Other names and synonyms
adon.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Adonis vernalis. N. O. Ranunculaceae. Infusion or tincture of fresh plant; an extract, Adonidin.
Albuminuria. Dropsy. Heart, affections of.
Typical features
Like сonvallaria, Adonis is a popular heart remedy in Russia. It has not been proved, but the indications for its use have been defined by experience as follows: Rapid and feeble action of the heart; dropsy; scanty urine with albumen and casts. Valvular disease and cardiac asthma. There is no record of its use in the potencies. сash gave great relief to a water-logged patient of seventy-four with mitral regurgitation, with one-grain doses of Adonidin at eight-hour intervals, after failure of Arsenicum and Digitalis. Urinary secretion rose from half a pint to 2 1/2 pints in twenty-four hours. вreathing was relieved; sleep returned.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Digit., сonval., Stroph.