Other names and synonyms
merc-d.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Calomel. Hg сl.
Symptoms toxicological and clinical.
Symptoms toxicological and clinical.
- Ulceration of cornea, Norton, Oph. Therap. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis, Newton, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 68 ; Otorrhoea, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 369 ; сatarrhal inflammation of middle ear (93 cases), Houghton, Times Retros., vol. 1, p. 24 ; Angina tonsillaris, Hendricks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 243 ; Gastromalacia (3 cases), вicking, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 607 ; Diarrhoea, Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 421 ; Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 422 ; сonstipation, Gerson, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 395 ; Prostatitis, Gerson, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 545 ; сondylomata, Syphilis, вattman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 562.
Head, face, and ears
Girl, at. 6, light complexion, pale skin, muscles soft and flabby, glands enlarged, general strumous diathesis ; a very deep ulcer on left cornea, so nearly perforated that membrane of Descemet has begun to bulge ; small ulcers and pustules on border of cornea ; pustules and macula on right cornea ; considerable redness and photophobia. θ Strumous ophthalmia.
Irido-choroiditis, especially if dependent upon scrofulous diathesis and general cachexia.
Inflammations occurring in pale, flabby, scrofulous subjects.
Ciliary blepharitis associated with phlyctenular ophthalmia, and accompanied by eruption on face, soreness of nose and swelling of upper lip.
Catarrhal inflammation of middle ear.
Eustachian tube and mucous membrane of pharynx affected. θ Otitis media.
Closure of Eustachian tube ; deafness of advancing years.
Catarrhal otorrhoea occurring in scrofulous children, or accompanying scrofulous inflammation of eyes, occasionally hearing is affected.
Pallid as a corpse.
Irido-choroiditis, especially if dependent upon scrofulous diathesis and general cachexia.
Inflammations occurring in pale, flabby, scrofulous subjects.
Ciliary blepharitis associated with phlyctenular ophthalmia, and accompanied by eruption on face, soreness of nose and swelling of upper lip.
Catarrhal inflammation of middle ear.
Eustachian tube and mucous membrane of pharynx affected. θ Otitis media.
Closure of Eustachian tube ; deafness of advancing years.
Catarrhal otorrhoea occurring in scrofulous children, or accompanying scrofulous inflammation of eyes, occasionally hearing is affected.
Pallid as a corpse.
Mouth and throat
Inflammation of lips and tongue.
Whole mouth filled with ulcers.
Whole inside of mouth, tongue and all had a very black appearance, emitting a constant flow of dark, putrid saliva, of intolerable fetor.
Angina tonsillaris.
Excessive ulceration of throat.
Difficulty of swallowing.
Whole mouth filled with ulcers.
Whole inside of mouth, tongue and all had a very black appearance, emitting a constant flow of dark, putrid saliva, of intolerable fetor.
Angina tonsillaris.
Excessive ulceration of throat.
Difficulty of swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Bloated, hot, painful abdomen, particularly in region of stomach ; frequent vomiting, vomited matter smelling very sour ; milk rejected almost immediately, accompanied by much slime ; every day about twelve passages of greyish green, stringy, chopped masses ; constant restlessness ; crosses legs and draws them towards abdomen ; peculiar whimpering ; irregular febrile attacks ; emaciation ; greyish color of face, which appears long and has an old look ; distortion of mouth ; dulness of eyes. θ Gastromalacia.
Stools : watery, greenish ; black, with great epigastric oppression, sinking, etc.
Diarrhoea of children ; stools grass green, coppery green, like chopped eggs, watery, very profuse, excoriating, causing soreness of anus ; abdomen bloated ; liver enlarged ; skin pale ; face bloated ; mucous membrane of mouth pale ; aphtha ; foul smell from mouth ; ptyalism ; glands of neck and submaxillary and inguinal glands swollen ; fever and thirst.
Symptoms thoroughly dysenteric.
Constant disposition to stool ; small discharges consisting of mucus and blood, colored with bile.
Obstinate constipation.
Burning pain in rectum.
Bloated, hot, painful abdomen, particularly in region of stomach ; frequent vomiting, vomited matter smelling very sour ; milk rejected almost immediately, accompanied by much slime ; every day about twelve passages of greyish green, stringy, chopped masses ; constant restlessness ; crosses legs and draws them towards abdomen ; peculiar whimpering ; irregular febrile attacks ; emaciation ; greyish color of face, which appears long and has an old look ; distortion of mouth ; dulness of eyes. θ Gastromalacia.
Stools : watery, greenish ; black, with great epigastric oppression, sinking, etc.
Diarrhoea of children ; stools grass green, coppery green, like chopped eggs, watery, very profuse, excoriating, causing soreness of anus ; abdomen bloated ; liver enlarged ; skin pale ; face bloated ; mucous membrane of mouth pale ; aphtha ; foul smell from mouth ; ptyalism ; glands of neck and submaxillary and inguinal glands swollen ; fever and thirst.
Symptoms thoroughly dysenteric.
Constant disposition to stool ; small discharges consisting of mucus and blood, colored with bile.
Obstinate constipation.
Burning pain in rectum.
Urogenital system
Acute inflammation of prostate gland, particularly after maltreated gonorrhoeal stricture ; both lobes enormously swollen, almost occluding rectum, with intolerably painful urinary symptoms ; severe burning, pressing pains ; scanty urine.
Broad, moist, burning condylomata around external genitals, perineum and anus, of extremely offensive smell.
Broad, moist, burning condylomata around external genitals, perineum and anus, of extremely offensive smell.
Limbs and spine
Crosses legs and draws them towards abdomen ; gastromalacia.
Ill defined gastric disturbances during second stage ; painful sensibility of whole abdomen ; watery stools, colorless, or as if mixed with flocculent matter, or like washings of flesh, occurring most often at night. θ Typhoid fever.
Every day : about twelve passages of greyish green, stringy, chopped masses.
Right : pustules and macula on cornea.
Left : a very deep ulcer on cornea.
Every day : about twelve passages of greyish green, stringy, chopped masses.
Right : pustules and macula on cornea.
Left : a very deep ulcer on cornea.
Common symptoms
Burning pain : in rectum.
Burning and itching : in condylomata around anus.
Soreness : of nose ; of anus.
Painfulness : of abdomen.
Burning and itching : in condylomata around anus.
Soreness : of nose ; of anus.
Painfulness : of abdomen.
Eruption over whole body of round copper colored spots, in centre of which are dry papules, around which, from centre to periphery, skin exfoliates ; broad, moist condylomata around anus, with severe burning and itching. θ Syphilis.
Patient type and constitution
Child, at. 3 mos. ; diarrhoea.
Three children at. 1/2-1 1/2 years ; gastromalacia.
Girl, at. 6, light complexion, pale skin, muscles soft and flabby, glands enlarged and general strumous diathesis ; ulceration of cornea.
XX, at. 15 ; scrofulous diathesis, suffers frequently from sore eyes ; phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
Girl, at. 19, fat, strong ; condylomata.
Three children at. 1/2-1 1/2 years ; gastromalacia.
Girl, at. 6, light complexion, pale skin, muscles soft and flabby, glands enlarged and general strumous diathesis ; ulceration of cornea.
XX, at. 15 ; scrofulous diathesis, suffers frequently from sore eyes ; phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
Girl, at. 19, fat, strong ; condylomata.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Hepar.
Compare : Sulph. ac. in stringy stools.
Compare : Sulph. ac. in stringy stools.
Included in the composition
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