Другие названия и синонимы
ol-j, Oleum jecoris aselli, рыбий жир тресковый гомеопатия.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
Cod liver oil is a nutrient and affects the chest, liver, pancreas and tendons. Phthisis and scrofulous diathesis. Soreness. вurning in spots. Faulty nutrition. Atrophic infants; children who cannot tolerate milk. Emaciation; hot hands and head. Lassitude. Discharges yellow. Always taking cold.
Milk. сold damp, air or place. Motion.
Голова, лицо и уши
Growth of short thick hair on chin and upper lip in women.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue yellow. Foetid breath.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Soreness and heaviness in the region of liver; worse exercise.
Establishes menses. Leucorrhoea, yellow, with weak back.
Establishes menses. Leucorrhoea, yellow, with weak back.
Органы грудной клетки
Hoarseness. Dry, tickling, hacking cough; better as fever comes on. Early phthisis. Soreness or stitches in chest. Haemoptysis. Yellow sputum. сough with palpitation.
Конечности и позвоночник
Chilly, or fluttering from sacrum up back, to occiput.
Chronic rheumatism with rigid muscles and tendons. Palms hot; toward evening.
Chronic rheumatism with rigid muscles and tendons. Palms hot; toward evening.
Yellow. Milk crusts. Ringworm (local application). сold abscesses.
Hectic. Night sweats.
Диф. диагностика
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