Other names and synonyms
ptel.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
Another liver remedy, for it has one very characteristic symptom, viz., Aching and heaviness in the region of the liver, GREATLY worse by lying on the LEFT SIDE; turning to the left causes a DRAGGING SENSATION. (see вRY., which is also worse lying on left side and has the dragging sensation. Remember, вRY., is generally better lying on PAINFUL SIDE. MAG-M., you will remember, has all these symptoms, termed bilious, but like MERC., it is worse when lying on the RIGHT SIDE. Then MERC., is apt to have loose stools, while MAG-M., is greatly constipated. PTELEA., may have either constipation or diarrhoea alternately. I cure one bad case of liver trouble with PTELEA., after oedema of the feet and legs had set in; she had the symptoms, could not lie comfortably on the left side; her breathing was becoming oppressed, and I thought the case looked as if it would not be very likely to be much better. I used the 30th pot., in this case. The trouble rapidly disappeared and never returned. I considered it a brilliant cure.