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Magnetis polus australis

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Common symptoms
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 South Pole of the Magnet. Attenuations of media saturated with emanations of the pole.


 Cough. Dislocation, easy. Frost-bite. Heart, palpitation of. Hernia. Ingrowing toe-nails. Levitation. Menorrhagia. Varicosis.

Typical features

 I have cured so many cases of ingrowing toenail with M. p. aust. 2m, that I invariably give it in the first place when there are no symptoms plainly indicating another remedy. Here are the symptoms in Hahnemann s Schema which led to this use: Sore pain on the inner side of the nail of the big toe when walking, as if the nail had grown into the flesh or, the side, very painful on being slightly touched (8h); and the shoe presses on the toes and on the nail of the big toe when walking, as from corns. The accurate response to these symptoms on the part of the attenuated M. p. aust. proved to me the possibility of attenuating and so fixing this imponderable for use as an ordinary homoeopathic remedy. Swan has collected a number of cases from different authors in Org., iii. 342. вerridge (Org., iii. 53) reports this case: Miss X. had for three weeks aching in middle of front of left lower leg (where she has had varicose veins for eight months), when standing, or when the leg is hanging down, removed by placing it horizontally; frequent feeling of hot water running down affected part, but only when leg is down; at times throbbing there when leg hangs down. M. p. aust. c.m., one dose. The hot-water feeling never returned; the pain ceased in two days. Pinching, squeezing sensations and bruised pains predominate. Faintness comes on when walking, and is.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by: M. p. arct., Ign., Zinc. сompare: Mgt., Galv., Electr. In fetid cough, сaps. Rush of blood to head, Ast. right Toe-nails, Graph., Sil., Nit. ac., Thuj. See also under Mgt.

Psyche and consciousness

 Moroseness and ill-humour, with aversion to conversation. Dislike to society and to laughing faces. Passion and rage. Instability of ideas.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo, as from intoxication, with staggering gait. Great rush of blood to brain early in morning, in bed. Heaviness, tingling, and digging in head. Shocks in head, sometimes with tearing.
 Dryness and smarting in eyelids, especially when moving them,.

Mouth and throat

 Tearing, jerking odontalgia,.
 Accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth. Speech embarrassed, as by a swelling of the tongue.
 Burning sensation in gullet.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Metallic taste, at one time sweetish, at another acidulous, on and under the tongue. All kinds of food appear insipid. Extreme indifference to food, drink, and tobacco-smoke. - вulimy at noon and evening, sometimes during the febrile shiverings. Aching in scrobiculus during mental exertion.
 Pinching in abdomen caused by a current of air. Noisy borborygmi and grumbling in abdomen. Pressive, flatulent colic, with pinchings, and inflation of abdomen. Sensation, as if inguinal ring were dilated, preparatory to a rupture, with painful sensibility of that part, when coughing.
 Soft, loose faeces, preceded by gripings. Evacuation of liquid faeces, with a sensation as if flatus were about to be discharged. - сontraction and painful constriction in rectum and anus, which hinder the expulsion of wind.

Urogenital system

 Involuntary emission of urine, from paralysis of sphincter vesicae, especially at night. Emission of urine, drop by drop, with torpor of urethra. Very feeble stream of urine. Frequent emission of urine at night.
 Strong disposition to emission. Emission (very unusual) in a hemiplegic patient; paralysis.
 Catamenia premature and profuse. Metrorrhagia.

Chest organs

 Cough and coryza, with expectoration of greenish mucus, and shortness of breath. Paroxysms of fetid cough at night, when sleeping. Want to take full inspirations, like sighing, with involuntary deglutition.
 Oppression of the chest, as if the respiration were tremulous, and produced an impression of coolness. Drawing pressure in both sides of sternum, with anguish of conscience, which allows no rest.

Cardiovascular system

 Violent palpitation of the heart, with great heat in cardiac region. Palpitation of the heart, during which it seems that it is not the heart that palpitates.

Limbs and spine

 Pressive, burning pain in loins, during repose and movement. Pain, as of a fracture, or wrenching pain in joints of sacrum, and lumbar vertebrae.
 Tingling along arms, like slight shocks. Painful and rapid jerking along arms. Heaviness and lassitude in arms. Gurgling along arms and veins of the arms. Tingling and throbbing in ends of fingers. Panaritium.
 Jerking throbbing in tendons of ham, with contraction of legs, especially during movement. Pressive tearing in the patella. Throbbing in muscles of feet, after walking. The knees give way during movement. Easy dislocation of joint of foot, when making a false step. The feet are painful when he lets them hang down when sitting; all over them there is a fine throbbing. Sensibility and pain, as from a wound, in nail of great toe. The toenails penetrate the flesh.

Common symptoms

 Drawings in fingers, joints of fingers, feet, and ankles. Lancinating pulsative pains in roots of nails, as if about to suppurate. Pains, with pinching or burning lancinations in different parts of the body. - сontusive pains in limbs and joints, as if the patient had been lying on flints. Liability to suffer from a chill. Tendency of nose, ears, hands, and feet to be frozen by a moderate degree of coldness. Sudden lassitude when walking, with anxiety and heat, or sudden inclination to sleep. Lightness of whole body.


 Urgent inclination to sleep, evening and morning; closing of the eyes without power to sleep. Sleeplessness with over-excitement before midnight. - сonfused, frightful dreams. Prolonged dreams on the same subject, with fatiguing meditation. Dreams of incendiary fires. Slow, noisy, snoring expiration before midnight; after midnight inspiration is of the same character. Lying on the back during the night. - сongestion in head in morning, which compels lying with head high.


 Excessive dread of open air, which penetrates to the very marrow of the bones, even when the weather is hot; with ill-humour and inclination to weep. Shuddering, with cloudiness before eyes, trembling and tossing of limbs, without shivering, followed by heat in head and face.

Analogs by action

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