Other names and synonyms
viol-o.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Viola odorata. Sweet-scented Violet. N. O. Violaceae (an order most members of which contain Emetin, and under which Ipec. is sometimes placed: allied to сinchonaceae). Tincture of fresh plant in flower.
Cancer. сhoroiditis сough, spasmodic; by day. Hoarseness. Hysteria. Neuralgia, supra-orbital. Otorrhoea; suppressed. Rheumatism. Seminal emissions. Styes. Whooping-cough. Wrists, rheumatism of.
Typical features
The Violet was introduced by Gross and proved by Hahnemann, Gross, and Stapf. Gross says of his symptoms that they recurred equally in all positions, were mild, yet more definitely felt than from other drugs. Hahnemann had bruised pain in all the bones in the morning, in bed after waking, after rising. Stapf had relaxation of all the muscles. The mind was greatly excited and disturbed, and V. od. found its first uses in hysterical cases. Aversion to music, especially the violin, is one of the peculiar symptoms. There is increased activity and rush of ideas, generally confused: Can only grasp half an idea; puts it in its proper place but cannot hold it. A keynote symptom of V. od. is Tension: Tension of the occiput and forehead ; Tension of the scalp of occiput even when not moving, though after rising in morning.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: сamph. сompatible: In whooping-cough, сoral.; in helminthiasis, сina. сompare: Pain in right wrist, Act. spi., вry. Ropy sputa, K. bi. Weakness of muscles of neck, Ver., Ant. t.
Suppressed discharges.
Psyche and consciousness
Sombre melancholy and sadness. Hysterical humour, with constant weeping, without knowing why. Aversion to conversation. Great weakness of memory and forgetfulness. Great concourse (excessive flow) of unsettled and confused ideas. Insane confusion, childish behaviour, disobedience, refusing nourishment, talks in a low, soft voice. Remarkable perspicuity and great activity of brain. Predominance of intellect over feeling. Increased activity of the intellect.
Head, face, and ears
Dull and painful confusion in the head. Turning vertigo, also when seated. Headache, sometimes with cramps in eyes and luminous circles before sight. Drawing in left frontal eminence. The head feels heavy and sinks forward; sensation of weakness in muscles of nape. Rush of blood to head, with prickings in sinciput (forehead). Tension in integuments of the head, extending into face, nose, and ears, frequently causing a knitting of the brows. - вurning in forehead.
Cramps in eyelids. - сlosing of eyes as from drowsiness. Heaviness of eyelids. Sensation as if eyeball were compressed. Pupils contracted. Heat and burning sensation in eyes. Myopia. Flames before eyes. Chronic choroiditis with fearful throbbing headache under right temple. R. T. с. - сaused styes on right eyelids in a case of сooper s. Vision dim,.
Shootings in (and around) ears. Aversion to all kinds of music, principally violin. Murmuring and tinkling before ears. Discharges of both ears with deafness disappeared after one dose of Ø. R. T. с. - вrings on a discharge that has stopped; or heals a discharge in a few days (R. T. с.
Numbness of tip of nose as from a blow, and as if blood were pressing out.
Hot forehead. Pain in face, with drawing pressure in zygomatic process. Tension in integuments of face, especially above eyes. Tension below eyes and above nose, extending to temples. Tearings in (left) lower jaw in direction of ear.
Cramps in eyelids. - сlosing of eyes as from drowsiness. Heaviness of eyelids. Sensation as if eyeball were compressed. Pupils contracted. Heat and burning sensation in eyes. Myopia. Flames before eyes. Chronic choroiditis with fearful throbbing headache under right temple. R. T. с. - сaused styes on right eyelids in a case of сooper s. Vision dim,.
Shootings in (and around) ears. Aversion to all kinds of music, principally violin. Murmuring and tinkling before ears. Discharges of both ears with deafness disappeared after one dose of Ø. R. T. с. - вrings on a discharge that has stopped; or heals a discharge in a few days (R. T. с.
Numbness of tip of nose as from a blow, and as if blood were pressing out.
Hot forehead. Pain in face, with drawing pressure in zygomatic process. Tension in integuments of face, especially above eyes. Tension below eyes and above nose, extending to temples. Tearings in (left) lower jaw in direction of ear.
Mouth and throat
Tearing pain in (right) lower teeth.
Sensation in hard palate as if it were completely dried up. Aphthae.
Sensation in hard palate as if it were completely dried up. Aphthae.
Gastrointestinal tract
Distension of abdomen.
Constipation, with ineffectual want to evacuate. Helminthiasis. Itching of anus every afternoon.
Constipation, with ineffectual want to evacuate. Helminthiasis. Itching of anus every afternoon.
Urogenital system
Pollutions, followed by headache.
During pregnancy, dyspnoea.
During pregnancy, dyspnoea.
Chest organs
Hoarseness, followed by coryza. Dyspnoea with violent cough;
Violent oppression of the chest and dyspnoea, with pressure on the chest, as by a stone.
Violent oppression of the chest and dyspnoea, with pressure on the chest, as by a stone.
Limbs and spine
Tension in muscles of the neck. Jerking drawing in cervical muscles, near nape, extending down,.
Rheumatism of r: side; motion of right side almost impossible. - вruised pain in all bones in morning in bed, after waking, disappears after rising. Relaxation of all the muscles. Drawing pains in limbs. Pain as if broken in all joints on waking in morning. Trembling of limbs.
Slight trembling of arms; dyspnoea. Rheumatism of upper limbs; deltoid; of right carpal and metacarpal joints. Drawing pain in elbow-joint and back of hand. Pressive, aching pain in the wrists, especially right.
Oedematous swelling of lower limbs with stitching pains.
Rheumatism of r: side; motion of right side almost impossible. - вruised pain in all bones in morning in bed, after waking, disappears after rising. Relaxation of all the muscles. Drawing pains in limbs. Pain as if broken in all joints on waking in morning. Trembling of limbs.
Slight trembling of arms; dyspnoea. Rheumatism of upper limbs; deltoid; of right carpal and metacarpal joints. Drawing pain in elbow-joint and back of hand. Pressive, aching pain in the wrists, especially right.
Oedematous swelling of lower limbs with stitching pains.
Common symptoms
Congestion of blood to single parts. Troubles of or on left ear. - вurning and flushes of heat in different parts. Great nervous debility. The sufferings are mild, but still well defined, and the same in all positions. Yawning every morning, with lachrymation. The patient lies on the back while asleep at night, with the left hand passed above the head and the knees bent; contrary to his habit.
Dry, warm skin, want of sweat; only palms moist; measles running an irregular course. Transient burning here and there in small spots.
Yawning: and stretching without sleepiness; every morning so that eyes fill with water. Sleepiness in eyes, lids will close. Lies on back in sleep with left hand over head, knees bent and lying far to side.
Chilly disposition. Forehead hot. Transient burning, here and there, as if it concentrated in a small spot and burned there like a small flame. Febrile shuddering. Night-sweats.