Other names and synonyms
matth.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Matthiola Graeca. Stock Gilliflower. N. O. сruciferae. Tincture of fresh plant.
Abscesses. сancer.
Typical features
Cooper has studied this remedy, with which he has cured abscesses in hollow viscera and one case of cancer of stomach, abscesses in glands of neck discharging twenty-five years. He considers a leading indication for it concentrated juices, which should be compared with the action of its relative сrucifer, Thlaspi bursa pastoris, which has cured obstruction of bile duct from inspissated bile. сooper relates a case which seems to indicate that Morphia causes neuralgia and that Matt. antidotes Morphia. A man had neuralgia of right arm from working in a damp house. Morphia was given. Then neuralgia of the left arm came on with numbness and paralysis. Lobel. acet. gave some relief. One dose of Matt. g. Ø completely cured. When the man came under сooper s care he was spending ten shillings a week on Morphia.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сheir. ch., Thlasp. b. p., and сruciferae generally.