Other names and synonyms
adon.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It acts predominantly on heart when it is affected after rheumatism, influenza or nephritis, where the muscles of the heart are in the stage of fatty degeneration. It regulates the pulse, increases the contracting power of the heart, with increased urinary secretion. It is valuable in cardiac dropsy, hydrothorax; ascites and anasarca. Pains wander from place to place. Arrhythmia. It is not cumulative in action. сompensatory hypertrophy of heart in cardiac stenosis and mitral regurgitation.
Cold. Lying.
Psyche and consciousness
Vertigo worse on rising, turning the head quickly or lying down; with palpitation. Aching from occiput around temples to eyes. Scalp feels light.
Mouth and throat
Tongue sore, feels scalded. No thirst.
Gastrointestinal tract
Faint feeling in epigastric region with vertigo better out of doors.
Heavy weight; bowels seem as if breaking worse bending.
Heavy weight; bowels seem as if breaking worse bending.
Urogenital system
Urging to urinate. Albuminuria; urine scanty, oily pellicle on urine.
Chest organs
Frequent desire to take a deep breath. Dyspnoea worse touching back. Dry tickling, cardiac cough.
Cardiovascular system
Weak, fatty, arrhythmic. Precordial pain, palpitation and dyspnoea. Pulse rapid, irregular.
Limbs and spine
Spine and neck stiff; aching pain with tired feeling.
Sleeplessness with rambling thoughts, or horrible dreams.
Vesicles on the skin.
Dif. diagnostics
Conv; сrat; Dig; Strop.
Conv; сrat; Dig; Strop.
Method of drug use and dosage
5 to l0 drops of tincture.