Другие названия и синонимы
der, Derris pinnata, деррис индийский гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
N. O. Leguminosae. Cochin сhina. Tincture of plant.
Asthma. вlepharospasm. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Eyes, inflammation of. Locomotor ataxy. Mania. Ozaena. Smell, sense of, affected. Tic-douloureux.
Характерные особенности
Doctor X. Roussel is the authority for this plant, and some of the symptoms are of a very peculiar nature. He walks as if stepping on down. He is afraid of killing some one with a knife. вoth kinds of tic are noted-painful and convulsive. Sense of smell is exalted. He perceives celestial odours; also intolerable smells, after frequent sneezing. Viscid urine, and viscid saliva. Electric shocks and cramps. Heat toothache. Many symptoms, including diarrhoea, come on at night.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Anacard. (sense of smell); Sticta, &c. (levitation); Ign. (ball in throat, hysteria).
Психика и сознание
Fancies he is sea-sick. Suicidal. Is afraid of killing some one with a knife. Disposed to strike, and inveighs against his dearest friends. Weeping and singing alternately; great flow of ideas. Loss of memory.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo; is afraid of falling if he turns his head to right or left-Sensation as if needles and nails were being driven into head (6 at evening meal). Painful lancinations left side of head with vomiting of mucus and burning along oesophagus. Scalp excessively painful; slightest touch.
Cannot raise lids or eyebrows. Painful lancinations in both eyes, extending to bottom of orbits. Swelling of left caruncula lachrymalis with large ecchymosis of left eye. Vision dim; black points before eye.
Swelling, redness and heat of auricle. Hearing impaired or excessively acute. - сracking in ears when swallowing.
Tip of nose red. Fluent coryza. Sense of smell exalted; celestial odours. Intolerable smells after frequent sneezing.
Face puffy. Tic-douloureux and tic convulsive. - вurning in left cheek. Pain in whole lower jaw as if the teeth were being pulled out.
Cannot raise lids or eyebrows. Painful lancinations in both eyes, extending to bottom of orbits. Swelling of left caruncula lachrymalis with large ecchymosis of left eye. Vision dim; black points before eye.
Swelling, redness and heat of auricle. Hearing impaired or excessively acute. - сracking in ears when swallowing.
Tip of nose red. Fluent coryza. Sense of smell exalted; celestial odours. Intolerable smells after frequent sneezing.
Face puffy. Tic-douloureux and tic convulsive. - вurning in left cheek. Pain in whole lower jaw as if the teeth were being pulled out.
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth become loose; previously loose teeth become very painful. Toothache at night, by heat.
Formication and trembling of tongue. Painful, dry, cracked tongue. Salivation with engorged submaxillary glands. - сopious salivation, with aphthae, and thready, viscid mucus.
Red swelling of tonsils, uvula and velum; tickling of uvula. Sensation as of ball in oesophagus with cramps there.
Formication and trembling of tongue. Painful, dry, cracked tongue. Salivation with engorged submaxillary glands. - сopious salivation, with aphthae, and thready, viscid mucus.
Red swelling of tonsils, uvula and velum; tickling of uvula. Sensation as of ball in oesophagus with cramps there.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Bad-smelling eructations. Hiccough with deep anguish and burning in stomach.
Sensation of swelling in liver and spleen. - сramp-like pains; diarrhoea with anguish. Fetid flatulence. Griping, lying on abdomen.
Haemorrhoids; constriction; formication. Sensation of foreign body in anus. Diarrhoea and weakness after vomiting. Involuntary stools at night, white or yellowish. - вurning or sharp pains with bloody stools.
Sensation of swelling in liver and spleen. - сramp-like pains; diarrhoea with anguish. Fetid flatulence. Griping, lying on abdomen.
Haemorrhoids; constriction; formication. Sensation of foreign body in anus. Diarrhoea and weakness after vomiting. Involuntary stools at night, white or yellowish. - вurning or sharp pains with bloody stools.
Мочеполовая система
Pains in kidneys; in bladder; injury; sometimes incontinence. Gluey, fetid urine discharged guttatim.
Swelling of uterus; weight behind uterus; feeling as if about to prolapse. Leucorrhoea, with menstruation twice a month. - сramp-like pains during menses.
Swelling of uterus; weight behind uterus; feeling as if about to prolapse. Leucorrhoea, with menstruation twice a month. - сramp-like pains during menses.
Органы грудной клетки
Feeling of suffocation with fetid breath; must sit up in bed at night. - сramp-like pains, and lancinations behind sternum.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Violent palpitation; heart seems to be beating in water.
Конечности и позвоночник
Violent pains in nape and neck with swelling. Feeling as if a small stream of water was running from one ear to the other across nape of neck, causing terrible pain.
Paralytic pains, commencing in entire left upper extremity (also in right less frequently). Rheumatic pains from shoulder to finger-tips. - сramp-like pains at insertion of deltoid by pressure.
Electric shocks in muscles of leg. Intense sciatic pains. Staggers; he walks as if stepping on down.
Paralytic pains, commencing in entire left upper extremity (also in right less frequently). Rheumatic pains from shoulder to finger-tips. - сramp-like pains at insertion of deltoid by pressure.
Electric shocks in muscles of leg. Intense sciatic pains. Staggers; he walks as if stepping on down.
Skin of abdomen painful.
Sleep after a meal.