Other names and synonyms
vario.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
General aching,.
Green vision on rising. Every odor nauseates. Putrid, coppery taste. Tongue protrudes during sleep. Food seems to want to regurgitates. Tympanites, pouting upward; she looks pregnant. вreaking backache. As of bugs crawling under skin. Eczema of palms. Pustular eruptions; foul. Smallpox. Shingles and pains that follow. Ulcers look scooped out. As of cold water trickling down back. Violent chill. Intense burning fever. Foul sweat.
Green vision on rising. Every odor nauseates. Putrid, coppery taste. Tongue protrudes during sleep. Food seems to want to regurgitates. Tympanites, pouting upward; she looks pregnant. вreaking backache. As of bugs crawling under skin. Eczema of palms. Pustular eruptions; foul. Smallpox. Shingles and pains that follow. Ulcers look scooped out. As of cold water trickling down back. Violent chill. Intense burning fever. Foul sweat.