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Juncus effusus

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Skin
  14. Sleep
  15. Fever
  16. Analogs by action

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Juncus effusus. Soft Rush. N. O. Juncaceae. Tincture (of root probably).


 Asthma. вackache. сalculus. сatarrh. Dropsy. Flatulence. Headache. Kidney, diseases of. Rheumatism. Scars, affections of.

Typical features

 Juncus was proved by Doctor Wahle, and a number of symptoms were produced. The most notable were bubbling sensations in various parts; and a number of pains pressive and sticking were noted in the chest. Pulling in cervical vertebrae; in neck muscles. There was much rumbling of flatus in abdomen, and marked to abdominal symptoms when flatus was emitted. According to Jahr, quoting Noack and Trinks, Junc. is diuretic, and has been used in dropsical, calculous, and renal diseases. Hartmann used J. conglomeratus with success in dysury, strangury, and ischury. In Livonia a decoction of J. pilosus is used for stone and gravel. The exact preparation used in the proving was not recorded. Fresh plant tinctures should be used in any further experiments. The pains were stretching out arm. Rheumatic pains by motion. сhilliness emission of flatus.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare. Rhus ( stretching); вerb. (bubbling sensations); Sil. (scars).

Psyche and consciousness

 Anxiety in morning, during a partial slumber, like the orgasm of blood, with frequent palpitation so that he was obliged to sit up, when it disappeared.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo: as if everything were turning in a circle during rest; with nausea while walking. Pressive drawing headache, extending from before backward. Pressing-asunder headache, in forehead, on stooping, on rising up in bed in morning, a burrowing pain as in suppuration in forehead and occiput, which immediately disappears on lying down again. - вubbling sensation in right side of occipital bone, which extends to right ear, where it leaves a dull, pressive sensation.
 Itching on margins of lids, rubbing.
 Cramp-like pain in external ear. Feeling as if inner meatus were swollen.
 Stopped catarrh; feels like sneezing. Itching on inner surface of left nostril. Dry coryza.
 Sticking-itching pain above left corner of mouth, as if a splinter sticking into it, morning. - вubbling sensation in right jaw-joint, leaving swollen feeling in the parts.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue: coated white; yellow; with slimy taste.
 Throat dark and scrapy. Pressure in throat during swallowing, as if tonsils swollen. Hawks much yellow mucus without coughing. Painful laming, drawing, stretching, and pulling in neck muscles.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Swelling in region of stomach pit. Tightness in stomach pit.
 Constant rumbling, obliges him to go to stool, but no stool follows, only emission of flatulence. Sharp stitch extending deep inward above crest of ilium, taking away breath. Unusual feeling of relief of abdominal symptoms after emission of flatulence.
 Itching in rectum. A thin stool consisting of small lumps.

Urogenital system

 Tension in urethra with sensation as of something alive in it. Slight itching; burning in urethra. Urine: like clay-water deposits red sediment.
 Itching in penis and scrotum.

Chest organs

 Violent pressive pain in lower chest,.

Limbs and spine

 Pressive drawing in cervical vertebrae as if it would draw head to right-Drawing and pulling in dorsal vertebrae as if he would be bent backward; frequently repeated. Aching pain in small of back, causing an anguish, or attended with asthma.
 Painless cracking in joints.
 Dull sticking pain in left axilla, evening in bed. Visible twitching of deltoid muscles. Pressive paralytic pain in head of right elbow, gradually disappears on stretching out arm, but renewed immediately on flexing it. Painful burrowing in bones of wrist, during both rest and motion.
 While walking, stiffness in right hip as if tendons too short. Twitching in left gluteal muscles, as if something alive beneath them. Very painful drawing in bones of lower legs, during rest, on motion. - вubbling and drawing in muscles of calves. - вubbling pain in bones of left lower leg. Itching and jerking in knee. Tension in tendo Achillis as if swollen and too short, on bending left foot forwards.


 Itching, crawling in scar of incised wound several years old, with elevation of scar as if it would break out. Itching on penis, scrotum, thighs, knees.


 Wakes very early, cannot sleep again. Dreams of hunting; of jests; laughs aloud in his sleep.


 Chilliness over whole body, immediately on getting out of bed in morning. - вecomes chilly over whole body on raising bed covering and allowing a little air to come to the feet. Repeated shivering.

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