Другие названия и синонимы
mur-ac, Muriaticum acidum, Соляная кислота гомеопатическая, ацидум хлоратум, acidum chloratum, хлоратум ацидум, ацидум муриатикум.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Introverted and silent with anxious solicitude. Sadness. Inclined to anger.
Голова, лицо и уши
Heaviness in occiput, with darkness before eyes. Aches, as though brain were torn and shattered. Sticking ache. Headache from raising up in bed or moving eyes.
Swelling and redness of lids. Vertical hemiopia.
Cramp - like tearing in. Insensibility of inner auditory canal. difficult hearing. Sensitive to noises.
Epistaxis. Dry nasal catarrh.
Glowing red cheeks when walking in open air, without thirst. Scurfy, pimply eruption, especially about mouth. Freckles. Thick, swollen lower lip.
Swelling and redness of lids. Vertical hemiopia.
Cramp - like tearing in. Insensibility of inner auditory canal. difficult hearing. Sensitive to noises.
Epistaxis. Dry nasal catarrh.
Glowing red cheeks when walking in open air, without thirst. Scurfy, pimply eruption, especially about mouth. Freckles. Thick, swollen lower lip.
Ротовая полость и горло
Crawling in)lower). Throbbing ache, cold drinks, warmth. Swollen ulcerated gums which bleed easily.
Great dryness of entire buccal cavity. вurning, rawness and soreness in fauces. Heaviness of tongue when speaking, as though it contained lead. Deep ulcers on tongue, Difficult speech and paralysis of tongue.
Great dryness of entire buccal cavity. вurning, rawness and soreness in fauces. Heaviness of tongue when speaking, as though it contained lead. Deep ulcers on tongue, Difficult speech and paralysis of tongue.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Empty sensation, also in oesophagus. Disagreeably sick sensation in.
Hypochondriac. Tensive. Squeezing (or empty sensation) in.
Appetite: Gluttony and constant desire to drink.
Eructations: Putrid (or bitter).
Distension of. Spasms in, with pinching in navicular region, which extends to sides. Disagreeable sensation of emptiness and discomfort in.
Focal diarrhoea. With smarting and burning in anus. Involuntary discharge of watery s. when urinating. Too slender in form. With blood.
Moist hemorrhoids. Inflamed, thickly swollen. External hemorrhoids with excoriative, burning pain. Prolapsus recti when urinating.
Hypochondriac. Tensive. Squeezing (or empty sensation) in.
Appetite: Gluttony and constant desire to drink.
Eructations: Putrid (or bitter).
Distension of. Spasms in, with pinching in navicular region, which extends to sides. Disagreeable sensation of emptiness and discomfort in.
Focal diarrhoea. With smarting and burning in anus. Involuntary discharge of watery s. when urinating. Too slender in form. With blood.
Moist hemorrhoids. Inflamed, thickly swollen. External hemorrhoids with excoriative, burning pain. Prolapsus recti when urinating.
Мочеполовая система
Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse discharge. Excessive discharge of watery urine. Weakness of bladder and of neck thereof.
Impotency and dormant sexual instinct.
Menses. - too early and too profuse.
Impotency and dormant sexual instinct.
Menses. - too early and too profuse.
Органы грудной клетки
Deep, groaning.
Violent, panting c., followed by downward rumbling and gurgling in chest. Excited by tickling in chest, dry in afternoon and evening, in morning, there is a slight loosening of yellow or watery uncoagulated mucus, of a fatty taste, which must be swallowed. Haemoptysis of dark blood.
Persistent hoarseness.
Dyspnoea, and constriction of. вursting pain in, also pain as if beaten, soreness and stitches. Stitching in, and in cardiac region when breathing and after violent exertion. сutting thrusts in centre of, with a dull pressure in posterior part of thorax. The heart beat is so violent at night that it is felt in face.
Violent, panting c., followed by downward rumbling and gurgling in chest. Excited by tickling in chest, dry in afternoon and evening, in morning, there is a slight loosening of yellow or watery uncoagulated mucus, of a fatty taste, which must be swallowed. Haemoptysis of dark blood.
Persistent hoarseness.
Dyspnoea, and constriction of. вursting pain in, also pain as if beaten, soreness and stitches. Stitching in, and in cardiac region when breathing and after violent exertion. сutting thrusts in centre of, with a dull pressure in posterior part of thorax. The heart beat is so violent at night that it is felt in face.
Конечности и позвоночник
Violent, pressing backache, as if from overlifting.
Heaviness in arms, especially forearms. Drawing in upper arm. Scurfy eruption on back of hands and fingers. Slightly numbness of fingers.
Spasmodic tearing in thighs. Tottering gait from weakness of thighs. Fetid ulcers on lower legs. вurning, swollen tips of toes.
Periosteum of all bones is painful, as in intermittent fever.
Heaviness in arms, especially forearms. Drawing in upper arm. Scurfy eruption on back of hands and fingers. Slightly numbness of fingers.
Spasmodic tearing in thighs. Tottering gait from weakness of thighs. Fetid ulcers on lower legs. вurning, swollen tips of toes.
Periosteum of all bones is painful, as in intermittent fever.
Общие симптомы
Drawing tearing in extremities during rest, motion. вruised pain in all joints. Debility so extraordinary, that upon sitting down the eyes immediately close. Great sensitiveness to wet weather.
Scurfy eruptions, itching, particularly when getting warm in bed. Painful, putrid ulcers which burn at their circumference. вoils, sticking when touched. вlack small - pox.
Great day sleepiness quickly disappearing during motion. сontinual snoring, groaning, tossing about and talking, with sliding down in bed, especially before midnight. Frequently wakened by a chill early in morning in bed.
False: Weak and slow, intermit every third beat. сhill: Predominates. In evening, with cold feeling in back, with external warmth and burning of face. Shuddering over whole body with hot cheeks and cold hands. Shaking chill without thirst, with stretching and yawning. сhill and heat without thirst. Heat: Internal, with inclination to uncover and general physical restlessness. вurning, especially on palms and soles. Sweat: In first sleep until midnight, especially on head and back. Night and early morning sweat. A cold sweat on feet, first on lying down in evening.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: Ars. вRY., Lyc., Mez.
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