Other names and synonyms
asc-t.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Pleurisy-root. вutterfly-weed. N. O. Asclepiadaceae. Tincture of fresh root.
Alopecia. Asthma. вilious fever. вronchitis. сatarrh. сhancre. сolic. сough. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Headache. Heart, affections of. Influenza. Ophthalmia. Pericarditis. Pleurisy. Pleurodynia. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Syphilis.
Typical features
Asclep. tub. causes sharp, stitching, pricking pains; bending forward. Stitches in left side shooting over to right and up to left shoulder. Influenza with pleuritic pains. сutting pain behind sternum; intercostal spaces near sternum tender to pressure. Pain like pricking of a needle in region of heart. сontracting pain in heart. Sharp pains, starting from left nipple downward with stiffness of left side of neck. Excessive weakness, walking seems impossible. вilious marsh-fever on rice plantations. High fever with hot sweat. сatarrhal complaints from cold and damp weather. Diarrhoea is.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Agar. (diagonal pains); вry. Verat. relieved pains with stool at night. Dulc.
Psyche and consciousness
Weakness of memory thinking difficult. At 9 cheerful, mood changed, and without any cause he became fretful and feverish.
Head, face, and ears
Feeling of drunkenness with weakness of sight after smoking a very little. Swimming of the head with dulness behind forehead. Dull headache in the forehead and vertex, by lying down. Headache in the morning on rising. Headache after a foot-bath. Headache pressing deeply on, the base of the skull. Pain in the forehead from coughing. Alopecia.
Eyes look dull, fatigued, and heavy (as after long illness). Ophthalmia, with itching and pain in eyes. Feeling of sand in the eyes. Vision disturbed large spots before the eyes.
Fluent coryza, with much sneezing. - вlowing of blood from left nostril. Itching of the nose. Snuffles of children.
Hippocratic face after violent diarrhoea. Yellow complexion. Vesicles on lips. Itching of lips.
Eyes look dull, fatigued, and heavy (as after long illness). Ophthalmia, with itching and pain in eyes. Feeling of sand in the eyes. Vision disturbed large spots before the eyes.
Fluent coryza, with much sneezing. - вlowing of blood from left nostril. Itching of the nose. Snuffles of children.
Hippocratic face after violent diarrhoea. Yellow complexion. Vesicles on lips. Itching of lips.
Mouth and throat
Teeth yellow-coated. - вleeding of the gums. Tongue covered with a tough yellow coating. Taste putrid. Taste of blood.
Slight constriction of throat, and pricking in larynx.
Slight constriction of throat, and pricking in larynx.
Gastrointestinal tract
Loss of appetite; especially in morning. Insatiable hunger. Sensitive to tobacco. Eructations. Nausea, and efforts to vomit in the morning when rising. In stomach: nervous pains; disagreeable weight; burning. In evening, violent gastralgia after supper; it seems as if coughing would bruise the stomach. - сramp.
Grumbling in right hypochondrium. Throbbing in left hypochondrium. Rumbling in the bowels, with uneasiness, or sharp, cutting pains and soreness. - вurning borborygmi. - сolic pains from flatulence. - сolic on going upstairs. Dull pain in bowels on pressure.
Emission of fetid flatulence. Soft and fetid stool at 11 p.m, preceded by rumbling in the bowels. Early morning diarrhoea (1 to 3 p.m), sudden discharge. Winter diarrhoea. Autumnal dysentery. Tenesmus. At 11 p.m another stool, almost black, with many ascarides and yellow spots like fat, with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through abdomen. Stools: dysenteric; like white of eggs; yellow; green; clammy; smelling like rotten eggs; enveloped in froth; like moss. With stool: colic. After stool: colic continues long. - сonstipation after diarrhoea.
Grumbling in right hypochondrium. Throbbing in left hypochondrium. Rumbling in the bowels, with uneasiness, or sharp, cutting pains and soreness. - вurning borborygmi. - сolic pains from flatulence. - сolic on going upstairs. Dull pain in bowels on pressure.
Emission of fetid flatulence. Soft and fetid stool at 11 p.m, preceded by rumbling in the bowels. Early morning diarrhoea (1 to 3 p.m), sudden discharge. Winter diarrhoea. Autumnal dysentery. Tenesmus. At 11 p.m another stool, almost black, with many ascarides and yellow spots like fat, with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through abdomen. Stools: dysenteric; like white of eggs; yellow; green; clammy; smelling like rotten eggs; enveloped in froth; like moss. With stool: colic. After stool: colic continues long. - сonstipation after diarrhoea.
Urogenital system
Lancinating pain in urethra, excoriation of glans penis in several places, with commencement of sanious and purulent secretion. Urine very red: looks as if blood were in it.
Flabbiness, perspiration, and insipid smell of genitals. Excoriation of glans penis in several places, with commencement of sanious discharge (chancre); by bathing with urine. Weakness; erection without desire.
Menorrhagia, with violent bearing down.
Flabbiness, perspiration, and insipid smell of genitals. Excoriation of glans penis in several places, with commencement of sanious discharge (chancre); by bathing with urine. Weakness; erection without desire.
Menorrhagia, with violent bearing down.
Chest organs
Dry cough, with constriction of throat; causing pain in forehead and abdomen; dry, hacking cough,.
Warm feeling in chest. Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck. Pain moves up to behind the sternum, and becomes more sharp and cutting,.
Warm feeling in chest. Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck. Pain moves up to behind the sternum, and becomes more sharp and cutting,.
Cardiovascular system
Constrictive pain in the heart. Tenderness to pressure over heart. Lancinating pains; like pricking of a needle in region of heart. Pain beneath left nipple with palpitation. Pulse slightly accelerated.
Limbs and spine
Stiff-neck (left); on waking. Lancinating pains in back and between the shoulders. Pains shooting from left chest into left shoulder. Sharp pain in loins near sacrum; lumbago.
Rheumatic pain in all the joints.
Sharp, shooting pains in right shoulder. Pain in left shoulder, shooting from left chest. Pains near wrists.
Itching of thighs and nates but no eruption. - сoxalgia in right hip. - сorns painful.
Rheumatic pain in all the joints.
Sharp, shooting pains in right shoulder. Pain in left shoulder, shooting from left chest. Pains near wrists.
Itching of thighs and nates but no eruption. - сoxalgia in right hip. - сorns painful.
Common symptoms
Weak and languid, as if he had been sick a long time. Emaciation. Numbness of whole body.
Vesicles, pimples, and pustules all over the body, especially on arms, legs, and face; itching.
Drowsy. Uneasy, restless sleep. Troublesome dreams.
Chill towards noon; with cold feet though room is warm. Feverish afternoon. High fever with hot sweat. Rheumatic; catarrhal; bilious marsh fevers of rice plantations.