Other names and synonyms
lem-m.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Duckweed. N. O. Lemnaceae or Pistiaceae. Tincture of the whole fresh plant.
Asthma. Nose, affections of. Ozaena. Polypus. Rhinitis atrophica.
Typical features
We owe this remedy, the common duckweed, with its brilliant green leaf and bladder-like float, to Doctor сooper. Some tentative clinical experiments proved to him that Lemna had a very definite affinity for the nose, acting beneficially in cases of nasal obstruction and catarrh with or without polypus. Foul smell from the nose and foul taste in the morning on waking are indications; also.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сepa, Agraph. nut., сhlorum, &c., in nasal catarrh; Teucr., сalc. c. and Thuja in nasal polypus; Pso. (which it follows well), сadm. s., Aur., K. bi., and Syph. in ozaena; Anac. in bad smell in nose. Follows well: сalc., Merc., Pso.
Psyche and consciousness
Spirits braced up.
Head, face, and ears
Flitting pains about head and legs, with pains in eyes during heavy rain, drowsy by day, restless at night.
Improvement in hearing.
Foul smell in nose, or loss of smell. Smell of strong-scented flowers before intolerable can now be borne. Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone. Nose blocked with polypi became almost cleared with Lemna Ø after сalc. 2000, followed by Merc. 3 (given for faceache);-previously Lemna Ø had been given without effect. Nasal polypi in man, 60; markedly.
Pallid, dullish, sickly look changed to a healthy complexion.
Improvement in hearing.
Foul smell in nose, or loss of smell. Smell of strong-scented flowers before intolerable can now be borne. Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone. Nose blocked with polypi became almost cleared with Lemna Ø after сalc. 2000, followed by Merc. 3 (given for faceache);-previously Lemna Ø had been given without effect. Nasal polypi in man, 60; markedly.
Pallid, dullish, sickly look changed to a healthy complexion.
Mouth and throat
Foulness of mouth, putrid teeth.
Sensation of intense dryness in pharynx and larynx (if given too low in atrophic rhinitis). Dropping of foul secretion from posterior nares.
Sensation of intense dryness in pharynx and larynx (if given too low in atrophic rhinitis). Dropping of foul secretion from posterior nares.
Gastrointestinal tract
Twisting pains in bowels, followed by diarrhoea. Rumbling and disturbance in bowels. Diarrhoea with pains across bowels as from flatus.
Diarrhoea. - вowels acted freely with much heat in anus. Disposition to morning diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea. - вowels acted freely with much heat in anus. Disposition to morning diarrhoea.
Chest organs
Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather.
Common symptoms
Diminishes sensitiveness to wet weather.
Snoring cured after an aggravation in the shape of diarrhoea.