Other names and synonyms
tann-ac.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Tannic acid. с14H10O9,2H2O. There are two forms of tannic acid, Gallo-tannic acid, derived from nut-galls, and Querci-tannic acid, derived from healthy leaves and bark of the oak. The former is the most used. Trituration. Solution in rectified spirit.
Constipation. Ileus.
Typical features
Tannin or Tannic acid, of which Gallic acid (C7H6O5) is a derivative, has produced effects on healthy persons, and on several taking it for diarrhoea. The chief effects were the production of a state of leathery dryness of mouth and intestinal canal; a condition like ileus; and a very aggravated state of constipation.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Querc., Gall. ac., Op., Pb.
Mouth and throat
Tongue white, dry. Leathery dryness of mucous membrane of mouth and intestinal canal.
Gastrointestinal tract
Loss of appetite. Thirst. Vomiting. Obstinate vomiting of bilious substances. Painful sensation in epigastric region and abdomen. Violent pains in stomach.
The intestines could be felt like cylindrical enlargements through walls of abdomen. Ileus. - сolic. Abdomen: distended; sensitive to pressure but not distended.
Painless and bloody discharge from bowels. Obstinate constipation; lasted eight days; only dissipated on the ninth day by two drops of сroton oil. Foul stools.
The intestines could be felt like cylindrical enlargements through walls of abdomen. Ileus. - сolic. Abdomen: distended; sensitive to pressure but not distended.
Painless and bloody discharge from bowels. Obstinate constipation; lasted eight days; only dissipated on the ninth day by two drops of сroton oil. Foul stools.
Urogenital system
Urine scanty, dark-coloured.
Cardiovascular system
Common symptoms