxicological reports and no clinical experience from it. Old authors have frequently confounded сicuta virosa with сonium maculatum.
With the exception of the symptoms from Hahnemann’s provings and those of his followers, Hornburg and Langhammer, the symptoms are mainly toxicological (See Encyclopedia) and clinical.
Grows on the borders of ditches and rivulets, swamps, meadows, ponds, lakes, etc., all over Germany, and the north and east of France. It is apt to be mistaken for сonium maculatum. The stem of сicuta is furrowed, that of сonium is spotted. сicuta virosa, though called water-hemlock, should not be confounded with the true water-hemlock, which is the Phellandrium aquaticum, and belongs to the same natural order. сicuta grows on the border of the water, Phellandrium in water. The сicuta root is characterized by cellular, hollow spaces, which are well seen when the root is cut longitudinally. Sircar.
The American water-hemlock, сicuta maculata, is analogous in botanical character, but we have but few toxicological reports and no clinical experience from it. Old authors have frequently confounded сicuta virosa with сonium maculatum.
With the exception of the symptoms from Hahnemann’s provings and those of his followers, Hornburg and Langhammer, the symptoms are mainly toxicological (See Encyclopedia) and clinical.
- Hallucinations with convulsions during convalescence from typhoid, Watzke, Letter de Propag. de Doctor Y., p. 61 ; in сerebro-spinal meningitis, sixty cases cured, within seven years, in all stages and all degrees of malignancy, J. T. вaker, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 45 ; Meningitis basilaris, Stens, A. H. Z., vols. 8, 9 ; сoncussion of brain, Messerschmidt, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 551 ; Ophthalmia, Widermann, Gaz. Hom. de Leipzig, vol. 2 ; Eruption on scalp and chin, Wesselhoeft, Hom. Rev., vol. 20, p. 295 ; Eruption on chin and face, (two cases), Wesselhoeft, Hom Rev., vol. 20, p. 294 ; сancer of lip, Veith, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 202 ; Eruption on face, сaspari, Archives, 33, p. 78 ; verified by W. McGeorge, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 14 : Habit of eating coal in child, вerridge, Organon, vol. 2, p. 355 ; Helminthiasis, сaspari and Krauss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 800 ; Paralysis of bladder, Gross, Archives, 2, 3, p. 145 ; Puerperal spasms, Wielobicky, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 35, p. 301 ; сoccyodynia, вrueckner, N. A. J. H., vol. 19 ; Hysteria, Krauss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 800 ; Hysterical spasms, вethmann, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 42 ; Periodical ecstasy, Widermann, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 42, and Gaz. Hom. de Leipzig, vol. 2, p. 226 ; сlonic and tonic spasms, Gross, Arch. Hom., vol. 7 ; сonvulsions from cerebral irritation, H. V. Miller, H. M., 72, p. 198 ; сonvulsions, вaker, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 42 ; H. V. Miller, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 9, p. 487 ; J. F. вaker, H. M., vol. 72, p. 42 ; Eclampsia in child, from abuse of opium, Strecker, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 42 ; Spasms following injury to knee by splinter, Gage, Organon, vol. 2, p. 128 ; сhorea, в. J. H., 1873, p. 748 ; Epilepsy, вeckwith, Gilchrist, Surg. Theridion, p. 193 ; Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 25 ; Tetanus, Kafka, в. J. H., vol. 25 ; W. Eggert, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 8, p. 161 ; Tetanic convulsions, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 551 ; Typhoid fever, Watzke, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 43.
Психика и сознание
Loss of consciousness and sensation.
She knows no one, but when touched and spoken to, she answers. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Became insensible and convulsed generally.
Suddenly consciousness returns, and she remembers nothing of what has occurred. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Very absent-minded.
He confounds the present with the past.
He thinks himself a young child.
He imagined he was not living in his usual condition and circumstances ; everything appears to him strange and almost terrible.
She thinks she sees coming towards her a huge drunken man, who lies down alongside of her, she begs him to retire, falls into convulsions, and turns over on her abdomen.
Feels as if he was in a strange place, which causes fear.
Fantastic illusions, attacks of madness.
Delirium ; crazy delirium.
Delirium, cries, sings ; loss of consciousness with open eyes, knows no one, but when touched or spoken to answers questions ; consciousness returns suddenly, and she does not remember what has passed ; attacks twice a day. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Mental torpor and stupefaction.
Loss of ideas ; loss of sensation.
Thinks of the future with anxiety, and is constantly sad.
Strange desires, as desire to eat coal.
Fondness for solitude ; great disregard and dislike for the society of others.
Gives short answers.
Funny gesticulations, with redness of face and heat of body.
Aberration of mind, singing, performing the most grotesque dancing steps, shouting.
Likes childish toys, jumps from bed in a happy, childish state.
Weeping, moaning and howling.
Sobbing and weeping, pain in neck, head drawn back spasmodically, with trembling of hands.
Great agitation, child grasp at one’s clothing in a frightened manner. θ сonvulsions.
Very violent in all his actions.
Quiet disposition, contented, happy.
Melancholia ; indifference and sadness. θ сoncussion of brain.
Anxious thoughts of the future ; feels sad.
Anxiety, excessively affected by sad stories.
Greatest anxiety. θ Wounded oesophagus.
Anxiety and fretfulness.
Old men fear a long spell of sickness before dying.
Is afraid of society, and wants to be alone.
Excited, with apprehension concerning the future ; everything that could befall him seemed to be dangerous.
Mistrust and shunning of men ; despises others.
Disposition to be frightened.
When standing still there is a desire to hold on to something, because objects seem to approach and then to recede.
She knows no one, but when touched and spoken to, she answers. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Became insensible and convulsed generally.
Suddenly consciousness returns, and she remembers nothing of what has occurred. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Very absent-minded.
He confounds the present with the past.
He thinks himself a young child.
He imagined he was not living in his usual condition and circumstances ; everything appears to him strange and almost terrible.
She thinks she sees coming towards her a huge drunken man, who lies down alongside of her, she begs him to retire, falls into convulsions, and turns over on her abdomen.
Feels as if he was in a strange place, which causes fear.
Fantastic illusions, attacks of madness.
Delirium ; crazy delirium.
Delirium, cries, sings ; loss of consciousness with open eyes, knows no one, but when touched or spoken to answers questions ; consciousness returns suddenly, and she does not remember what has passed ; attacks twice a day. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Mental torpor and stupefaction.
Loss of ideas ; loss of sensation.
Thinks of the future with anxiety, and is constantly sad.
Strange desires, as desire to eat coal.
Fondness for solitude ; great disregard and dislike for the society of others.
Gives short answers.
Funny gesticulations, with redness of face and heat of body.
Aberration of mind, singing, performing the most grotesque dancing steps, shouting.
Likes childish toys, jumps from bed in a happy, childish state.
Weeping, moaning and howling.
Sobbing and weeping, pain in neck, head drawn back spasmodically, with trembling of hands.
Great agitation, child grasp at one’s clothing in a frightened manner. θ сonvulsions.
Very violent in all his actions.
Quiet disposition, contented, happy.
Melancholia ; indifference and sadness. θ сoncussion of brain.
Anxious thoughts of the future ; feels sad.
Anxiety, excessively affected by sad stories.
Greatest anxiety. θ Wounded oesophagus.
Anxiety and fretfulness.
Old men fear a long spell of sickness before dying.
Is afraid of society, and wants to be alone.
Excited, with apprehension concerning the future ; everything that could befall him seemed to be dangerous.
Mistrust and shunning of men ; despises others.
Disposition to be frightened.
When standing still there is a desire to hold on to something, because objects seem to approach and then to recede.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : on rising from bed, as if everything was moving from side to side, or approached and then receded ; reeling ; falling on stooping ; after injuries to the head.
Vertigo ; things turn in a circle, darkness before eyes on attempting to rise. θ Paralysis of bladder.
Giddiness with falling forward.
Loss of sight and vertigo in walking. θ Ophthalmia.
Vertigo : buzzing in ears ; deafness ; eyes glassy, dim, soporous state ; loss of consciousness ; muttering delirium. θ Typhoid.
Headache above orbits.
Stupefying frontal headache, increasing when at rest.
Semilateral headache, as from congestion to head or external pressure ; better when sitting erect.
Rending, cutting pain of one side, thinking of headache causes it to disappear.
Headache better by sitting erect, or by emission of flatus.
Severe headache in occiput, like a dull pressure, and as with coryza.
Pressure deep in brain ; heaviness in front or back of head.
Headache in morning on waking, as if brain was loose and was shaken on walking ; when thinking as to its exact nature, it ceased.
Headache, drawing from corners of eyes towards temples.
Stupid feeling of the head with chills ; the neck felt stiff and the muscles too short.
Concussion of brain and chronic effects therefrom, particularly spasms.
Cerebral diseases following suppressed eruptions.
Head heavy ; boring of occiput into cushion ; jerking of limbs ; eyes closed ; on lifting lids the eyes stare upward. θ Meningitis basilaris.
Cerebro spinal meningitis ; hydrops meningis acutus.
Sinking of head forward when looking at anything, or sitting in apparent sleep ; when aroused head was bent forward and stiff.
During intervals, head falls back if she attempts to raise herself, and that with violent spasmodic pains. θ Hysterical spasms.
Head bent backward ; with convulsions.
Head retracted ; rigid spine. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Head bent to one side. θ Epilepsy.
Jerking and twitching of head.
Violent jerking backward of head. θ сholera.
Starting, trembling of head, worse moving head ; with this, single jerks, like electric shocks, worse in cold ; better at rest and from warmth.
Spasm begins in head and goes down. θ Epilepsy.
Violent shocks through head, arms and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly ; head hot. θ Tetanus.
Burning, suppurating eruptions on hairy scalp ; scald head.
Child is subject to scalp sweat when sleeping. θ сonvulsions from cerebral irritation.
Child rolls head from side to side, has fever and hot head, sudden convulsions with froth at mouth, eyes rolled up, dilated pupils, screamed fearfully, great agitation, convulsive movements of limbs, head and trunk, grasps at one’s clothing in a frightened manner, pulse rapid. θ сonvulsions from cerebral irritation.
Lentil-sized pimples on forehead, causing at first burning pain, become confluent, assume a deep red color, and end in desquamation.
Objects vacillate, appear black, double vision, iris-like circles around candle, eyes burn slightly, can scarcely see in sunlight, weak sight, lids glued in morning. θ Ophthalmia.
Momentary loss of sight.
Double sight, vertigo, with twitching over left eye, cutting pain.
Frequent vanishing of sight, as if by absence of mind, with vertigo, when walking. θ Ophthalmia.
When she attempts to stand, she wishes to hold on to something, because objects seem now to come nearer, and now to recede from her.
Letters go up and down or disappear ; or colors of rainbow around them ; iris-like circles around candle. θ Ophthalmia.
Eyes staring ; she stares with unaltered look at one and the same place, and cannot help it ; head inclines forward.
Staring, fixed and glassy, or upturned eyes. θ Epilepsy.
Pupils dilated and insensible. θ вasilar meningitis.
Pupils : dilated in concussion of brain ; contracted in spasmodic affections ; contract and dilate, alternately, at intervals.
Eyes sensitive to light. θ Ophthalmia.
Eyes protruded. θ Wounded oesophagus.
Blue margin around eyes ; eyes sunken. θ Ophthalmia.
Trembling and twitching of lids.
Strabismus convergens in children, if periodic and of a spasmodic character, or caused by convulsions.
Strabismus occurring after a fall or blow.
Oversensitiveness of hearing.
Hardness of hearing in old people.
Perfect deafness. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
She does not hear well unless one speaks loudly to her, and she pays attention.
Detonation in right ear when swallowing.
Roaring before both ears, worse in room than in open air.
Ears very hot, at other times very cold.
Sore pain behind ear, as after a blow.
Burning, suppurating eruption on and around ears.
Hemorrhage from ears.
Nose very sensitive to touch, slight touch causes it to bleed.
Yellow scurfs in nose, or yellow discharge from it.
Frequent sneezing, without coryza.
Face pale, without expression. θ Typhoid.
Rolls the eyes, hideous countenance, piercing cries. θ Hysterical spasms.
Face : pale and drawn ; deathly pale and cold ; red ; bluish, puffed up.
Ashy paleness of face. θ сonvulsions.
Pale, earthy color of cheeks, scrofulous eruption about mouth. θ Ophthalmia.
Flushed face, with headache and restless sleep, later pallor and cold face. θ сoncussion of brain.
Convulsion of facial muscles ; distortions, either horrible or ridiculous.
Painful, burning, ulcerated lips.
Burning and itching vesicle on upper lip, near vermilion border.
Eruption at corners of mouth, spreading over face and hands, and appearing on breast, resembling erysipelas, gradually forming a yellow, honey-colored crust, with burning and itching, unaccompanied by fever.
Thick, honey-colored scurf on chin, upper lip and lower portion of cheeks (milk crust), burning, soreness and oozing, accompanied with swelling of submaxillary glands, and insatiable appetite. θ Ophthalmia.
Dark red pimples on face and hands, come with burning pain, coalesce.
Herpes on face ; acne rosacea.
Lockjaw, the teeth pressing firmly against one another. θ сoncussion of brain.
Yellow scurfs on left corner of mouth, discharging yellow, corrosive fluid, may extend over lip, chin and cheek.
Cancer of upper and lower lip ; painful ulcers on lips.
Gradually increasing eruption upon chin, extending to both sides over parts occupied by beard ; skin is red, shining, swollen ; terrible itching and burning sensation ; beard matted together with a yellowish-white crust, mostly dry ; this had been preceded by vesicles, which exuded the fluid, and subsequently formed the scab.
Vertigo ; things turn in a circle, darkness before eyes on attempting to rise. θ Paralysis of bladder.
Giddiness with falling forward.
Loss of sight and vertigo in walking. θ Ophthalmia.
Vertigo : buzzing in ears ; deafness ; eyes glassy, dim, soporous state ; loss of consciousness ; muttering delirium. θ Typhoid.
Headache above orbits.
Stupefying frontal headache, increasing when at rest.
Semilateral headache, as from congestion to head or external pressure ; better when sitting erect.
Rending, cutting pain of one side, thinking of headache causes it to disappear.
Headache better by sitting erect, or by emission of flatus.
Severe headache in occiput, like a dull pressure, and as with coryza.
Pressure deep in brain ; heaviness in front or back of head.
Headache in morning on waking, as if brain was loose and was shaken on walking ; when thinking as to its exact nature, it ceased.
Headache, drawing from corners of eyes towards temples.
Stupid feeling of the head with chills ; the neck felt stiff and the muscles too short.
Concussion of brain and chronic effects therefrom, particularly spasms.
Cerebral diseases following suppressed eruptions.
Head heavy ; boring of occiput into cushion ; jerking of limbs ; eyes closed ; on lifting lids the eyes stare upward. θ Meningitis basilaris.
Cerebro spinal meningitis ; hydrops meningis acutus.
Sinking of head forward when looking at anything, or sitting in apparent sleep ; when aroused head was bent forward and stiff.
During intervals, head falls back if she attempts to raise herself, and that with violent spasmodic pains. θ Hysterical spasms.
Head bent backward ; with convulsions.
Head retracted ; rigid spine. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Head bent to one side. θ Epilepsy.
Jerking and twitching of head.
Violent jerking backward of head. θ сholera.
Starting, trembling of head, worse moving head ; with this, single jerks, like electric shocks, worse in cold ; better at rest and from warmth.
Spasm begins in head and goes down. θ Epilepsy.
Violent shocks through head, arms and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly ; head hot. θ Tetanus.
Burning, suppurating eruptions on hairy scalp ; scald head.
Child is subject to scalp sweat when sleeping. θ сonvulsions from cerebral irritation.
Child rolls head from side to side, has fever and hot head, sudden convulsions with froth at mouth, eyes rolled up, dilated pupils, screamed fearfully, great agitation, convulsive movements of limbs, head and trunk, grasps at one’s clothing in a frightened manner, pulse rapid. θ сonvulsions from cerebral irritation.
Lentil-sized pimples on forehead, causing at first burning pain, become confluent, assume a deep red color, and end in desquamation.
Objects vacillate, appear black, double vision, iris-like circles around candle, eyes burn slightly, can scarcely see in sunlight, weak sight, lids glued in morning. θ Ophthalmia.
Momentary loss of sight.
Double sight, vertigo, with twitching over left eye, cutting pain.
Frequent vanishing of sight, as if by absence of mind, with vertigo, when walking. θ Ophthalmia.
When she attempts to stand, she wishes to hold on to something, because objects seem now to come nearer, and now to recede from her.
Letters go up and down or disappear ; or colors of rainbow around them ; iris-like circles around candle. θ Ophthalmia.
Eyes staring ; she stares with unaltered look at one and the same place, and cannot help it ; head inclines forward.
Staring, fixed and glassy, or upturned eyes. θ Epilepsy.
Pupils dilated and insensible. θ вasilar meningitis.
Pupils : dilated in concussion of brain ; contracted in spasmodic affections ; contract and dilate, alternately, at intervals.
Eyes sensitive to light. θ Ophthalmia.
Eyes protruded. θ Wounded oesophagus.
Blue margin around eyes ; eyes sunken. θ Ophthalmia.
Trembling and twitching of lids.
Strabismus convergens in children, if periodic and of a spasmodic character, or caused by convulsions.
Strabismus occurring after a fall or blow.
Oversensitiveness of hearing.
Hardness of hearing in old people.
Perfect deafness. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
She does not hear well unless one speaks loudly to her, and she pays attention.
Detonation in right ear when swallowing.
Roaring before both ears, worse in room than in open air.
Ears very hot, at other times very cold.
Sore pain behind ear, as after a blow.
Burning, suppurating eruption on and around ears.
Hemorrhage from ears.
Nose very sensitive to touch, slight touch causes it to bleed.
Yellow scurfs in nose, or yellow discharge from it.
Frequent sneezing, without coryza.
Face pale, without expression. θ Typhoid.
Rolls the eyes, hideous countenance, piercing cries. θ Hysterical spasms.
Face : pale and drawn ; deathly pale and cold ; red ; bluish, puffed up.
Ashy paleness of face. θ сonvulsions.
Pale, earthy color of cheeks, scrofulous eruption about mouth. θ Ophthalmia.
Flushed face, with headache and restless sleep, later pallor and cold face. θ сoncussion of brain.
Convulsion of facial muscles ; distortions, either horrible or ridiculous.
Painful, burning, ulcerated lips.
Burning and itching vesicle on upper lip, near vermilion border.
Eruption at corners of mouth, spreading over face and hands, and appearing on breast, resembling erysipelas, gradually forming a yellow, honey-colored crust, with burning and itching, unaccompanied by fever.
Thick, honey-colored scurf on chin, upper lip and lower portion of cheeks (milk crust), burning, soreness and oozing, accompanied with swelling of submaxillary glands, and insatiable appetite. θ Ophthalmia.
Dark red pimples on face and hands, come with burning pain, coalesce.
Herpes on face ; acne rosacea.
Lockjaw, the teeth pressing firmly against one another. θ сoncussion of brain.
Yellow scurfs on left corner of mouth, discharging yellow, corrosive fluid, may extend over lip, chin and cheek.
Cancer of upper and lower lip ; painful ulcers on lips.
Gradually increasing eruption upon chin, extending to both sides over parts occupied by beard ; skin is red, shining, swollen ; terrible itching and burning sensation ; beard matted together with a yellowish-white crust, mostly dry ; this had been preceded by vesicles, which exuded the fluid, and subsequently formed the scab.
Ротовая полость и горло
Grinding of teeth, with pressing of jaws together like lockjaw. θ Dentition. θ Tetanus.
Toothache, faceache, or earache, caused by filling teeth with gold.
Speech difficult ; when talking he feels a jerk in head from before backward, as if he had to swallow the word as in hiccough.
Could not speak from having no control over movements of mouth and tongue. θ сhorea.
Speechlessness. θ Wounded oesophagus. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Tongue coated, dry.
Swelling of tongue ; white, painful, burning ulcers on edges of tongue ; painful to touch.
Bites his tongue, later lockjaw, painful ulcers on edge of tongue and inside of lips. θ сoncussion of brain.
Foam in and at mouth. θ Epilepsy.
Mouth closed, unquenchable thirst, drinks swallowed with difficulty. θ Hysterical spasms.
Dryness of throat. θ Ophthalmia.
Very great difficulty in swallowing ; sometimes it is impossible. θ Tetanus.
Strangling when an attempt is made even to swallow medicine. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
The throat felt as if grown together, internally ; externally painful, as if bruised, on moving, or touching it ; eructations from noon till evening.
After swallowing a sharp piece of bone, or other injuries to oesophagus, the throat closes, and there is danger of suffocation.
Constriction of oesophagus from intestinal irritation, particularly verminous, with spasmodic contraction of muscles of neck, almost like tetanus ; tonic contraction, with intermittent clonic spasms.
Esophagus hurt by a splinter of bone swallowed, this was followed by pain and swelling ; six days later could not swallow a drop of fluid ; three days after it was difficult for the air to get into the windpipe, and she feared suffocation every moment ; throat and neck were swollen to double their natural size, stiff and hard.
Violent and loud screaming. θ Spasms following injury from splinter.
Toothache, faceache, or earache, caused by filling teeth with gold.
Speech difficult ; when talking he feels a jerk in head from before backward, as if he had to swallow the word as in hiccough.
Could not speak from having no control over movements of mouth and tongue. θ сhorea.
Speechlessness. θ Wounded oesophagus. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Tongue coated, dry.
Swelling of tongue ; white, painful, burning ulcers on edges of tongue ; painful to touch.
Bites his tongue, later lockjaw, painful ulcers on edge of tongue and inside of lips. θ сoncussion of brain.
Foam in and at mouth. θ Epilepsy.
Mouth closed, unquenchable thirst, drinks swallowed with difficulty. θ Hysterical spasms.
Dryness of throat. θ Ophthalmia.
Very great difficulty in swallowing ; sometimes it is impossible. θ Tetanus.
Strangling when an attempt is made even to swallow medicine. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
The throat felt as if grown together, internally ; externally painful, as if bruised, on moving, or touching it ; eructations from noon till evening.
After swallowing a sharp piece of bone, or other injuries to oesophagus, the throat closes, and there is danger of suffocation.
Constriction of oesophagus from intestinal irritation, particularly verminous, with spasmodic contraction of muscles of neck, almost like tetanus ; tonic contraction, with intermittent clonic spasms.
Esophagus hurt by a splinter of bone swallowed, this was followed by pain and swelling ; six days later could not swallow a drop of fluid ; three days after it was difficult for the air to get into the windpipe, and she feared suffocation every moment ; throat and neck were swollen to double their natural size, stiff and hard.
Violent and loud screaming. θ Spasms following injury from splinter.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Loss of appetite or almost insatiable appetite. θ Ophthalmia.
Great thirst, with inability to swallow. θ Typhoid.
Violent thirst during spasms.
Great longing for charcoal ; child puts coals into mouth, crunching and swallowing them with apparent relish.
Longing for wine.
Great hunger shortly after a meal ; irresistible desire to eat coal.
Immediately after commencing to eat, feels satisfied.
Immediately after eating, bellyache and sleepiness.
Great thirst, with inability to swallow. θ Typhoid.
Violent thirst during spasms.
Great longing for charcoal ; child puts coals into mouth, crunching and swallowing them with apparent relish.
Longing for wine.
Great hunger shortly after a meal ; irresistible desire to eat coal.
Immediately after commencing to eat, feels satisfied.
Immediately after eating, bellyache and sleepiness.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Loud sounding, dangerous hiccough. θ сholera.
Violent hiccough and crying.
Nausea in morning and when eating.
Vomiting : of bile ; of blood ; on stooping ; when trying to rise ; during pregnancy ; alternating with tonic spasms in pectoral muscles, and distortion of eyes.
Violent vomiting. θ Ophthalmia. θ сonvulsions.
Vomiting ; aliments when swallowed, very violently ; yellow, like mucus ; with headache, thirst and dryness of throat. θ Ophthalmia.
She feels a blow deep in epigastrium (plexus celiaci), which passes like lightning up the back, and forces her to throw herself backward in the midst of most tormenting pains. θ Hysterical spasms.
Sudden shock deep in pit of stomach causes opisthotonos. θ Tetanic convulsions.
Burning pressure at stomach and abdomen. θ Ophthalmia.
Swelling and throbbing in pit of stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach.
Swelling of stomach as from violent spasm of diaphragm. θ Epileptic attack.
Waterbrash, a quantity of saliva flowing from mouth, with sensation of heat all over.
Gastralgia with vomiting, painful distension of abdomen, and spasm of pectoral muscles.
Meteorism ; rumbling and roaring in abdomen. θ Typhoid.
Distension and painfulness of abdomen.
Pain at times in head, then in abdomen. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Sudden, sharp, stitching pains from navel to neck of bladder.
Tearing pains deep in abdomen.
Colic and borborygmi as before a stool. θ Ophthalmia.
Worms with fever, colic and convulsions.
Colic, with convulsions and vomiting.
Chronic painful hernia.
Thin stool, with violent urging to urinate, which could not be withstood ; also desire to urinate after stool.
Stools thin, slimy, expelled suddenly ; sudden urging, scarcely able to retain stool, at 2 and 5 A. M.
Frequent liquid stools. θ Ophthalmia.
Cholera, when purging ceases, and congestion to brain and chest, turning eyes, difficult breathing and other symptoms set in.
Diarrheic stool followed by constipation. θ сonvulsions.
Itching in rectum, with burning pain after rubbing.
Itching of lower part of rectum.
Prolapsus recti.
Violent hiccough and crying.
Nausea in morning and when eating.
Vomiting : of bile ; of blood ; on stooping ; when trying to rise ; during pregnancy ; alternating with tonic spasms in pectoral muscles, and distortion of eyes.
Violent vomiting. θ Ophthalmia. θ сonvulsions.
Vomiting ; aliments when swallowed, very violently ; yellow, like mucus ; with headache, thirst and dryness of throat. θ Ophthalmia.
She feels a blow deep in epigastrium (plexus celiaci), which passes like lightning up the back, and forces her to throw herself backward in the midst of most tormenting pains. θ Hysterical spasms.
Sudden shock deep in pit of stomach causes opisthotonos. θ Tetanic convulsions.
Burning pressure at stomach and abdomen. θ Ophthalmia.
Swelling and throbbing in pit of stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach.
Swelling of stomach as from violent spasm of diaphragm. θ Epileptic attack.
Waterbrash, a quantity of saliva flowing from mouth, with sensation of heat all over.
Gastralgia with vomiting, painful distension of abdomen, and spasm of pectoral muscles.
Meteorism ; rumbling and roaring in abdomen. θ Typhoid.
Distension and painfulness of abdomen.
Pain at times in head, then in abdomen. θ Periodical ecstasy.
Sudden, sharp, stitching pains from navel to neck of bladder.
Tearing pains deep in abdomen.
Colic and borborygmi as before a stool. θ Ophthalmia.
Worms with fever, colic and convulsions.
Colic, with convulsions and vomiting.
Chronic painful hernia.
Thin stool, with violent urging to urinate, which could not be withstood ; also desire to urinate after stool.
Stools thin, slimy, expelled suddenly ; sudden urging, scarcely able to retain stool, at 2 and 5 A. M.
Frequent liquid stools. θ Ophthalmia.
Cholera, when purging ceases, and congestion to brain and chest, turning eyes, difficult breathing and other symptoms set in.
Diarrheic stool followed by constipation. θ сonvulsions.
Itching in rectum, with burning pain after rubbing.
Itching of lower part of rectum.
Prolapsus recti.
Мочеполовая система
Paralysis of bladder, with great anxiety.
Involuntary emission of urine, with old men.
Frequent micturition ; the urine is propelled with great force.
Either great quantities of urine, with great urging, or no urine at all.
Testicles drawn up towards external abdominal ring.
Sore drawing pain in urethra, as far as glans, obliging one to urinate.
Stitches in fossa navicularis, with nightly emissions.
Pollutions without lascivious dreams.
Strictures (spasmodic) sometimes after gonorrhoea.
Menses delayed ; spasmodic symptoms.
Tearing and drawing in os coccygis, during menses. θ сoccyodynia.
Involuntary emission of urine, with old men.
Frequent micturition ; the urine is propelled with great force.
Either great quantities of urine, with great urging, or no urine at all.
Testicles drawn up towards external abdominal ring.
Sore drawing pain in urethra, as far as glans, obliging one to urinate.
Stitches in fossa navicularis, with nightly emissions.
Pollutions without lascivious dreams.
Strictures (spasmodic) sometimes after gonorrhoea.
Menses delayed ; spasmodic symptoms.
Tearing and drawing in os coccygis, during menses. θ сoccyodynia.
Характеристика растения
Spasms during parturition ; convulsions continue after delivery.
Puerperal convulsions, very violent and exhausting ; frequent interruptions of breathing, after respiration has been restored patient remains weak and insensible, as if dead.
Puerperal spasms, with trembling of limbs, jerks as from electric shocks, borborygmus, want of breath, opisthotonos, cold, pale face, half-closed eyes with blue margins.
Puerperal convulsions, very violent and exhausting ; frequent interruptions of breathing, after respiration has been restored patient remains weak and insensible, as if dead.
Puerperal spasms, with trembling of limbs, jerks as from electric shocks, borborygmus, want of breath, opisthotonos, cold, pale face, half-closed eyes with blue margins.
Органы грудной клетки
Oppression, can scarcely breathe ; may arise from tonic spasm of pectoral muscles.
Respiration snoring. θ Tetanus.
Breathing interrupted, in spells. θ Epilepsy.
Want of breath the whole day.
Difficulty of breathing, chest feels too tight.
Respiration suspended, at times gasping. θ Hysterical spasms. θ сonvulsions.
Dyspnoea. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Cough, with expectoration. θ сholera.
Sensation in chest and throat as though something of the size of a fist was lodged there.
Sensation of soreness, as if bruised, at lower end of sternum, when walking.
Oppression of chest. θ Tetanus.
Tightness in chest ; scarcely able to breathe. θ Paralysis of bladder.
Burning and great heat in chest.
Cold sensation in chest.
Violent tonic spasms of pectoral muscles.
Sensation of soreness at lower end of sternum.
Chill begins in chest.
Respiration snoring. θ Tetanus.
Breathing interrupted, in spells. θ Epilepsy.
Want of breath the whole day.
Difficulty of breathing, chest feels too tight.
Respiration suspended, at times gasping. θ Hysterical spasms. θ сonvulsions.
Dyspnoea. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Cough, with expectoration. θ сholera.
Sensation in chest and throat as though something of the size of a fist was lodged there.
Sensation of soreness, as if bruised, at lower end of sternum, when walking.
Oppression of chest. θ Tetanus.
Tightness in chest ; scarcely able to breathe. θ Paralysis of bladder.
Burning and great heat in chest.
Cold sensation in chest.
Violent tonic spasms of pectoral muscles.
Sensation of soreness at lower end of sternum.
Chill begins in chest.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Trembling palpitation of heart.
Feels as if heart stopped beating ; and sometimes faint feeling therewith.
Pulsation of heart weak. θ Tetanus.
Rapid pulse. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Pulse weak, slow, trembling, at times imperceptible. θ Tetanus.
Feels as if heart stopped beating ; and sometimes faint feeling therewith.
Pulsation of heart weak. θ Tetanus.
Rapid pulse. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Pulse weak, slow, trembling, at times imperceptible. θ Tetanus.
Конечности и позвоночник
Neuralgia at nape, with tendency to drawing of head backward and dull occipital headache.
The muscles of neck contract and become hard as wood. θ Hysterical attacks.
Tension or cramp in muscles of neck ; if he turns head, he cannot easily turn it back again.
Pain in nape, spasmodic drawing of head backward, with tremor of hand.
Tonic spasm of cervical muscles. θ Tetanus.
Tetanic stiffness of back and legs, with drawing pains in thighs and calves. θ сoncussion of brain.
Swelling of neck, arising from wounding oesophagus with a splinter (bone) or similar sharp body.
Painful sensation on inner surface of scapula.
Bruised feeling on right scapula.
The back bent backward like an arch.
Body and legs straight ; head drawn back ; if lying on side is straightened out upon back quick as lightning. θ Spasms following injury to knee from splinter.
Tearing, jerking in os coccygis. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Coccyodynia, coming on for the first time during catamenia, after parturition.
Complete powerlessness of limbs, after spasmodic jerks.
Spasmodic jerking of arms and upper part of body. θ Following injury to knee by splinter.
Frequent involuntary jerking and stitches in arms and fingers. θ Epilepsy.
Jerking in left arm all day.
Arms bent at elbows, fingers clenched. θ Spasms following injury from splinter.
Sensation of heaviness in arm when raising it, accompanied by stitches in shoulder, so violent that patient must desist ; he dare not move the fingers even ; occurs more frequently in left arm.
Veins of hands enlarged.
Trembling of hands, with pain in occiput. θ Helminthiasis.
Numbness of fingers.
Creeping, trembling and starting of fingers in convalescence from typhoid.
Thumbs turned inward. θ Epilepsy.
Pimples on hands, burning when first appearing, but finally blending and forming one dark red scab.
Nails blue.
Weakness, especially in knees and in muscles of back after standing only a short time.
Frequent involuntary jerking of lower limbs.
Swelling and pain of left knee.
Painful feeling of stiffness in muscles of lower limbs.
Trembling of left leg.
His legs refused to carry him, and he staggered.
When walking, she does not step properly on soles of feet, they tilt inward, and the walking is done on outer edge of foot. θ Gressus vaccinus.
Suddenly grasped his knee with his hands and screamed fearfully and was seized with convulsions.
Drawing pain in thighs and calves with tetanic stiffness.
Violent pain in entire left leg, later also in right, recurring periodically, ending in tetanic convulsions with unconsciousness.
Rending in muscles of lower limbs, front side down to the feet, worse at night.
Great weakness in arms and legs, after slight exertion.
Bruised feeling of forearms and legs.
Trembling in upper and lower limbs.
Spasmodic contortions and fearful jerking of limbs, with violent convulsions.
Jerking of limbs. θ вasilar meningitis.
Jerking with numbness ; in a tobacco smoker.
Cold extremities.
When at rest : headache.
While lying : jerking of head or throwing it backward ; on side, is straightened out upon back quick as lightning.
When standing still : desire to hold on to something ; vertigo.
After standing : weakness in knees and muscles of back.
Lies on back unable to turn.
Sitting in apparent sleep : sinking of head forward.
On attempting to rise : darkness before eyes ; falling back of head ; vomiting.
On sitting erect ; headache and pressure better.
On rising from bed : vertigo.
On attempting to stand : vertigo ; wishes to hold on to something.
On stooping : falling ; vomiting of bile ; of blood, during pregnancy.
On raising arm : sensation of heaviness in arm ; stitches in shoulder.
On walking : loss of sight ; vertigo ; as if brain was loose and was shaken ; epistaxis ; soreness as if bruised at lower end of sternum ; does not step properly, feet tilt inward.
Injurious effects from concussions of the brain and spine.
Touch : nose very sensitive to ; bleeding of nose from slight ; tongue painful to ; answers questions while unconscious when touched ; causes bruised sensation of throat ; tonic spasm renewed from slightest ; vesicle on r. scapula painful to ; causes pain in eruption on hands.
Rubbing : burning pain in anus after.
The muscles of neck contract and become hard as wood. θ Hysterical attacks.
Tension or cramp in muscles of neck ; if he turns head, he cannot easily turn it back again.
Pain in nape, spasmodic drawing of head backward, with tremor of hand.
Tonic spasm of cervical muscles. θ Tetanus.
Tetanic stiffness of back and legs, with drawing pains in thighs and calves. θ сoncussion of brain.
Swelling of neck, arising from wounding oesophagus with a splinter (bone) or similar sharp body.
Painful sensation on inner surface of scapula.
Bruised feeling on right scapula.
The back bent backward like an arch.
Body and legs straight ; head drawn back ; if lying on side is straightened out upon back quick as lightning. θ Spasms following injury to knee from splinter.
Tearing, jerking in os coccygis. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Coccyodynia, coming on for the first time during catamenia, after parturition.
Complete powerlessness of limbs, after spasmodic jerks.
Spasmodic jerking of arms and upper part of body. θ Following injury to knee by splinter.
Frequent involuntary jerking and stitches in arms and fingers. θ Epilepsy.
Jerking in left arm all day.
Arms bent at elbows, fingers clenched. θ Spasms following injury from splinter.
Sensation of heaviness in arm when raising it, accompanied by stitches in shoulder, so violent that patient must desist ; he dare not move the fingers even ; occurs more frequently in left arm.
Veins of hands enlarged.
Trembling of hands, with pain in occiput. θ Helminthiasis.
Numbness of fingers.
Creeping, trembling and starting of fingers in convalescence from typhoid.
Thumbs turned inward. θ Epilepsy.
Pimples on hands, burning when first appearing, but finally blending and forming one dark red scab.
Nails blue.
Weakness, especially in knees and in muscles of back after standing only a short time.
Frequent involuntary jerking of lower limbs.
Swelling and pain of left knee.
Painful feeling of stiffness in muscles of lower limbs.
Trembling of left leg.
His legs refused to carry him, and he staggered.
When walking, she does not step properly on soles of feet, they tilt inward, and the walking is done on outer edge of foot. θ Gressus vaccinus.
Suddenly grasped his knee with his hands and screamed fearfully and was seized with convulsions.
Drawing pain in thighs and calves with tetanic stiffness.
Violent pain in entire left leg, later also in right, recurring periodically, ending in tetanic convulsions with unconsciousness.
Rending in muscles of lower limbs, front side down to the feet, worse at night.
Great weakness in arms and legs, after slight exertion.
Bruised feeling of forearms and legs.
Trembling in upper and lower limbs.
Spasmodic contortions and fearful jerking of limbs, with violent convulsions.
Jerking of limbs. θ вasilar meningitis.
Jerking with numbness ; in a tobacco smoker.
Cold extremities.
When at rest : headache.
While lying : jerking of head or throwing it backward ; on side, is straightened out upon back quick as lightning.
When standing still : desire to hold on to something ; vertigo.
After standing : weakness in knees and muscles of back.
Lies on back unable to turn.
Sitting in apparent sleep : sinking of head forward.
On attempting to rise : darkness before eyes ; falling back of head ; vomiting.
On sitting erect ; headache and pressure better.
On rising from bed : vertigo.
On attempting to stand : vertigo ; wishes to hold on to something.
On stooping : falling ; vomiting of bile ; of blood, during pregnancy.
On raising arm : sensation of heaviness in arm ; stitches in shoulder.
On walking : loss of sight ; vertigo ; as if brain was loose and was shaken ; epistaxis ; soreness as if bruised at lower end of sternum ; does not step properly, feet tilt inward.
Injurious effects from concussions of the brain and spine.
Touch : nose very sensitive to ; bleeding of nose from slight ; tongue painful to ; answers questions while unconscious when touched ; causes bruised sensation of throat ; tonic spasm renewed from slightest ; vesicle on r. scapula painful to ; causes pain in eruption on hands.
Rubbing : burning pain in anus after.
Нервная система
Great depression and prostration of strength ; he feels at noon more fatigued than at evening.
Lassitude and constant sleepiness.
Weak and powerless, muscles refuse to obey the will. θ Paralysis of bladder.
State of insensibility and immobility, with loss of strength and consciousness.
Catalepsy, limbs hang down and patient appears lifeless.
Dysphagia ; no muscular flinching when trunk or lower extremities are pricked with pin, perfect paralysis ; has not moved or winked for several days. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Tremulous movements.
Twitchings of extremities.
Sudden shocks and jerks through head, arms and legs. θ сoncussion of brain.
Sudden rigidity, with jerks, afterwards great relaxation and weakness. θ Worm affections.
Strange contortions of upper part of body and limbs, during paroxysms, with blue face and frequent interruptions of breathing for a few moments.
Child suddenly grasped knee with his hands and screamed fearfully ; immediately afterwards was seized with convulsions and insensibility, head being permanently retracted.
The attacks twist the child into most curious and frightful contortions, sometimes causing it to scream out. θ сhorea.
Convulsions, with loss of consciousness, frightful distortions of limbs and whole body.
Convulsions and insensibility, head permanently retracted, high fever, vomiting, dilated pupils, double vision, ashy paleness of face, one diarrheic stool, then constipation.
Convulsions, with limbs relaxed and hanging down, or unnaturally stiffened and extended. θ Dentition.
Convulsions with cries.
Epilepsy, with violent contortions of limbs and upper portion of body and head, bluish face, interrupted respiration and frothing at mouth.
Epileptic attacks, with swelling of stomach, as from violent spasms of diaphragm ; hiccough ; screaming ; redness of face ; trismus ; loss of consciousness and distortion of limbs.
Eclampsia, in a child of five months, from abuse of opium.
Attacks come on twice a day, and she seems to be dying when in them. θ Periodical ecstasy.
After convulsions child is unconscious and nearly lifeless.
Spasms in muscles, especially of neck and chest.
Child lies on back, not being able to turn, legs alternately contracted and extended, with severe pains in them. θ Spinal curvature.
Violent tonic spasms, each muscle being perfectly rigid.
The most violent tonic spasms, so that neither the curved limbs could be straightened out nor the straight ones curved.
Tonic spasm renewed from slightest touch ; from opening door, and from loud talking.
Violent spasms with opisthotonos, difficult breathing, arms bent at elbows, screaming, tongue coated and dry, thirst. θ Splinter in knee two weeks before.
Spasms of pregnant or parturient females ; hysterical convulsions.
Body and extremities hard as wood. θ Hysterical spasms.
Tetanus centric ; cases somewhat epileptiform. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Lassitude and constant sleepiness.
Weak and powerless, muscles refuse to obey the will. θ Paralysis of bladder.
State of insensibility and immobility, with loss of strength and consciousness.
Catalepsy, limbs hang down and patient appears lifeless.
Dysphagia ; no muscular flinching when trunk or lower extremities are pricked with pin, perfect paralysis ; has not moved or winked for several days. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Tremulous movements.
Twitchings of extremities.
Sudden shocks and jerks through head, arms and legs. θ сoncussion of brain.
Sudden rigidity, with jerks, afterwards great relaxation and weakness. θ Worm affections.
Strange contortions of upper part of body and limbs, during paroxysms, with blue face and frequent interruptions of breathing for a few moments.
Child suddenly grasped knee with his hands and screamed fearfully ; immediately afterwards was seized with convulsions and insensibility, head being permanently retracted.
The attacks twist the child into most curious and frightful contortions, sometimes causing it to scream out. θ сhorea.
Convulsions, with loss of consciousness, frightful distortions of limbs and whole body.
Convulsions and insensibility, head permanently retracted, high fever, vomiting, dilated pupils, double vision, ashy paleness of face, one diarrheic stool, then constipation.
Convulsions, with limbs relaxed and hanging down, or unnaturally stiffened and extended. θ Dentition.
Convulsions with cries.
Epilepsy, with violent contortions of limbs and upper portion of body and head, bluish face, interrupted respiration and frothing at mouth.
Epileptic attacks, with swelling of stomach, as from violent spasms of diaphragm ; hiccough ; screaming ; redness of face ; trismus ; loss of consciousness and distortion of limbs.
Eclampsia, in a child of five months, from abuse of opium.
Attacks come on twice a day, and she seems to be dying when in them. θ Periodical ecstasy.
After convulsions child is unconscious and nearly lifeless.
Spasms in muscles, especially of neck and chest.
Child lies on back, not being able to turn, legs alternately contracted and extended, with severe pains in them. θ Spinal curvature.
Violent tonic spasms, each muscle being perfectly rigid.
The most violent tonic spasms, so that neither the curved limbs could be straightened out nor the straight ones curved.
Tonic spasm renewed from slightest touch ; from opening door, and from loud talking.
Violent spasms with opisthotonos, difficult breathing, arms bent at elbows, screaming, tongue coated and dry, thirst. θ Splinter in knee two weeks before.
Spasms of pregnant or parturient females ; hysterical convulsions.
Body and extremities hard as wood. θ Hysterical spasms.
Tetanus centric ; cases somewhat epileptiform. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Soporous condition, in cholera.
Frequent waking, with sweat all over, from which he feels invigorated.
Dreams : vivid, about events of previous day ; vivid but unremembered.
Starts up suddenly out of sleep, raises head, stares fixedly before him, breathing ceases, turns blue in face, catches anxiously at breath and perspiration stands in great drops on forehead. θ Epilepsy.
Soporous sleep, weeps on being roused, distorts facial muscles, stares vacantly and holds head stiffly bent forward. θ сoncussion of brain.
While asleep, starting and biting tongue. θ Hysterical spasms.
Is roused from sleep with difficulty. θ сonvulsions.
Complete sleeplessness. θ Hysterical spasms.
At night : sweat, most on abdomen ; profuse sweat ; unable to sleep.
In morning : on waking, headache ; when eating, nausea ; sweat, most on abdomen.
During midday : loss of appetite ; more fatigued than at evening.
Worse in afternoon.
From noon till evening : eructations.
Whole day : want of breath ; jerking in left arm.
Frequent waking, with sweat all over, from which he feels invigorated.
Dreams : vivid, about events of previous day ; vivid but unremembered.
Starts up suddenly out of sleep, raises head, stares fixedly before him, breathing ceases, turns blue in face, catches anxiously at breath and perspiration stands in great drops on forehead. θ Epilepsy.
Soporous sleep, weeps on being roused, distorts facial muscles, stares vacantly and holds head stiffly bent forward. θ сoncussion of brain.
While asleep, starting and biting tongue. θ Hysterical spasms.
Is roused from sleep with difficulty. θ сonvulsions.
Complete sleeplessness. θ Hysterical spasms.
At night : sweat, most on abdomen ; profuse sweat ; unable to sleep.
In morning : on waking, headache ; when eating, nausea ; sweat, most on abdomen.
During midday : loss of appetite ; more fatigued than at evening.
Worse in afternoon.
From noon till evening : eructations.
Whole day : want of breath ; jerking in left arm.
Общие симптомы
Warmth : better shocks in head ; chilliness with desire for.
Cold : shocks in head.
As if he was in a strange place ; as if brain was loose ; as if muscles of neck were too short ; as if throat had grown together ; as of a blow deep in epigastrium which passes like lightning up back ; as if something the size of a fist was lodged in chest and throat ; as if heart stopped beating.
Pain : of head ; of occiput ; of neck ; on inner surface of scapula ; of left knee ; of legs.
Rending pain : in one side of head ; in muscles of lower limbs.
Tearing : deep in abdomen ; in os coccygis.
Cutting pain : in one side of head ; over left eye.
Neuralgia : at nape.
Jerking : in os coccygis ; in arms and fingers ; of limbs.
Drawing : from corners of eyes towards temples ; in urethra ; in os coccygis ; in thighs and calves.
Stitching pains : from navel to neck of bladder.
Stitches : in fossa navicularis ; in arms and fingers ; in shoulder on raising arm.
Sharp pain : from navel to neck of bladder.
Burning : in eyes ; in eruptions ; ulcerated lips ; vesicle on upper lip ; ulcers on tongue ; in stomach ; in chest ; in rectum after rubbing ; in anus.
Bruised feeling ; on moving or touching throat ; at lower end of sternum ; of forearms and legs ; as from a contusion or blow ; in many parts ; on right scapula.
Sudden shock ; deep in pit of stomach ; through head, arms and legs.
Throbbing : in pit of stomach.
Pressure : deep in brain.
Dull pressure : in occiput.
Burning pressure : at stomach and abdomen.
Compression : from both sides of head.
Heaviness : in front or back of head ; of head ; in arm on raising it.
Soreness : behind ear, as after a blow ; in urethra ; in chin, upper lip and cheeks, with milk crust ; at lower end of sternum.
Tension or cramp in muscles of neck.
Tightness : in chest.
Numbness : of fingers.
Creeping : of fingers.
Itching : vesicle on upper lip ; eruption on face, hands and breast ; in rectum ; of lower part of rectum ; of skin over whole body ; eruption on scalp ; crusts on chin.
Heat : in stomach ; all over.
Coldness : in chest.
Dryness : of throat.
Acts particularly on nervous system.
Cerebro-spinal irritant, producing tetanus, epileptic and epileptiform convulsions, trismus and local tonic and clonic spasms in general.
Congestions to brain and spinal cord, also to lungs and abdominal viscera.
Tonic spasms of extensors and flexors.
Strictures (spasmodic) following inflammations.
Affections caused by getting splinters into flesh ; trismus and tetanus ; injurious effects of concussions.
Worm complaints in children, with convulsions.
Cold : shocks in head.
As if he was in a strange place ; as if brain was loose ; as if muscles of neck were too short ; as if throat had grown together ; as of a blow deep in epigastrium which passes like lightning up back ; as if something the size of a fist was lodged in chest and throat ; as if heart stopped beating.
Pain : of head ; of occiput ; of neck ; on inner surface of scapula ; of left knee ; of legs.
Rending pain : in one side of head ; in muscles of lower limbs.
Tearing : deep in abdomen ; in os coccygis.
Cutting pain : in one side of head ; over left eye.
Neuralgia : at nape.
Jerking : in os coccygis ; in arms and fingers ; of limbs.
Drawing : from corners of eyes towards temples ; in urethra ; in os coccygis ; in thighs and calves.
Stitching pains : from navel to neck of bladder.
Stitches : in fossa navicularis ; in arms and fingers ; in shoulder on raising arm.
Sharp pain : from navel to neck of bladder.
Burning : in eyes ; in eruptions ; ulcerated lips ; vesicle on upper lip ; ulcers on tongue ; in stomach ; in chest ; in rectum after rubbing ; in anus.
Bruised feeling ; on moving or touching throat ; at lower end of sternum ; of forearms and legs ; as from a contusion or blow ; in many parts ; on right scapula.
Sudden shock ; deep in pit of stomach ; through head, arms and legs.
Throbbing : in pit of stomach.
Pressure : deep in brain.
Dull pressure : in occiput.
Burning pressure : at stomach and abdomen.
Compression : from both sides of head.
Heaviness : in front or back of head ; of head ; in arm on raising it.
Soreness : behind ear, as after a blow ; in urethra ; in chin, upper lip and cheeks, with milk crust ; at lower end of sternum.
Tension or cramp in muscles of neck.
Tightness : in chest.
Numbness : of fingers.
Creeping : of fingers.
Itching : vesicle on upper lip ; eruption on face, hands and breast ; in rectum ; of lower part of rectum ; of skin over whole body ; eruption on scalp ; crusts on chin.
Heat : in stomach ; all over.
Coldness : in chest.
Dryness : of throat.
Acts particularly on nervous system.
Cerebro-spinal irritant, producing tetanus, epileptic and epileptiform convulsions, trismus and local tonic and clonic spasms in general.
Congestions to brain and spinal cord, also to lungs and abdominal viscera.
Tonic spasms of extensors and flexors.
Strictures (spasmodic) following inflammations.
Affections caused by getting splinters into flesh ; trismus and tetanus ; injurious effects of concussions.
Worm complaints in children, with convulsions.
Chill and chilliness, with desire for warmth and warm stove.
Chill starts in chest and runs down legs and into arms, with staring look.
Cold internally and externally.
Heat slight and only internal.
In intervals she is calm, slightly feverish and face flushed. θ Periodical ecstasy.
High fever. θ сonvulsions.
Typhoid fever : vertigo, buzzing in ears, deafness, glassy, dim eyes ; face pale, without expression ; great thirst ; meteorism ; soporous state ; loss of consciousness ; muttering delirium.
Nervous fevers, characterized by great stupidity.
Worm fevers, in children, with colic and convulsions.
Sweat at night and in morning hours, most on abdomen.
Sweats profusely at night without being able to sleep. θ сoncussion of brain.
Suddenly becomes stiff and immovable.
Twice a day, periodical ecstasy.
Periodic : strabismus convergens in children ; pain in legs ; ecstasy.
Right : detonation in ear when swallowing ; bruised feeling on scapula ; violent pain in leg ; vesicle on scapula.
Left : twitching over eye ; scurfs on corner of mouth ; jerking in arm ; sensation of heaviness in arm, with stitches in shoulder ; swelling and pain of knee ; trembling of leg ; violent pain in leg.
Forward : falling with giddiness ; sinking of head when looking at anything ; bending of head when aroused from apparent sleep ; on staring, head inclines.
Backward : bending of head, with convulsions ; falling of head with spasms ; jerking of head ; throwing of head.
Chill starts in chest and runs down legs and into arms, with staring look.
Cold internally and externally.
Heat slight and only internal.
In intervals she is calm, slightly feverish and face flushed. θ Periodical ecstasy.
High fever. θ сonvulsions.
Typhoid fever : vertigo, buzzing in ears, deafness, glassy, dim eyes ; face pale, without expression ; great thirst ; meteorism ; soporous state ; loss of consciousness ; muttering delirium.
Nervous fevers, characterized by great stupidity.
Worm fevers, in children, with colic and convulsions.
Sweat at night and in morning hours, most on abdomen.
Sweats profusely at night without being able to sleep. θ сoncussion of brain.
Suddenly becomes stiff and immovable.
Twice a day, periodical ecstasy.
Periodic : strabismus convergens in children ; pain in legs ; ecstasy.
Right : detonation in ear when swallowing ; bruised feeling on scapula ; violent pain in leg ; vesicle on scapula.
Left : twitching over eye ; scurfs on corner of mouth ; jerking in arm ; sensation of heaviness in arm, with stitches in shoulder ; swelling and pain of knee ; trembling of leg ; violent pain in leg.
Forward : falling with giddiness ; sinking of head when looking at anything ; bending of head when aroused from apparent sleep ; on staring, head inclines.
Backward : bending of head, with convulsions ; falling of head with spasms ; jerking of head ; throwing of head.
Skin burning hot. θ Wounded oesophagus.
Burning, itching of skin over whole body.
Red vesicle on right scapula very painful to touch.
Elevated eruption as large as peas, on both hands, even on balls of fingers, with burning pain when touched, later it became confluent.
Pustules, which run together, forming thick, yellow scabs on face and other parts of body.
Suppurating eruptions, with yellow scurf and burning pain.
Eczema : no itching ; the exudation dries into a hard lemon-colored scab.
Impetigo ; honeycomb-like crusts, which fall off and leave a bright red smooth surface.
Suppressed eruptions cause cerebral disease.
Scaly, moist, itching eruption upon scalp, with numerous hard nodes upon chin, throughout beard ; these nodes give birth to a crop of vesicles which soon fill the beard with yellow crusts, matting the hair together and accompanied with burning and itching.
Burning, itching of skin over whole body.
Red vesicle on right scapula very painful to touch.
Elevated eruption as large as peas, on both hands, even on balls of fingers, with burning pain when touched, later it became confluent.
Pustules, which run together, forming thick, yellow scabs on face and other parts of body.
Suppurating eruptions, with yellow scurf and burning pain.
Eczema : no itching ; the exudation dries into a hard lemon-colored scab.
Impetigo ; honeycomb-like crusts, which fall off and leave a bright red smooth surface.
Suppressed eruptions cause cerebral disease.
Scaly, moist, itching eruption upon scalp, with numerous hard nodes upon chin, throughout beard ; these nodes give birth to a crop of vesicles which soon fill the beard with yellow crusts, matting the hair together and accompanied with burning and itching.
Тип пациента и конституция
Old people and children.
Scrofulous child, spinal curvature ; clonic and tonic spasms.
Male child, at. 10 months ; epilepsy.
Child, at. 22 months ; has for a week or two been in the habit of eating coal.
Boy, at. 2 1/2, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, fleshy ; convulsions from cerebral irritation.
Boy, at. 8 : convulsions.
Girl, at. 9 ; ophthalmia.
Child, at. 11 ; chorea.
Boy, at. 11 ; helminthiasis.
Boy, at. 13 ; concussion of brain.
Robust boy, at. 15 ; tetanic convulsions.
Girl, at. 17, large, strong, brown hair, red cheeks, has not menstruated ; tetanic spasms.
David Gray, at. 17, treated allopathically and unsuccessfully for five weeks ; three children in family died of same disease ; cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Woman, at. 23, in second confinement ; puerperal spasms.
Man, at. 40, thin, weak constitution ; tetanus.
Woman, at. 76 ; wounded oesophagus.
Man, nearly 90 ; paralysis of bladder.
Mr. J. E. M., blonde, hair moist, only skin, comedones upon cheeks and nose, of hypochondriacal disposition, subject to dyspepsia and vertigo ; eruption upon scalp and skin.
Man, ran splinter into knee, and was then wet through by a cold rain ; spasms.
Man ; renewed cancer of lip after operation.
Scrofulous child, spinal curvature ; clonic and tonic spasms.
Male child, at. 10 months ; epilepsy.
Child, at. 22 months ; has for a week or two been in the habit of eating coal.
Boy, at. 2 1/2, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, fleshy ; convulsions from cerebral irritation.
Boy, at. 8 : convulsions.
Girl, at. 9 ; ophthalmia.
Child, at. 11 ; chorea.
Boy, at. 11 ; helminthiasis.
Boy, at. 13 ; concussion of brain.
Robust boy, at. 15 ; tetanic convulsions.
Girl, at. 17, large, strong, brown hair, red cheeks, has not menstruated ; tetanic spasms.
David Gray, at. 17, treated allopathically and unsuccessfully for five weeks ; three children in family died of same disease ; cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Woman, at. 23, in second confinement ; puerperal spasms.
Man, at. 40, thin, weak constitution ; tetanus.
Woman, at. 76 ; wounded oesophagus.
Man, nearly 90 ; paralysis of bladder.
Mr. J. E. M., blonde, hair moist, only skin, comedones upon cheeks and nose, of hypochondriacal disposition, subject to dyspepsia and vertigo ; eruption upon scalp and skin.
Man, ran splinter into knee, and was then wet through by a cold rain ; spasms.
Man ; renewed cancer of lip after operation.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Arnic, Opium ; tobacco for massive doses.
It antidotes : Opium.
Compatible : After Laches, after Arsen. and сonium. (cancer of lip), сuprum (aphasia in chorea).
Compare : Hydrastis ac. and Strychnia.
It antidotes : Opium.
Compatible : After Laches, after Arsen. and сonium. (cancer of lip), сuprum (aphasia in chorea).
Compare : Hydrastis ac. and Strychnia.
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