Other names and synonyms
squil, Squilla maritima.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Squills, Sea Onion. Liliacea.
A bulbous plant, bearing a long spike of whitish flowers, found on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, вecher, Hartmann, Hornburg, Mossdorf, Stapf, Teuthorn, Walther and Wislicenus, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. 3, p. 265.
A bulbous plant, bearing a long spike of whitish flowers, found on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, вecher, Hartmann, Hornburg, Mossdorf, Stapf, Teuthorn, Walther and Wislicenus, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. 3, p. 265.
- Affection of eye, Sawyer, Medorrhinum Adv., June, 1889, p. 398 ; Phlyctenule of conjunctiva, Deady, Norton’s Ophth. Therap., p. 171 ; Enuresis nocturna, вlaisdell, Stitson, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 390 ; Asthma, Frank, N. A. J. H., vol. 9, p. 257 ; вronchitis, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 27 ; Neidhard, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 27 ; Pertussis, A. R., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 729 ; Whooping cough, Wesselhoeft, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 3 ; Pneumonia, Deschere, T. A. I. H., 1886, p. 323 ; Dropsical affections, Hahnemann, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 355.
Psyche and consciousness
Great anxiety of mind, with fear of death.
Angry about trifles.
Aversion to mental or bodily labor.
Vertigo in morning, with nausea.
Head beclouded and dizzy.
Angry about trifles.
Aversion to mental or bodily labor.
Vertigo in morning, with nausea.
Head beclouded and dizzy.
Head, face, and ears
Drawing lancinating headache.
Pulsation in head when raising it.
Headache in morning on waking, with pressing pains.
Contractive pain in both temples.
Quickly passing pain in occiput, from left to right.
Stitching pain in right side of forehead.
Affections of brain : child rubs its face and eyes a great deal, especially its eyes, as if to relieve itching ; profuse or scanty urination.
Painful sensitiveness of vertex, mornings.
Staring look, eyes wide open.
Left eye looks smaller than right ; upper eyelid swollen.
Contraction of pupils.
The eyes feel as if swimming in cold water.
For two weeks a large phlyctenule of conjunctiva on outer side of cornea ; sensation as of cold water in eye, when in a cold wind.
Tearing pain back of left ear.
Sneezes during cough ; eyes water ; rubs eyes and nose. θ Measles.
Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza, in morning ; a regular general snizzle ; coryza ; mucous cough, with spurting of urine, and even of watery stools.
Nostrils painful as if sore, with violent coryza.
Humid eruptions under nose, with stinging itching.
Changeable expression and color of face.
During heat, redness of face, followed by paleness, without coldness.
Distorted countenance, with red cheeks, no thirst.
Lips : twitch and are covered with yellow crusts ; black and cracked.
Humid spreading eruption on upper lip.
Pulsation in head when raising it.
Headache in morning on waking, with pressing pains.
Contractive pain in both temples.
Quickly passing pain in occiput, from left to right.
Stitching pain in right side of forehead.
Affections of brain : child rubs its face and eyes a great deal, especially its eyes, as if to relieve itching ; profuse or scanty urination.
Painful sensitiveness of vertex, mornings.
Staring look, eyes wide open.
Left eye looks smaller than right ; upper eyelid swollen.
Contraction of pupils.
The eyes feel as if swimming in cold water.
For two weeks a large phlyctenule of conjunctiva on outer side of cornea ; sensation as of cold water in eye, when in a cold wind.
Tearing pain back of left ear.
Sneezes during cough ; eyes water ; rubs eyes and nose. θ Measles.
Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza, in morning ; a regular general snizzle ; coryza ; mucous cough, with spurting of urine, and even of watery stools.
Nostrils painful as if sore, with violent coryza.
Humid eruptions under nose, with stinging itching.
Changeable expression and color of face.
During heat, redness of face, followed by paleness, without coldness.
Distorted countenance, with red cheeks, no thirst.
Lips : twitch and are covered with yellow crusts ; black and cracked.
Humid spreading eruption on upper lip.
Mouth and throat
Food tastes bitter, especially bread ; or sweetish, especially soup and meat.
Open, dry mouth.
Much viscid mucus in mouth.
Burning in mouth and throat.
Burning in palate and throat ; dryness in throat.
Irritation in throat, with heat and tickling, causing constant cough.
Irritation to cough in pit of throat, in upper part of trachea.
Open, dry mouth.
Much viscid mucus in mouth.
Burning in mouth and throat.
Burning in palate and throat ; dryness in throat.
Irritation in throat, with heat and tickling, causing constant cough.
Irritation to cough in pit of throat, in upper part of trachea.
Appetite and food preferences
Insatiable appetite.
Desire for acids.
Thirst for cold water, but dyspnoea allows her to take but a sip at a time.
Desire for acids.
Thirst for cold water, but dyspnoea allows her to take but a sip at a time.
Gastrointestinal tract
Empty eructations.
Nausea : during morning cough ; continuous in pit of stomach, alternating with a pain in abdomen, as with diarrhoea.
Excessive nausea.
Nausea in back of throat, almost constant accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Nausea in pit of stomach, alternating with pain in abdomen, or sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.
Pressure in stomach as from a stone.
Cutting pain in abdomen as from flatulence.
Painful sensitiveness of abdomen and region of bladder.
Frequent discharge of very fetid flatus.
Diarrhoea, stool very offensive, watery, during measles, or looking black.
Stools. Dark-brown or black, slimy, fluid, in frothy bubbles ; very offensive ; painless ; involuntary (when coughing, sneezing or passing urine).
Painless constipation.
Nausea : during morning cough ; continuous in pit of stomach, alternating with a pain in abdomen, as with diarrhoea.
Excessive nausea.
Nausea in back of throat, almost constant accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Nausea in pit of stomach, alternating with pain in abdomen, or sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.
Pressure in stomach as from a stone.
Cutting pain in abdomen as from flatulence.
Painful sensitiveness of abdomen and region of bladder.
Frequent discharge of very fetid flatus.
Diarrhoea, stool very offensive, watery, during measles, or looking black.
Stools. Dark-brown or black, slimy, fluid, in frothy bubbles ; very offensive ; painless ; involuntary (when coughing, sneezing or passing urine).
Painless constipation.
Urogenital system
Continuous, painful pressure on bladder.
Tenesmus of bladder after micturition.
Frequent calls to urinate, especially at night, with scanty or profuse discharge of pale urine.
Sanguinolent urine with a deposit of red sediment.
Violent urging to urinate, with frequent emission of pale, limpid urine, looking like water. θ Diabetes insipidus.
Involuntary micturition, especially when coughing.
Continuous painful pressure on bladder and inability to retain urine. θ Enuresis nocturna.
Unable to retain urine, because the amount is too large.
Urine. Increased, pale, with frequent urging ; involuntary, scanty, dark-red. θ Hydrothorax.
When urinating feces escape.
Atony of cervix uteri.
Tenesmus of bladder after micturition.
Frequent calls to urinate, especially at night, with scanty or profuse discharge of pale urine.
Sanguinolent urine with a deposit of red sediment.
Violent urging to urinate, with frequent emission of pale, limpid urine, looking like water. θ Diabetes insipidus.
Involuntary micturition, especially when coughing.
Continuous painful pressure on bladder and inability to retain urine. θ Enuresis nocturna.
Unable to retain urine, because the amount is too large.
Urine. Increased, pale, with frequent urging ; involuntary, scanty, dark-red. θ Hydrothorax.
When urinating feces escape.
Atony of cervix uteri.
Chest organs
Moaning, with open mouth ; wheezing ; rattling, with pleurisy, must sit up ; short, with least exertion.
Dyspnoea, cannot drink ; child seizes cup eagerly, but can drink only in sips.
Difficult or embarrassed respiration.
Frequently obliged to take a deep breath, which provokes cough.
Dyspnoea and stitches in chest, most distressing on inspiration.
Oppression across chest, as if it were too tight.
Shortness of breath from every exertion, especially when ascending.
Difficulty of breathing, with stitches in chest when breathing and coughing.
Dry asthma for three years, and persistent panting respiration, no actual loss of breath at first ; finally was obliged to get out of bed and sit at open window ; could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression ; drawing pain through both hypochondria ; urine scanty, reddish-yellow and neutral.
Cough : dry, night and morning ; short, rattling, disturbing sleep ; spasmodic, from mucus in trachea, or tickling creeping sensation in chest ; with headache, dyspnoea, spurting of urine, stitches in chest or pain in abdomen ; caused by cold drinks ; during measles ; after eating ; from every exertion ; by changing from warm to cold air.
Frequent irritation to a short dry cough in four or five shocks caused by tickling beneath thyroid cartilage.
A violent sudden cough in morning, with stitch in side with every cough, with expectoration.
Cough, in morning, with profuse slimy expectoration.
Constant expectoration of mucus.
Cough in morning, with copious expectoration of thin, frequently reddish-colored mucus.
The loose cough in morning is more fatiguing than the dry in evening.
Cough seems to proceed from lowest ramifications of bronchial tubes, with wheezing in lower part of lungs. θ вronchitis.
Every fit of coughing winds up with sneezing and involuntary urination.
Sputa : white or reddish mucus ; sweetish, or empyreumatic or offensive in odor ; in small round balls, very difficult to expectorate.
Dry spasmodic cough, brought on by taking a deep inspiration, causing pain in abdomen as from a shock and sensation as if intestines would burst out through abdomen, with retching, stitches in sides, pressure upon bladder and involuntary escape of urine ; white, slimy, often sweetish-tasting expectoration in morning ; none in evening ; rattling of mucus before onset of paroxysm. θ Pertussis.
Cough less troublesome in daytime, yet somewhat spasmodic and with whooping, but every night at 11 o’clock, or between 11 and 3 o’clock she has a sudden attack of suffocation ; it is very severe and compels her to spring to her feet and stand on tiptoe on her bed, stretching her body and arms upward in her agony ; she cannot gain her breath for many seconds ; anxiety and fear is extreme ; at length the breath returns, with a whooping sound on inspiration ; this is soon followed by a milder attack ; the rest of the night is comparatively quiet ; but drinking of cold water always brings on severe cough.
Stitches in chest, especially when inhaling and coughing ; in sides of chest ; pleurisy.
Compressive pain in right side of chest, ending in a stitch.
Broad pressive stitches beneath last ribs of both sides.
On inspiration, jerking stitches in right and left sides of chest, not far from sternum.
Stitches in left and right true ribs, at same time.
Drawing stitch from last true rib to shoulder.
Broad blunt stitches in last ribs of left side, in morning in bed, that awakened him.
A contracting stitch in left side, just beneath last ribs.
Drawing pain in chest.
Sharp stitches in scapular end of clavicle during inspiration and expiration.
Severe stitches near sternum, extending downward so that he could with great difficulty get his breath.
Pains in chest worse in morning.
Heaviness on chest ; congestion of blood to chest.
Chronic catarrh, profuse secretion of tenacious white mucus, which is only expectorated after severe cough ; especially in children.
Circle of size of palm of hand, dull on percussion, in chest of a young lady.
Pneumonia right side ; cough very painful ; high fever ; breathing short and anxious, with general anxiety ; dulness over right lung on percussion, fine whistling breathing on auscultation ; in some places no respiratory murmur ; excessive dyspnoea, suffering during cough making child almost frantic ; could take no nourishment on account of cough not allowing him to swallow ; during fits of coughing, in his agony would rub his face all over briskly with his fist.
Especially suitable in pneumonia and pleurisy, after bloodletting.
Dyspnoea, cannot drink ; child seizes cup eagerly, but can drink only in sips.
Difficult or embarrassed respiration.
Frequently obliged to take a deep breath, which provokes cough.
Dyspnoea and stitches in chest, most distressing on inspiration.
Oppression across chest, as if it were too tight.
Shortness of breath from every exertion, especially when ascending.
Difficulty of breathing, with stitches in chest when breathing and coughing.
Dry asthma for three years, and persistent panting respiration, no actual loss of breath at first ; finally was obliged to get out of bed and sit at open window ; could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression ; drawing pain through both hypochondria ; urine scanty, reddish-yellow and neutral.
Cough : dry, night and morning ; short, rattling, disturbing sleep ; spasmodic, from mucus in trachea, or tickling creeping sensation in chest ; with headache, dyspnoea, spurting of urine, stitches in chest or pain in abdomen ; caused by cold drinks ; during measles ; after eating ; from every exertion ; by changing from warm to cold air.
Frequent irritation to a short dry cough in four or five shocks caused by tickling beneath thyroid cartilage.
A violent sudden cough in morning, with stitch in side with every cough, with expectoration.
Cough, in morning, with profuse slimy expectoration.
Constant expectoration of mucus.
Cough in morning, with copious expectoration of thin, frequently reddish-colored mucus.
The loose cough in morning is more fatiguing than the dry in evening.
Cough seems to proceed from lowest ramifications of bronchial tubes, with wheezing in lower part of lungs. θ вronchitis.
Every fit of coughing winds up with sneezing and involuntary urination.
Sputa : white or reddish mucus ; sweetish, or empyreumatic or offensive in odor ; in small round balls, very difficult to expectorate.
Dry spasmodic cough, brought on by taking a deep inspiration, causing pain in abdomen as from a shock and sensation as if intestines would burst out through abdomen, with retching, stitches in sides, pressure upon bladder and involuntary escape of urine ; white, slimy, often sweetish-tasting expectoration in morning ; none in evening ; rattling of mucus before onset of paroxysm. θ Pertussis.
Cough less troublesome in daytime, yet somewhat spasmodic and with whooping, but every night at 11 o’clock, or between 11 and 3 o’clock she has a sudden attack of suffocation ; it is very severe and compels her to spring to her feet and stand on tiptoe on her bed, stretching her body and arms upward in her agony ; she cannot gain her breath for many seconds ; anxiety and fear is extreme ; at length the breath returns, with a whooping sound on inspiration ; this is soon followed by a milder attack ; the rest of the night is comparatively quiet ; but drinking of cold water always brings on severe cough.
Stitches in chest, especially when inhaling and coughing ; in sides of chest ; pleurisy.
Compressive pain in right side of chest, ending in a stitch.
Broad pressive stitches beneath last ribs of both sides.
On inspiration, jerking stitches in right and left sides of chest, not far from sternum.
Stitches in left and right true ribs, at same time.
Drawing stitch from last true rib to shoulder.
Broad blunt stitches in last ribs of left side, in morning in bed, that awakened him.
A contracting stitch in left side, just beneath last ribs.
Drawing pain in chest.
Sharp stitches in scapular end of clavicle during inspiration and expiration.
Severe stitches near sternum, extending downward so that he could with great difficulty get his breath.
Pains in chest worse in morning.
Heaviness on chest ; congestion of blood to chest.
Chronic catarrh, profuse secretion of tenacious white mucus, which is only expectorated after severe cough ; especially in children.
Circle of size of palm of hand, dull on percussion, in chest of a young lady.
Pneumonia right side ; cough very painful ; high fever ; breathing short and anxious, with general anxiety ; dulness over right lung on percussion, fine whistling breathing on auscultation ; in some places no respiratory murmur ; excessive dyspnoea, suffering during cough making child almost frantic ; could take no nourishment on account of cough not allowing him to swallow ; during fits of coughing, in his agony would rub his face all over briskly with his fist.
Especially suitable in pneumonia and pleurisy, after bloodletting.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse small and slow, slightly hard.
Limbs and spine
Stiffness of neck.
Painful jerking above left scapula.
Painless drawing in left scapula.
Sweat in armpits.
Convulsive twitching in arms ; cold hands.
Convulsive twitching of legs.
Cold foot sweat.
Sweat only on toes.
Soles red and sore when walking.
Tearing and restlessness in upper and lower extremities.
Convulsive twitching and motions of limbs, worse morning and evening and during motion.
Soreness in bends of joints.
Dull rheumatic pain ; worse when exercising, better while at rest.
Rest : rheumatic pains .
Could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression.
Raising head : pulsation in it.
Must sit up : pleurisy.
Sitting : chilliness ceases.
Motion : twitching of limbs.
Least exertion : short respiration ; cough.
Ascending : shortness of breath.
Walking : soles red and sore ; chilliness.
Exercising : rheumatic pains.
Painful jerking above left scapula.
Painless drawing in left scapula.
Sweat in armpits.
Convulsive twitching in arms ; cold hands.
Convulsive twitching of legs.
Cold foot sweat.
Sweat only on toes.
Soles red and sore when walking.
Tearing and restlessness in upper and lower extremities.
Convulsive twitching and motions of limbs, worse morning and evening and during motion.
Soreness in bends of joints.
Dull rheumatic pain ; worse when exercising, better while at rest.
Rest : rheumatic pains .
Could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression.
Raising head : pulsation in it.
Must sit up : pleurisy.
Sitting : chilliness ceases.
Motion : twitching of limbs.
Least exertion : short respiration ; cough.
Ascending : shortness of breath.
Walking : soles red and sore ; chilliness.
Exercising : rheumatic pains.
Frequent yawning, without sleepiness.
Restless sleep with much tossing about.
Morning : vertigo and nausea ; headache ; painful sensitiveness of vertex ; fluent coryza ; nausea during cough ; dry cough ; violent sudden cough in morning ; cough, with profuse expectoration ; loose cough, very fatiguing ; stitches in ribs ; pains in chest.
Daytime ; cough less troublesome.
Afternoon : great heat in body.
Toward evening : chilliness.
Evening : dry cough ; sweetish expectoration ; twitching of limbs.
Night : frequent calls to urinate ; dry cough ; internal chill.
Restless sleep with much tossing about.
Morning : vertigo and nausea ; headache ; painful sensitiveness of vertex ; fluent coryza ; nausea during cough ; dry cough ; violent sudden cough in morning ; cough, with profuse expectoration ; loose cough, very fatiguing ; stitches in ribs ; pains in chest.
Daytime ; cough less troublesome.
Afternoon : great heat in body.
Toward evening : chilliness.
Evening : dry cough ; sweetish expectoration ; twitching of limbs.
Night : frequent calls to urinate ; dry cough ; internal chill.
Common symptoms
From warm to cold air : cough.
Aversion : to being uncovered, with heat.
Must get out of bed and sit at open window.
Cold wind : sensation as of cold water in eye.
Cold drinks : caused cough.
Eyes as if swimming in water ; nostrils as if sore ; as if diarrhoea would set in ; as if chest were too tight ; as if intestines would burst through abdomen.
Pain : in abdomen ; in chest.
Tearing pain : back of left ear ; in upper and lower limbs.
Cutting pain : in abdomen.
Drawing lancinating pain : in head.
Severe stitches : near sternum.
Sharp stitches : in scapular end of clavicle.
Jerking stitches : in right and left side of chest.
Stitches : in chest ; in side ; in left and right true ribs.
Contracting stitch : in left side.
Drawing stitch : from last true rib to shoulder.
Broad pressive stitches : beneath last ribs.
Broad blunt stitches : in last rib of right side.
Stitching pain : in forehead.
Contractive pain, in both temples ; in occiput.
Compressive pain : in right side of chest.
Drawing pain : through both hypochondria ; in chest.
Pressing pain : in head.
Dull rheumatic pains : in limbs.
Painful jerking : above scapula.
Painful pressure : on bladder.
Painful sensitiveness : of abdomen and region of bladder.
Soreness : of soles ; in bends of joints.
Burning : in mouth and throat ; in palate.
Great heat : in body.
Dryness : of mouth ; of throat.
Pulsation : in head.
Painless drawing : on scapula.
Stiffness : of neck.
Pressure : in stomach, as from a stone.
Heaviness : on chest.
Tickling creeping sensation : in chest.
Stinging itching : under nose.
Icy-coldness : of hands ; of feet.
Aversion : to being uncovered, with heat.
Must get out of bed and sit at open window.
Cold wind : sensation as of cold water in eye.
Cold drinks : caused cough.
Eyes as if swimming in water ; nostrils as if sore ; as if diarrhoea would set in ; as if chest were too tight ; as if intestines would burst through abdomen.
Pain : in abdomen ; in chest.
Tearing pain : back of left ear ; in upper and lower limbs.
Cutting pain : in abdomen.
Drawing lancinating pain : in head.
Severe stitches : near sternum.
Sharp stitches : in scapular end of clavicle.
Jerking stitches : in right and left side of chest.
Stitches : in chest ; in side ; in left and right true ribs.
Contracting stitch : in left side.
Drawing stitch : from last true rib to shoulder.
Broad pressive stitches : beneath last ribs.
Broad blunt stitches : in last rib of right side.
Stitching pain : in forehead.
Contractive pain, in both temples ; in occiput.
Compressive pain : in right side of chest.
Drawing pain : through both hypochondria ; in chest.
Pressing pain : in head.
Dull rheumatic pains : in limbs.
Painful jerking : above scapula.
Painful pressure : on bladder.
Painful sensitiveness : of abdomen and region of bladder.
Soreness : of soles ; in bends of joints.
Burning : in mouth and throat ; in palate.
Great heat : in body.
Dryness : of mouth ; of throat.
Pulsation : in head.
Painless drawing : on scapula.
Stiffness : of neck.
Pressure : in stomach, as from a stone.
Heaviness : on chest.
Tickling creeping sensation : in chest.
Stinging itching : under nose.
Icy-coldness : of hands ; of feet.
Chill internally at night, with external heat.
Chilliness toward evening when walking, not when sitting.
Icy-cold hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body.
Icy-cold feet.
Heat dry, burning, mostly internally.
Heat of whole body, with cold hands and feet, with aversion to being uncovered ; face pale after heat.
Sensation of great heat in body, in afternoon and evening, generally with cold feet.
Whenever he uncovers himself during heat, he suffers from chilliness and pain.
Sweat wanting.
Alternating : nausea in pit of stomach, with pain in abdomen.
Every night at 11 o’clock or between 11 and 3 : sudden attacks of suffocation.
For three years : dry asthma.
Right : pain in forehead ; compressive pain, side of chest ; blunt stitch in last ribs ; pneumonia, dulness over lung.
Left : eye smaller than right ; pain back of ear ; stitch in side ; jerking above scapula ; drawing on scapula.
From left to right : pain in occiput.
Right and left : stitches in side of chest ; stitches in true ribs at same time.
Chilliness toward evening when walking, not when sitting.
Icy-cold hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body.
Icy-cold feet.
Heat dry, burning, mostly internally.
Heat of whole body, with cold hands and feet, with aversion to being uncovered ; face pale after heat.
Sensation of great heat in body, in afternoon and evening, generally with cold feet.
Whenever he uncovers himself during heat, he suffers from chilliness and pain.
Sweat wanting.
Alternating : nausea in pit of stomach, with pain in abdomen.
Every night at 11 o’clock or between 11 and 3 : sudden attacks of suffocation.
For three years : dry asthma.
Right : pain in forehead ; compressive pain, side of chest ; blunt stitch in last ribs ; pneumonia, dulness over lung.
Left : eye smaller than right ; pain back of ear ; stitch in side ; jerking above scapula ; drawing on scapula.
From left to right : pain in occiput.
Right and left : stitches in side of chest ; stitches in true ribs at same time.
Eruptions like itch, with burning, itching.
Excoriation in bends of limbs.
Excoriation in bends of limbs.
Patient type and constitution
Boy, at. 9, negro ; pneumonia.
Miss H., at. 15, fleshy, light complexion, blue eyes, large for her age, recovering from varicella ; affection of eye.
Man, at. 25, suffering two weeks ; phlyctenule of conjunctiva.
Widow, at. 63, suffering three years ; asthma.
Miss H., at. 15, fleshy, light complexion, blue eyes, large for her age, recovering from varicella ; affection of eye.
Man, at. 25, suffering two weeks ; phlyctenule of conjunctiva.
Widow, at. 63, suffering three years ; asthma.
Dif. diagnostics
Compatible : after вryon.
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