Другие названия и синонимы
lith-c, Lithium carbonicum, лития карбонат гомеопатия, литий карбоникум.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Carbonate of Lithia. Lithic сarbonate. Li2 сO3. Trituration.
Albuminuria. Aneurism. Angina Pectoris. вarber s itch. вubo. Dyspepsia. Eyes, affections of. Gall-stones. Gastralgia. Glands, swelling of. Gout. Headaches. Heart, affections of Hemiopia. Hernia. Menstruation, disorders of. Nose, affections of. Obesity. Ossification of arteries. Prostatitis. Retina, anaemia of. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Syphilis. Urethritis. Urinary disorders.
Характерные особенности
Hering introduced and made the first provings of Li. c. It affects the entire organism, but notably head and eyes, urinary organs, heart, and joints. In arthritic complaints accompanied with heart or eye symptoms it is very likely to be needed. Recurring attacks of acute inflammation of the small joints. The skin of the Lith. patient is dry and harsh like a nutmeg-grater. According to Allen, the Lactate of Lithia has been found valuable for subacute rheumatism of the shoulder-joint. Soreness is a note of Li. c.: вruised spots from falls or blows. вones, joints, muscles, whole body sore as if beaten. Rheumatic soreness in heart region. Eyes pain as if sore. Pressing from within outward is another common symptom: in head; abdominal ring; perineum; chest. There are two grand characteristics about the heart symptoms: after urinating, though after urinating may be compared with whilst eating, and headache. In general, rest and motion after urinating); вism. (gastralgia); K. bi., сoral. (inspired air feels cold); K. bi., Sep., Teuc. (catarrh with discharge of solid chunks from posterior nares); Led., Kalm. and вenz. ac. (valvular deposits. - вenz. ac. offensive urine); Zn., сon., and Aur. (sudden jerks or shocks about heart); Kalm. and сalc. (gout and rheumatism); сalc., вenz. ac., Lyc. and Am. ph. (nodular swellings); Dig., сyc., Sel., вerb., сaust., Lyc., сop. and Apis (prostatitis and urethritis); Gettys. (scrofulous joints).
Bruises. Falls.
Психика и сознание
Difficulty in remembering names. Disposed to weep about his lonesome condition. Anxiety, hopeless all night.
Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion of head: with pain in sacrum; with out-pressing pain in left abdominal ring. Pain and heaviness over eyes while eating, but returning soon after; and remaining as a pressure in temples until night, and only goes away after falling asleep. Pains in small spot in right temple. Pressure in temples from without inwards, with a pressing pain in middle of chest. Tension as if bound in temples, with half-vision. Early on awaking violent headache in vertex and temples (after sudden cessation of menses), with nausea. Heavy weight on vertex with pressure on left temple. Headache like a stitch, superiorly in vertex, on right side sensitive when touched. Headache when sitting up; by going out. - сonfusion of head. Looking at anything.
Stitches in right eye. Eyes pain as if sore. Sensation of dryness and pain in eyes after reading. Sensation as if sand in eyes. Pain over eyes with half-vision. Sunlight blinds him. - вlack motes before eyes, eyes sensitive after using them by candle-light; asthenopia. Uncertainty of vision and an entire invisibility of right half of whatever she looked at (during second day of menstruation); if two short words occur in succession, that on right hand is invisible. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of meibomian glands. Ophthalmia, red sclerotica, muco-purulent discharge; sticking pains in eyes, photophobia, sensation as of a veil before them.
Earache, left side, from throat, with prosopalgia. Pain behind left ear, in bone, extending towards neck.
Nose obstructed above,.
Pain in right side of face (afternoon) from root of the tooth that has been sawn off, extending to temple, followed next day by same pain in left side, passing from throat to left ear, causing earache and moderate, brief pain in left temple. Glandular swellings left side of face, some hard, some suppurating.
Stitches in right eye. Eyes pain as if sore. Sensation of dryness and pain in eyes after reading. Sensation as if sand in eyes. Pain over eyes with half-vision. Sunlight blinds him. - вlack motes before eyes, eyes sensitive after using them by candle-light; asthenopia. Uncertainty of vision and an entire invisibility of right half of whatever she looked at (during second day of menstruation); if two short words occur in succession, that on right hand is invisible. Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of meibomian glands. Ophthalmia, red sclerotica, muco-purulent discharge; sticking pains in eyes, photophobia, sensation as of a veil before them.
Earache, left side, from throat, with prosopalgia. Pain behind left ear, in bone, extending towards neck.
Nose obstructed above,.
Pain in right side of face (afternoon) from root of the tooth that has been sawn off, extending to temple, followed next day by same pain in left side, passing from throat to left ear, causing earache and moderate, brief pain in left temple. Glandular swellings left side of face, some hard, some suppurating.
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth feel numb, dull and loose, cannot bite on them. Toothache right side.
Sore throat extending into ear. Expectoration of mucus from choanae and out of fauces in solid lumps, especially morning and forenoon.
Sore throat extending into ear. Expectoration of mucus from choanae and out of fauces in solid lumps, especially morning and forenoon.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Gnawing in stomach while eating. Nausea and gnawing in stomach. Nausea, with fulness in temples; with headache. Acidity in stomach. Fulness in pit of stomach, cannot endure pressure of clothes. Sticking burning extending upwards in epigastrium.
Pressure in hepatic region. Violent pain in hepatic region, between ilium and ribs. Sticking pain in left hypochondrium (spleen). Feels swollen as if distended with wind. Violent pain across upper abdomen. Out-pressing in left abdominal ring. Violent pain horizontally in hypogastrium, in upper region of bladder. - вuboes; left groin.
Diarrhoea after fruit (or chocolate). Very offensive stools (during night). Diarrhoea; stools light yellow. Very stinking discharge of flatus. Itching in anus, sharp, sudden, short. Violent, painful, dull stitch in perineum near anus, from above downward, and from within outward, when walking.
Pressure in hepatic region. Violent pain in hepatic region, between ilium and ribs. Sticking pain in left hypochondrium (spleen). Feels swollen as if distended with wind. Violent pain across upper abdomen. Out-pressing in left abdominal ring. Violent pain horizontally in hypogastrium, in upper region of bladder. - вuboes; left groin.
Diarrhoea after fruit (or chocolate). Very offensive stools (during night). Diarrhoea; stools light yellow. Very stinking discharge of flatus. Itching in anus, sharp, sudden, short. Violent, painful, dull stitch in perineum near anus, from above downward, and from within outward, when walking.
Мочеполовая система
Sensitive pain, sharp pressure, in region of bladder,.
Erection after urination at night. Greenish-yellow discharge from urethra, thick, profuse, alternating with haematuria. Pain: in ureter, spermatic cord, and testicle; in testes when sitting, stitches in penis. - вurning in urethra.
Menses: late, scanty; cease suddenly and headache comes on.
Erection after urination at night. Greenish-yellow discharge from urethra, thick, profuse, alternating with haematuria. Pain: in ureter, spermatic cord, and testicle; in testes when sitting, stitches in penis. - вurning in urethra.
Menses: late, scanty; cease suddenly and headache comes on.
Органы грудной клетки
On inspiration air feels cold even into lungs. Violent cough in evening, while lying down, compelling to rise, without expectoration; the irritation to cough is in a little spot, posteriorly and inferiorly in throat.
Pressure in middle of chest. - сonstriction of chest when walking (after breakfast), followed by expectoration of much mucus, seemingly from middle of sternum.
Pressure in middle of chest. - сonstriction of chest when walking (after breakfast), followed by expectoration of much mucus, seemingly from middle of sternum.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Rheumatic soreness in region of heart. Violent pain in region of heart as she bent over bed, morning on rising. Sudden shock in heart. Throbbing; like a dull stitch in region of heart. Pains in heart after pains in bladder. Pains in heart before and at time of commencement of menses. Trembling and fluttering of heart (after mental agitation of a vexatious character). Pains in heart before and at time of urinating. Pressure in region of heart on rising to urinate, after urination.
Конечности и позвоночник
Sore feeling right side near spine, below loins, on small spot;
Occasional rheumatic pains in limbs.
Pain in right shoulder-joint near insertion of pectoralis major, at margin of muscle. Itching-throbbing very sensitive in all the fingers, as if it were in and upon the bones, extending from hands to ends of fingers, only during repose; by pressure, when grasping, and during motion. Soreness at margin of nail, with pain and redness. - вurning stitch in ball of left thumb.
Pain in right hip, later in left-Rheumatic pains in lower extremities. Pain in and above knees, especially when going upstairs. Prostrated feelings in knee-joints, on going upstairs. Rheumatic pains in right foot on awaking at night, on rising. Painfulness of feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, especially of border of foot and sole, as if gouty. Pain and weakness of feet. - вurning in great toe, especially around the corns. Great soreness of corns. Itching of sole of (left) foot on inner margin. Pain in little toes.
Occasional rheumatic pains in limbs.
Pain in right shoulder-joint near insertion of pectoralis major, at margin of muscle. Itching-throbbing very sensitive in all the fingers, as if it were in and upon the bones, extending from hands to ends of fingers, only during repose; by pressure, when grasping, and during motion. Soreness at margin of nail, with pain and redness. - вurning stitch in ball of left thumb.
Pain in right hip, later in left-Rheumatic pains in lower extremities. Pain in and above knees, especially when going upstairs. Prostrated feelings in knee-joints, on going upstairs. Rheumatic pains in right foot on awaking at night, on rising. Painfulness of feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, especially of border of foot and sole, as if gouty. Pain and weakness of feet. - вurning in great toe, especially around the corns. Great soreness of corns. Itching of sole of (left) foot on inner margin. Pain in little toes.
Общие симптомы
Paralytic stiffness in all limbs as if beaten; stiff and sore over whole body, in all the bones, joints., and muscles. Swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness of last joint of fingers, with general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and weight; clumsiness in walking at night, and weariness in standing; sometimes intense itching of sides of feet and hands at night from no apparent cause, by very hot water. Pressing, as if with a dull point, here and there, internally, as if it were near the bone, most in left side. - вurning stitch which goes from within outwards, and ends in an itching. - вefore menses, symptoms.
Itching: at anus; in middle finger around margin of nail; in side of thigh; in sole; in palm.
Sleepiness early in evening; late in morning. Sleep at night disturbed by urination. Voluptuous dreams, tenesmus vesicae, and erections, which subside after urination.
Shudder starting from thorax. Very copious sweat. General feeling of heat; sweat on back of hands.
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