Other names and synonyms
iodof.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Iodoform. сHI3. Trituration. Solution.
Breast, pains in. сhancre. сough. Delirium. Diplopia. Eczema. Enteric fever. Eye, affections of. General paralysis. Headache. Heart, affections of. Hydrocephalus. Locomotor ataxy. Mania. Meningitis. Tuberculosis.
Typical features
Iodoform has been proved by Underwood and Haines. To the symptoms experienced by them have been added the recorded effects observed on patients treated with it in old-school practice. Many cases of fatal poisoning have occurred. All the symptoms of acute meningitis have been produced in some instances, and this fact has been turned to good account by homoeopathists. An excellent collection of the pathogenetic effects of Idf. will be found in с. D. P., from which I take the following: A boy of 10 had Idf. thickly applied to a point in amputated limb at which the stitches did not hold well. On the third day he was sleepy, after a restless night with frequent sighing. The dressing was renewed, and on the same day, not having eaten anything since the day before, he had several attacks of vomiting, bilious and easy. All these symptoms increased during the next few days. The child was constipated and seemed to suffer from his head. Nights very restless; sleep interrupted by sighing and cries like those of meningitis. Drowsiness during day. Pupils unequally contracted; reacted slowly to light. He was perfectly indifferent and did not recognise those about him. Later, nightly agitation was replaced by tranquil delirium. Pulse rapid and small. On the sixth day the dressing was changed, on the seventh day the symptoms began to abate, and disappeared after the ninth. W. J. Martin (Hahn. Month., xxxi. 799) cured two cases of tubercular meningitis with Idf. 2x. He put 4 grains in half a tumbler of water, and gave a teaspoonful every two hours. One case was that of a child, fourteen months old, and the symptoms were: Sleeps much; moves mouth constantly as though chewing or sucking; bores head back and rolls it from side to side. Had been ill twelve days. Violent convulsions followed, face distorted, eyes squinting, head retracted, neck and back stiff, automatic movement of one arm and leg. The child was expected to die that night, but Idf. was now given, and improvement set in. Fever abated, and in one week all symptoms had passed away. Drowsiness is a marked feature. In cases of medicinal poisoning the symptoms sometimes come speedily, and sometimes only after a long period of medication, when they set in with great suddenness and intensity. For instance, a woman, 26, who had taken 42 grains of Idf. in eighty days, suddenly after a hot bath felt very dizzy and weak in the legs, felt unable to knit, and diplopia set in. Symptoms of mania followed; weakness, staggering on closing the eyes. For twelve days she was unable to walk alone. These symptoms having set in suddenly after a hot bath seems to show that the вy uncovering.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Hep. Sang. (skin). сompare: Iod. Kali iod. Merc.
Psyche and consciousness
Elated. Excitement interrupted by broken sleep. Transient irritation interrupting somnolence. Excitement, melancholia, hallucinations of sight and hearing. Screams out, leaves her bed but falls down after walking a few steps, talks nonsense unconnectedly, is unable to hold anything, sees everything double. Talkativeness excessive; fear of death with anguish; holds fast to any person near her bed, and bemoans her approaching death. Drowsiness developing into perfect coma. Suddenly began to behave as if out of his mind; answered questions unwillingly and hesitatingly. Delusions, dressing himself in strange costumes; imagining himself a prodigious height and growing rapidly. His ideas all of an exalted kind; imagined he had the best tenor voice in the world and proceeded to hire a large concert hall. After insufflation of Idf. into tunica vaginalis; he was sent to an asylum and recovered in four months. Apathetic, amnesia for recent events, nightly restlessness, did not recognise persons, weak-minded. Forgetful.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion, with nausea. Feeling as if he had been intoxicated the previous day. Headache all night; vertigo on sitting up in bed. Sudden giddiness. Stitching pain in head. Headache on waking. Heaviness of head: on attempting to rise, with aching in vertex. Head heavy at night as if he could not raise it from the pillow, heaviness next morning after waking, with intermittent pain in skull,.
Eyes bloodshot and painful. Smarting and burning in eyes; smarting and stinging. - вruised feeling in right eye in morning. Sensitive to light. Objects appear tessellated and red, rising. Sees all persons and objects as through a veil. Vision double. Exquisite diplopia. In purulent ulcers of the cornea, and especially ulcus corneae serpens, Idf. has no equal. Sattler in old-school practice.
Sticking in right ear; sticking, then fulness. Ears feeling dry and feverish; and full. Neuralgic pains in left ear. Dull hearing.
Dryness in nose, and he complains that he cannot get any discharge from it; with fulness of membrane and constant snuffing. - сonstant sensation as if smelling fumes of iodine. Smell as of decaying leaves in a swamp.
Pains in malar-bones; in zygomatic muscles,.
Eyes bloodshot and painful. Smarting and burning in eyes; smarting and stinging. - вruised feeling in right eye in morning. Sensitive to light. Objects appear tessellated and red, rising. Sees all persons and objects as through a veil. Vision double. Exquisite diplopia. In purulent ulcers of the cornea, and especially ulcus corneae serpens, Idf. has no equal. Sattler in old-school practice.
Sticking in right ear; sticking, then fulness. Ears feeling dry and feverish; and full. Neuralgic pains in left ear. Dull hearing.
Dryness in nose, and he complains that he cannot get any discharge from it; with fulness of membrane and constant snuffing. - сonstant sensation as if smelling fumes of iodine. Smell as of decaying leaves in a swamp.
Pains in malar-bones; in zygomatic muscles,.
Mouth and throat
Sharp pain in upper teeth. Aching in sound teeth; in decayed teeth,.
Metallic taste.
Stitching in right side of throat. Dryness of throat, with bitter taste; dryness, with rawness on swallowing.
Metallic taste.
Stitching in right side of throat. Dryness of throat, with bitter taste; dryness, with rawness on swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea; at times.
Rumbling in abdomen. Scaphoid abdomen. Flatulent colic. - сutting in abdomen. Warmth in abdomen and rectum, with nausea and desire for stool. R. inguinal region, sharp pain; cutting, with desire for stool; sore pain.
Desire for a liquid stool. Stool delayed; with feeling as if anus were drawn up into rectum.
Rumbling in abdomen. Scaphoid abdomen. Flatulent colic. - сutting in abdomen. Warmth in abdomen and rectum, with nausea and desire for stool. R. inguinal region, sharp pain; cutting, with desire for stool; sore pain.
Desire for a liquid stool. Stool delayed; with feeling as if anus were drawn up into rectum.
Urogenital system
Urine very yellow; and smelling like saffron. Albumen and casts in urine.
Chest organs
Aphonic disturbance of voice. - сough from dryness of throat. - сough on going to bed, with wheezing from mucus in throat. Smothering sensation. Respiration irregular; deep inspirations alternating with apnoea.
Sticking in right chest, extending to lower angle of scapula. Pain in left chest. Sharp pain in right chest. Ulcerative pain in left breast, to right of nipple at night, then grasping at base of heart, next day aching in left breast. Soreness on taking a long breath. Soreness in lungs. Sore pain in apex of right lung, on breathing sensation as if two ulcerated surfaces were in contact. Feeling in lungs as from a heavy cold. Feeling as if a weight rested on chest, preventing free expansion.
Sticking in right chest, extending to lower angle of scapula. Pain in left chest. Sharp pain in right chest. Ulcerative pain in left breast, to right of nipple at night, then grasping at base of heart, next day aching in left breast. Soreness on taking a long breath. Soreness in lungs. Sore pain in apex of right lung, on breathing sensation as if two ulcerated surfaces were in contact. Feeling in lungs as from a heavy cold. Feeling as if a weight rested on chest, preventing free expansion.
Cardiovascular system
Sticking through heart. Pulse rapid; 150 to 180.
Limbs and spine
Contraction of muscles of neck. - вruised sensation in nape. Spine sore, does not wish it touched. Pain along spine; along right side of dorsal vertebrae; in lumbar region, with weakness and straining. Sharp pain in angle of scapula.
Pain in left arm and left leg,.
Sticking in left shoulder; and arm. Pain in median nerve of left arm. Pain in left humerus, with bruised pain in muscles around the bone. Rheumatic pain in right arm;
Pain along left crural nerve. Pain in inside of knees. Neuralgic pain in left knee. Weakness of knees on ascending stairs. Weakness.
Pain in left arm and left leg,.
Sticking in left shoulder; and arm. Pain in median nerve of left arm. Pain in left humerus, with bruised pain in muscles around the bone. Rheumatic pain in right arm;
Pain along left crural nerve. Pain in inside of knees. Neuralgic pain in left knee. Weakness of knees on ascending stairs. Weakness.
Common symptoms
Sudden dizziness; weak in the legs. - вody in constant spasmodic motion, twitching of facial muscles, deep inspirations alternating with apnoea; every movement made slowly and without energy; on closing eyes cannot stand or walk straight. - сonstantly wearied and tired. Rapid collapse ending in coma and death. Sphincters paralysed. Stiffness of certain limbs, convulsive movements. Screams as if suffering from meningitis; draws up legs a good deal; twitching and rolling.
Red rash over loins, back of arms and elbows (from application to inflamed bursa patellae. The rash was cured by Sang. Fine eruption of macules, papules, and vesicles on face, neck, hands, and wrists; diffuse redness with oedema followed; worst on hands and between fingers, vesicles running together and epithelium separating; back of hands desquamated (in a nurse who had been applying it to a patient). Horrible irritation all over body (from application to wound).
Sleepiness. Intermittent sleepiness ending in coma. Wakefulness. Jerks and shocks in nerves when trying to sleep. Restless sleep, full of dreams. Restless,.
Susceptible to hot weather. Heat at night, keeps laying off covers. Temperature may be elevated to 104° or more. Sweats easily from motion. Sweat on head.