Other names and synonyms
sars.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy was used as a restorative and blood purifier after exhausting course of mercury. It meets syphilitic, sycotic and psoric constitutions. Its chief centre of action is on the genito-urinary organs; skin; bones, right lower extremity. It is suited to thin; frail; shrivelled, old looking persons, esp. children with enlarged abdomen. Marasmus; emaciation. Parts feel screwed together. Nightly bone pains. Pains shoot in different directions and are accompanied by depression and anxiety. As if salt were put upon the wound. Lithic diathesis, itching eruptions; following hot weather and vaccinations. Very sore gouty nodes. Rheumatism. сlears the complexion.
At the dose of urination. Spring. сold, wet. Mercury. Night. Suppressed gonorrhoea. Yawning. Motion. Going up and down stairs.
Uncovering neck and chest. Standing.
Uncovering neck and chest. Standing.
Psyche and consciousness
Depression and anxiety from pain. Thinking about the food he has been eating causes nausea. Easily offended. Taciturn. Despondent, gloomy without any cause.
Head, face, and ears
Pains from occiput to eyes, or to root of nose. As if ball was striking in head when talking. As of a painful tight band around the head, removes the hat involuntarily without better.
Foggy vision worse seminal emission. Itch like eruptions on eyelids.
Words reverberate in.
Stoppage for years. Swelling at the root of nose.
Eruptions on face and upper lips; worse during menses. Yellow, wrinkled, old looking.
Foggy vision worse seminal emission. Itch like eruptions on eyelids.
Words reverberate in.
Stoppage for years. Swelling at the root of nose.
Eruptions on face and upper lips; worse during menses. Yellow, wrinkled, old looking.
Mouth and throat
Aphthae; salivation. Offensive breath. Pain in jaw worse bending head back.
Gastrointestinal tract
After a meal, sensation of emptiness, as while fasting or else nausea or disgust when thinking of what has been eaten. Drinking water causes vomiting.
Colic and backache at the same time, with diarrhoea. Rumbling with sensation of emptiness. Sand in stools. Moist eruptions and soreness in groins before menses. сholera infantum. Obstinate constipation with frequent want to urinate.
Colic and backache at the same time, with diarrhoea. Rumbling with sensation of emptiness. Sand in stools. Moist eruptions and soreness in groins before menses. сholera infantum. Obstinate constipation with frequent want to urinate.
Urogenital system
Painful urination, extorts screams worse at the close of urination. сan pass urine only when standing; during the day but at night urine flows freely in bed; it dribbles while sitting. Urging to urinate before menses. Passes drops of blood or white acrid material at the close of urination. Sand on diaper. Air passes from bladder during urination. сrusty urinary sediment. Pain in urethra going back to abdomen. Jerking along the urethra. Renal colic (right). Pus in urine.
Genitals moist and offensive. Semen bloody. Spermatic cord, painful after emission; swollen after unrequited sexual excitement. Herpes preputialis. Jerking along urethra. Itching on scrotum and perineum.
Nipples retracted or cracked, small and shrivelled. Menses late and scanty. Dysmenorrhoea, characterised by retracted nipples, or sore breast.
Genitals moist and offensive. Semen bloody. Spermatic cord, painful after emission; swollen after unrequited sexual excitement. Herpes preputialis. Jerking along urethra. Itching on scrotum and perineum.
Nipples retracted or cracked, small and shrivelled. Menses late and scanty. Dysmenorrhoea, characterised by retracted nipples, or sore breast.
Limbs and spine
Emaciation of neck. Pain from small of back down the spermatic cord; after emission. вackache with colic.
Cutting under nails. Deep cracks on fingers and toes worse sides. Ulcerated finger tips. Affections of any kind in general, in right lower extremity.
Cutting under nails. Deep cracks on fingers and toes worse sides. Ulcerated finger tips. Affections of any kind in general, in right lower extremity.
Yawning; complaints concomitant to yawning.
Chill starts from region of bladder, to back.
Emaciated, shrivelled, lies in folds; blotchy, hard. Itching scaly spots. Irritating pus. сopper coloured eruptions. Ecchymoses, in old age. Oedema. New skin cracks and burns.
Dif. diagnostics
Calc; Petroleum.
Merc; Sepia.
Merc; Sepia.
Included in the composition
- 3.5€ Ксеродермин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 5.8-8.7€ Lymphomyosot (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №65
- — Flowers Energy №95
- 12.5-15.3€ Solidago compositum s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug