Other names and synonyms
bry.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering
Pharmacological Group
Additional facts
White вryony. сucurbitacea.
The juice of the fresh root before flowering. Proved by Hahnemann and published in 1816 in second part of his Materia Medica ; 208 of his own symptoms, 102 from students, Mishler, Hornburg, Rückert and Stapf and one of Nicolai. In 1824, second volume of second edition : 537 of his own and 242 symptoms from others ; additional provers are Hermann and Fred. Hahnemann. In 1833, third edition, 781 symptoms of the former. An unnecessary reproving was made by thirty-one Austrian physicians, many taking (as they did with Aconite) another species, the dioica ; further additions by O. Piper, Lemke, Stow and Price, and a proving of the Jenichen 2m by вerridge and some poisonings appeared in the journals.
The juice of the fresh root before flowering. Proved by Hahnemann and published in 1816 in second part of his Materia Medica ; 208 of his own symptoms, 102 from students, Mishler, Hornburg, Rückert and Stapf and one of Nicolai. In 1824, second volume of second edition : 537 of his own and 242 symptoms from others ; additional provers are Hermann and Fred. Hahnemann. In 1833, third edition, 781 symptoms of the former. An unnecessary reproving was made by thirty-one Austrian physicians, many taking (as they did with Aconite) another species, the dioica ; further additions by O. Piper, Lemke, Stow and Price, and a proving of the Jenichen 2m by вerridge and some poisonings appeared in the journals.
Psyche and consciousness
Partial loss of consciousness. θ Hydrocephalus.
Unconscious, could not speak. θ сholera Asiatica.
Stupefaction ; weak memory.
So weak in mind that his ideas vanish as if he would faint, together with heat in face, especially on standing.
Confusion in head, with drawing in occiput, extending into neck before going to sleep.
Head confused and aching, as after a night’s dissipation ; does not wish to rise, morning on awakening.
Difficult comprehension.
Sees visions and faces when closing eyes. θ Typhus.
Fancies ; mental excitability.
Nightly delirium ; delirious talk, especially about business, worse after 3 A. M.
Delirious, at daybreak.
Talking of business of day in his delirium at night. θ Diarrhoea. θ Typhus.
The patient desires to go home. θ Typhus.
Desire to get out of bed and go home. θ Diarrhoea.
Desire for things that cannot be had, which are refused, or not wanted when offered.
Irrational talk or prattle of his business.
Weeping mood, with headache and other complaints.
Great depression and very morose mood without any cause, quite contrary to his habit.
Great sense of insecurity, with mental depression.
Apprehensiveness ; fearfulness.
Apprehensive ; uneasiness and dread of future.
Anxiety and restlessness.
He became very anxious in room, better in open air.
Anxiety in whole body compelled him to do something constantly, wherever he went he found no rest.
Anxiety about future, particularly in childbed or after.
She fears not to have wherewithal to live.
Anxiety, worse in room, better in open air.
Anxious, peevish and hasty disposition.
Fear of death, which he thinks in near.
Fear of death. θ Pertussis.
Anxious feeling referred to sternum or cardiac region ; pressing or painful sensation.
Easily startled, with headache.
Despair of recovery. θ Pertussis.
Great despondency ; disinclined to think ; exhaustion of intellectual powers.
Both mental and bodily quietness is required.
Mood irritable, weeping and morose ; wishes to be alone.
Very irritable ; inclined to fright, fear and vexation.
Very irritable ; inclined to be angry ; after getting angry, chilly or a red face and heat in head.
Peevishness ; ill humor. θ Diarrhoea.
Peevishness, irritability and violence. θ Pertussis.
Morose ; everything puts him out of humor.
Contradiction easily provoked anger during whole proving.
Obstinate and passionate.
Mental exhaustion.
Restlessness : wants change ; with fear of future ; fear of death, which he thinks is near ; with nocturnal heat.
Bad effects from mortification, violence and anger.
Ailments arising from chagrin, and other conditions, when attended with chilliness and coldness of body.
After having been angry, he is chilly, has red face and heat in head.
As consequence of fright : painful rigidity of limbs.
Sensorium blunted.
Distracted state of sensorium.
Stupefaction of head.
Great confusion in head : especially in frontal region ; after rising from bed ; with drawing in occiput, extending into neck before going to sleep.
In morning, on waking, head confused and aching as if he had been drunk the evening previous ; does not wish to rise.
Dizzy in morning, and weak in limbs whole day.
Dizziness on turning head, or on stooping.
Giddiness, especially when rising from a seat, or from a recumbent position.
Giddiness, with sensation of looseness in brain when stooping, and when raising up head.
Swaying to and fro.
In morning, on rising from bed, dizzy and whirling, as if head was turning in a circle.
Sensation in bed as if she was sinking deep down.
Tendency to run backward.
Unconscious, could not speak. θ сholera Asiatica.
Stupefaction ; weak memory.
So weak in mind that his ideas vanish as if he would faint, together with heat in face, especially on standing.
Confusion in head, with drawing in occiput, extending into neck before going to sleep.
Head confused and aching, as after a night’s dissipation ; does not wish to rise, morning on awakening.
Difficult comprehension.
Sees visions and faces when closing eyes. θ Typhus.
Fancies ; mental excitability.
Nightly delirium ; delirious talk, especially about business, worse after 3 A. M.
Delirious, at daybreak.
Talking of business of day in his delirium at night. θ Diarrhoea. θ Typhus.
The patient desires to go home. θ Typhus.
Desire to get out of bed and go home. θ Diarrhoea.
Desire for things that cannot be had, which are refused, or not wanted when offered.
Irrational talk or prattle of his business.
Weeping mood, with headache and other complaints.
Great depression and very morose mood without any cause, quite contrary to his habit.
Great sense of insecurity, with mental depression.
Apprehensiveness ; fearfulness.
Apprehensive ; uneasiness and dread of future.
Anxiety and restlessness.
He became very anxious in room, better in open air.
Anxiety in whole body compelled him to do something constantly, wherever he went he found no rest.
Anxiety about future, particularly in childbed or after.
She fears not to have wherewithal to live.
Anxiety, worse in room, better in open air.
Anxious, peevish and hasty disposition.
Fear of death, which he thinks in near.
Fear of death. θ Pertussis.
Anxious feeling referred to sternum or cardiac region ; pressing or painful sensation.
Easily startled, with headache.
Despair of recovery. θ Pertussis.
Great despondency ; disinclined to think ; exhaustion of intellectual powers.
Both mental and bodily quietness is required.
Mood irritable, weeping and morose ; wishes to be alone.
Very irritable ; inclined to fright, fear and vexation.
Very irritable ; inclined to be angry ; after getting angry, chilly or a red face and heat in head.
Peevishness ; ill humor. θ Diarrhoea.
Peevishness, irritability and violence. θ Pertussis.
Morose ; everything puts him out of humor.
Contradiction easily provoked anger during whole proving.
Obstinate and passionate.
Mental exhaustion.
Restlessness : wants change ; with fear of future ; fear of death, which he thinks is near ; with nocturnal heat.
Bad effects from mortification, violence and anger.
Ailments arising from chagrin, and other conditions, when attended with chilliness and coldness of body.
After having been angry, he is chilly, has red face and heat in head.
As consequence of fright : painful rigidity of limbs.
Sensorium blunted.
Distracted state of sensorium.
Stupefaction of head.
Great confusion in head : especially in frontal region ; after rising from bed ; with drawing in occiput, extending into neck before going to sleep.
In morning, on waking, head confused and aching as if he had been drunk the evening previous ; does not wish to rise.
Dizzy in morning, and weak in limbs whole day.
Dizziness on turning head, or on stooping.
Giddiness, especially when rising from a seat, or from a recumbent position.
Giddiness, with sensation of looseness in brain when stooping, and when raising up head.
Swaying to and fro.
In morning, on rising from bed, dizzy and whirling, as if head was turning in a circle.
Sensation in bed as if she was sinking deep down.
Tendency to run backward.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : as though all objects were reeling ; as though brain was turning around ; as if head was turning in a circle ; on rising, or on raising head ; with reeling backward.
Slight vertigo on raising head after inclining it forward.
Vertigo like whirling if he sits up in bed, with nausea in middle of chest, as if faintness would ensue.
Vertigo as if one was being turned around, or as if everything whirled about when standing.
Vertigo conjoined with headache in occiput ; worse from motion.
Vertigo and confusion of head on slightest motion.
Pressive frontal headache very much worse by stooping.
Pressing outward in frontal region and left eyeball, especially on stooping, from above downward in evening.
Fulness and heaviness in forehead : as if brain was pressed out ; with bleeding of nose ; red, bloated face ; worse when opening or moving eyes ; when stooping, in evening ; from motion ; better from closing eyes ; from external pressure.
A pressive pain in forehead, so that he can scarcely stoop.
Pressive pain in forehead and occiput ; worse by motion.
Headache, as if everything would press out at forehead.
Pressive pain above left eye, followed by dull pressive pain in occipital protuberances, thence spreading over whole body ; on quick motion, and after eating, pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation within head.
Great fulness and heaviness of head, with digging pressure in direction of forehead.
Tearing across forehead, then in cervical muscles, then in r. arm.
Burning in forehead.
Headache in forehead and temples, with pressure from within out, and sensation when stooping as if everything would fall out of skull.
Pain in right temple ; a tensive twisting in single muscle fibres.
Pain in both temples, pressing from within outward.
Slight drawing in temporal bones, from above downward towards zygoma, especially on left side.
Drawing, tearing pain in right temple, mostly extending to upper molars and muscles of neck. drawing and tensive headache in temporal region.
Tearing in one (r.) side of head, extending into cheek and jaw bones ; worse from motion, touch and heat ; better in rest and from external pressure.
Continued stitch deep in brain, on left side, when coughing.
Sensible beating in vertex, with same and fulness in cranium in region of cerebellum.
Sensation of weight pressing on vertex.
Throbbing headache on top of head, morning when waking.
^^ Sticking, jerking, throbbing headache, from forehead to occiput.
Headache in occiput, extending to shoulders, while lying on back in bed, after waking in morning.
Pressive pain in occiput, drawing down into neck, relieved towards noon.
In morning in bed, after waking, while lying upon back, headache in occiput, which extends to shoulders, like a heaviness when pressed upon a sore spot.
Severe shooting pains, extending to vertex or occiput, worse at night or from motion of eye.
Sharp pain in left occipital protuberance, coming and going suddenly.
Violent headache, like a great weight in head, as if he would incline it to either side, with pressure in brain from within outward, and great desire to lie down.
Headache, as if something pressed skull asunder.
Pressure and burning pain in head. θ Pertussis.
Pressure in head, as if brain was too full and pressed outward, mostly when sitting.
Headache, as if head would burst, with dry and parched lips.
Jerking, throbbing headache.
Stitches in head from forehead to occiput ; on stepping hard.
Stitches in head. θ Pertussis.
Splitting headache.
Great heaviness of head and pressure of brain forward.
Congestive headache, as if forehead would burst open, with epistaxis.
Heat in head.
Rush of blood to head.
Encephalitis. θ Metastasis of miasmatic or exanthematous diseases.
Headache commences in morning, not on waking, but when first opening and moving eyes.
Headache as though head would burst, commencing in morning and gradually increasing till evening.
Headache, as after revelling at night.
Headache in morning, after rising ; a twitching-drawing in malar and maxillary bones.
In morning, before breakfast, pain as if head was compressed, with heaviness in it, mingled with stitches ; she could not raise eyes on account of pain, and if she stooped, she could not rise.
Headache after every meal.
Headache after washing himself with cold water when face was sweating, in such cases opening eyelids increases headache.
Always on coughing motion i head like pressure.
Headache when stooping, as though all contents of head would issue from forehead.
Headache from ironing.
The headache is expanding, worse by slightest motion, as the simple effort of opening eyes, by stooping, after eating, and when coughing, and often accompanied by nosebleed ; better by pressure and closing eyes.
Headache from constipation ; dull pain in forehead, and peculiar pressing sensation in temples.
Headache better by tying up head.
Obstinate headache with constipation ; headache almost every day, beginning immediately after rising and increasing during day ; worse from mental exertion and coffee ; frequent vomiting of a little bilious fluid ; stools dry, hard, as if burnt.
Gastric, rheumatic and congestive headache, characterized by vertigo, heaviness of head, pressure in head and rush of blood to head.
Rheumatic headache in cold, raw, wet seasons.
Hemicrania ; hysterical headache.
A small painful spot on forehead.
Increase of pain under vertex, with soreness of scalp, just over same ; painful soreness of vertex, it feels bruised.
Burning on vertex near forehead.
Heat of head : in morning ; with dark red face ; with coldness of rest of body ; with much thirst and pain in limbs when moving them ; worse in evening.
Tension and tearing in external head, worse from motion, touch, and in a warm room ; better lying quiet and on painful side.
Scalp very tender to touch ; child cannot bear even a soft brush. θ Dandruff.
Soreness in occiput and behind ears ; worse from touch and in dry weather ; better lying on painful side and after sweat.
Oily, greasy sour-smelling perspiration on head (and whole body) during sleep, especially towards morning.
Hair seems very greasy, with a cool head ; hands become fatty while combing hair.
Dandruff ; scalp rough and uneven.
Burning heat or cold sweat on head.
Coldness on vertex, with cold hands, chilliness, inner heat and disagreeable throbbing through whole body.
Dread of light. θ Intermittent.
Aversion to light, particularly sunlight.
Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors ; appearance of all the colors of the rainbow ; every object seemed covered with them.
Letters run together when reading.
Eyes sparkling ; watering ; dull or glassy.
Dim vision.
A bluish haze appeared before vision, (vision 20/50) with severe pain over eye like a needle going through eyes and head (compelling her to go to bed), with heat through whole head, worse by stooping. θ Hyperemia of optic nerve and retina.
Very sensitive pressive pain (coming and going) in left eyeball, especially violent on moving ball, with a feeling as if eye became smaller and was retracted.
Eyes very sore, feel as if pressed out of head.
Eyeballs excessively painful, cannot bear to have them touched.
Ciliary neuralgia ; pains very sharp and severe, making patient scream out ; pains worse by opening eye and any motion of ball ; eyes must be kept closed and at rest ; pains usually sharp, passing through eye into head or from eye downward into malar region and thence backward to occiput ; seat of pain becomes sore as a boil, least exertion, talking, moving or using eyes, aggravates.
Stitches in eyes.
Soreness and aching of eyes when moving them.
Pressing, crushing pain in eyes, worse on motion.
Burning in eyes and edges of lids.
Sensation as if there was sand in eyes ; pressure.
Aching and pulsation in left orbit.
Inflammation of eyes, aggravated by heat.
Inflammation of eyes and lids, especially in newborn infants and gouty subjects.
Inflammation of eye, redness, photophobia, at same time violent pains in teeth and face ; worse from warmth and better by cold.
Inflammation extends to choroid ; opacities in vitreous ; iris tremulous ; great ciliary injection ; pus in anterior chamber ; eyeball sore on moving, darting pains from l. eye through head, with heaviness of head afternoons. θ Acute irido-choroiditis.
Rheumatic iritis, caused by cold, with steady aching pain in back part of eye, extending through to occiput ; worse at night and on motion.
Choroiditis uncomplicated with iritis, especially in serous or exudative forms.
Eyeball feels full, as if pressed out, with sharp shooting pains in eye and head, worse at night. θ Glaucoma.
Periodical inflammation of eyes, with colic.
Burning redness of eyes. θ Rheumatic attack.
Painless twitching and drawing together of left upper lid, with sensation of heaviness therein.
Puffiness of right upper lid.
Swollen eyelids, especially the upper. θ Pertussis.
Lids swollen and puffed.
Burning in eyes and edges of eyelids.
Itching and burning of margin of lids.
Dry burning-itching tetters on lids.
Scalding in corners of eyes aggravated at night.
Frequent lachrymation.
Severe burning and lachrymation of right eye.
Morning, agglutination and frequent lachrymation.
Discharge of mucus from eye, obstructing vision.
Rheumatic inflammation of eyes.
Intolerance of noise.
Ringing ; roaring ; humming or chirping.
Roaring, humming in left ear, resembling pouring of water over a dam.
Head feels light, with constant wabbling in both ears.
Discharge of blood from ears. θ Vicarious menstruation.
Feeling of stoppage in ears.
Obstruction in external meatus.
Swelling, redness, painful sensitiveness and heat of external r. ear ; at times piercing stitches deep into ear ; swelling and painfulness of right parotid gland, especially sensitive to even slight touch of steel bows of spectacles.
Otorrhoea following inflammation.
Complaints predominating in external ears.
Boil in front of ear.
Threatening suppuration of parotid.
Frequent sneezing.
When coughing, sneezing twice.
Sneezing between coughs.
Loss of smell.
Nosebleed in morning after rising ; less frequently during day, but sometimes during sleep.
Bleeding of nose, especially in morning, with suppressed menstruation.
Nosebleed. θ Pertussis.
Nosebleed in morning awakening from sleep ; blood florid. θ Vicarious menstruation. θ Scarlatina.
Epistaxis and checked menses, or in place of catamenia with other menstrual derangements.
Dry cold in head.
Dry nasal catarrh. θ Pertussis.
Fluid, thin, light-colored discharge from right nostril.
Catarrh extending to frontal sinuses or into chest.
Fluent coryza, watery or greenish.
Fluent coryza, beginning with violent frequent sneezing ; also stitching headache when stooping, with hoarseness.
Profuse coryza without cough.
Swollen nose with inflamed nostrils.
Swelling of nose, with very sore pain when touched.
Swollen nose, with nosebleed for several days.
Inflamed and ulcerated nostrils.
Nose much swollen, with sharp pain ; sore to touch.
Swelling of tip of nose, with twitching pain in it, and on touch feeling as if it would ulcerate.
There is a motion, more or less constant, of jaws, as if chewing.
Pinching pressure in articular cavity of right jaw, more violent on motion.
Dull aching, in alveoli of upper jaw, right side, now jumping, then mild.
Twitching, tearing in right malar bone up to right temple, externally sore to touch.
Painful pressure under right cheek bone better by external pressure.
Bloatedness, or swelling of face.
Face swollen, even to closing eyes.
Red, burning, hot face.
Red spots on face and neck.
Red, round, hot spot on cheek, over malar bone.
Face bluish-red, with difficult inspiration.
Hot, bloated, red face.
Face red, hot puffed. θ Pertussis.
Yellow paleness of face, or livid color.
Nodosities, indurations and boils on face.
Tetters in face ; after washing, red and smooth.
Complaints predominate on lower jaw and lip.
Drawing and tearing pain, from temple down to malar bone and lower jaw. сompare prosopalgia. θ Trismus.
Twitching in both corners of mouth.
Constant motion of mouth, as if chewing. θ вrain affections of children.
Upper lip and nose swollen, red, and hot.
Lower lip dry, black, thickly incrusted, everted and very sensitive.
Lips dry, swollen, cracked. θ Diarrhoea. θ Typhus.
Mouth and lips very dry.
Dryness of lips and tongue, with thirst, drinking much at a time, but not often.
Great dryness of lips, of tongue and of hard palate, while tip of tongue was moist.
Parched and dry lips, likes to moisten them often ; mouth dry, very thirsty for cold water.
Lips parched, dry and cracked.
Children pick lips. сompare Rhus tox.
Lips cracked and bleeding. θ Pertussis.
Lips swollen, with a biting, burning eruption.
Scrofulous, swollen lips.
Ulcerated lips.
Slight vertigo on raising head after inclining it forward.
Vertigo like whirling if he sits up in bed, with nausea in middle of chest, as if faintness would ensue.
Vertigo as if one was being turned around, or as if everything whirled about when standing.
Vertigo conjoined with headache in occiput ; worse from motion.
Vertigo and confusion of head on slightest motion.
Pressive frontal headache very much worse by stooping.
Pressing outward in frontal region and left eyeball, especially on stooping, from above downward in evening.
Fulness and heaviness in forehead : as if brain was pressed out ; with bleeding of nose ; red, bloated face ; worse when opening or moving eyes ; when stooping, in evening ; from motion ; better from closing eyes ; from external pressure.
A pressive pain in forehead, so that he can scarcely stoop.
Pressive pain in forehead and occiput ; worse by motion.
Headache, as if everything would press out at forehead.
Pressive pain above left eye, followed by dull pressive pain in occipital protuberances, thence spreading over whole body ; on quick motion, and after eating, pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation within head.
Great fulness and heaviness of head, with digging pressure in direction of forehead.
Tearing across forehead, then in cervical muscles, then in r. arm.
Burning in forehead.
Headache in forehead and temples, with pressure from within out, and sensation when stooping as if everything would fall out of skull.
Pain in right temple ; a tensive twisting in single muscle fibres.
Pain in both temples, pressing from within outward.
Slight drawing in temporal bones, from above downward towards zygoma, especially on left side.
Drawing, tearing pain in right temple, mostly extending to upper molars and muscles of neck. drawing and tensive headache in temporal region.
Tearing in one (r.) side of head, extending into cheek and jaw bones ; worse from motion, touch and heat ; better in rest and from external pressure.
Continued stitch deep in brain, on left side, when coughing.
Sensible beating in vertex, with same and fulness in cranium in region of cerebellum.
Sensation of weight pressing on vertex.
Throbbing headache on top of head, morning when waking.
^^ Sticking, jerking, throbbing headache, from forehead to occiput.
Headache in occiput, extending to shoulders, while lying on back in bed, after waking in morning.
Pressive pain in occiput, drawing down into neck, relieved towards noon.
In morning in bed, after waking, while lying upon back, headache in occiput, which extends to shoulders, like a heaviness when pressed upon a sore spot.
Severe shooting pains, extending to vertex or occiput, worse at night or from motion of eye.
Sharp pain in left occipital protuberance, coming and going suddenly.
Violent headache, like a great weight in head, as if he would incline it to either side, with pressure in brain from within outward, and great desire to lie down.
Headache, as if something pressed skull asunder.
Pressure and burning pain in head. θ Pertussis.
Pressure in head, as if brain was too full and pressed outward, mostly when sitting.
Headache, as if head would burst, with dry and parched lips.
Jerking, throbbing headache.
Stitches in head from forehead to occiput ; on stepping hard.
Stitches in head. θ Pertussis.
Splitting headache.
Great heaviness of head and pressure of brain forward.
Congestive headache, as if forehead would burst open, with epistaxis.
Heat in head.
Rush of blood to head.
Encephalitis. θ Metastasis of miasmatic or exanthematous diseases.
Headache commences in morning, not on waking, but when first opening and moving eyes.
Headache as though head would burst, commencing in morning and gradually increasing till evening.
Headache, as after revelling at night.
Headache in morning, after rising ; a twitching-drawing in malar and maxillary bones.
In morning, before breakfast, pain as if head was compressed, with heaviness in it, mingled with stitches ; she could not raise eyes on account of pain, and if she stooped, she could not rise.
Headache after every meal.
Headache after washing himself with cold water when face was sweating, in such cases opening eyelids increases headache.
Always on coughing motion i head like pressure.
Headache when stooping, as though all contents of head would issue from forehead.
Headache from ironing.
The headache is expanding, worse by slightest motion, as the simple effort of opening eyes, by stooping, after eating, and when coughing, and often accompanied by nosebleed ; better by pressure and closing eyes.
Headache from constipation ; dull pain in forehead, and peculiar pressing sensation in temples.
Headache better by tying up head.
Obstinate headache with constipation ; headache almost every day, beginning immediately after rising and increasing during day ; worse from mental exertion and coffee ; frequent vomiting of a little bilious fluid ; stools dry, hard, as if burnt.
Gastric, rheumatic and congestive headache, characterized by vertigo, heaviness of head, pressure in head and rush of blood to head.
Rheumatic headache in cold, raw, wet seasons.
Hemicrania ; hysterical headache.
A small painful spot on forehead.
Increase of pain under vertex, with soreness of scalp, just over same ; painful soreness of vertex, it feels bruised.
Burning on vertex near forehead.
Heat of head : in morning ; with dark red face ; with coldness of rest of body ; with much thirst and pain in limbs when moving them ; worse in evening.
Tension and tearing in external head, worse from motion, touch, and in a warm room ; better lying quiet and on painful side.
Scalp very tender to touch ; child cannot bear even a soft brush. θ Dandruff.
Soreness in occiput and behind ears ; worse from touch and in dry weather ; better lying on painful side and after sweat.
Oily, greasy sour-smelling perspiration on head (and whole body) during sleep, especially towards morning.
Hair seems very greasy, with a cool head ; hands become fatty while combing hair.
Dandruff ; scalp rough and uneven.
Burning heat or cold sweat on head.
Coldness on vertex, with cold hands, chilliness, inner heat and disagreeable throbbing through whole body.
Dread of light. θ Intermittent.
Aversion to light, particularly sunlight.
Optical illusions in bright or prismatic colors ; appearance of all the colors of the rainbow ; every object seemed covered with them.
Letters run together when reading.
Eyes sparkling ; watering ; dull or glassy.
Dim vision.
A bluish haze appeared before vision, (vision 20/50) with severe pain over eye like a needle going through eyes and head (compelling her to go to bed), with heat through whole head, worse by stooping. θ Hyperemia of optic nerve and retina.
Very sensitive pressive pain (coming and going) in left eyeball, especially violent on moving ball, with a feeling as if eye became smaller and was retracted.
Eyes very sore, feel as if pressed out of head.
Eyeballs excessively painful, cannot bear to have them touched.
Ciliary neuralgia ; pains very sharp and severe, making patient scream out ; pains worse by opening eye and any motion of ball ; eyes must be kept closed and at rest ; pains usually sharp, passing through eye into head or from eye downward into malar region and thence backward to occiput ; seat of pain becomes sore as a boil, least exertion, talking, moving or using eyes, aggravates.
Stitches in eyes.
Soreness and aching of eyes when moving them.
Pressing, crushing pain in eyes, worse on motion.
Burning in eyes and edges of lids.
Sensation as if there was sand in eyes ; pressure.
Aching and pulsation in left orbit.
Inflammation of eyes, aggravated by heat.
Inflammation of eyes and lids, especially in newborn infants and gouty subjects.
Inflammation of eye, redness, photophobia, at same time violent pains in teeth and face ; worse from warmth and better by cold.
Inflammation extends to choroid ; opacities in vitreous ; iris tremulous ; great ciliary injection ; pus in anterior chamber ; eyeball sore on moving, darting pains from l. eye through head, with heaviness of head afternoons. θ Acute irido-choroiditis.
Rheumatic iritis, caused by cold, with steady aching pain in back part of eye, extending through to occiput ; worse at night and on motion.
Choroiditis uncomplicated with iritis, especially in serous or exudative forms.
Eyeball feels full, as if pressed out, with sharp shooting pains in eye and head, worse at night. θ Glaucoma.
Periodical inflammation of eyes, with colic.
Burning redness of eyes. θ Rheumatic attack.
Painless twitching and drawing together of left upper lid, with sensation of heaviness therein.
Puffiness of right upper lid.
Swollen eyelids, especially the upper. θ Pertussis.
Lids swollen and puffed.
Burning in eyes and edges of eyelids.
Itching and burning of margin of lids.
Dry burning-itching tetters on lids.
Scalding in corners of eyes aggravated at night.
Frequent lachrymation.
Severe burning and lachrymation of right eye.
Morning, agglutination and frequent lachrymation.
Discharge of mucus from eye, obstructing vision.
Rheumatic inflammation of eyes.
Intolerance of noise.
Ringing ; roaring ; humming or chirping.
Roaring, humming in left ear, resembling pouring of water over a dam.
Head feels light, with constant wabbling in both ears.
Discharge of blood from ears. θ Vicarious menstruation.
Feeling of stoppage in ears.
Obstruction in external meatus.
Swelling, redness, painful sensitiveness and heat of external r. ear ; at times piercing stitches deep into ear ; swelling and painfulness of right parotid gland, especially sensitive to even slight touch of steel bows of spectacles.
Otorrhoea following inflammation.
Complaints predominating in external ears.
Boil in front of ear.
Threatening suppuration of parotid.
Frequent sneezing.
When coughing, sneezing twice.
Sneezing between coughs.
Loss of smell.
Nosebleed in morning after rising ; less frequently during day, but sometimes during sleep.
Bleeding of nose, especially in morning, with suppressed menstruation.
Nosebleed. θ Pertussis.
Nosebleed in morning awakening from sleep ; blood florid. θ Vicarious menstruation. θ Scarlatina.
Epistaxis and checked menses, or in place of catamenia with other menstrual derangements.
Dry cold in head.
Dry nasal catarrh. θ Pertussis.
Fluid, thin, light-colored discharge from right nostril.
Catarrh extending to frontal sinuses or into chest.
Fluent coryza, watery or greenish.
Fluent coryza, beginning with violent frequent sneezing ; also stitching headache when stooping, with hoarseness.
Profuse coryza without cough.
Swollen nose with inflamed nostrils.
Swelling of nose, with very sore pain when touched.
Swollen nose, with nosebleed for several days.
Inflamed and ulcerated nostrils.
Nose much swollen, with sharp pain ; sore to touch.
Swelling of tip of nose, with twitching pain in it, and on touch feeling as if it would ulcerate.
There is a motion, more or less constant, of jaws, as if chewing.
Pinching pressure in articular cavity of right jaw, more violent on motion.
Dull aching, in alveoli of upper jaw, right side, now jumping, then mild.
Twitching, tearing in right malar bone up to right temple, externally sore to touch.
Painful pressure under right cheek bone better by external pressure.
Bloatedness, or swelling of face.
Face swollen, even to closing eyes.
Red, burning, hot face.
Red spots on face and neck.
Red, round, hot spot on cheek, over malar bone.
Face bluish-red, with difficult inspiration.
Hot, bloated, red face.
Face red, hot puffed. θ Pertussis.
Yellow paleness of face, or livid color.
Nodosities, indurations and boils on face.
Tetters in face ; after washing, red and smooth.
Complaints predominate on lower jaw and lip.
Drawing and tearing pain, from temple down to malar bone and lower jaw. сompare prosopalgia. θ Trismus.
Twitching in both corners of mouth.
Constant motion of mouth, as if chewing. θ вrain affections of children.
Upper lip and nose swollen, red, and hot.
Lower lip dry, black, thickly incrusted, everted and very sensitive.
Lips dry, swollen, cracked. θ Diarrhoea. θ Typhus.
Mouth and lips very dry.
Dryness of lips and tongue, with thirst, drinking much at a time, but not often.
Great dryness of lips, of tongue and of hard palate, while tip of tongue was moist.
Parched and dry lips, likes to moisten them often ; mouth dry, very thirsty for cold water.
Lips parched, dry and cracked.
Children pick lips. сompare Rhus tox.
Lips cracked and bleeding. θ Pertussis.
Lips swollen, with a biting, burning eruption.
Scrofulous, swollen lips.
Ulcerated lips.
Mouth and throat
Toothache about 3 A. M., as if an exposed nerve in a hollow tooth was paining from cold air, worse lying on painless side, goes away if one lies on painful side.
In evening, in bed, jerking toothache, now in upper, now in lower back teeth ; when pain is in upper teeth and they are pressed by tip of finger, pain suddenly ceases and changes to corresponding lower teeth.
Jerking toothache when smoking.
Drawing, at times jerking toothache in left upper back teeth, only during and after eating, when teeth seem too long and wobble.
Pain as if a tooth was screwed in and then pulled out, better by cold water, better on walking in open air, together with tearing in cheeks and pinching in ears, at night till 6 A. M.
Drawing, jumping toothache when eating, just after eating, or evening in bed ; worse from warmth.
Darting, or flushing pain in teeth.
Toothache from an exposed nerve ; sensitiveness of decayed teeth to contact of air.
Teeth feel too long and loose.
Tearing, stitching toothache while eating, extending to muscles of neck, worse by warmth.
Toothache shooting from one tooth to another, or into head and cheeks.
Worse from brushing teeth. сompare Staphis.
Toothache on introducing anything warm into mouth.
Toothache better by cold water, or lying on painful side.
Toothache worse from smoking or chewing tobacco ; from taking anything warm into mouth.
Teeth and gums sore.
Painful swelling of gums.
Aching of gums with teething children. Similar to Dolichos.
Teeth are loose.
Toothache : shooting from one tooth to another, or into head and cheeks ; from an exposed nerve (sensitiveness of decayed teeth to contact of air) ; pain worse from smoking or chewing tobacco, from introducing anything warm into mouth ; , momentarily, by cold water, and when lying on painful side.
Loss of taste.
Offensive smell from mouth, with hawking of offensive tough mucus, sometimes in round cheesy lumps, size of pea.
Bad odor from mouth, as of the monthly.
Accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth and throat, which, at times, almost chokes patient. θ Typhoid.
Accumulation of saliva in mouth. θ Pertussis.
Dryness in mouth, so that tongue sticks to palate.
Dryness in mouth, without thirst, or with thirst for large quantities of water.
Dry mouth during chills. θ Intermittent.
Mouth and lips very dry ; only momentarily relieved by drinking.
Dryness of mouth, tongue and throat.
Feeling of dryness in mouth. θ Diphtheritis.
Aphtha ; with infantile diarrhoea ; open fontanelles.
A great deal of phlegm comes down from choana.
Scraping and roughness in back of throat.
Back of throat seems swollen ; feels as if he had a severe coryza, which hinders him when reading.
Tough mucus in fauces, loosened by hawking.
Harassing, fatiguing hawking of mucus ; fears he will suffocate ; retching ; cannot sleep ; flighty ; sees faces when closing eyes.
Sensation of pressure and fulness in throat.
Pressive pain in right tonsil.
Slight pain in left tonsil.
Stitches in throat when swallowing.
Sticking pain on swallowing, on feeling of throat, and on bending neck.
Itching needle like stitches in throat (especially when walking rapidly), which irritate and cause scratching ; disappear after scratching.
Stitches and scratching in throat. θ Pertussis.
Constant disposition to swallow, with sharp, stinging pain in external parts (r. side), on a line with promontory of larynx.
Great dryness in fauces and throat, sometimes with burning.
Dryness of pharynx, with smarting just behind pomum adami.
Feeling of numbness from stomach up through oesophagus, with diarrhoea and tenesmus.
Pain in throat ; throat is dry and raw on empty swallowing ; on drinking this sensation disappears for a short time, but soon returns ; worse in a warm room.
Crawling sensation in throat inducing a cough, followed by mucous sputa.
Sensation of swelling and constriction in oesophagus.
Quickly prostrated ; shuns all motion ; complains on moving, or when being moved, of pain everywhere ; white tongue ; feeling of dryness in mouth without particular thirst or with desire for large quantities. θ Diphtheria.
Aphthous patches on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces.
Constitutional tendency to a aphthous formation in throat.
Tickling in larynx. θ Acute bronchitis.
Voice nasal or raised.
Hoarseness. With inclination to sweat ; with singers.
Hoarseness. θ Pertussis. θ After measles.
Sensation of apple-seed cell lodged in upper larynx, or rima glottidis.
Bronchial croup ; hoarseness, with tendency to perspire ; dry, hacking, painful cough, worse in going from cold into warm air ; gasping for breath before a fit of coughing ; after measles ; also in rheumatic diathesis.
Soreness in trachea. θ Pertussis.
Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only after frequent hawking.
When he goes into a warm room from open air, a sensation as if vapor was in trachea, which causes him to cough ; he feels as though he cannot inspire enough air.
Irritation to cough as though some mucus was present ; after he has coughed some time, a pain is felt there mingled with pressure and soreness ; pain is worse while talking or smoking.
Burning sensation in veins.
Inflammation of mucous and serous membranes. θ Acute catarrh. θ Pleuritis. θ Pericarditis. θ Peritonitis.
Stitches in all serous membranes.
Inflammations that have advanced to stage of serous effusion.
Rheumatic affection of joints. сompare Mercurius subl.
Drawing and pain as if luxated in medium and smaller joints.
Stiffness and stitches in joints.
Stitching pains in region of large joints as in shoulder, over trochanter, and at knee ; all aggravated by motion, touch, or any jar or shock.
Arthritic affections ; nodosities.
Erysipelas of joints.
Rheumatism, with redness and swelling of joints ; motion is intolerable.
Rheumatism, muscular and articular.
Soreness appears to be sheath of tendon, but principally in periosteum and ligaments ; there do not appear to be that swelling of joints, stiffness and dread of motion that usually characterize rheumatism ; but motion always increases pain.
Swelling (pale or red) of affected parts, with inability to move them.
Joints red, swollen, shining, stiff, with stitching pain from slightest motion.
Fixed, acute rheumatism, aggravated by motion ; travels slowly from joint to joint.
Violent pains in scrofulous swollen joints.
Gouty, red, shining swelling of single parts, with stinging when moving them.
Hardness in groups of muscles affected by neuralgia.
Involuntary muscles seem not to be greatly embarrassed ; sphincters not relaxed.
Swelling and induration of glands and other parts, pale, tender.
Dropsical swelling increase during day and diminish during night.
Emaciation predominates.
Suppuration of cellular tissue.
In acute abscess, promotes resorption of pus.
In evening, in bed, jerking toothache, now in upper, now in lower back teeth ; when pain is in upper teeth and they are pressed by tip of finger, pain suddenly ceases and changes to corresponding lower teeth.
Jerking toothache when smoking.
Drawing, at times jerking toothache in left upper back teeth, only during and after eating, when teeth seem too long and wobble.
Pain as if a tooth was screwed in and then pulled out, better by cold water, better on walking in open air, together with tearing in cheeks and pinching in ears, at night till 6 A. M.
Drawing, jumping toothache when eating, just after eating, or evening in bed ; worse from warmth.
Darting, or flushing pain in teeth.
Toothache from an exposed nerve ; sensitiveness of decayed teeth to contact of air.
Teeth feel too long and loose.
Tearing, stitching toothache while eating, extending to muscles of neck, worse by warmth.
Toothache shooting from one tooth to another, or into head and cheeks.
Worse from brushing teeth. сompare Staphis.
Toothache on introducing anything warm into mouth.
Toothache better by cold water, or lying on painful side.
Toothache worse from smoking or chewing tobacco ; from taking anything warm into mouth.
Teeth and gums sore.
Painful swelling of gums.
Aching of gums with teething children. Similar to Dolichos.
Teeth are loose.
Toothache : shooting from one tooth to another, or into head and cheeks ; from an exposed nerve (sensitiveness of decayed teeth to contact of air) ; pain worse from smoking or chewing tobacco, from introducing anything warm into mouth ; , momentarily, by cold water, and when lying on painful side.
Loss of taste.
Offensive smell from mouth, with hawking of offensive tough mucus, sometimes in round cheesy lumps, size of pea.
Bad odor from mouth, as of the monthly.
Accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth and throat, which, at times, almost chokes patient. θ Typhoid.
Accumulation of saliva in mouth. θ Pertussis.
Dryness in mouth, so that tongue sticks to palate.
Dryness in mouth, without thirst, or with thirst for large quantities of water.
Dry mouth during chills. θ Intermittent.
Mouth and lips very dry ; only momentarily relieved by drinking.
Dryness of mouth, tongue and throat.
Feeling of dryness in mouth. θ Diphtheritis.
Aphtha ; with infantile diarrhoea ; open fontanelles.
A great deal of phlegm comes down from choana.
Scraping and roughness in back of throat.
Back of throat seems swollen ; feels as if he had a severe coryza, which hinders him when reading.
Tough mucus in fauces, loosened by hawking.
Harassing, fatiguing hawking of mucus ; fears he will suffocate ; retching ; cannot sleep ; flighty ; sees faces when closing eyes.
Sensation of pressure and fulness in throat.
Pressive pain in right tonsil.
Slight pain in left tonsil.
Stitches in throat when swallowing.
Sticking pain on swallowing, on feeling of throat, and on bending neck.
Itching needle like stitches in throat (especially when walking rapidly), which irritate and cause scratching ; disappear after scratching.
Stitches and scratching in throat. θ Pertussis.
Constant disposition to swallow, with sharp, stinging pain in external parts (r. side), on a line with promontory of larynx.
Great dryness in fauces and throat, sometimes with burning.
Dryness of pharynx, with smarting just behind pomum adami.
Feeling of numbness from stomach up through oesophagus, with diarrhoea and tenesmus.
Pain in throat ; throat is dry and raw on empty swallowing ; on drinking this sensation disappears for a short time, but soon returns ; worse in a warm room.
Crawling sensation in throat inducing a cough, followed by mucous sputa.
Sensation of swelling and constriction in oesophagus.
Quickly prostrated ; shuns all motion ; complains on moving, or when being moved, of pain everywhere ; white tongue ; feeling of dryness in mouth without particular thirst or with desire for large quantities. θ Diphtheria.
Aphthous patches on mucous membrane of mouth and fauces.
Constitutional tendency to a aphthous formation in throat.
Tickling in larynx. θ Acute bronchitis.
Voice nasal or raised.
Hoarseness. With inclination to sweat ; with singers.
Hoarseness. θ Pertussis. θ After measles.
Sensation of apple-seed cell lodged in upper larynx, or rima glottidis.
Bronchial croup ; hoarseness, with tendency to perspire ; dry, hacking, painful cough, worse in going from cold into warm air ; gasping for breath before a fit of coughing ; after measles ; also in rheumatic diathesis.
Soreness in trachea. θ Pertussis.
Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only after frequent hawking.
When he goes into a warm room from open air, a sensation as if vapor was in trachea, which causes him to cough ; he feels as though he cannot inspire enough air.
Irritation to cough as though some mucus was present ; after he has coughed some time, a pain is felt there mingled with pressure and soreness ; pain is worse while talking or smoking.
Burning sensation in veins.
Inflammation of mucous and serous membranes. θ Acute catarrh. θ Pleuritis. θ Pericarditis. θ Peritonitis.
Stitches in all serous membranes.
Inflammations that have advanced to stage of serous effusion.
Rheumatic affection of joints. сompare Mercurius subl.
Drawing and pain as if luxated in medium and smaller joints.
Stiffness and stitches in joints.
Stitching pains in region of large joints as in shoulder, over trochanter, and at knee ; all aggravated by motion, touch, or any jar or shock.
Arthritic affections ; nodosities.
Erysipelas of joints.
Rheumatism, with redness and swelling of joints ; motion is intolerable.
Rheumatism, muscular and articular.
Soreness appears to be sheath of tendon, but principally in periosteum and ligaments ; there do not appear to be that swelling of joints, stiffness and dread of motion that usually characterize rheumatism ; but motion always increases pain.
Swelling (pale or red) of affected parts, with inability to move them.
Joints red, swollen, shining, stiff, with stitching pain from slightest motion.
Fixed, acute rheumatism, aggravated by motion ; travels slowly from joint to joint.
Violent pains in scrofulous swollen joints.
Gouty, red, shining swelling of single parts, with stinging when moving them.
Hardness in groups of muscles affected by neuralgia.
Involuntary muscles seem not to be greatly embarrassed ; sphincters not relaxed.
Swelling and induration of glands and other parts, pale, tender.
Dropsical swelling increase during day and diminish during night.
Emaciation predominates.
Suppuration of cellular tissue.
In acute abscess, promotes resorption of pus.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : flat, insipid, pasty, sweetish, putrid, sickly, disgusting, nauseous, bitter.
She has almost no taste for food ; when not eating, mouth is bitter.
Bitter taste remains in posterior part of palate after dinner.
Everything tastes bitter ; cannot swallow food.
Taste bitter or putrid, with offensive breath.
Nauseous, bitter taste in mouth in morning.
Dry tongue.
Trembling of tongue.
Great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips. θ сonstipation.
Tongue dry, rough, cracked and dark brown.
Dryness of tongue, with sensation of prominent papilla.
Dryness of lips, tongue and hard palate, while tip of tongue is moist.
Small aphtha on tip of tongue.
Fine pricking in anterior third of tongue.
Tongue coated greyish, or thickly yellow, with lips dry and cracked.
Tongue thinly coated yellow, with sunken raphe, or longitudinal fissure.
White tongue with red edges.
Tongue dry and red, brown, white or yellow. θ Diarrhoea.
Tongue thickly coated white. θ Diphterits.
Tongue coated white or yellow, especially in middle.
Very much furred tongue.
Dark brown colored, bilious.
Tongue viscous, bilious.
Dry, white, filthy tongue. θ Rheumatic attack.
Too great appetite.
Unnatural hunger for six days.
Abnormal hunger ; he must eat often.
Eats little and often.
Loss of appetite ; thirst for cold water.
Aversion to food.
Desires things, immediately, which when offered are refused.
Desire for unusual things ; acids, sweets, strong coffee, oysters, etc.
Desire for acids.
Hasty and eager drinking. θ вrain diseases.
Great thirst day and night.
Great thirst (obliged to drink much cold water), internal heat without feeling hot externally.
Great thirst ; desire for large quantities of cold water.
Thirst for large quantities at long intervals.
Great thirst ; she can and must drink a great deal at once ; drink does not distress her.
Thirst during stool.
Violent thirst for cold water ; drinks a great deal at a time. θ Pertussis.
No appetite for milk ; but if he takes it, the appetite therefor returns and he begins to relish it.
Desire for warm drink, and relieved by it.
Desire for cold and acid drinks. θ Diarrhoea.
Aversion to greasy food.
Desire for things which are not to be had, or are refused when offered. θ Diarrhoea.
Some complaints better on an empty stomach.
A great many symptoms directly after dinner and during first half of afternoon.
Almost always worse after eating, particularly after a satisfying meal.
After eating, constricting pain in stomach, then cutting in epigastrium, followed by vomiting of food ; worse from motion.
After eating. Sensation of weight in stomach, as of a heavy stone ; eructations, flatulency. θ Gastric derangement.
Pressure in stomach after eating, especially after eating bread.
Snapping noises in left side of stomach, as if victuals were pushed to left side.
After eating oysters or chicken salad, tasteless eructations.
Sauerkraut, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables, particularly nitrogenized foods, disagree.
Incarceration of hernia after eating cold fruit.
She has almost no taste for food ; when not eating, mouth is bitter.
Bitter taste remains in posterior part of palate after dinner.
Everything tastes bitter ; cannot swallow food.
Taste bitter or putrid, with offensive breath.
Nauseous, bitter taste in mouth in morning.
Dry tongue.
Trembling of tongue.
Great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips. θ сonstipation.
Tongue dry, rough, cracked and dark brown.
Dryness of tongue, with sensation of prominent papilla.
Dryness of lips, tongue and hard palate, while tip of tongue is moist.
Small aphtha on tip of tongue.
Fine pricking in anterior third of tongue.
Tongue coated greyish, or thickly yellow, with lips dry and cracked.
Tongue thinly coated yellow, with sunken raphe, or longitudinal fissure.
White tongue with red edges.
Tongue dry and red, brown, white or yellow. θ Diarrhoea.
Tongue thickly coated white. θ Diphterits.
Tongue coated white or yellow, especially in middle.
Very much furred tongue.
Dark brown colored, bilious.
Tongue viscous, bilious.
Dry, white, filthy tongue. θ Rheumatic attack.
Too great appetite.
Unnatural hunger for six days.
Abnormal hunger ; he must eat often.
Eats little and often.
Loss of appetite ; thirst for cold water.
Aversion to food.
Desires things, immediately, which when offered are refused.
Desire for unusual things ; acids, sweets, strong coffee, oysters, etc.
Desire for acids.
Hasty and eager drinking. θ вrain diseases.
Great thirst day and night.
Great thirst (obliged to drink much cold water), internal heat without feeling hot externally.
Great thirst ; desire for large quantities of cold water.
Thirst for large quantities at long intervals.
Great thirst ; she can and must drink a great deal at once ; drink does not distress her.
Thirst during stool.
Violent thirst for cold water ; drinks a great deal at a time. θ Pertussis.
No appetite for milk ; but if he takes it, the appetite therefor returns and he begins to relish it.
Desire for warm drink, and relieved by it.
Desire for cold and acid drinks. θ Diarrhoea.
Aversion to greasy food.
Desire for things which are not to be had, or are refused when offered. θ Diarrhoea.
Some complaints better on an empty stomach.
A great many symptoms directly after dinner and during first half of afternoon.
Almost always worse after eating, particularly after a satisfying meal.
After eating, constricting pain in stomach, then cutting in epigastrium, followed by vomiting of food ; worse from motion.
After eating. Sensation of weight in stomach, as of a heavy stone ; eructations, flatulency. θ Gastric derangement.
Pressure in stomach after eating, especially after eating bread.
Snapping noises in left side of stomach, as if victuals were pushed to left side.
After eating oysters or chicken salad, tasteless eructations.
Sauerkraut, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables, particularly nitrogenized foods, disagree.
Incarceration of hernia after eating cold fruit.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea : on assuming an erect position ; after eating ; with waterbrash.
After eating : belching, tasting of food ; diarrhoea.
Gastric derangement after old sausages, old cheese, cabbage, sauerkraut, fruit, turnips, salads, milk, etc.
Stomach distended with wind after eating, especially after oysters and chicken salad in evening.
Bitter vomiting when drinking immediately after a meal.
Distension of abdomen, especially after eating.
Worse after eating or drinking. θ Pertussis.
Spasmodic cough after drinking. θ Aphtha.
Headache when drinking after being heated.
A glass of wine in evening caused heartburn.
Frequent drinking of cold water relieved bitter taste and inclination to vomit.
Hiccough after eating, on every shock caused by it pressure in forehead, as if brain shook from behind forward.
Frequent empty eructations, mostly bitter. θ Pertussis.
Bitter or sour belching with sour or tasteless waterbrash.
Eructations after eating, bitter, sour, or tasting of what has been eaten.
Shooting pain with belching.
Pressive pain, with continuous eructations and vomiting afterwards of greenish-yellow mucus ; often by every step stomach is made very sensitive.
Heartburn from wine, evenings.
Profuse waterbrash and vomiting after eating.
Gulping up of food after every meal ; sometimes sour.
Food is thrown up immediately after eating ; constipation ; lips dry and cracked.
Something bitter rises into mouth, without eructations, with nausea.
Nausea : in abdomen ; in stomach and oesophagus ; before stool ; after meals eaten with relish ; on waking in morning ; increased or brought on by slightest motion, must lie quiet ; desires to keep still, with splitting headache ; with bitter eructations ; when rising up and while sitting up in bed, has to lie down again ; after eating, sometimes with vomiting of food, retained by keeping very quiet after meal ; and vomiting in morning when waking.
Nausea. θ Pertussis.
Constant nausea and thirst. θ сonstipation.
Nausea and fainting on sitting up. θ Diarrhoea.
After nausea : canine hunger.
Nausea and vomiting, morning and evening, chiefly water and mucus.
Nausea and vomiting during heat. θ Intermittent.
Empty retching, with waterbrash.
Vomiting and belching.
Vomiting. Of solid food, not of drink (pertussis) ; of food, immediately after eating ; after eating bread ; of food and a fluid consisting of mucus and bile, tasting very bitter - during stool ; after drinking ; bitter, when drinking immediately after meal ; first of bile, then of food (pertussis) ; of food when coughing ; sour with eructations ; bitter, musty or putrid liquid, which leaves similar taste in mouth ; of bitter substances, or of yellow green mucus (diarrhoea) ; of food, with hiccough and retching ; of blood ; during cholera season ; of bile, with pain and heaviness in region of liver, radiating to right shoulder ;
Vomiting and rumbling after chills. θ Intermittent.
After vomiting : sensation as if stomach was distended.
Gulping up of phlegm during night.
Severe stitches in left side accompanying vomiting ;
Pain in pit of stomach.
Pressure in pit of stomach as if there was a stone in it ; goes off with much eructation.
Pressure of fulness in pit of stomach ; worse by motion.
Pressure and stitches in pit of stomach and right hypochonder. θ Icterus.
Feeling as if pit of stomach was swollen.
Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing.
Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch and pressure.
Heat in pit of stomach ; worse during every inspiration.
Large abscess at pit of stomach after a blow.
Epigastric region painful to pressure.
Epigastric region painful to touch ; cannot endure clothes.
Cutting as with knives in epigastric region.
Burning in stomach and pit of stomach ; especially when moving.
Tension in pit of stomach, with feeling of heat.
Stitching pain in region of stomach ; worse from motion, especially from a misstep.
Stitches in stomach.
Stitching in stomach when lying on side ; also in pit of stomach when making a false step.
Pains in stomach. θ Pertussis.
Gastric derangement from taking cold.
Stomachache with anxiety.
Burning in stomach and pit of stomach, especially when moving.
Stomach becomes extremely to touch or pressure.
Inflammation of stomach.
Swelling of stomach.
Stomach full and sensitive to pressure.
Sensation as though a stone lay in stomach ; epigastric region painful to touch.
Gastralgia : with inclination to commit suicide ; after a meal, or even while eating, patient complains of a pressure in pit of stomach as from a stone ; better by eructation, worse by motion and attended with constipation.
Pressure in stomach after eating, like from a stone ; makes him fretful.
Pressure in stomach as soon as he has eaten, and even while eating.
Constrictive pain in region of stomach as if that part was rolled up into a ball ; relief was obtained by drawing legs up against abdomen.
Distension of stomach and eructations of wind.
Feeling of emptiness of stomach, with distension of abdomen.
Numbness in stomach.
Painful tension of stomach, with soreness when touched. θ Rheumatic attack.
Burning in pit of stomach. θ Rheumatic attack.
Food oppressed stomach ; felt like a wad a epigastrium : often food regurgitated.
Pain excessive when in motion ; perfect relief from quiet or from eructations of wind.
Gastric affections ; dry mouth, tongue and throat, without thirst ; tongue coated more in middle ; giddy when stooping or rising ; forehead heavy ; face bloated or sallow, yellowish ; taste bitter ; food lies heavy, particularly bread ; pit of stomach sore to touch, constipation, etc.
Derangements of stomach, with gastric fever, chills and coldness.
All gastric symptoms easier when keeping quiet.
Gastric affections in young girls.
Burning pains along anterior connection of diaphragm with ribs.
Pressure in epigastrium ; worse after eating and when walking ; sometimes extending to umbilical regions, even to bladder and perineum.
Stitches and soreness in epigastrium and hypochondrium. θ Pertussis.
Tensive pain in region of liver.
Tensive, burning pain in hepatic region.
Tensive pain below false ribs in right hypochondrium, especially sensitive on deep inspiration.
Transient stitches in right hypochondrium, with painful sensitiveness of this region to hard pressure or deep inspiration.
Burning and stitching pain in hepatic region.
Stitches in liver, when touching it, when coughing and breathing. θ Inflammation of liver.
Congestion of liver.
Sticking pain in liver. θ Pertussis.
Pains in liver, mostly stinging or tensive and burning.
Stitches most frequent in region of spleen.
Stitching pain in spleen ; during chills. θ Intermittent.
Hard swelling of spleen ; crepitation on motion of legs ; pain in left hell ; bronchial catarrh ; in an old man.
Tearing pain from hip through abdomen to epigastrium.
Nausea in abdomen.
Sudden painful cuttings in intestines, with a feeling as though one was digging him with fingers, compelling him to bend double, better by profuse pasty evacuations.
Dull griping and cutting in intestines, prior to passage of flatus ; motion and standing increase pains.
Griping pains about navel.
Pains sticking and shooting in both sides of abdomen ; worse from motion ; changing into stitches from belly to stomach.
Stitches and other pains hinder respiration.
Stitches in abdomen. θ Pertussis.
Pains in abdomen flying upward.
Painless twitching in left side of abdomen, between navel and left flank, as of twitching in muscles of walls of abdomen, followed by sticking pains deep in left side of back.
Pain on a limited spot in abdomen, dull, with a throbbing sensation. θ Enteritis.
Slight, crampy, cutting pain, with heat in right hypogastric region, worse by every inspiration.
Slight, colic at time of rising and through forenoon.
Colic worse from motion.
Heat rising from abdomen into epigastrium and chest ; with heartburn ; worse at night ; with dry mouth and thirst.
Pain in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue.
During colic, must keep very still ; stools hard and dry, as if burnt.
All day long feeling in abdomen as though diarrhoea would set in ; same sensation exists in anus.
Cutting pains before stool.
Colic before stool.
Movement of flatus produces pain.
Rumbling and gurgling in bowels.
Abdominal plethora.
Distension of abdomen and rumbling, especially after eating. θ Pertussis.
Sense of distension and actual swelling about umbilicus.
Great distension in abdomen towards evening.
Distended abdomen ; continued motion in abdomen, colic, then constipation ; feels as if something lay in abdomen.
Distension of abdomen better by passage of offensive flatus.
Bloated abdomen θ Dropsy.
Great sensitiveness of abdomen.
Abdomen very sensitive, as if sore.
Tenderness of abdominal walls.
Peritonitis, with stinging, burning pains ; abdomen very sore to touch, with constipation, especially if in a rheumatic subject.
Hysterical spasms in abdomen.
Abdominal complaints from concussion or overlifting.
Pressing pain towards left inguinal ring when sitting down.
Pain in inguinal ring tensive, going down thighs. θ Quotidian fever.
A sense of pressure, heat, weight and powerlessness of sphincter ani and rectum.
After attacks of colic, escape of wind.
Passage of offensive flatus.
All day long, discharge of flatus.
Constant, or rather frequent, short emissions of offensive flatus.
With passing of flatus, sensation as though a diarrheic stool would come on.
Constant urging to stool, without succeeding. θ Enteritis.
Urging to stool, followed by copious, pasty evacuations : with relief of symptoms, except that confusion of head remained.
Griping and pinching in abdomen and in region of navel, as after taking cold, for several days, and a profuse, thin evacuation follows.
Awaking in morning with colic and urging to stool ; has to get up, stool follows. θ Intermittent.
Fermentation in abdomen ; almost impossible to retain stool. θ Diarrhoea.
Involuntary stool while asleep.
Diarrhoea preceded by colic, at night or early morning, after rising and walking about ; coming on so sudden, that escape is hard to prevent.
Slight pinching and moving in intestines, followed by watery stool ; with passage of flatus ; pinchings do not disappear, but are frequently repeated during afternoon : with a sensation of soreness in intestines, together with a dragging downward and outward ; with two profuse watery evacuations in one hour ; followed by a slight burning in anus.
Diarrhoea generally painful.
Colic with stool, like a constriction and griping with hand, which causes diarrhoea.
Bilious diarrhoea, with lancinating pain.
Loose stools, painless and undigested.
Frequent stools.
In morning a pasty, afterwards a liquid stool, of a strong odor ; followed by burning and soreness in anus.
Very offensive, profuse stool.
Diarrhoea putrid, smelling like old cheese ; worse (or only) in morning ; during hot weather.
Very offensive, pasty evacuations.
Diarrhoea-like, bilious, acrid stools ; soreness in anus, continuing eight days.
Bilious diarrhoea.
Stools like dirty water, with whitish granulated sediment of undigested food.
Brown, thin, fecal stools.
Thin, bloody stools.
Before stool : colic ; nausea.
Vomiting and purging during cholera season.
Hard stool passed with great exertion, with confusion of head.
Much straining in order to get through defecation.
During stool : burning in anus ; prolapse of rectum ; motion like fermentation in abdomen ; pain in stomach ; vomiting ; coldness and rigors ; thirst ; drowsiness.
During stool burning in anus. θ Diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea-like stool followed by prickling and burning in anus.
Slight burning with evacuation of stool and urine.
A pasty evacuation with burning in anus, soon after waking ; a second fluid stool in half an hour ; urinated very often, much each time, when at stool.
After stool : burning in rectum ; heat ; sleepiness.
Urging followed by copious pasty evacuations, with relief of all symptoms excepting confusion of head.
Almost always better after stool.
With diarrhoea great weakness in morning and forenoon. θ Intermittent.
Involuntary stools while asleep.
Diarrhoea especially at night and burning in anus with every passage.
Diarrhoea in morning, or worse in morning.
Diarrhoea in morning, after getting up, preceded by cutting pains in bowels.
Soft stool in morning.
Stools soft, getting thinner and thinner in morning after getting up till 10 A. M. θ Intermittent.
Much eaten at supper appears undigested in morning diarrhoea. θ Intermittent.
Diarrhoea after eating fruit or sauerkraut.
Diarrhoea during a spell of hot weather.
Stool pasty with much flatus, followed by hard portions, and again by soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish evacuation.
Stool very unsatisfactory, only after much straining, which caused a rush of blood to head, and a feeling of confusion in head.
Retention of stool, infrequent, large in form, solid ; passing with difficulty, attended by prolapsus and burning.
Stools too large in size.
Hard, tough stool, with protrusion of rectum.
Obstinate constipation ; stools very dry, large and hard, only passed after much straining.
Dry, parched stool passed with effort in morning.
Hard, black, dry and scanty stool.
Stools hard, dark and dry, as if burnt.
Chronic constipation, often causing severe headache ; stools very hard and dry, often expelled with difficulty.
Constipation of sucklings and lying-in women.
In horses : dung in small balls (hard) ; alternate lameness and swelling of hock joints, especially if feet swell while at rest.
Constipation. Tedious costiveness with difficult evacuation of small, hard stools, as if burnt. θ Rheumatic attack.
Two pasty offensive evacuation in afternoon, followed by burning in anus.
Sensation of plug in anus, at 6 A. M.
Burning pain in anus. θ Rheumatic attack.
Aching hemorrhoids.
Mucus and blood preceded by hard stool. θ сholera infantum.
Burning at anus during stools.
Diarrhoea alternating with constipation.
After eating : belching, tasting of food ; diarrhoea.
Gastric derangement after old sausages, old cheese, cabbage, sauerkraut, fruit, turnips, salads, milk, etc.
Stomach distended with wind after eating, especially after oysters and chicken salad in evening.
Bitter vomiting when drinking immediately after a meal.
Distension of abdomen, especially after eating.
Worse after eating or drinking. θ Pertussis.
Spasmodic cough after drinking. θ Aphtha.
Headache when drinking after being heated.
A glass of wine in evening caused heartburn.
Frequent drinking of cold water relieved bitter taste and inclination to vomit.
Hiccough after eating, on every shock caused by it pressure in forehead, as if brain shook from behind forward.
Frequent empty eructations, mostly bitter. θ Pertussis.
Bitter or sour belching with sour or tasteless waterbrash.
Eructations after eating, bitter, sour, or tasting of what has been eaten.
Shooting pain with belching.
Pressive pain, with continuous eructations and vomiting afterwards of greenish-yellow mucus ; often by every step stomach is made very sensitive.
Heartburn from wine, evenings.
Profuse waterbrash and vomiting after eating.
Gulping up of food after every meal ; sometimes sour.
Food is thrown up immediately after eating ; constipation ; lips dry and cracked.
Something bitter rises into mouth, without eructations, with nausea.
Nausea : in abdomen ; in stomach and oesophagus ; before stool ; after meals eaten with relish ; on waking in morning ; increased or brought on by slightest motion, must lie quiet ; desires to keep still, with splitting headache ; with bitter eructations ; when rising up and while sitting up in bed, has to lie down again ; after eating, sometimes with vomiting of food, retained by keeping very quiet after meal ; and vomiting in morning when waking.
Nausea. θ Pertussis.
Constant nausea and thirst. θ сonstipation.
Nausea and fainting on sitting up. θ Diarrhoea.
After nausea : canine hunger.
Nausea and vomiting, morning and evening, chiefly water and mucus.
Nausea and vomiting during heat. θ Intermittent.
Empty retching, with waterbrash.
Vomiting and belching.
Vomiting. Of solid food, not of drink (pertussis) ; of food, immediately after eating ; after eating bread ; of food and a fluid consisting of mucus and bile, tasting very bitter - during stool ; after drinking ; bitter, when drinking immediately after meal ; first of bile, then of food (pertussis) ; of food when coughing ; sour with eructations ; bitter, musty or putrid liquid, which leaves similar taste in mouth ; of bitter substances, or of yellow green mucus (diarrhoea) ; of food, with hiccough and retching ; of blood ; during cholera season ; of bile, with pain and heaviness in region of liver, radiating to right shoulder ;
Vomiting and rumbling after chills. θ Intermittent.
After vomiting : sensation as if stomach was distended.
Gulping up of phlegm during night.
Severe stitches in left side accompanying vomiting ;
Pain in pit of stomach.
Pressure in pit of stomach as if there was a stone in it ; goes off with much eructation.
Pressure of fulness in pit of stomach ; worse by motion.
Pressure and stitches in pit of stomach and right hypochonder. θ Icterus.
Feeling as if pit of stomach was swollen.
Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing.
Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch and pressure.
Heat in pit of stomach ; worse during every inspiration.
Large abscess at pit of stomach after a blow.
Epigastric region painful to pressure.
Epigastric region painful to touch ; cannot endure clothes.
Cutting as with knives in epigastric region.
Burning in stomach and pit of stomach ; especially when moving.
Tension in pit of stomach, with feeling of heat.
Stitching pain in region of stomach ; worse from motion, especially from a misstep.
Stitches in stomach.
Stitching in stomach when lying on side ; also in pit of stomach when making a false step.
Pains in stomach. θ Pertussis.
Gastric derangement from taking cold.
Stomachache with anxiety.
Burning in stomach and pit of stomach, especially when moving.
Stomach becomes extremely to touch or pressure.
Inflammation of stomach.
Swelling of stomach.
Stomach full and sensitive to pressure.
Sensation as though a stone lay in stomach ; epigastric region painful to touch.
Gastralgia : with inclination to commit suicide ; after a meal, or even while eating, patient complains of a pressure in pit of stomach as from a stone ; better by eructation, worse by motion and attended with constipation.
Pressure in stomach after eating, like from a stone ; makes him fretful.
Pressure in stomach as soon as he has eaten, and even while eating.
Constrictive pain in region of stomach as if that part was rolled up into a ball ; relief was obtained by drawing legs up against abdomen.
Distension of stomach and eructations of wind.
Feeling of emptiness of stomach, with distension of abdomen.
Numbness in stomach.
Painful tension of stomach, with soreness when touched. θ Rheumatic attack.
Burning in pit of stomach. θ Rheumatic attack.
Food oppressed stomach ; felt like a wad a epigastrium : often food regurgitated.
Pain excessive when in motion ; perfect relief from quiet or from eructations of wind.
Gastric affections ; dry mouth, tongue and throat, without thirst ; tongue coated more in middle ; giddy when stooping or rising ; forehead heavy ; face bloated or sallow, yellowish ; taste bitter ; food lies heavy, particularly bread ; pit of stomach sore to touch, constipation, etc.
Derangements of stomach, with gastric fever, chills and coldness.
All gastric symptoms easier when keeping quiet.
Gastric affections in young girls.
Burning pains along anterior connection of diaphragm with ribs.
Pressure in epigastrium ; worse after eating and when walking ; sometimes extending to umbilical regions, even to bladder and perineum.
Stitches and soreness in epigastrium and hypochondrium. θ Pertussis.
Tensive pain in region of liver.
Tensive, burning pain in hepatic region.
Tensive pain below false ribs in right hypochondrium, especially sensitive on deep inspiration.
Transient stitches in right hypochondrium, with painful sensitiveness of this region to hard pressure or deep inspiration.
Burning and stitching pain in hepatic region.
Stitches in liver, when touching it, when coughing and breathing. θ Inflammation of liver.
Congestion of liver.
Sticking pain in liver. θ Pertussis.
Pains in liver, mostly stinging or tensive and burning.
Stitches most frequent in region of spleen.
Stitching pain in spleen ; during chills. θ Intermittent.
Hard swelling of spleen ; crepitation on motion of legs ; pain in left hell ; bronchial catarrh ; in an old man.
Tearing pain from hip through abdomen to epigastrium.
Nausea in abdomen.
Sudden painful cuttings in intestines, with a feeling as though one was digging him with fingers, compelling him to bend double, better by profuse pasty evacuations.
Dull griping and cutting in intestines, prior to passage of flatus ; motion and standing increase pains.
Griping pains about navel.
Pains sticking and shooting in both sides of abdomen ; worse from motion ; changing into stitches from belly to stomach.
Stitches and other pains hinder respiration.
Stitches in abdomen. θ Pertussis.
Pains in abdomen flying upward.
Painless twitching in left side of abdomen, between navel and left flank, as of twitching in muscles of walls of abdomen, followed by sticking pains deep in left side of back.
Pain on a limited spot in abdomen, dull, with a throbbing sensation. θ Enteritis.
Slight, crampy, cutting pain, with heat in right hypogastric region, worse by every inspiration.
Slight, colic at time of rising and through forenoon.
Colic worse from motion.
Heat rising from abdomen into epigastrium and chest ; with heartburn ; worse at night ; with dry mouth and thirst.
Pain in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would ensue.
During colic, must keep very still ; stools hard and dry, as if burnt.
All day long feeling in abdomen as though diarrhoea would set in ; same sensation exists in anus.
Cutting pains before stool.
Colic before stool.
Movement of flatus produces pain.
Rumbling and gurgling in bowels.
Abdominal plethora.
Distension of abdomen and rumbling, especially after eating. θ Pertussis.
Sense of distension and actual swelling about umbilicus.
Great distension in abdomen towards evening.
Distended abdomen ; continued motion in abdomen, colic, then constipation ; feels as if something lay in abdomen.
Distension of abdomen better by passage of offensive flatus.
Bloated abdomen θ Dropsy.
Great sensitiveness of abdomen.
Abdomen very sensitive, as if sore.
Tenderness of abdominal walls.
Peritonitis, with stinging, burning pains ; abdomen very sore to touch, with constipation, especially if in a rheumatic subject.
Hysterical spasms in abdomen.
Abdominal complaints from concussion or overlifting.
Pressing pain towards left inguinal ring when sitting down.
Pain in inguinal ring tensive, going down thighs. θ Quotidian fever.
A sense of pressure, heat, weight and powerlessness of sphincter ani and rectum.
After attacks of colic, escape of wind.
Passage of offensive flatus.
All day long, discharge of flatus.
Constant, or rather frequent, short emissions of offensive flatus.
With passing of flatus, sensation as though a diarrheic stool would come on.
Constant urging to stool, without succeeding. θ Enteritis.
Urging to stool, followed by copious, pasty evacuations : with relief of symptoms, except that confusion of head remained.
Griping and pinching in abdomen and in region of navel, as after taking cold, for several days, and a profuse, thin evacuation follows.
Awaking in morning with colic and urging to stool ; has to get up, stool follows. θ Intermittent.
Fermentation in abdomen ; almost impossible to retain stool. θ Diarrhoea.
Involuntary stool while asleep.
Diarrhoea preceded by colic, at night or early morning, after rising and walking about ; coming on so sudden, that escape is hard to prevent.
Slight pinching and moving in intestines, followed by watery stool ; with passage of flatus ; pinchings do not disappear, but are frequently repeated during afternoon : with a sensation of soreness in intestines, together with a dragging downward and outward ; with two profuse watery evacuations in one hour ; followed by a slight burning in anus.
Diarrhoea generally painful.
Colic with stool, like a constriction and griping with hand, which causes diarrhoea.
Bilious diarrhoea, with lancinating pain.
Loose stools, painless and undigested.
Frequent stools.
In morning a pasty, afterwards a liquid stool, of a strong odor ; followed by burning and soreness in anus.
Very offensive, profuse stool.
Diarrhoea putrid, smelling like old cheese ; worse (or only) in morning ; during hot weather.
Very offensive, pasty evacuations.
Diarrhoea-like, bilious, acrid stools ; soreness in anus, continuing eight days.
Bilious diarrhoea.
Stools like dirty water, with whitish granulated sediment of undigested food.
Brown, thin, fecal stools.
Thin, bloody stools.
Before stool : colic ; nausea.
Vomiting and purging during cholera season.
Hard stool passed with great exertion, with confusion of head.
Much straining in order to get through defecation.
During stool : burning in anus ; prolapse of rectum ; motion like fermentation in abdomen ; pain in stomach ; vomiting ; coldness and rigors ; thirst ; drowsiness.
During stool burning in anus. θ Diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea-like stool followed by prickling and burning in anus.
Slight burning with evacuation of stool and urine.
A pasty evacuation with burning in anus, soon after waking ; a second fluid stool in half an hour ; urinated very often, much each time, when at stool.
After stool : burning in rectum ; heat ; sleepiness.
Urging followed by copious pasty evacuations, with relief of all symptoms excepting confusion of head.
Almost always better after stool.
With diarrhoea great weakness in morning and forenoon. θ Intermittent.
Involuntary stools while asleep.
Diarrhoea especially at night and burning in anus with every passage.
Diarrhoea in morning, or worse in morning.
Diarrhoea in morning, after getting up, preceded by cutting pains in bowels.
Soft stool in morning.
Stools soft, getting thinner and thinner in morning after getting up till 10 A. M. θ Intermittent.
Much eaten at supper appears undigested in morning diarrhoea. θ Intermittent.
Diarrhoea after eating fruit or sauerkraut.
Diarrhoea during a spell of hot weather.
Stool pasty with much flatus, followed by hard portions, and again by soft, so that he believed he would scarcely finish evacuation.
Stool very unsatisfactory, only after much straining, which caused a rush of blood to head, and a feeling of confusion in head.
Retention of stool, infrequent, large in form, solid ; passing with difficulty, attended by prolapsus and burning.
Stools too large in size.
Hard, tough stool, with protrusion of rectum.
Obstinate constipation ; stools very dry, large and hard, only passed after much straining.
Dry, parched stool passed with effort in morning.
Hard, black, dry and scanty stool.
Stools hard, dark and dry, as if burnt.
Chronic constipation, often causing severe headache ; stools very hard and dry, often expelled with difficulty.
Constipation of sucklings and lying-in women.
In horses : dung in small balls (hard) ; alternate lameness and swelling of hock joints, especially if feet swell while at rest.
Constipation. Tedious costiveness with difficult evacuation of small, hard stools, as if burnt. θ Rheumatic attack.
Two pasty offensive evacuation in afternoon, followed by burning in anus.
Sensation of plug in anus, at 6 A. M.
Burning pain in anus. θ Rheumatic attack.
Aching hemorrhoids.
Mucus and blood preceded by hard stool. θ сholera infantum.
Burning at anus during stools.
Diarrhoea alternating with constipation.
Urogenital system
Pain in region of kidneys.
Urine : copious and pale ; scanty and dark ; white, turbid ; brown, like beer ; hot and red ; deposits white sediment ; hot, scanty and red.
While water passes, a cutting or a constriction in urethra.
Brick-dust sediment in urine.
Great urgency, almost irresistible desire to urinate.
Frequent urination.
Urging to urinate from heavy lifting. θ Dyspnoea.
Pressure to urinate and involuntary discharge of urine.
Obliged to rise at night to urinate.
During exertion, urine passes involuntarily.
Urine frequent, but scanty, only exceptionally copious.
Between 6 and 7 P. M. urinated very often, much each time, when at stool.
Diminished secretion of urine ; hot, red.
White, turbid urine.
Urine profuse. θ Intermittent.
Small discharge of urine ; hot, of dark color ; when standing a short time becoming thick. θ Rheumatic attack.
Cutting in urethra ; sensation of constriction while urinating.
Before urinating : burning and cutting.
During urinating : burning and constricted feeling in urethra ; abdominal pains.
Burning, pressing, drawing and tearing in urethra.
Urine deposits a pinkish sediment, covering bottom of vessel.
During motion some drops of urine pass out of urethra without sensation.
Urine passed through night deposited a white sediment ; its color was reddish-yellow.
Burning in urethra, when not urinating.
Increased sexual desire.
Stitches in right testicle and spermatic cord.
Stitches in testicles while sitting.
Gleet ; burning ; green discharge.
Red itching eruption on glans penis.
Severe pain in region of r. ovary, like from a sore spot, causing an irritation and dragging ; pain extended down to thighs, while at rest ; pain aggravated by touch.
Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration ; can hardly bear least touch on affected parts ; worse on motion.
Pain in right ovary ; worse when touched.
Ovaritis with rheumatic affections and in confinement.
Uterine sufferings are increased by least motion.
Prolapsus uteri.
Dropsy of uterus ; swelling increases during day and diminishes at night.
Burning pain in fundus of uterus, right side.
Pinching and uneasiness in abdomen, as if menses should appear.
Hastens coming on of menses and increases flow.
Menstruation too early and too profuse, with dark red blood ; backache, splitting headache ; worse from motion.
Suppressed menses, with frequent bleeding of nose.
Catamenia too profuse and of long duration.
Amenorrhoea with abdominal and urinary symptoms.
During menstruation : pain in back and loins ; tearing in limbs ; headache ; nausea.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea.
When menses do not appear, bleeding from ear or nose.
Flooding of dark blood, with pain in small of back, and headache.
Swelling and inflammation of left labia majora.
Hard, black pustule on a swollen portion of left labia majora.
Pain in region of kidneys.
Urine : copious and pale ; scanty and dark ; white, turbid ; brown, like beer ; hot and red ; deposits white sediment ; hot, scanty and red.
While water passes, a cutting or a constriction in urethra.
Brick-dust sediment in urine.
Great urgency, almost irresistible desire to urinate.
Frequent urination.
Urging to urinate from heavy lifting. θ Dyspnoea.
Pressure to urinate and involuntary discharge of urine.
Obliged to rise at night to urinate.
During exertion, urine passes involuntarily.
Urine frequent, but scanty, only exceptionally copious.
Between 6 and 7 P. M. urinated very often, much each time, when at stool.
Diminished secretion of urine ; hot, red.
White, turbid urine.
Urine profuse. θ Intermittent.
Small discharge of urine ; hot, of dark color ; when standing a short time becoming thick. θ Rheumatic attack.
Cutting in urethra ; sensation of constriction while urinating.
Before urinating : burning and cutting.
During urinating : burning and constricted feeling in urethra ; abdominal pains.
Burning, pressing, drawing and tearing in urethra.
Urine deposits a pinkish sediment, covering bottom of vessel.
During motion some drops of urine pass out of urethra without sensation.
Urine passed through night deposited a white sediment ; its color was reddish-yellow.
Burning in urethra, when not urinating.
Increased sexual desire.
Stitches in right testicle and spermatic cord.
Stitches in testicles while sitting.
Gleet ; burning ; green discharge.
Red itching eruption on glans penis.
Severe pain in region of r. ovary, like from a sore spot, causing an irritation and dragging ; pain extended down to thighs, while at rest ; pain aggravated by touch.
Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration ; can hardly bear least touch on affected parts ; worse on motion.
Pain in right ovary ; worse when touched.
Ovaritis with rheumatic affections and in confinement.
Uterine sufferings are increased by least motion.
Prolapsus uteri.
Dropsy of uterus ; swelling increases during day and diminishes at night.
Burning pain in fundus of uterus, right side.
Pinching and uneasiness in abdomen, as if menses should appear.
Hastens coming on of menses and increases flow.
Menstruation too early and too profuse, with dark red blood ; backache, splitting headache ; worse from motion.
Suppressed menses, with frequent bleeding of nose.
Catamenia too profuse and of long duration.
Amenorrhoea with abdominal and urinary symptoms.
During menstruation : pain in back and loins ; tearing in limbs ; headache ; nausea.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea.
When menses do not appear, bleeding from ear or nose.
Flooding of dark blood, with pain in small of back, and headache.
Swelling and inflammation of left labia majora.
Hard, black pustule on a swollen portion of left labia majora.
Plant characteristics
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
During pregnancy : pain in abdomen and burning in uterus ; constipation ; spasmodic pains with chill, particularly after anger.
Threatened abortion.
Spasmodic labor pains.
Rheumatic pains in uterus.
After pains excited by least motion, even taking a deep inspiration.
Lochia too profuse, with burning pain in region of womb.
Lochial discharge often very offensive.
Suppression of lochia, with sensation as if head would burst.
Peritonitis puerperalis.
Milk fever, with rheumatic pains in breast.
Puerperal fever ; particularly when breasts are distended with milk ; deep inhalations are painful ; stitches in abdomen ; thirst for large quantities of water ; she cannot lie upon either side ; abdomen distended.
Suppression of sweat during confinement and ill effects therefrom.
Nursing women have taken cold ; ache all over ; head as if it would burst ; lips dry ; parched ; breasts swollen, feel heavy ; milk suppressed.
Rash, especially of lying-in women and their infants.
Drawing or lancinating pains from hip to foot ; worse from touch or motion. θ Phlegmasia alba dolens.
Excessive flow of milk.
Oozing out of milk ; secretion generally increased.
Scanty secretion of milk.
Tensive burning and tearing pain in mamma.
Inflamed mamma.
Stony heaviness of breasts.
Breasts feel heavy, are pale, but hard and painful.
Breasts have a stony hardness in them ; they are hot and pain, but not very red.
Left mamma swollen ; pains worse when lifting arm.
Nipples very hard.
Infant screams after nursing ; wind passes ; slimy, green diarrhoea.
Inflammation of mamma, with a sensation of heaviness ; a sort of stony heaviness ; mamma hard and pale (red streaks indicate вellad. ; suffering worse by motion (.
Inflammation of breasts, with suppression of flow of milk.
During weaning, swelling of breasts and axillary glands, particularly left.
With cows : painful swelling of udder.
Infant, sore mouth ; child does not like to take hold of breast, but after mouth becomes moistened it nurses well.
Lumps, indurations and inflammation of mamma, with diminished or retarded secretion of milk. θ Puerperal fever.
Children ache from being lifted or pressed.
Costive infants.
Children do not want to be carried, but lie quiet.
First stage of mammary abscess.
Prevents gathered breasts in most cases during lactation and after weaning. Phytol. follow well.
During pregnancy : pain in abdomen and burning in uterus ; constipation ; spasmodic pains with chill, particularly after anger.
Threatened abortion.
Spasmodic labor pains.
Rheumatic pains in uterus.
After pains excited by least motion, even taking a deep inspiration.
Lochia too profuse, with burning pain in region of womb.
Lochial discharge often very offensive.
Suppression of lochia, with sensation as if head would burst.
Peritonitis puerperalis.
Milk fever, with rheumatic pains in breast.
Puerperal fever ; particularly when breasts are distended with milk ; deep inhalations are painful ; stitches in abdomen ; thirst for large quantities of water ; she cannot lie upon either side ; abdomen distended.
Suppression of sweat during confinement and ill effects therefrom.
Nursing women have taken cold ; ache all over ; head as if it would burst ; lips dry ; parched ; breasts swollen, feel heavy ; milk suppressed.
Rash, especially of lying-in women and their infants.
Drawing or lancinating pains from hip to foot ; worse from touch or motion. θ Phlegmasia alba dolens.
Excessive flow of milk.
Oozing out of milk ; secretion generally increased.
Scanty secretion of milk.
Tensive burning and tearing pain in mamma.
Inflamed mamma.
Stony heaviness of breasts.
Breasts feel heavy, are pale, but hard and painful.
Breasts have a stony hardness in them ; they are hot and pain, but not very red.
Left mamma swollen ; pains worse when lifting arm.
Nipples very hard.
Infant screams after nursing ; wind passes ; slimy, green diarrhoea.
Inflammation of mamma, with a sensation of heaviness ; a sort of stony heaviness ; mamma hard and pale (red streaks indicate вellad. ; suffering worse by motion (.
Inflammation of breasts, with suppression of flow of milk.
During weaning, swelling of breasts and axillary glands, particularly left.
With cows : painful swelling of udder.
Infant, sore mouth ; child does not like to take hold of breast, but after mouth becomes moistened it nurses well.
Lumps, indurations and inflammation of mamma, with diminished or retarded secretion of milk. θ Puerperal fever.
Children ache from being lifted or pressed.
Costive infants.
Children do not want to be carried, but lie quiet.
First stage of mammary abscess.
Prevents gathered breasts in most cases during lactation and after weaning. Phytol. follow well.
Chest organs
Respiration with moist sound.
Breathing accelerated as though by a feeling of heat in epigastrium and chest.
Shortness of breath. θ Pertussis.
So weak she can scarcely speak, in morning. θ Intermittent.
Respiration quick and deep, but without motion of ribs.
Breathing better in cold air and from drinking cold water.
Amelioration, while making an expiration.
Worse from talking and laughing. θ Pertussis.
Breathing impeded by pressing pains, either just above epigastrium or over whole chest, or on sternum.
Cannot take a long breath on account of stitches in chest.
During inhalation, stitches through chest to scapula.
Stitches from left to right side of chest, during inspiration.
Breathing quick, difficult and anxious ; caused by stitches, principally in chest, compelling patient to sit up.
Shortness of breathing aggravated by slightest motion.
Panting for breath. θ Pertussis.
Crowing or grating breathing. θ Hydrocephalus of a child.
Breathing quick, difficult and anxious ; caused by stitches most in chest, compelling to sit up.
Deep, slow breathing.
Disposition to deep inspiration. θ Pertussis.
Inclined to draw a long breath ; sighing ; sobbing.
Constant disposition to sigh, and sigh deeply.
Tormented with a desire to take a long breath, which is hindered by a stitch in chest.
Frequent sighing-breathing.
Difficult breathing, only possible with assistance of abdominal muscles.
Attacks of dyspnoea and suffocation. θ Pertussis.
A suffocating feeling as from tight neckwear.
Asthma, with a feeling as if something should expand, but would not.
Paroxysms of asthma, at night, with stitching pains in abdomen.
Asthma and cough, with pains in middle of chest, preventing sleep at night, cannot lie ; tongue thick white, furred.
Dry cough.
Hacking dry cough from upper part of trachea.
Hacking cough from a definite spot in trachea, becoming sensitive ; worse from talking and smoking.
A dry, hacking cough ; single spasmodic forcible shocks towards upper part of trachea, which seems to be covered with dry, tough mucus, even tobacco smoking causes it.
Grippe with moist cough or rheumatic pains.
Dry, spasmodic cough, after eating and drinking, with vomiting of food, after a crawling and tickling in epigastrium.
Cough excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium. θ Pertussis.
Cough excited : by nausea, by eating or drinking, by creeping or tickling in throat or stomach, on entering a warm room.
Nausea excites cough and coughing after vomiting.
Dry cough, excited by a creeping or tickling in throat or stomach.
Cough from tickling in throat and pit of stomach ; in evening and at night without expectoration ; during day expectoration is yellow, or consists of coagulated brown blood, or of cold mucus of a disagreeable flat taste.
Cough from a sensation of vapor in trachea, preventing getting enough air.
Cough with sneezing.
Spasmodic cough, as from vapor of sulphur. θ Pertussis.
Dry, spasmodic cough, principally in night, and after drinking and eating, when entering a warm room, and after taking a deep inspiration.
Cough worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting of what had been eaten.
It seems to be impossible to drink without coughing. θ Pertussis.
Cough on coming from open air into a warm room.
Cough with stitching pains in brain.
Cough and stitches in head and chest ; or pain as if head and chest would burst.
Cough with stitches in sides of chest, or with headache as if head would fly to pieces.
Whooping cough with much sneezing.
Cough with vomiting and slimy mouth.
Cough with gagging, without nausea.
Dry cough, as if coming from stomach ; together with a crawling and tickling in pit of stomach.
Cough, mostly dry, caused by titillation in throat ; or spasmodic and suffocating, after eating and drinking, with vomiting of food.
During cough : scratching in throat ; shortness of breath ; catching of breath ; thoracic pains, better by pressure ; bruised feeling in hypochondriac regions, better by pressure ; pressing in head ; bursting pain in head and chest ; stitches in head, throat and chest, sides and epigastrium, or hypochondria ; pains in abdominal muscles ; nausea and vomiting of food ; sore pain in epigastrium ; lachrymation ; toothache.
Cough : with involuntary discharge of urine ; hoarseness ; red face ; worse by motion, talking, laughing, eating and thirst ; sneezing ; stitches in chest and small of back ; drinking.
Cough with rawness in larynx.
Cough with stitches in intercostal spaces and in sternum.
While coughing, they press with hand upon sternum as though it needed support ;
Cough with soreness in epigastrium and abdominal muscles.
Dry cough with pleuritic stitches ; during heat. θ Intermittent.
Cough compels to spring up in bed involuntarily. θ Typhoid pneumonia, etc.
Painful cough and difficult breathing. θ Pneumonia of infants.
Cough shaking whole body ; pain felt in head or in abdominal muscles.
Expectoration not constant ; morning and evening, sometimes also during day.
Sputa at first difficult to dislodge.
Sputa tough and hard to separate, falling in a jelly-like lump, light in color, almost a yellow or soft brick shade. θ Pneumonia.
Cough from a constant crawling upward in throat, followed by expectoration of mucus.
Cough with yellowish expectoration, or mucus streaked with blood.
Dry cough with brick-dust-colored expectoration.
Sputa not frequent, scanty, tough, sometimes bloody.
Cough evening and night, without expectoration ; morning and daytime with it, of mucus yellow or mixed with coagulated brownish blood. θ Pertussis.
Expectoration brown, like liver.
Cough, with bloody, rusty, tenacious expectoration.
Sputa of an unpleasant flat taste. θ Pertussis.
Sputa often cold. θ Pertussis.
Constriction of chest ; she felt the need of breathing deeply (as if chest was stopped and she could get no air), and if she attempted to breathe deeply there was pain in chest, as if something was being distended which could not be completely distended.
Sensation of heaviness beneath sternum, extending toward shoulder, impeding respiration ; deep inspiration was difficult ; oppression of right side of chest, with very fine, extremely severe stitches in right axillary gland.
Sense of fulness ; stuffed feeling throughout chest.
Stitch in upper part of chest, through shoulders, on inspiring.
Stitching, lancinating pains are most frequent in chest ; on inspiration or on turning around in bed ; situated in sides of chest or extend through from front to scapula.
Stitches in right side of chest between third and fourth ribs, while sitting.
Stitches in chest and sides of chest, especially when coughing or drawing a long breath, obliging one to sit up, or lie on back ; worse by motion.
Sharp stitching pain in chest below right nipple, extending outward, only on expiration.
Pricking pains below right nipple from within outward, in cavity of chest ; felt only during inspiration.
Chest very sensitive, with stitches in left side of it on inspiration ; whole forenoon.
Short but violent stitches in right side of chest, must hold breath, could not cry out.
Tearing stitches in left side of chest extend from behind forward, better during rest, worse during motion and on deep inspiration.
Stitching pain in region of diaphragm, worse from motion or coughing.
Stitches in chest, when breathing or coughing.
Stitch in side worse by cough, breathing and motion.
Stitches, soreness and burning pains in chest. θ Pertussis.
Sharp pain in left inframammary region ; worse during inspiration.
Complaints predominate in lower of chest.
Rheumatic pleurodynic pains in chest and lungs.
Chill in left chest.
Burning in right half of chest.
Heat in chest. θ Pleurisy. θ Pneumonia.
Heat and burning pain in chest.
Inflammation of first and second divisions of bronchi, with an irritative, shaking, dry cough ; heat ; pain and soreness behind sternum ; worse daytime and by motion.
Inflammatory affections of chest supervening in course of pertussis.
Pleuritic pains in advanced stage of phthisis.
Pleurisy with fluid exudation.
Pleuritis ; pneumonia.
Pleuro-pneumonia, with stabbing pains ; frequent respiration ; bloody expectoration ; high fever ; bursting headache ; worse on motion and deep inspiration.
In pneumonia with scanty expectoration, tough, falling in a round jelly-like lump, in color almost a yellow or soft brick shade.
Acute, inflammatory condition in catarrh of old people.
Incipient phthisis.
Soreness of ribs, as if beaten.
Painful spot, as from a bruise, on second rib, right side extending to sternum.
A painful spot on second rib of right side, extending to sternum, as after a blow or bruise.
Pressive pain in precordial region.
Rheumatism of muscles of chest.
Stitches in sternum on coughing ; was obliged to hold chest with hand ; even pressing upon it caused a sticking.
Seat of pain in chest is sensitive to pressure and when arms are moved.
Breathing accelerated as though by a feeling of heat in epigastrium and chest.
Shortness of breath. θ Pertussis.
So weak she can scarcely speak, in morning. θ Intermittent.
Respiration quick and deep, but without motion of ribs.
Breathing better in cold air and from drinking cold water.
Amelioration, while making an expiration.
Worse from talking and laughing. θ Pertussis.
Breathing impeded by pressing pains, either just above epigastrium or over whole chest, or on sternum.
Cannot take a long breath on account of stitches in chest.
During inhalation, stitches through chest to scapula.
Stitches from left to right side of chest, during inspiration.
Breathing quick, difficult and anxious ; caused by stitches, principally in chest, compelling patient to sit up.
Shortness of breathing aggravated by slightest motion.
Panting for breath. θ Pertussis.
Crowing or grating breathing. θ Hydrocephalus of a child.
Breathing quick, difficult and anxious ; caused by stitches most in chest, compelling to sit up.
Deep, slow breathing.
Disposition to deep inspiration. θ Pertussis.
Inclined to draw a long breath ; sighing ; sobbing.
Constant disposition to sigh, and sigh deeply.
Tormented with a desire to take a long breath, which is hindered by a stitch in chest.
Frequent sighing-breathing.
Difficult breathing, only possible with assistance of abdominal muscles.
Attacks of dyspnoea and suffocation. θ Pertussis.
A suffocating feeling as from tight neckwear.
Asthma, with a feeling as if something should expand, but would not.
Paroxysms of asthma, at night, with stitching pains in abdomen.
Asthma and cough, with pains in middle of chest, preventing sleep at night, cannot lie ; tongue thick white, furred.
Dry cough.
Hacking dry cough from upper part of trachea.
Hacking cough from a definite spot in trachea, becoming sensitive ; worse from talking and smoking.
A dry, hacking cough ; single spasmodic forcible shocks towards upper part of trachea, which seems to be covered with dry, tough mucus, even tobacco smoking causes it.
Grippe with moist cough or rheumatic pains.
Dry, spasmodic cough, after eating and drinking, with vomiting of food, after a crawling and tickling in epigastrium.
Cough excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium. θ Pertussis.
Cough excited : by nausea, by eating or drinking, by creeping or tickling in throat or stomach, on entering a warm room.
Nausea excites cough and coughing after vomiting.
Dry cough, excited by a creeping or tickling in throat or stomach.
Cough from tickling in throat and pit of stomach ; in evening and at night without expectoration ; during day expectoration is yellow, or consists of coagulated brown blood, or of cold mucus of a disagreeable flat taste.
Cough from a sensation of vapor in trachea, preventing getting enough air.
Cough with sneezing.
Spasmodic cough, as from vapor of sulphur. θ Pertussis.
Dry, spasmodic cough, principally in night, and after drinking and eating, when entering a warm room, and after taking a deep inspiration.
Cough worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting of what had been eaten.
It seems to be impossible to drink without coughing. θ Pertussis.
Cough on coming from open air into a warm room.
Cough with stitching pains in brain.
Cough and stitches in head and chest ; or pain as if head and chest would burst.
Cough with stitches in sides of chest, or with headache as if head would fly to pieces.
Whooping cough with much sneezing.
Cough with vomiting and slimy mouth.
Cough with gagging, without nausea.
Dry cough, as if coming from stomach ; together with a crawling and tickling in pit of stomach.
Cough, mostly dry, caused by titillation in throat ; or spasmodic and suffocating, after eating and drinking, with vomiting of food.
During cough : scratching in throat ; shortness of breath ; catching of breath ; thoracic pains, better by pressure ; bruised feeling in hypochondriac regions, better by pressure ; pressing in head ; bursting pain in head and chest ; stitches in head, throat and chest, sides and epigastrium, or hypochondria ; pains in abdominal muscles ; nausea and vomiting of food ; sore pain in epigastrium ; lachrymation ; toothache.
Cough : with involuntary discharge of urine ; hoarseness ; red face ; worse by motion, talking, laughing, eating and thirst ; sneezing ; stitches in chest and small of back ; drinking.
Cough with rawness in larynx.
Cough with stitches in intercostal spaces and in sternum.
While coughing, they press with hand upon sternum as though it needed support ;
Cough with soreness in epigastrium and abdominal muscles.
Dry cough with pleuritic stitches ; during heat. θ Intermittent.
Cough compels to spring up in bed involuntarily. θ Typhoid pneumonia, etc.
Painful cough and difficult breathing. θ Pneumonia of infants.
Cough shaking whole body ; pain felt in head or in abdominal muscles.
Expectoration not constant ; morning and evening, sometimes also during day.
Sputa at first difficult to dislodge.
Sputa tough and hard to separate, falling in a jelly-like lump, light in color, almost a yellow or soft brick shade. θ Pneumonia.
Cough from a constant crawling upward in throat, followed by expectoration of mucus.
Cough with yellowish expectoration, or mucus streaked with blood.
Dry cough with brick-dust-colored expectoration.
Sputa not frequent, scanty, tough, sometimes bloody.
Cough evening and night, without expectoration ; morning and daytime with it, of mucus yellow or mixed with coagulated brownish blood. θ Pertussis.
Expectoration brown, like liver.
Cough, with bloody, rusty, tenacious expectoration.
Sputa of an unpleasant flat taste. θ Pertussis.
Sputa often cold. θ Pertussis.
Constriction of chest ; she felt the need of breathing deeply (as if chest was stopped and she could get no air), and if she attempted to breathe deeply there was pain in chest, as if something was being distended which could not be completely distended.
Sensation of heaviness beneath sternum, extending toward shoulder, impeding respiration ; deep inspiration was difficult ; oppression of right side of chest, with very fine, extremely severe stitches in right axillary gland.
Sense of fulness ; stuffed feeling throughout chest.
Stitch in upper part of chest, through shoulders, on inspiring.
Stitching, lancinating pains are most frequent in chest ; on inspiration or on turning around in bed ; situated in sides of chest or extend through from front to scapula.
Stitches in right side of chest between third and fourth ribs, while sitting.
Stitches in chest and sides of chest, especially when coughing or drawing a long breath, obliging one to sit up, or lie on back ; worse by motion.
Sharp stitching pain in chest below right nipple, extending outward, only on expiration.
Pricking pains below right nipple from within outward, in cavity of chest ; felt only during inspiration.
Chest very sensitive, with stitches in left side of it on inspiration ; whole forenoon.
Short but violent stitches in right side of chest, must hold breath, could not cry out.
Tearing stitches in left side of chest extend from behind forward, better during rest, worse during motion and on deep inspiration.
Stitching pain in region of diaphragm, worse from motion or coughing.
Stitches in chest, when breathing or coughing.
Stitch in side worse by cough, breathing and motion.
Stitches, soreness and burning pains in chest. θ Pertussis.
Sharp pain in left inframammary region ; worse during inspiration.
Complaints predominate in lower of chest.
Rheumatic pleurodynic pains in chest and lungs.
Chill in left chest.
Burning in right half of chest.
Heat in chest. θ Pleurisy. θ Pneumonia.
Heat and burning pain in chest.
Inflammation of first and second divisions of bronchi, with an irritative, shaking, dry cough ; heat ; pain and soreness behind sternum ; worse daytime and by motion.
Inflammatory affections of chest supervening in course of pertussis.
Pleuritic pains in advanced stage of phthisis.
Pleurisy with fluid exudation.
Pleuritis ; pneumonia.
Pleuro-pneumonia, with stabbing pains ; frequent respiration ; bloody expectoration ; high fever ; bursting headache ; worse on motion and deep inspiration.
In pneumonia with scanty expectoration, tough, falling in a round jelly-like lump, in color almost a yellow or soft brick shade.
Acute, inflammatory condition in catarrh of old people.
Incipient phthisis.
Soreness of ribs, as if beaten.
Painful spot, as from a bruise, on second rib, right side extending to sternum.
A painful spot on second rib of right side, extending to sternum, as after a blow or bruise.
Pressive pain in precordial region.
Rheumatism of muscles of chest.
Stitches in sternum on coughing ; was obliged to hold chest with hand ; even pressing upon it caused a sticking.
Seat of pain in chest is sensitive to pressure and when arms are moved.
Cardiovascular system
Irritable heart ; beating 54 when sitting, but on rising ever so quietly, going up to 110 or 115 and gradually subsiding again.
Frequent sharp pain in cardiac region.
On going up-stairs a little rapidly, heart flutters and palpitates so much as to put him out of breath.
Stitching pains in sides of thorax make it almost impossible to expand chest.
Stitching pain in region of heart.
Cramp in region of heart, worse by walking, raising one’s self, or using slightest exertion, even raising arm.
Oppression in region of heart.
Heart beats violently and rapidly.
Palpitation of heart ; frequently violent, and with oppression of chest. θ сarditis.
Palpitation of heart. θ Pertussis.
Burning in veins.
Pulse : quick, full, hard, rapid and tense ; at times intermittent, with strong orgasm of blood.
Pulse frequent at night, slower during day.
Pulselessness. θ сholera Asiatica.
Frequent sharp pain in cardiac region.
On going up-stairs a little rapidly, heart flutters and palpitates so much as to put him out of breath.
Stitching pains in sides of thorax make it almost impossible to expand chest.
Stitching pain in region of heart.
Cramp in region of heart, worse by walking, raising one’s self, or using slightest exertion, even raising arm.
Oppression in region of heart.
Heart beats violently and rapidly.
Palpitation of heart ; frequently violent, and with oppression of chest. θ сarditis.
Palpitation of heart. θ Pertussis.
Burning in veins.
Pulse : quick, full, hard, rapid and tense ; at times intermittent, with strong orgasm of blood.
Pulse frequent at night, slower during day.
Pulselessness. θ сholera Asiatica.
Limbs and spine
Pain in nape of neck, as after taking cold.
Painful stiffness of muscles of right side of neck, from touch and on moving head towards shoulders.
On right side of nape of neck, towards shoulder, painful stiffness of muscles on moving head.
Drawing and stiffness of muscles of right side of neck.
A pain in nape of neck near occiput, like a pain and weakness together, as if head was weak.
Rheumatic stiffness and tension in nape of neck and back.
Painful stiffness of neck.
Glands on neck sore to touch.
Sharp rheumatic pain in tendon of trapezius (l.) on turning head to left.
Dull stitches between scapula, extending from behind forward, in afternoon while lying.
Stitches under left scapula through to heart.
Alternating dull, aching and sharp pain, beneath right scapula, at its lower or inferior angle.
Rheumatic pain in back, between inferior angles of scapula.
In back, stitching and jerking pressing between scapula, extending through to epigastrium when sitting.
Shooting stitches in back through chest.
A drawing down back when sitting, disappearing on motion.
The pain extended through thorax to lower portion of sternum (pain in first dorsal vertebra).
Stitches in back and small of back.
Creeping chilliness in back, from above downward.
Pain in back before paroxysm.
Eruption on back, aching like a sore.
Dull aching in lumbar muscles.
Stiffness, tearing and tenderness in joints and muscles of lumbar region, prevent motion and stooping ; most when standing or sitting, better when lying.
In lumbar and sacral region, pain as if beaten.
Stitches in sacral region and back. θ Pertussis.
Pain in small of back, which makes walking or turning difficult ; as if bruised, when lying on it.
Painful stiffness in small of back, compelling him to walk and sit crookedly.
Pain in small of back, like a painful stiffness, not allowing one to stand erect.
Pressive drawing pain in small of back and loins, which makes turning very difficult ; it awoke him from sleep.
Pain in small of back ; worse by every motion. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Left arm and hand in a weaving motion up and down ; each time uttering a sigh.
Painful pressure on top of right shoulder, worse upon touch ; on deep breathing it becomes a dull stitching, which extends downward and outward to shoulder joint.
Painful tension and pressure in right shoulder, when at rest.
Tearing in shoulder joints and upper arms, with tension and stitching, and shining red swelling of parts.
Rheumatic swelling of right shoulder and upper arm, with stitches.
Complaints predominant on upper arm Drawing and tearing pains in right upper arm.
Rending in shoulder joints and upper arms, with tightness and piercing. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Arms incline to sink by one’s side.
A feeling in right elbow as if arm was broken, with a troublesome paralytic pain ; it changed afterwards to a drawing pain ; it extended to shoulder joint and lasted all day.
Swelling of elbow and hand joints, and upper parts of hands.
Swelling of elbow joint, and somewhat above and below it as far a middle of upper and forearm, and soles of feet.
Swelling about elbow joints ; worse in left. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Swelling of right elbow joint, with stitches.
Swelling of arm around elbow.
Tearing pains on inner surface of forearm, in a line from elbow to wrist.
Fine stitches in wrists, if hands become warm, and during rest ; they do not disappear on motion.
Swollen hands.
Complaints predominate in palm of hand.
Stitching pain in fingers when writing.
On writing or taking hold of anything, a sensation as if finger joints were swollen and puffed ; they are painful on much exertion and on touch.
Rather hot, pale swelling in last joint of little finger, with sticking in it on moving finger, or on pressing it.
Hot, pale swelling of finger, or on pressing it.
Inflammation of psoas muscles.
Pains in right trochanteric and gluteal region, of an aching, cramplike and bruised kind ; worse at every motion.
Pains in left lumbar region extending to thigh ; worse in afternoon, when sitting up and by movement ; walks with crutches. θ Sciatica.
Stabbing pain in hips.
Shooting pains extending towards hip.
Stitches in hip joint, extending to knee.
In morning, feels lame and bruised, particularly in right hip.
Cracking and feeling of dislocation of hip joint, when walking.
Sciatica. Pains worse sitting up, by moving, and late in evening ; lies best on painful side ; often worse by cold water.
A few large stitches, like knife stitches in hips.
Great painfulness of right thigh ; pain comes from head of femur, extends along anterior surface of thigh to knee.
Great weariness in thighs, he can scarcely go up steps ; less when going down steps.
When walking bent, sticking pain from hip into knee.
Complaints predominate on front side of thigh, in patella, and in calf of leg.
Stitches in knee when walking.
Pain in right knee, so that in evening he could scarcely walk, and was obliged to keep leg very quiet ; inner side of knee very painful to touch ; next morning, while in bed, there was no pain, but after being up a while pain returned.
Painful stiffness, with stitches, especially when moving them.
Synovial inflammation of knee joints.
A feeling in right knee cap as if he had been kneeling a long time.
Tearing pain in shins.
Tensive sensation in bend of knee, which afterwards changed to a drawing and wrenching along crest of fibula, lasting several minutes.
Knees totter and knock together when walking.
Swelling of knee, with tensive pain in ligaments.
Knee joints swollen, red, shining, motion impossible. θ Rheumatism.
Pinching-tearing in right calf.
Tightness in calves.
Bruised pain on outer side of left calf, on moving and turning foot, as also on touch ; during rest a numb sensation in this place.
Tension in ankles on motion.
The ankle feels as if dislocated, especially when walking.
Tensive pain on back of feet, even when sitting.
Pain in feet as if sprained.
Hot swelling of instep, with bruised pain on stretching out foot ; foot seems tense on stepping on it, and on touch it pains, as if suppurating, like an abscess.
Feet are tense and swollen in evening.
Hot, inflammatory swelling of feet, with redness.
Gouty swelling of feet, with redness, heat and tensive pain.
Sensation in tendo-achillis as if bruised. θ Rheumatic attack.
Horses : during distemper, hard swelling and coldness of feet, especially of hind feet.
Stitches in soles.
Prickling in soles of feet when walking.
Severe pain in sole of foot, with great lameness, could not walk ; not much swelling.
Sudden pains in balls of great toes.
Stitches in big toe.
The legs are so weak that they will scarcely hold him, on commencing to walk, and even when standing.
Swelling of lower limbs.
Weariness and stiffness of lower limbs.
Swelling of legs, down to feet.
Putrid ulcers on lower limbs.
Gouty affections of lower extremities ; pain worse from motion.
Tensive or stitching pains in limbs.
Pains in limbs and joints ; better by warmth.
Violent pain in limbs during heat. θ Intermittent.
Pain in limbs ; worse by motion and during heat. θ Intermittent.
Rheumatic pains in tops of shoulders and in left knee.
Rheumatic and gouty pains in limbs, with tension ; worse from motion and contact.
Acute articular rheumatism, swelling pale red, pain worse on slightest motion, fever, pulse 130.
Limbs move, but sluggishly.
Laming and bruised feeling in extremities.
Weariness and stiffness of limbs, especially the lower.
Weakness of limbs obliges him to sit.
Weariness and heaviness in all limbs ; feet can scarcely carry her on account of heaviness, when walking.
All limbs seem bruised and paralyzed, as if he had lain upon a hard bed.
Paralysis of limbs.
Limbs and joints swell, become red, and are very sensitive to touch or motion.
Heaviness in limbs, which seem like lead.
Horses : walk stiff from lameness of joints.
Constant threshing with left arm and leg. θ Hydrocephalus.
Ulcers on fingers and toes.
Tearing, stinging pains, most in limbs, particularly when moving parts, with intolerance of touch. θ Rheumatic attack.
Rest : tearing in right side of head better ; pain in stomach ; all gastric symptoms ; feet swell ; stitches in wrists ; numb sensation on outer left calf.
Lying : on back, headache in occiput in morning ; headache with pressure in brain ; on painful side, soreness in occiput and behind ears ; in bed, hazy vision and sticking pain over eye ; on painless side, toothache ; on side, stitching in stomach ; asthma and cough ; pain in small of back.
Sitting : in bed, vertigo and faintness ; pressive headache ; in bed, nausea ; pain towards inguinal ring ; stitches in testicle ; stitches in chest ; stitches between third and fourth ribs ; stitching and jerking between scapula to epigastrium ; stitching, tearing and tenderness in lumbar region.
Rising : reluctant to rise in morning ; giddiness ; vertigo with reeling ; to erect position after eating, nausea and waterbrash ; heartbeat goes from 54 to 110 ; from bed, faintness.
Standing : weak mind, faintness ; vertigo and whirling ; griping and cutting in intestines.
Stooping : or turning head, dizziness ; giddiness with looseness of brain ; fractal headache.
Bending : neck, sticking pain ; drawing legs on abdomen ; constriction in epigastrium ; turning head to left, pain in tendon of trapezius ; cutting in intestine ; turning, pressive drawing in back and loins.
Walking : stitches from forehead to occiput, stepping hard ; stomach sensitive ; misstep, stitching in stomach.
Motion : anxiety ; vertigo and headache.
Pressure : fulness in forehead ; tearing in right side of head ; headache better ; pressing pain under right cheek bone ; pain in upper teeth changes to lower ; pit of stomach sensitive.
Touch : tearing in right side of head.
Children dislike to be carried, or to be raised.
Injuries : abscess at pit of stomach after blow.
It is found that вryon. is rarely, if ever, indicated in diseases affecting external tissues of eye ; its great sphere of usefulness being in diseases of uveal tract.
Painful stiffness of muscles of right side of neck, from touch and on moving head towards shoulders.
On right side of nape of neck, towards shoulder, painful stiffness of muscles on moving head.
Drawing and stiffness of muscles of right side of neck.
A pain in nape of neck near occiput, like a pain and weakness together, as if head was weak.
Rheumatic stiffness and tension in nape of neck and back.
Painful stiffness of neck.
Glands on neck sore to touch.
Sharp rheumatic pain in tendon of trapezius (l.) on turning head to left.
Dull stitches between scapula, extending from behind forward, in afternoon while lying.
Stitches under left scapula through to heart.
Alternating dull, aching and sharp pain, beneath right scapula, at its lower or inferior angle.
Rheumatic pain in back, between inferior angles of scapula.
In back, stitching and jerking pressing between scapula, extending through to epigastrium when sitting.
Shooting stitches in back through chest.
A drawing down back when sitting, disappearing on motion.
The pain extended through thorax to lower portion of sternum (pain in first dorsal vertebra).
Stitches in back and small of back.
Creeping chilliness in back, from above downward.
Pain in back before paroxysm.
Eruption on back, aching like a sore.
Dull aching in lumbar muscles.
Stiffness, tearing and tenderness in joints and muscles of lumbar region, prevent motion and stooping ; most when standing or sitting, better when lying.
In lumbar and sacral region, pain as if beaten.
Stitches in sacral region and back. θ Pertussis.
Pain in small of back, which makes walking or turning difficult ; as if bruised, when lying on it.
Painful stiffness in small of back, compelling him to walk and sit crookedly.
Pain in small of back, like a painful stiffness, not allowing one to stand erect.
Pressive drawing pain in small of back and loins, which makes turning very difficult ; it awoke him from sleep.
Pain in small of back ; worse by every motion. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Left arm and hand in a weaving motion up and down ; each time uttering a sigh.
Painful pressure on top of right shoulder, worse upon touch ; on deep breathing it becomes a dull stitching, which extends downward and outward to shoulder joint.
Painful tension and pressure in right shoulder, when at rest.
Tearing in shoulder joints and upper arms, with tension and stitching, and shining red swelling of parts.
Rheumatic swelling of right shoulder and upper arm, with stitches.
Complaints predominant on upper arm Drawing and tearing pains in right upper arm.
Rending in shoulder joints and upper arms, with tightness and piercing. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Arms incline to sink by one’s side.
A feeling in right elbow as if arm was broken, with a troublesome paralytic pain ; it changed afterwards to a drawing pain ; it extended to shoulder joint and lasted all day.
Swelling of elbow and hand joints, and upper parts of hands.
Swelling of elbow joint, and somewhat above and below it as far a middle of upper and forearm, and soles of feet.
Swelling about elbow joints ; worse in left. θ Rheumatic attacks.
Swelling of right elbow joint, with stitches.
Swelling of arm around elbow.
Tearing pains on inner surface of forearm, in a line from elbow to wrist.
Fine stitches in wrists, if hands become warm, and during rest ; they do not disappear on motion.
Swollen hands.
Complaints predominate in palm of hand.
Stitching pain in fingers when writing.
On writing or taking hold of anything, a sensation as if finger joints were swollen and puffed ; they are painful on much exertion and on touch.
Rather hot, pale swelling in last joint of little finger, with sticking in it on moving finger, or on pressing it.
Hot, pale swelling of finger, or on pressing it.
Inflammation of psoas muscles.
Pains in right trochanteric and gluteal region, of an aching, cramplike and bruised kind ; worse at every motion.
Pains in left lumbar region extending to thigh ; worse in afternoon, when sitting up and by movement ; walks with crutches. θ Sciatica.
Stabbing pain in hips.
Shooting pains extending towards hip.
Stitches in hip joint, extending to knee.
In morning, feels lame and bruised, particularly in right hip.
Cracking and feeling of dislocation of hip joint, when walking.
Sciatica. Pains worse sitting up, by moving, and late in evening ; lies best on painful side ; often worse by cold water.
A few large stitches, like knife stitches in hips.
Great painfulness of right thigh ; pain comes from head of femur, extends along anterior surface of thigh to knee.
Great weariness in thighs, he can scarcely go up steps ; less when going down steps.
When walking bent, sticking pain from hip into knee.
Complaints predominate on front side of thigh, in patella, and in calf of leg.
Stitches in knee when walking.
Pain in right knee, so that in evening he could scarcely walk, and was obliged to keep leg very quiet ; inner side of knee very painful to touch ; next morning, while in bed, there was no pain, but after being up a while pain returned.
Painful stiffness, with stitches, especially when moving them.
Synovial inflammation of knee joints.
A feeling in right knee cap as if he had been kneeling a long time.
Tearing pain in shins.
Tensive sensation in bend of knee, which afterwards changed to a drawing and wrenching along crest of fibula, lasting several minutes.
Knees totter and knock together when walking.
Swelling of knee, with tensive pain in ligaments.
Knee joints swollen, red, shining, motion impossible. θ Rheumatism.
Pinching-tearing in right calf.
Tightness in calves.
Bruised pain on outer side of left calf, on moving and turning foot, as also on touch ; during rest a numb sensation in this place.
Tension in ankles on motion.
The ankle feels as if dislocated, especially when walking.
Tensive pain on back of feet, even when sitting.
Pain in feet as if sprained.
Hot swelling of instep, with bruised pain on stretching out foot ; foot seems tense on stepping on it, and on touch it pains, as if suppurating, like an abscess.
Feet are tense and swollen in evening.
Hot, inflammatory swelling of feet, with redness.
Gouty swelling of feet, with redness, heat and tensive pain.
Sensation in tendo-achillis as if bruised. θ Rheumatic attack.
Horses : during distemper, hard swelling and coldness of feet, especially of hind feet.
Stitches in soles.
Prickling in soles of feet when walking.
Severe pain in sole of foot, with great lameness, could not walk ; not much swelling.
Sudden pains in balls of great toes.
Stitches in big toe.
The legs are so weak that they will scarcely hold him, on commencing to walk, and even when standing.
Swelling of lower limbs.
Weariness and stiffness of lower limbs.
Swelling of legs, down to feet.
Putrid ulcers on lower limbs.
Gouty affections of lower extremities ; pain worse from motion.
Tensive or stitching pains in limbs.
Pains in limbs and joints ; better by warmth.
Violent pain in limbs during heat. θ Intermittent.
Pain in limbs ; worse by motion and during heat. θ Intermittent.
Rheumatic pains in tops of shoulders and in left knee.
Rheumatic and gouty pains in limbs, with tension ; worse from motion and contact.
Acute articular rheumatism, swelling pale red, pain worse on slightest motion, fever, pulse 130.
Limbs move, but sluggishly.
Laming and bruised feeling in extremities.
Weariness and stiffness of limbs, especially the lower.
Weakness of limbs obliges him to sit.
Weariness and heaviness in all limbs ; feet can scarcely carry her on account of heaviness, when walking.
All limbs seem bruised and paralyzed, as if he had lain upon a hard bed.
Paralysis of limbs.
Limbs and joints swell, become red, and are very sensitive to touch or motion.
Heaviness in limbs, which seem like lead.
Horses : walk stiff from lameness of joints.
Constant threshing with left arm and leg. θ Hydrocephalus.
Ulcers on fingers and toes.
Tearing, stinging pains, most in limbs, particularly when moving parts, with intolerance of touch. θ Rheumatic attack.
Rest : tearing in right side of head better ; pain in stomach ; all gastric symptoms ; feet swell ; stitches in wrists ; numb sensation on outer left calf.
Lying : on back, headache in occiput in morning ; headache with pressure in brain ; on painful side, soreness in occiput and behind ears ; in bed, hazy vision and sticking pain over eye ; on painless side, toothache ; on side, stitching in stomach ; asthma and cough ; pain in small of back.
Sitting : in bed, vertigo and faintness ; pressive headache ; in bed, nausea ; pain towards inguinal ring ; stitches in testicle ; stitches in chest ; stitches between third and fourth ribs ; stitching and jerking between scapula to epigastrium ; stitching, tearing and tenderness in lumbar region.
Rising : reluctant to rise in morning ; giddiness ; vertigo with reeling ; to erect position after eating, nausea and waterbrash ; heartbeat goes from 54 to 110 ; from bed, faintness.
Standing : weak mind, faintness ; vertigo and whirling ; griping and cutting in intestines.
Stooping : or turning head, dizziness ; giddiness with looseness of brain ; fractal headache.
Bending : neck, sticking pain ; drawing legs on abdomen ; constriction in epigastrium ; turning head to left, pain in tendon of trapezius ; cutting in intestine ; turning, pressive drawing in back and loins.
Walking : stitches from forehead to occiput, stepping hard ; stomach sensitive ; misstep, stitching in stomach.
Motion : anxiety ; vertigo and headache.
Pressure : fulness in forehead ; tearing in right side of head ; headache better ; pressing pain under right cheek bone ; pain in upper teeth changes to lower ; pit of stomach sensitive.
Touch : tearing in right side of head.
Children dislike to be carried, or to be raised.
Injuries : abscess at pit of stomach after blow.
It is found that вryon. is rarely, if ever, indicated in diseases affecting external tissues of eye ; its great sphere of usefulness being in diseases of uveal tract.
Nervous system
Oversensitiveness of all the senses.
Increased bodily irritability.
Spasm developed through repercussion of measles.
Spasmodic complaints ; starting, twitching of limbs.
Hysteric spasms.
Clonic spasms.
Is often indicated after spasms have been controlled, and there remain fulness of pulse, abdominal tenderness and perspiration.
Feels lazy, and indisposed to work.
Weaving motion of left arm and leg. with sighing.
Is compelled to lie down.
Great weariness in morning and afternoon.
Loss of strength on slightest exertion.
Great weariness and sweat over whole body after a slight exertion.
She is weak, arms and feet ache if she does any work, arms sink down ; if she goes up-stairs she can scarcely get along.
Great weakness and exhaustion ; worse from walking.
The feeling of weakness becomes very great, especially great fatigue after a long walk.
On rising, great exhaustion and weakness, which increased during forenoon, while walking, so that he had to drag himself about ; on going up-stairs there was excessive weakness in knees and legs.
Fainting in morning, getting up, or when rising up in bed.
Sudden prostration, shunning all motion.
Uncommonly wearied and prostrated.
Great prostration.
Very tired and prostrated ; great weariness.
Weariness, prostration in whole body.
Great prostration and uneasiness.
Great prostration. θ сonstipation.
Faintness : when rising from bed ; from slightest motion.
On rising from bed he was attacked with faintness, with cold sweat and rumbling in abdomen.
Great lameness, and desire to keep quiet.
Paralysis generally of both sides.
Increased bodily irritability.
Spasm developed through repercussion of measles.
Spasmodic complaints ; starting, twitching of limbs.
Hysteric spasms.
Clonic spasms.
Is often indicated after spasms have been controlled, and there remain fulness of pulse, abdominal tenderness and perspiration.
Feels lazy, and indisposed to work.
Weaving motion of left arm and leg. with sighing.
Is compelled to lie down.
Great weariness in morning and afternoon.
Loss of strength on slightest exertion.
Great weariness and sweat over whole body after a slight exertion.
She is weak, arms and feet ache if she does any work, arms sink down ; if she goes up-stairs she can scarcely get along.
Great weakness and exhaustion ; worse from walking.
The feeling of weakness becomes very great, especially great fatigue after a long walk.
On rising, great exhaustion and weakness, which increased during forenoon, while walking, so that he had to drag himself about ; on going up-stairs there was excessive weakness in knees and legs.
Fainting in morning, getting up, or when rising up in bed.
Sudden prostration, shunning all motion.
Uncommonly wearied and prostrated.
Great prostration.
Very tired and prostrated ; great weariness.
Weariness, prostration in whole body.
Great prostration and uneasiness.
Great prostration. θ сonstipation.
Faintness : when rising from bed ; from slightest motion.
On rising from bed he was attacked with faintness, with cold sweat and rumbling in abdomen.
Great lameness, and desire to keep quiet.
Paralysis generally of both sides.
Very much inclined to yawn ; frequent yawning the whole day.
Excessive gaping. θ Rheumatic attack.
Drowsiness : with half-closed eyes ; during and after stool.
Much sleepiness during day when alone.
Great sleepiness by day, with yawning, lassitude, stretching, etc., yet at night no sleep on account of tumultuous course of blood, anxiety and heat.
In evening, before falling asleep, she starts up in fright.
He could not sleep well ; a warmth and anxiety in blood prevented it until 12 o’clock.
Sleeplessness most before midnight. θ Rheumatic attack. θ Pertussis.
Sleeplessness on account of uneasiness in blood and anxiety ; thoughts crowd upon one another.
A concourse of anxious thoughts keeps him awake till 3 or 4 A. M.
Sleeplessness before midnight, with thirst, heat and ebullitions.
Sleeplessness, especially before midnight, owing to heat and anxiety, especially on chest.
No sleep before midnight, on account of a frequent shivering sensation over one arm and foot, followed by sweat.
Sleepless night, with heat and restlessness, every other night sweat and better. θ Spoiled intermittent.
Sleep full of dreams.
Night very restless, disturbed by frightful dreams ; frequent waking.
He started from an anxious dream and screamed out.
Dreams : about household affairs ; about business of day.
Dreams of dispute and vexation.
Night restless, he could scarcely sleep for half an hour, and during his slumbering was continually busy with what he had read evening previous.
Sleep walking ; produced and cured.
Delirium at night of business of day.
Delirium, as soon as he awakes.
Comatose sleep, broken by delirium.
Often a prattling and muttering delirium during sleep.
During night a bitter taste.
During sleep : masticating motions of lower jaw ; feces pass off ; starting and jumping motion evening during sleep, seems to aggravate sufferings.
Chilliness in evening in bed, after lying down.
Insists on leaving bed.
On wakening, pain in liver and kidneys.
After midday nap he was chilly ; head confused.
Immediately after lying down in bed, in evening, sensation of heat, with external heat over him, without thirst through the whole night ; he turned from one side to the other, did not dare to uncover any part, because it immediately caused violent pain in abdomen, a painful griping, sticking or sticking griping, as if flatus moved spasmodically here and there, with loss of sleep from a multitude of crowding thoughts ; in morning this condition disappeared, without his noticing any flatulence.
Night : delirium, worse after 3 A. M. ; shooting pain in head.
Morning : head confused and aching ; delirium ; does not wish to rise ; dizziness ; head whirls and turns in circle ; throbbing on top of head ; on waking pain in occiput to shoulders ; headache when first opening eyes ; bursting headache before breakfast, compression and heaviness of head with stitches ; head hot ; agglutination and tears in eye ; nosebleed on awakening ; toothache, 3 A. M. ; nauseous, bitter taste ; nausea on waking ; nausea and vomiting ; colic and urging to stool ; diarrhoea preceded by colic ; pasty stool ; stools get thinner and thinner ; dry, parched stool ; sensation of plug in anus ; too weak to speak ; expectoration ; lame and bruised in r. hip ; pain in knee returns ; weakness and exhaustion on rising ; griping with loss of sleep ; heat in head ; sweats profuse ; weakness of limbs.
Noon : pressive pain in occiput to neck.
During day : dropsy of uterus increased ; inflammation of bronchi.
Afternoon : heaviness of head ; forepart of, many symptoms ; stitches between scapula ; pain in lumbar region.
Evening : fulness in forehead.
Excessive gaping. θ Rheumatic attack.
Drowsiness : with half-closed eyes ; during and after stool.
Much sleepiness during day when alone.
Great sleepiness by day, with yawning, lassitude, stretching, etc., yet at night no sleep on account of tumultuous course of blood, anxiety and heat.
In evening, before falling asleep, she starts up in fright.
He could not sleep well ; a warmth and anxiety in blood prevented it until 12 o’clock.
Sleeplessness most before midnight. θ Rheumatic attack. θ Pertussis.
Sleeplessness on account of uneasiness in blood and anxiety ; thoughts crowd upon one another.
A concourse of anxious thoughts keeps him awake till 3 or 4 A. M.
Sleeplessness before midnight, with thirst, heat and ebullitions.
Sleeplessness, especially before midnight, owing to heat and anxiety, especially on chest.
No sleep before midnight, on account of a frequent shivering sensation over one arm and foot, followed by sweat.
Sleepless night, with heat and restlessness, every other night sweat and better. θ Spoiled intermittent.
Sleep full of dreams.
Night very restless, disturbed by frightful dreams ; frequent waking.
He started from an anxious dream and screamed out.
Dreams : about household affairs ; about business of day.
Dreams of dispute and vexation.
Night restless, he could scarcely sleep for half an hour, and during his slumbering was continually busy with what he had read evening previous.
Sleep walking ; produced and cured.
Delirium at night of business of day.
Delirium, as soon as he awakes.
Comatose sleep, broken by delirium.
Often a prattling and muttering delirium during sleep.
During night a bitter taste.
During sleep : masticating motions of lower jaw ; feces pass off ; starting and jumping motion evening during sleep, seems to aggravate sufferings.
Chilliness in evening in bed, after lying down.
Insists on leaving bed.
On wakening, pain in liver and kidneys.
After midday nap he was chilly ; head confused.
Immediately after lying down in bed, in evening, sensation of heat, with external heat over him, without thirst through the whole night ; he turned from one side to the other, did not dare to uncover any part, because it immediately caused violent pain in abdomen, a painful griping, sticking or sticking griping, as if flatus moved spasmodically here and there, with loss of sleep from a multitude of crowding thoughts ; in morning this condition disappeared, without his noticing any flatulence.
Night : delirium, worse after 3 A. M. ; shooting pain in head.
Morning : head confused and aching ; delirium ; does not wish to rise ; dizziness ; head whirls and turns in circle ; throbbing on top of head ; on waking pain in occiput to shoulders ; headache when first opening eyes ; bursting headache before breakfast, compression and heaviness of head with stitches ; head hot ; agglutination and tears in eye ; nosebleed on awakening ; toothache, 3 A. M. ; nauseous, bitter taste ; nausea on waking ; nausea and vomiting ; colic and urging to stool ; diarrhoea preceded by colic ; pasty stool ; stools get thinner and thinner ; dry, parched stool ; sensation of plug in anus ; too weak to speak ; expectoration ; lame and bruised in r. hip ; pain in knee returns ; weakness and exhaustion on rising ; griping with loss of sleep ; heat in head ; sweats profuse ; weakness of limbs.
Noon : pressive pain in occiput to neck.
During day : dropsy of uterus increased ; inflammation of bronchi.
Afternoon : heaviness of head ; forepart of, many symptoms ; stitches between scapula ; pain in lumbar region.
Evening : fulness in forehead.
Common symptoms
In-doors : very anxious ; chilliness.
Warmth : tearing in right side of head ; weather, diarrhoea ; air, dry, painful cough.
Open air : anxiety ; pain as of tooth screwed in and pulled out ; decayed teeth sensitive.
Cold : headache on washing after sweating ; raw and wet, rheumatic headache ; inflammation of eyes, with pains in teeth and face ; face red and smooth after washing ; toothache as of cold air ; water, pain as of tooth screwed in and pulled out, better momentarily ; water, internal heat ; fruit, incarceration of hernia after ; water, bitter taste and nausea ; air, breathing ; water, sciatica.
Dry air : soreness in occiput and behind ears.
Cerebral disturbance from getting wet.
Diarrhoea after taking cold or getting hot in summer.
Complaints when warm weather sets in after cold days.
Complaints from cold drinks in hot weather.
Kicks covers off.
Oversensitiveness of senses to external impressions.
Every spot in body is painful to pressure ; worse mornings.
Drawing rheumatic pains in various parts of body.
Transient drawing and tension in almost all limbs and joints.
As if head was turning in a circle ; as if she was sinking deep down in bed ; as if everything would press out at forehead ; as though eye became smaller ; as if eyes were pressed out of head ; as if there was sand in eyes ; as if a tooth was screwed in and then pulled out ; as if brain shook from behind forward from hiccough ; as if there was a stone in pit of stomach ; as if pit of stomach was swollen ; as if region of stomach was rolled up like a ball ; as if something lay in abdomen ; as if head would burst ; as if vapor was in trachea ; elbow feels as if arm was broken.
Rending : in shoulder joints and upper arms.
Splitting pain : in head.
Tearing : across forehead ; in cervical muscles ; in right arm ; in right temple ; in external head ; in right malar bone ; in cheeks ; in teeth ; from hip to epigastrium ; in urethra ; in limbs during menstruation ; in mamma ; in lumbar muscles ; in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in right upper arm ; on inner side of forearm ; in shins.
Cutting : in epigastrium ; in intestines ; before stool ; in urethra ; during urinating.
Stabbing : in chest ; in hips.
Lancinating : during diarrhoea ; from hip to foot ; in chest.
Beating : in vertex ; in cranium, in cerebellum.
Darting : through head ; in teeth.
Piercing : in shoulder joints and upper arms.
Stitching : deep in brain, left side ; in head ; from forehead to occiput ; in eyes ; deep in ear ; in teeth ; in throat ; in left side ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in liver ; in spleen ; in right testicle and cord ; in ovaries on inspiration ; in chest ; in intercostal spaces and sternum ; in right axillary gland ; in epigastrium and hypochondrium ; in region of heart ; between scapula ; under left scapula to heart ; in sacral region ; in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in r. elbow joint ; in wrist ; in fingers when writing ; in hip joint to knee ; in knees when walking ; in soles ; in big toe ; in all serous membranes ; in hepatic region ; in region of diaphragm.
Shooting : extending to vertex or occiput ; in eye ; in teeth ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in back through chest ; towards hip.
Stinging : in throat ; in liver ; in abdomen.
Sticking : in head ; in throat ; in liver.
Neuralgic pains : in eyes and head.
Bursting pain : in head and chest.
Pricking pains : below right nipple.
A pricking sensation like pins and needles on soles or on other parts of body, or with an eruption.
Prickling : in anterior third of tongue ; at anus ; in soles when walking ; in soles of feet ; of skin (nettlerash).
Pinching : pressure in articulation of right jaw ; in ears ; in abdomen ; in right calf.
Griping : in intestines ; during stool.
Digging : in forehead ; in teeth as from cold.
Rheumatic pain : in uterus ; in chest and lungs ; in tendon of trapezius ; in back ; in limbs ; in shoulders.
Aching : of head in morning ; headache, in occiput ; tensive, in temporal region ; in head when stooping ; expansive headache ; in eyes ; in left orbit ; from eye to occiput ; dull, in alveoli of upper jaw ; of gums during teething ; in back ; beneath right scapula ; in lumbar muscles ; and bruised feeling in right gluteal region.
Pressure : in cardiac region ; in frontal region ; above left eye ; in occipital protuberance ; outward in head ; on vertex ; in occiput ; in temples ; in left eyeball ; under right cheek bone ; in throat ; in stomach ; towards left inguinal ring on sitting ; in urethra ; at larynx ; over chest and sternum ; in precordial region ; on top of right shoulder ; in right hypochonder ; in epigastrium ; in sphincter ani and rectum.
Pressive pain : in left tonsil.
Pressing, crushing pain : in eyes.
Burning : in forehead and temples ; in eyes ; in right eye ; in stomach ; along diaphragm and ribs ; in liver ; in abdomen ; at anus ; with stool and urine ; in rectum ; in fundus of uterus ; in mamma ; in chest ; in veins ; spots on skin ; in hepatic region ; in urethra.
Scalding : in eyes.
Smarting : behind pomum adami.
Drawing : in occiput ; in temporal bones ; tearing in right temple ; in left upper lid ; in back teeth ; in urethra ; from hip to foot ; in muscles of neck, right side ; in right upper arm ; along crest of fibula ; in urethra.
Constricting pain : in stomach.
Twisting : tensive in single muscle fibres.
Jerking : from forehead to occiput ; toothache in evening ; pressing between scapula.
Twitching : drawing in maxillary bones ; of left upper lid ; in right malar bone ; in corners of mouth ; in abdomen, left side ; in nose.
Soreness : of eyes ; of nose ; of right malar bone ; of teeth and gums ; in epigastrium ; of abdomen ; in intestines ; of larynx ; behind sternum ; of cervical glands ; in pit of stomach ; in anus ; in trachea ; in ribs.
Rawness : in throat ; in larynx.
Tension : in temporal region ; in external head ; at stomach ; in region of liver ; down thighs ; at sphincter ani ; in mamma ; in nape of neck ; in right shoulder ; in knee ; in ankles ; on back of feet ; in hepatic region.
Pain : in head ; above left eye ; in occiput ; in right temple ; in both temples ; sharp ; in left occipital protuberance ; pressive, in head ; dull, in forehead ; in small spot on forehead ; in vertex ; in limbs on motion ; like of needle through eye and head ; severe, in eye ; violent, in teeth and face ; in left tonsil ; in throat ; in pit of stomach ; constricting ; in stomach ; in region of liver ; in abdomen ; in kidneys ; in right ovarian region ; in back and loins during menstruation ; rheumatic, in uterus ; in breasts ; on inspiring ; in abdominal muscles ; in cardiac region ; in inframammary region ; rheumatic, in chest and lungs ; in nape of neck ; in lumbar and sacral region ; in small of back ; paralytic, in right elbow ; in wrist as if sprained ; in left lumbar region to thigh ; in right thigh to knee ; in left calf ; in sole of foot ; in ball of great toe ; in liver and kidneys on awakening ; in left heel.
Sensitiveness : of external right ear ; of right parotid ; of lower lip ; of teeth to air ; at pit of stomach ; of abdomen ; in lumbar muscles вruised feeling : in hypochondriac region ; on outer side of right calf.
Scraping : and roughness in throat.
Scratching : in throat.
Tickling : in epigastrium ; in throat or stomach, exciting cough ; in larynx.
Crawling : in throat ; in epigastrium ; in throat, exciting cough.
Crepitation : moving legs.
Cracking : of hip joint on walking.
Throbbing : on top of head ; throughout body ; in abdomen.
Pulsation : in left orbit.
Beating : in vertex.
Looseness : of teeth.
Lightness : of head, with wabbling in ears.
Constriction : of chest.
Emptiness : of stomach.
Fulness : in forehead ; in cranium ; of eyeball ; in throat ; at stomach ; at right hypochondrium ; throughout chest.
Tightness : in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in calves.
Swollen : as if, at pit of stomach ; finger joints as if swollen when writing.
Heaviness : in forehead ; in head ; of head, in afternoon ; of left upper lid ; in stomach ; in region of liver ; at sphincter ani ; of breasts ; beneath sternum ; in limbs.
Plug : ears feel stopped ; at epigastrium.
Uncomfort : in abdomen as of menses.
Weakness : of thighs ; of limbs ; after slight exertion.
Weight : in stomach.
Faintness : mental weakness ; in morning when rising ; from slightest motion.
Trembling : of tongue.
Numbness : in stomach and oesophagus ; in calf.
Coldness : after anger ; on vertex ; of hands, and chilliness ; chill in left chest ; chilliness in back ; chilliness in evening in bed ; chilliness during stool ; of skin ; of whole body.
Itching : at margin of lids ; in throat ; on glans ; eruption on skin ; between fingers.
Dryness : of lips, tongue and hard palate ; of.
Warmth : tearing in right side of head ; weather, diarrhoea ; air, dry, painful cough.
Open air : anxiety ; pain as of tooth screwed in and pulled out ; decayed teeth sensitive.
Cold : headache on washing after sweating ; raw and wet, rheumatic headache ; inflammation of eyes, with pains in teeth and face ; face red and smooth after washing ; toothache as of cold air ; water, pain as of tooth screwed in and pulled out, better momentarily ; water, internal heat ; fruit, incarceration of hernia after ; water, bitter taste and nausea ; air, breathing ; water, sciatica.
Dry air : soreness in occiput and behind ears.
Cerebral disturbance from getting wet.
Diarrhoea after taking cold or getting hot in summer.
Complaints when warm weather sets in after cold days.
Complaints from cold drinks in hot weather.
Kicks covers off.
Oversensitiveness of senses to external impressions.
Every spot in body is painful to pressure ; worse mornings.
Drawing rheumatic pains in various parts of body.
Transient drawing and tension in almost all limbs and joints.
As if head was turning in a circle ; as if she was sinking deep down in bed ; as if everything would press out at forehead ; as though eye became smaller ; as if eyes were pressed out of head ; as if there was sand in eyes ; as if a tooth was screwed in and then pulled out ; as if brain shook from behind forward from hiccough ; as if there was a stone in pit of stomach ; as if pit of stomach was swollen ; as if region of stomach was rolled up like a ball ; as if something lay in abdomen ; as if head would burst ; as if vapor was in trachea ; elbow feels as if arm was broken.
Rending : in shoulder joints and upper arms.
Splitting pain : in head.
Tearing : across forehead ; in cervical muscles ; in right arm ; in right temple ; in external head ; in right malar bone ; in cheeks ; in teeth ; from hip to epigastrium ; in urethra ; in limbs during menstruation ; in mamma ; in lumbar muscles ; in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in right upper arm ; on inner side of forearm ; in shins.
Cutting : in epigastrium ; in intestines ; before stool ; in urethra ; during urinating.
Stabbing : in chest ; in hips.
Lancinating : during diarrhoea ; from hip to foot ; in chest.
Beating : in vertex ; in cranium, in cerebellum.
Darting : through head ; in teeth.
Piercing : in shoulder joints and upper arms.
Stitching : deep in brain, left side ; in head ; from forehead to occiput ; in eyes ; deep in ear ; in teeth ; in throat ; in left side ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in liver ; in spleen ; in right testicle and cord ; in ovaries on inspiration ; in chest ; in intercostal spaces and sternum ; in right axillary gland ; in epigastrium and hypochondrium ; in region of heart ; between scapula ; under left scapula to heart ; in sacral region ; in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in r. elbow joint ; in wrist ; in fingers when writing ; in hip joint to knee ; in knees when walking ; in soles ; in big toe ; in all serous membranes ; in hepatic region ; in region of diaphragm.
Shooting : extending to vertex or occiput ; in eye ; in teeth ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in back through chest ; towards hip.
Stinging : in throat ; in liver ; in abdomen.
Sticking : in head ; in throat ; in liver.
Neuralgic pains : in eyes and head.
Bursting pain : in head and chest.
Pricking pains : below right nipple.
A pricking sensation like pins and needles on soles or on other parts of body, or with an eruption.
Prickling : in anterior third of tongue ; at anus ; in soles when walking ; in soles of feet ; of skin (nettlerash).
Pinching : pressure in articulation of right jaw ; in ears ; in abdomen ; in right calf.
Griping : in intestines ; during stool.
Digging : in forehead ; in teeth as from cold.
Rheumatic pain : in uterus ; in chest and lungs ; in tendon of trapezius ; in back ; in limbs ; in shoulders.
Aching : of head in morning ; headache, in occiput ; tensive, in temporal region ; in head when stooping ; expansive headache ; in eyes ; in left orbit ; from eye to occiput ; dull, in alveoli of upper jaw ; of gums during teething ; in back ; beneath right scapula ; in lumbar muscles ; and bruised feeling in right gluteal region.
Pressure : in cardiac region ; in frontal region ; above left eye ; in occipital protuberance ; outward in head ; on vertex ; in occiput ; in temples ; in left eyeball ; under right cheek bone ; in throat ; in stomach ; towards left inguinal ring on sitting ; in urethra ; at larynx ; over chest and sternum ; in precordial region ; on top of right shoulder ; in right hypochonder ; in epigastrium ; in sphincter ani and rectum.
Pressive pain : in left tonsil.
Pressing, crushing pain : in eyes.
Burning : in forehead and temples ; in eyes ; in right eye ; in stomach ; along diaphragm and ribs ; in liver ; in abdomen ; at anus ; with stool and urine ; in rectum ; in fundus of uterus ; in mamma ; in chest ; in veins ; spots on skin ; in hepatic region ; in urethra.
Scalding : in eyes.
Smarting : behind pomum adami.
Drawing : in occiput ; in temporal bones ; tearing in right temple ; in left upper lid ; in back teeth ; in urethra ; from hip to foot ; in muscles of neck, right side ; in right upper arm ; along crest of fibula ; in urethra.
Constricting pain : in stomach.
Twisting : tensive in single muscle fibres.
Jerking : from forehead to occiput ; toothache in evening ; pressing between scapula.
Twitching : drawing in maxillary bones ; of left upper lid ; in right malar bone ; in corners of mouth ; in abdomen, left side ; in nose.
Soreness : of eyes ; of nose ; of right malar bone ; of teeth and gums ; in epigastrium ; of abdomen ; in intestines ; of larynx ; behind sternum ; of cervical glands ; in pit of stomach ; in anus ; in trachea ; in ribs.
Rawness : in throat ; in larynx.
Tension : in temporal region ; in external head ; at stomach ; in region of liver ; down thighs ; at sphincter ani ; in mamma ; in nape of neck ; in right shoulder ; in knee ; in ankles ; on back of feet ; in hepatic region.
Pain : in head ; above left eye ; in occiput ; in right temple ; in both temples ; sharp ; in left occipital protuberance ; pressive, in head ; dull, in forehead ; in small spot on forehead ; in vertex ; in limbs on motion ; like of needle through eye and head ; severe, in eye ; violent, in teeth and face ; in left tonsil ; in throat ; in pit of stomach ; constricting ; in stomach ; in region of liver ; in abdomen ; in kidneys ; in right ovarian region ; in back and loins during menstruation ; rheumatic, in uterus ; in breasts ; on inspiring ; in abdominal muscles ; in cardiac region ; in inframammary region ; rheumatic, in chest and lungs ; in nape of neck ; in lumbar and sacral region ; in small of back ; paralytic, in right elbow ; in wrist as if sprained ; in left lumbar region to thigh ; in right thigh to knee ; in left calf ; in sole of foot ; in ball of great toe ; in liver and kidneys on awakening ; in left heel.
Sensitiveness : of external right ear ; of right parotid ; of lower lip ; of teeth to air ; at pit of stomach ; of abdomen ; in lumbar muscles вruised feeling : in hypochondriac region ; on outer side of right calf.
Scraping : and roughness in throat.
Scratching : in throat.
Tickling : in epigastrium ; in throat or stomach, exciting cough ; in larynx.
Crawling : in throat ; in epigastrium ; in throat, exciting cough.
Crepitation : moving legs.
Cracking : of hip joint on walking.
Throbbing : on top of head ; throughout body ; in abdomen.
Pulsation : in left orbit.
Beating : in vertex.
Looseness : of teeth.
Lightness : of head, with wabbling in ears.
Constriction : of chest.
Emptiness : of stomach.
Fulness : in forehead ; in cranium ; of eyeball ; in throat ; at stomach ; at right hypochondrium ; throughout chest.
Tightness : in shoulder joints and upper arms ; in calves.
Swollen : as if, at pit of stomach ; finger joints as if swollen when writing.
Heaviness : in forehead ; in head ; of head, in afternoon ; of left upper lid ; in stomach ; in region of liver ; at sphincter ani ; of breasts ; beneath sternum ; in limbs.
Plug : ears feel stopped ; at epigastrium.
Uncomfort : in abdomen as of menses.
Weakness : of thighs ; of limbs ; after slight exertion.
Weight : in stomach.
Faintness : mental weakness ; in morning when rising ; from slightest motion.
Trembling : of tongue.
Numbness : in stomach and oesophagus ; in calf.
Coldness : after anger ; on vertex ; of hands, and chilliness ; chill in left chest ; chilliness in back ; chilliness in evening in bed ; chilliness during stool ; of skin ; of whole body.
Itching : at margin of lids ; in throat ; on glans ; eruption on skin ; between fingers.
Dryness : of lips, tongue and hard palate ; of.
More chilliness in room than in open air.
Chilliness and coldness of body, also in bed.
Coldness and chilliness, mostly in evening, and often only one one (r.) side.
Chilliness during stool.
Skin icy cold, shrivelled. θ сholera Asiatica.
Coldness and shivering over whole body.
Before chill, vertigo and headache. θ Intermittent.
Chill, with external coldness of body.
Chills begin on lips, and on tips of fingers and toes ; great thirst during all stages. θ Intermittent.
Right-sided chill. θ Intermittent.
Chill with thirst.
Chill : better by drinking ; after sleep ; worse by exercise ; worse in a warm room.
Chilly sensation about ulcers.
Chill or heat on diseased part.
Chilliness predominating, frequently with heat of head, red cheeks and thirst.
Chilliness with heat in head and red face. θ Rheumatic attack.
Chills with heat.
Shaking chill, frequently with heat in head, internal ; generally with intense desire for cold drinks.
Chills with thirst ; heat of face with flushed cheeks. θ Intermittent.
In evening : hot and red cheeks with chill all over, with gooseflesh and thirst.
Heat or chill lessened while sitting.
Fever, with dry, burning heat, mostly internal ; blood seems to burn in veins.
Heat in head : and face ; in morning ; in forenoon ; feels as though it would come out at forehead.
Dry heat at night.
Heat with desire to uncover.
Feeling of heat in face, with redness and thirst.
Fever, with bitter taste and thirst.
Heat with thirst. θ Intermittent.
Heat only internal or on single parts of body, with great thirst.
Great aggravation of sufferings during heat.
Heat after stool.
Sweat in morning.
Cold sweat on forehead and whole head.
Sweat in short spells and only on single parts.
Profuse night and morning sweat.
Profuse night sweat after 3 A. M.
Dry skin during day, copious sour sweat in night and towards morning.
Sour smelling profuse sweat during a good night’s sleep.
Sweat profuse, sour or oily. θ Intermittent.
Unctuous, oily sweat. θ Pertussis.
Sweat easily excited by exercise. θ Intermittent.
Sweat on slight exertion ; even when walking in cool air.
Sweat relieves.
Sweat over whole trunk and head, but not on parts affected. θ Rheumatic attack.
Thirst only during fever. θ Intermittent.
Intermittent connected with incipient tuberculosis, with preponent and recedent type.
Nervous fever with pain in limbs.
Typhoid fevers ; accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth and throat, which at times seems to choke patient ; diarrhoea ; dry lips ; great thirst.
Appearing and vanishing quickly : sharp pain in left occipital protuberance.
Alternately : restless every other night ; periodical sweats on single parts ; intermittent with proponent and recedent type.
Right : tearing from forehead to arm ; drawing-tearing in temple ; tearing in head ; burning and lachrymation of eye ; heat and swelling of r. ear ; parotid swollen and sensitive ; thin, light discharge from nostril ; pinching pressure at articulation of jaw ; dull aching in alveoli of upper jaw : twitching-tearing in malar bone to temple ; painful pressing under r. cheek bone ; stinging pain near larynx on swallowing ; stitches in testicle and spermatic cord ; pain in ovarian region ; burning in fundus of uterus ; oppression of chest, with stitches in axillary gland ; stitches between third and fourth ribs ; pricking pain below nipple ; burning in chest ; painful spot on second rib to sternum ; aching and sharp pain beneath scapula ; painful pressure on shoulder ; rheumatic swelling of shoulder and upper arm, with stitches ; aching pain in gluteal region ; lame and bruised in hip ; great pain in thigh ; pain in knee ; pain in knee-cap as of long kneeling ; pinching-tearing in calf ; coldness and chilliness of body.
Left : pressing out in eyeball ; pressure above eye ; drawing in temporal bone ; stitch in left side of brain when coughing ; sharp pain in occipital protuberance ; continued stitch deep in brain ; sensitive pressure in eyeball ; darting pains from eye through head ; snapping in stomach as of food pushed to left side ; stitches in side on vomiting ; pain in heel ; twitching in abdomen ; stitching in back ; heat in hypogastrium ; pain towards inguinal ring ; inflammation of labium major ; mamma swollen ; swelling of breast and axillary glands during weaning ; stitches in chest ; chill in chest ; rheumatic pain in tendon of trapezius on turning head to left ; stitches under scapula to heart ; swelling in elbow joints ; bruised pain on outer calf ; rheumatic pains in knee ; constant threshing with arm and leg ; weaving motion in arm and leg.
Within out : headache in forehead and temples ; pressive pain in temples ; violent headache, with pressure in brain ; continued stitch in brain ; stitches in head and chest ; pricking pain below right nipple.
Above downward : drawing from occiput into neck ; tearing in forehead, extending to right arm ; drawing in temporal bones ; drawing-tearing in right temple to neck ; tearing in head extending into jaw bones ; headache in occiput to shoulders ; pressive pain in occiput into neck ; drawing and tearing from temple to malar bone ; pressure in epigastrium to umbilicus and bladder ; pain in inguinal region ; drawing in intestines ; pain in ovarian region ; lancinating from hip to foot ; pain in thorax to lower part of sternum ; creeping chilliness in back ; dull stitching on shoulder ; tearing from elbow to wrist ; pain in lumbar region to thigh ; stitching in hip to knee ; pain along thigh to knee ; swelling of legs to feet.
Below up : twitching-tearing in right malar bone to temple ; tearing in hip to epigastrium ; pains in abdomen ; heat from abdomen to chest ; drawing in elbow to shoulder ; shooting pain to hip ; chills begin at fingers and toes.
Left to right : stitches in chest during inspiration.
Right to left : painful spot on second rib to sternum.
Before back : sticking, jerking, throbbing headache from forehead to occiput ; sharp pains in eyeballs to occiput ; darting pains from left eye through head ; aching from eye to occiput ; stitches through chest to scapula ; pain in lumbar region.
Behind forward : shaking of brain from hiccough ; stitches in left chest ; stitches below scapula ; stitches and pressing between scapula and epigastrium.
More chilliness in room than in open air.
Chilliness and coldness of body, also in bed.
Coldness and chilliness, mostly in evening, and often only one one (r.) side.
Chilliness during stool.
Skin icy cold, shrivelled. θ сholera Asiatica.
Coldness and shivering over whole body.
Before chill, vertigo and headache. θ Intermittent.
Chill, with external coldness of body.
Chills begin on lips, and on tips of fingers and toes ; great thirst during all stages. θ Intermittent.
Right-sided chill. θ Intermittent.
Chill with thirst.
Chill : better by drinking ; after sleep ; worse by exercise ; worse in a warm room.
Chilly sensation about ulcers.
Chill or heat on diseased part.
Chilliness predominating, frequently with heat of head, red cheeks and thirst.
Chilliness with heat in head and red face. θ Rheumatic attack.
Chills with heat.
Shaking chill, frequently with heat in head, internal ; generally with intense desire for cold drinks.
Chills with thirst ; heat of face with flushed cheeks. θ Intermittent.
In evening : hot and red cheeks with chill all over, with gooseflesh and thirst.
Heat or chill lessened while sitting.
Fever, with dry, burning heat, mostly internal ; blood seems to burn in veins.
Heat in head : and face ; in morning ; in forenoon ; feels as though it would come out at forehead.
Dry heat at night.
Heat with desire to uncover.
Feeling of heat in face, with redness and thirst.
Fever, with bitter taste and thirst.
Heat with thirst. θ Intermittent.
Heat only internal or on single parts of body, with great thirst.
Great aggravation of sufferings during heat.
Heat after stool.
Sweat in morning.
Cold sweat on forehead and whole head.
Sweat in short spells and only on single parts.
Profuse night and morning sweat.
Profuse night sweat after 3 A. M.
Dry skin during day, copious sour sweat in night and towards morning.
Sour smelling profuse sweat during a good night’s sleep.
Sweat profuse, sour or oily. θ Intermittent.
Unctuous, oily sweat. θ Pertussis.
Sweat easily excited by exercise. θ Intermittent.
Sweat on slight exertion ; even when walking in cool air.
Sweat relieves.
Sweat over whole trunk and head, but not on parts affected. θ Rheumatic attack.
Thirst only during fever. θ Intermittent.
Intermittent connected with incipient tuberculosis, with preponent and recedent type.
Nervous fever with pain in limbs.
Typhoid fevers ; accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth and throat, which at times seems to choke patient ; diarrhoea ; dry lips ; great thirst.
Appearing and vanishing quickly : sharp pain in left occipital protuberance.
Alternately : restless every other night ; periodical sweats on single parts ; intermittent with proponent and recedent type.
Right : tearing from forehead to arm ; drawing-tearing in temple ; tearing in head ; burning and lachrymation of eye ; heat and swelling of r. ear ; parotid swollen and sensitive ; thin, light discharge from nostril ; pinching pressure at articulation of jaw ; dull aching in alveoli of upper jaw : twitching-tearing in malar bone to temple ; painful pressing under r. cheek bone ; stinging pain near larynx on swallowing ; stitches in testicle and spermatic cord ; pain in ovarian region ; burning in fundus of uterus ; oppression of chest, with stitches in axillary gland ; stitches between third and fourth ribs ; pricking pain below nipple ; burning in chest ; painful spot on second rib to sternum ; aching and sharp pain beneath scapula ; painful pressure on shoulder ; rheumatic swelling of shoulder and upper arm, with stitches ; aching pain in gluteal region ; lame and bruised in hip ; great pain in thigh ; pain in knee ; pain in knee-cap as of long kneeling ; pinching-tearing in calf ; coldness and chilliness of body.
Left : pressing out in eyeball ; pressure above eye ; drawing in temporal bone ; stitch in left side of brain when coughing ; sharp pain in occipital protuberance ; continued stitch deep in brain ; sensitive pressure in eyeball ; darting pains from eye through head ; snapping in stomach as of food pushed to left side ; stitches in side on vomiting ; pain in heel ; twitching in abdomen ; stitching in back ; heat in hypogastrium ; pain towards inguinal ring ; inflammation of labium major ; mamma swollen ; swelling of breast and axillary glands during weaning ; stitches in chest ; chill in chest ; rheumatic pain in tendon of trapezius on turning head to left ; stitches under scapula to heart ; swelling in elbow joints ; bruised pain on outer calf ; rheumatic pains in knee ; constant threshing with arm and leg ; weaving motion in arm and leg.
Within out : headache in forehead and temples ; pressive pain in temples ; violent headache, with pressure in brain ; continued stitch in brain ; stitches in head and chest ; pricking pain below right nipple.
Above downward : drawing from occiput into neck ; tearing in forehead, extending to right arm ; drawing in temporal bones ; drawing-tearing in right temple to neck ; tearing in head extending into jaw bones ; headache in occiput to shoulders ; pressive pain in occiput into neck ; drawing and tearing from temple to malar bone ; pressure in epigastrium to umbilicus and bladder ; pain in inguinal region ; drawing in intestines ; pain in ovarian region ; lancinating from hip to foot ; pain in thorax to lower part of sternum ; creeping chilliness in back ; dull stitching on shoulder ; tearing from elbow to wrist ; pain in lumbar region to thigh ; stitching in hip to knee ; pain along thigh to knee ; swelling of legs to feet.
Below up : twitching-tearing in right malar bone to temple ; tearing in hip to epigastrium ; pains in abdomen ; heat from abdomen to chest ; drawing in elbow to shoulder ; shooting pain to hip ; chills begin at fingers and toes.
Left to right : stitches in chest during inspiration.
Right to left : painful spot on second rib to sternum.
Before back : sticking, jerking, throbbing headache from forehead to occiput ; sharp pains in eyeballs to occiput ; darting pains from left eye through head ; aching from eye to occiput ; stitches through chest to scapula ; pain in lumbar region.
Behind forward : shaking of brain from hiccough ; stitches in left chest ; stitches below scapula ; stitches and pressing between scapula and epigastrium.
Yellow skin of whole body, even of face ; jaundice.
A red, round, hot spot on cheek on malar bone.
Small, red spots on various parts of body ; some with sensibility and not disappearing on pressure ; some burning and disappearing on pressure.
Cutaneous eruptions generally dry.
Dry, itching eruption over whole body.
Burning-itching eruptions.
Eruption over whole body, especially on back as far as neck, which itched so violently that he was obliged to scratch it.
Red, elevated, rash-like eruption over whole body.
Nettlerash, with a great prickling, particularly when touched.
White miliary eruption.
Rash, especially of children, and during childbed.
Erysipelatous inflammations, especially of joints.
Slow development of rash in eruptive fevers ; or, sudden receding of rash, with difficult respiration ; or inflammatory affection of chest.
After measles. θ Pertussis.
When scarlatinal eruption delays, or suddenly recedes. θ Dropsy, pleuritis, or meningitis.
Ailments from suppression of measles. θ Pertussis.
After suppression of exanthemata. θ Diarrhoea.
Febrile symptoms preceding eruption of smallpox and miliary fever ; secondary affections remaining after measles and scarlatina.
Hard knots and blotches.
Ulcers putrid ; cold feeling in them.
Painless ulcers.
Real itch between fingers, on body and in hollow of knees.
Variola with dropsy.
A red, round, hot spot on cheek on malar bone.
Small, red spots on various parts of body ; some with sensibility and not disappearing on pressure ; some burning and disappearing on pressure.
Cutaneous eruptions generally dry.
Dry, itching eruption over whole body.
Burning-itching eruptions.
Eruption over whole body, especially on back as far as neck, which itched so violently that he was obliged to scratch it.
Red, elevated, rash-like eruption over whole body.
Nettlerash, with a great prickling, particularly when touched.
White miliary eruption.
Rash, especially of children, and during childbed.
Erysipelatous inflammations, especially of joints.
Slow development of rash in eruptive fevers ; or, sudden receding of rash, with difficult respiration ; or inflammatory affection of chest.
After measles. θ Pertussis.
When scarlatinal eruption delays, or suddenly recedes. θ Dropsy, pleuritis, or meningitis.
Ailments from suppression of measles. θ Pertussis.
After suppression of exanthemata. θ Diarrhoea.
Febrile symptoms preceding eruption of smallpox and miliary fever ; secondary affections remaining after measles and scarlatina.
Hard knots and blotches.
Ulcers putrid ; cold feeling in them.
Painless ulcers.
Real itch between fingers, on body and in hollow of knees.
Variola with dropsy.
Patient type and constitution
Indicated in light complexions, but more in dark.
Rheumatic diathesis.
Black hair, dark complexion, tendency to constipation.
People with choleric temperament, bilious tendency, dark hair and complexion, with firm, fleshy fibre.
Old people.
Old women, accustomed to taking alcohol. θ Asthma.
Rheumatic diathesis.
Black hair, dark complexion, tendency to constipation.
People with choleric temperament, bilious tendency, dark hair and complexion, with firm, fleshy fibre.
Old people.
Old women, accustomed to taking alcohol. θ Asthma.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Aconite, Alumina, сamphor., сhamom., сhelid., сlemat., сoffea, Ignat., Mur. Ac., Nux vom., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Seneg.
Bryon. antidotes : Alumina, сhlorine, сinchon., Frag. vesc., Mercur., Rhus tox.
Compare : the сucurbitacea (all of which have belching, with unaltered taste of food) ; Acon., Ammon., Ant. crud. (nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea ; cannot bear milk) ; Arnic., Arsen. (unlike вryon., drinks often and little, and eats seldom, but much) ; Ascl. tub. (pleura) ; вellad. (delirium, etc., hasty speech and hasty drinking) ; сalcarea ostr., сarb. veg. (miliaria) ; сaustic., сhamom., Ignat., Ipec. (miliaria) ; Kali carb. (miliaria, chest affections) ; Kreosot., Laches., Lycop., Mercur., Natr. sulph. (morning diarrhoea) ; Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Nux vom. (digestive organs) ; Opium, Petrol., Phosphor., Podoph., Pulsat. (morning diarrhoea) ; Ranunculus bulb. (pleurisy, rheumatic affections) ; Rhus tox. (rheumatism, etc. Rumex (morning diarrhoea) ; Sepia, Silica, Spigel. (pleura) ; Sulphur, Squilla (pleura).
Compatibles : before вryon., Aconite, Ammom., Nux vomica, Opium, Rhus tox. ; after вryon., Alum., Arsen., Kali carb., Nux vomica, Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur.
Complements : Alumina, Rhux tox.
Bryon. antidotes : Alumina, сhlorine, сinchon., Frag. vesc., Mercur., Rhus tox.
Compare : the сucurbitacea (all of which have belching, with unaltered taste of food) ; Acon., Ammon., Ant. crud. (nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea ; cannot bear milk) ; Arnic., Arsen. (unlike вryon., drinks often and little, and eats seldom, but much) ; Ascl. tub. (pleura) ; вellad. (delirium, etc., hasty speech and hasty drinking) ; сalcarea ostr., сarb. veg. (miliaria) ; сaustic., сhamom., Ignat., Ipec. (miliaria) ; Kali carb. (miliaria, chest affections) ; Kreosot., Laches., Lycop., Mercur., Natr. sulph. (morning diarrhoea) ; Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Nux vom. (digestive organs) ; Opium, Petrol., Phosphor., Podoph., Pulsat. (morning diarrhoea) ; Ranunculus bulb. (pleurisy, rheumatic affections) ; Rhus tox. (rheumatism, etc. Rumex (morning diarrhoea) ; Sepia, Silica, Spigel. (pleura) ; Sulphur, Squilla (pleura).
Compatibles : before вryon., Aconite, Ammom., Nux vomica, Opium, Rhus tox. ; after вryon., Alum., Arsen., Kali carb., Nux vomica, Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sulphur.
Complements : Alumina, Rhux tox.
Included in the composition
- 1-1.2€ Sandra
- 1.4€ Bronchotussit-GPH
- 1.7€ Baby-Sed (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.7€ Sagrippin homeopatic (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2€ Briorus (ЭДАС)
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2€ Gastropane (ЭДАС)
- 2-2.4€ Briacon (ЭДАС)
- 2.3-2.7€ Briapis (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Normagast (2 firms)
- 3€ Acogryppin (2 firms)
- 3-3.8€ Rhusbricarum (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Артрокапли (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Бронхосил плюс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Гриппакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Ринильтикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Бриссад (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Лаксатин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.8-5€ Ревматал (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.5€ Хондросан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.9-4.7€ Стодаль (2 firms)
- — Belladonna-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Capsicum-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Eucalypt-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Immukor (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Sambucus-plus (2 firms)
- — Bryonia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 2.3-6.9€ Aflubin (5 firms)
- 4.5-5.8€ Bronchalis-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 4.6-6€ Spigelon (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Гастронукс (Фитасинтекс)
- 6€ Gireel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 4.8-7.8€ Homeovox (БУАРОН )
- 6.1-9.8€ Influcid (3 firms)
- 6.8-8.9€ Nux vomica-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №10
- — Flowers Energy №11
- — Flowers Energy №12
- 11€ Flowers Energy №2
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №31
- — Flowers Energy №40
- 11€ Flowers Energy №42
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- — Flowers Energy №48
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- — Flowers Energy №75
- — Flowers Energy №8
- 11€ Flowers Energy №94
- 9.2-155.6€ Echinacea compositum sn (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Aconite-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Arnica-Heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Atropinum compositum
- — Bioline Arthritis
- — Bioline Candida
- — Bronchostatum (Алкой-Фарм)
- — L-Flu
- — L52 Lehning (Laboratoires Lehning )
- — Tonsan-akut
- — Антуссин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Артросан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Иммуностабил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug