Other names and synonyms
cub, piper cubeba homeopathy.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
This remedy, also fallen into disrepute from its empirical use in the old school, has an important place in the therapeutics of gonorrhoea, if after the first or inflammatory stage is passed under the usual remedies for that stage there still remains burning in the urethra after urination and the discharge remains thick, yellow or pus like. Notwithstanding MERC., or PULS., we may find our remedy in сUBEBA. I have made some fine cures in such cases. With PULS., the discharge, while thick or yellow, or green, is more likely to be вLAND, as it is on mucus membranes elsewhere. MERC., has a similar discharge, but all the symptoms are WORSE AT NIGHT. When the discharge becomes thin(gleety) neither of these remedies are, as a rule, appropriate.
Right here let us call attention to another remedy which ought to be mentioned in connection with the treatment of gonorrhoea.
Right here let us call attention to another remedy which ought to be mentioned in connection with the treatment of gonorrhoea.