Other names and synonyms
blatta-a.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
The great American cockroach, probably Kakerlac insignis. N. O. Orthoptera. Trituration of live insect with sacch. lact.
Asthma. Dropsy. Jaundice.
Typical features
Blatt. Amer. has been used as a remedy for dropsy, and has a popular reputation in jaundice. It was proved by Mure, and developed symptoms of jaundice; yellow sclerotics. Heat in urethra when urinating (showing a relation to сantharis). Pain shifting from back (right) to shoulder-blade. Acute pain in chest with want of breath (B. orient. General prostration and weariness on going upstairs.