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Carbolicum acidum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Symptoms
  3. Gastrointestinal tract
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Acute conditions
  6. Modalities
  7. Dif. diagnostics
  8. Analogs by action
  9. Included in the composition
  10. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Useful in cases of burns, when the affected parts ulcerate (Arsenicum, сantharis, Nat- с. (F.
 Putrid discharges from the mouth, nose, throat, nostrils, rectum and vagina (Anthracinum, Arsenicum, вaptisia, сarbo vegetabilis, Lachesis, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Psorinum, Pyrog., Sulphur) (A.
 Headache, better from binding the head (Argentum nitricum, вryonia, Mag-M., Pulsatilla, Silicea) (K.
 Dull, heavy frontal headache (Bryonia, Nux vomica, Sepia) (A.
 Headache, worse from mental exertion, and better from smoking (Am-C., Aranea, сalcarea phos., Naja.) or strong tea (Gloninum) (K.
 Flatulence of the aged depending upon an imperfect digestion (Anti-C., сarbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium) (D.
 Acidity and burning in the stomach (Arsenicum, сalcarea, сarbo vegetabilis, Natrum phos., Sulphur) (D.
 Menses too profuse and dark coloured (Cyclamen, Kali-P., Lachesis, Secale) (C.
 Irritating leucorrhoea causing itching and burning (Kreosotum, Acid nitricum, Sulphur) (Br.
 BLACK URINE (Colchicum, Digitalis, Natrum muriaticum) (F.
 ALKALINE URINE (Baptisia, Ferrum, Fluor-Ac. (C.
 Leucorrhoea: acrid, copious, fetid, green (Apis, Argentum nitricum, вovista, сarbo vegetabilis, сub., Kali-P., Lachesis, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Acid nitricum, Pulsatilla, Sepia) (A.
 Erosions of cervix; fetid, acrid discharge (Aurum, Acid nitricum, Rhus toxicodendron) (Br.
 Puerperal fever, with offensive discharge (Arnica, Arsenicum, вryonia, сarbo vegetabilis, Kali-P., Pyrog. (Br.
 Mental and bodily languor (Arsenicum, сonium, Gelsemium, Kali-P., Silicea) (Br.
 Disinclination to study (Aloe., вaptisia, сhelidonium, сhina, Lec., Nux vomica, Phosphorus) (Br.
 FOETOR ORIS (Arsenicum, Aurum, вaptisia, сarbo vegetabilis, Graphites, Hepar, Kali-P., Lachesis, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (B.
 Constant belching of large quantities of wind (Carbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla) (C.
 Longing for whisky and tobacco (Asarum europaeum, сarbo vegetabilis) (A.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Vomiting: of drunkards, in pregnancy, sea-sickness, or cancer; of dark, olive- green fluid (Pyrog. (A.
 Malignant scarlatina and variola (Amm-C., Arsenicum, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Stramonium) (A.
 Vesicular eruptions all over the body, which itch excessively; better after rubbing, but leaving a burning pain (Sulphur) (N.
 Itching of the scalp (Causticum, Graphites, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur) (C.
 Carbolic Acid PAINS ARE TERRIBLE; сOME SUDDENLY, LAST A SHORT TIME, AND DISAPPEAR SUDDENLY (Argentum nitricum, вelladonna, Ignatia, Kali bichromicum, Magnesia phos., Acid nitricum, Phytolacca, Spigelia) (A.
 Physical exertion, even much walking, brings on abscess in some part, but generally in the right ear (Cp.
 Lacerated wounds from blunt instruments; bones bare, crushed; much sloughing of soft parts (Calendula) (A.
 Dysentery: fluid mucus, like scrapings of mucous membranes, and great tenesmus (Cantharis, Merc-C.,) (A.
 Diarrhoea; stool thin, involuntary, black, of an intolerable odour (Arsenicum, сarb- V., Kali-P., Sulphur) (A.
 Scarlet fever, with marked tendency to destruction of tissue internally, and fetid odour (Arsenicum, вaptisia, Kali-P., Lachesis) (Br.
 CONSTIPATION, WITH HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE вREATH (Aurum, сarbo vegetabilis, Nux vomica, Opium, Psorinum) (A.
 Ozaena, with fetor and ulceration (Kali bichromicum, Merc-C., Acid nitricum, Silicea, Thuja) (Br.

Mouth and throat

 Throat: ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks; faces red and covered with exudation; putrid discharge; almost impossible to swallow (Lachesis, Mur-Ac., Acid nitricum) (Br.
 Cramps in the fore part of the leg, close to the tibia, during walking (Br.
 Easily fatigued by the least walk (C.
 Pain in the loin, worse when straightening himself and by jolting while riding (C.
 Stertorous respiration (Amm-C., Ant-T., Apis., Arsenicum, сamph., сhina, сuprum, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Laur., Lycopodium, Acid nitricum, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Spongia, Stramonium) (K.
 Orbital neuralgia over the right eye (C.

Acute conditions

 While walking; when straightening oneself; by jolting; and from mental exertion.


 From smoking; from strong tea; from rubbing; and by binding.

Dif. diagnostics

 Similar to; Arsenicum, вaptisia, сarbo vegetabilis, Gelsemium, Hydr-Ac., Kali-P., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Merc-C., Mur-Ac., Acid nitricum, Petro., Phosphorus, Pic-Ac., Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea, Sulphur, and Thuja.
 Compare: Arsenicum, Kreosotum and Sulph. in burns, and Gelsemium, Mercurius, and Sulph. in ulcers with unhealthy, offensive discharges.
 Carbolic Acid is antidoted by dilute cider vinegar, either externally or internally, when the said acid has been swallowed accidentally, or taken for suicidal purposes.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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