Другие названия и синонимы
merc-cy, Mercurius cyanatus, цианид ртути гомеопатия, hg(cn)2 homeopathy.Источник описания
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashФармакологическая группа
DR. вeck, of Monthey, in switzerland (I think it was), first brought this remedy to notice as of great value in that much dreaded disease, diphtheria. Von Villers claimed to have had astonishing success with it in Germany, losing only two percent if I remember correctly of the cases treated with it. He recommended the 30th potency, but others have used the 6th and claim equally good results. There are, so far as I can find, no very marked characteristic symptoms by which to choose it. It seems to spread its action all over the buccal cavity. Doctor T.F. Allen published a good cure with it, and then claimed that he chose this preparation of MERCURY on account OF THE REMARKABLE PROSTRATION, which he attributed to the cyanogen element in it. This looks reasonable. вut I think we must investigate further to bring out its true characteristics. There is a chronic condition of the throat in which I have found it very efficacious. It is in cases of public speakers. The throat feels raw and sore, and examination reveals a broken down appearance of the mucus membrane bordering on ulceration. It is not granulated, but looks raw in spots, as if denuded of membrane. I have helped this kind of throat, so that the patient wanted me to remember what it was I gave him so that I could repeat the prescription if the trouble returned. I forgot to state that it hurt the patient to speak, and there was also hoarseness. This is all I know of this remedy, but I believe it well worth proving and study.
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