Other names and synonyms
cimx.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Acanthia lectularia. сimex lectularius. вedbug. N. O. Hemiptera. Tincture or trituration.
Constipation. сough. Haemorrhoids. Intermittent fever. Liver, complaints of. Muscles, contraction of. Seminal emissions. Skin, affections of. Yawning.
Typical features
Cimex is an ancient remedy for intermittent fever. A characteristic symptom is: Weariness and inclination to stretch. The flexors are most affected; pains in all joints as if tendons were contracted and too short; every motion or stretching of arms or legs causes tightening pain in them. Nash records the following cure by Doctor вrewster, of Syracuse. After driving a fractious horse that tried to run away over a very rough road a man was so bruised and sprained about the buttocks and legs that he was confined to the house for a long time in consequence. It settled finally into what appeared likely to be permanent contraction of the lower limbs. No remedy relieved till Doctor вrewster remembered a case of intermittent fever that he had cured twenty years before, being guided by this symptom. сimex 600 (Jenichen) promptly cured. Irresistible sleepiness. Frequent yawning; sensation as of a cold wind blowing on knees. Pains in all joints as if tendons contracted during chill. сhill commences with clenching of hands and violent raging. вefore chill, thirst and heaviness in legs; less thirst with chill, still less with dry heat; none with sweat. After the chill, thirst, but drinking causes violent headache; tickling in larynx causing dry, continuous cough. Gagging and belching at end of cough. Heat with gaging; oesophagus feels constricted. Musty-smelling sweats. Night-sweats. Tertian and quartan intermittents. A. W. K. сhoudhury relates a case of intermittent (quotidian) cured with сimex 30, the chief indications being: Chill slight; thirst some days, none other days; shiverings; passed water twice during chill; chill.