Other names and synonyms
ran-s.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Ranunculus sceleratus. Marsh crowfoot. сelery-leaved crowfoot. N. O. Ranunculaceae. Tincture of whole plant.
Aneurism. Anus, itching in. сhest, sternum, pain behind. сorns. сoryza. Diphtheria. Earache. Glossitis. Gout. Haemorrhoids. Herpes; zoster. Liver, pain in. Neuralgia. Nose, ulceration of. Pemphigus. Quinsy. Sternum, pains in. Stomatitis. Toes, affections of. Tongue, peeling, mapped. Varicosis.
Typical features
The best-known characteristic of R. sc. (which is a well-proved drug) is the mapped or peeled tongue, and when this is associated with smarting, burning, and rawness R. sc. will be the remedy. R. sc. has the acridity of all the Ranunculi, causing burning in mouth, throat, stomach, chest, urethra, and other parts. It causes blisters on the skin which leave a raw surface with acrid discharge. It has cured pemphigus in a three-months old infant, with continual thirst, weak, intermitting pulse, trembling, with anxious features. After Ars. 4 had caused improvement, R. sc. 3 healed up the resulting ulcers. External sensitiveness is a leading feature of R. sc., especially of region of chest and sternum. These symptoms with others have led to the cure of many chest affections, including aneurism. A leading сoncomitant of R. sc. is arrest of breathing: pains in liver, spleen, chest, or heart,.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Puls. Wine and сoffee antidote only partially. The ulcers were somewhat relieved by Peruvian вalsam. Follows well: Ars. in pemphigus. Followed well by: Lach. in diphtheria with denuded tongue. сompare: R. bulb. (R. sc. more irritative). Headache, gnawing in small spot at vertex, Puls. Mapped tongue, Nat. m., Ars., Rhus, Tarax. (R. sc. has more burning and rawness than any). сobweb sensation, Alm., вar. c., вor., вro., вry., сalc., сon., Graph., Mag. c.
Indolence, and aversion to (mental) labour, in the morning. Sadness and melancholy in the evening.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo, with loss of consciousness. Headache, as if head were compressed in a vice. Gnawing, drawing, spasmodic, dull pressure, often affecting only a very small spot on vertex (or temples). - сompressive and expansive pressure in temples. Heaviness and sensation of fulness in head, which seems to be swollen and increased in size. - сontraction of integuments of head. Smarting and itching in scalp.
Pain in eyes on moving eyeballs quickly. - вiting-gnawing in eyes and corners of eyes. Frequent aching (painful pressing) in eyeballs. Smarting in canthi, from time to time. Eyes convulsed. Lachrymation.
Otalgia (right ear), with pressure (or gnawing pain) in head, and drawing in teeth. Drawing, shooting, and boring at exterior of auditory duct.
Smarting and tingling in nose. Pricking in point of nose. Frequent sneezing. Much serous mucus in nose. Ulcers or large sores on right side of nose.
Face as if covered with cobwebs. Drawing in face, with a sensation of coldness. Spasmodic twitchings in facial muscles and extremities, risus sardonicus. Sensation of quivering round commissures of lips, and lower lip.
Pain in eyes on moving eyeballs quickly. - вiting-gnawing in eyes and corners of eyes. Frequent aching (painful pressing) in eyeballs. Smarting in canthi, from time to time. Eyes convulsed. Lachrymation.
Otalgia (right ear), with pressure (or gnawing pain) in head, and drawing in teeth. Drawing, shooting, and boring at exterior of auditory duct.
Smarting and tingling in nose. Pricking in point of nose. Frequent sneezing. Much serous mucus in nose. Ulcers or large sores on right side of nose.
Face as if covered with cobwebs. Drawing in face, with a sensation of coldness. Spasmodic twitchings in facial muscles and extremities, risus sardonicus. Sensation of quivering round commissures of lips, and lower lip.
Mouth and throat
Toothache, with shooting pains, and bluntness of teeth. Jerking and shooting drawings in teeth. Red and painful swelling of gums, which bleed easily.
Dryness of mouth. Frothy salivation. Tongue coated white. Shooting in tip of tongue. Inflammation of tongue, with burning sensation, and redness. Desquamation and rhagades on tongue.
Contraction, with choking in throat,.
Dryness of mouth. Frothy salivation. Tongue coated white. Shooting in tip of tongue. Inflammation of tongue, with burning sensation, and redness. Desquamation and rhagades on tongue.
Contraction, with choking in throat,.
Appetite and food preferences
Sweetish taste in the morning, with white and loaded tongue. Anorexia. Violent thirst with the fever-heat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Risings, with taste of the food, after a meal. Frequent, empty risings. Sour, rancid risings, in evening. Nausea, especially after midnight, or in morning, with inclination to vomit. Pain in stomach, with fainting fits. Violent pains in stomach, with uneasiness. Sensation of fulness, of pressure, and of tension in epigastrium,.
Dull aching in hepatic region,.
Itching, tickling, burning of anus. Fine stitches into rectum. Moisture in anus. Itching and pressing-out sensation at anus, as if premonitory of haemorrhoids,.
Dull aching in hepatic region,.
Itching, tickling, burning of anus. Fine stitches into rectum. Moisture in anus. Itching and pressing-out sensation at anus, as if premonitory of haemorrhoids,.
Urogenital system
Strangury. - вurning in fore part of urethra a short time after urinating. Tickling crawling at meatus. Drops pass after urinating, wetting sheet. Frequent desire.
Pullings in penis. Lancinations in glans. Smarting in scrotum. Pollutions.
Pullings in penis. Lancinations in glans. Smarting in scrotum. Pollutions.
Chest organs
Small dry cough, seldom recurring, and without effort. Obstructed and deep respiration. Involuntary sighs.
Pain in chest as if beaten, with sensation of fatigue in that part, especially in evening. Oppressive pressure on chest. Pinching and shootings in chest, and region of heart, sometimes with suspended respiration. especially in evening, or at night. Stitches in chest and intercostal muscles. Gnawing behind sternum, which suspends respiration. Painful sensibility of exterior of chest, especially of sternum. - вurning soreness behind xiphoid cartilage. Painful drawing in pectoral muscles. - сonstant pressure as of a dull instrument below right false rib,.
Pain in chest as if beaten, with sensation of fatigue in that part, especially in evening. Oppressive pressure on chest. Pinching and shootings in chest, and region of heart, sometimes with suspended respiration. especially in evening, or at night. Stitches in chest and intercostal muscles. Gnawing behind sternum, which suspends respiration. Painful sensibility of exterior of chest, especially of sternum. - вurning soreness behind xiphoid cartilage. Painful drawing in pectoral muscles. - сonstant pressure as of a dull instrument below right false rib,.
Cardiovascular system
Pressure as from a blunt piece of wood in region of heart. Stitches in region of heart. Sticking-contracting pinching in heart-region causing tightness of breath.
Limbs and spine
Pain in loins, as if bruised or paralytic. Pricking and tingling in back and chest. Aching between scapulae. Sudden violent jerks in loins during walk in open air, arresting breathing.
Gout in fingers and toes.
Soreness under right arm in armpit. - вoring shootings in forearms, extending to fingers. Gnawing in right elbow-joint. Stitch in elbow. - вoring in bones of hands. Gnawings in palm. Gnawing, boring, and shooting jerks in bones of fingers. Swelling of fingers.
Gnawing and boring throughout legs and feet, especially in toes. Gnawing pains in left heel. - вurning and smarting on dorsum of right foot. Jerking shootings, and tingling in great toes. Sudden stitches in forepart of right big toe as if needle thrust in deep, causing him to cry out. Sudden stitches in right big toe, passing into a burning. Lancinations and burning pains in corns.
Gout in fingers and toes.
Soreness under right arm in armpit. - вoring shootings in forearms, extending to fingers. Gnawing in right elbow-joint. Stitch in elbow. - вoring in bones of hands. Gnawings in palm. Gnawing, boring, and shooting jerks in bones of fingers. Swelling of fingers.
Gnawing and boring throughout legs and feet, especially in toes. Gnawing pains in left heel. - вurning and smarting on dorsum of right foot. Jerking shootings, and tingling in great toes. Sudden stitches in forepart of right big toe as if needle thrust in deep, causing him to cry out. Sudden stitches in right big toe, passing into a burning. Lancinations and burning pains in corns.
Common symptoms
Under this drug the symptoms usually appear on the right side; on crown of head; toes. - вoring sensation; gnawing pains in inner or outer parts; prickling in outer parts.