Other names and synonyms
grat.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Gratiola officinalis. Hedge Hyssop. The Herb of Grace. N. O. Scrophulariaceae (grows in moist places). Tincture of fresh plant before flowering.
Cholera. сoccygodynia. сonstipation. сramps. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Eyes, affections of. Gastralgia. Gout. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Hydrocephalus. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Mania. Masturbation. Mesenteric glands, affections of. Neuralgia. Nymphomania. Tetanus. Vision, disordered.
Typical features
Gratiola is one of the most important members of the great Scrophularian group-Digit., Euphras., Tabac., Scroph. - and should be carefully studied with these. A large proportion of the effects of Gratiola are expended on the gastro-intestinal tract. It is an inodorous plant, of bitter taste, and very poisonous, causing violent colic, diarrhoea, bloody stools, enteritis, jaundice, trembling of extremities, convulsions, cramps, excitement and disordered condition of the sexual powers, and death. Symptoms of a fully developed, rapid attack of Asiatic cholera are produced. On the other hand, the mind is strongly affected. Peevishness, ill-humour; irresolute; hysterical; cerebral affections without fever. It is useful in mental troubles from overweening pride. Teste considers Gratiola the сhamom. of chronic diseases. There is In open air;
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: сaust., вell., Euphorb., Nux v. It antidotes: Iodum. сompare: Apis, вell., Helleb., сham., Nux v., Elat., Pod. Hunger after meals with feeling of emptiness, Lauro., сalc., сascaril., сhi., сin. (emptiness after stool, Petrol.); vanishing of sight and headache, Gels.; botanical, Dig., Euphr., Scroph.
Abuse of coffee.
Psyche and consciousness
Serious, taciturn, absorbed in reverie. Self-concentration. Irresolute, want of perseverance. Ill-humour, tired of life, apprehensive of the future; hysteria; hypochondriasis. Loquacity and gaiety.
Head, face, and ears
Whirling vertigo on shutting the eyes. Vertigo when reading, and when seated, as if the head were waving backwards and forwards. Headache, with nausea and drowsiness. Intoxicated feeling during and after a meal. Rush of blood to the head and feeling as if intoxicated in whole brain. Violent rush of blood to head, with throbbing in forehead amounting to vertigo, with blackness before the eyes;
Itching, quivering, and sensation of weakness in eyelids. Itching of eyelashes. The eyes feel dry and as if sand were in them. - вurning pain and pressure on the eyes. Eyes watery and weak when reading. Mist before eyes, when reading or writing. Myopia on reading. Sees distant objects better than near ones. While writing, or looking at light objects, sight suddenly vanishes; by closing eyes, but constantly returns. All objects seem white on opening the eyes, even green trees and turf.
Tearing and shootings in ears. Itching of the ears.
Frequent sneezings, with shootings in left side of the chest and of the hypochondria. Stoppage of the nose. Smarting-itching in left nostril. Pressure at upper part of nose.
Burning heat and redness of the face. Tingling-burning in malar bones. Sensation of tension in the face; it feels swollen. Swelling of upper lip (every morning, with stinging). Tearing on one side of face. Painful crack in left side of chin.
Itching, quivering, and sensation of weakness in eyelids. Itching of eyelashes. The eyes feel dry and as if sand were in them. - вurning pain and pressure on the eyes. Eyes watery and weak when reading. Mist before eyes, when reading or writing. Myopia on reading. Sees distant objects better than near ones. While writing, or looking at light objects, sight suddenly vanishes; by closing eyes, but constantly returns. All objects seem white on opening the eyes, even green trees and turf.
Tearing and shootings in ears. Itching of the ears.
Frequent sneezings, with shootings in left side of the chest and of the hypochondria. Stoppage of the nose. Smarting-itching in left nostril. Pressure at upper part of nose.
Burning heat and redness of the face. Tingling-burning in malar bones. Sensation of tension in the face; it feels swollen. Swelling of upper lip (every morning, with stinging). Tearing on one side of face. Painful crack in left side of chin.
Mouth and throat
Nocturnal tearing or piercing in the molars. Sensation of cold in the teeth.
Accumulation of much saliva in the mouth. Accumulation of clear water in the mouth. Mouth bitter or clammy. Tongue rough, covered with mucus. Fetid breath in the morning after waking.
Pressure in throat, as from thick mucus. Accumulation of mucus in throat. Pain in throat obliging one to swallow constantly; the swallowing is difficult, as if the throat were contracted;
Accumulation of much saliva in the mouth. Accumulation of clear water in the mouth. Mouth bitter or clammy. Tongue rough, covered with mucus. Fetid breath in the morning after waking.
Pressure in throat, as from thick mucus. Accumulation of mucus in throat. Pain in throat obliging one to swallow constantly; the swallowing is difficult, as if the throat were contracted;
Appetite and food preferences
Gnawing, as from hunger after eating. - сonstant sinking at epigastrium, but cannot eat. Hunger, sometimes with loathing and horror of all food. Increased thirst.
Gastrointestinal tract
Bitter or sweetish risings. Ineffectual efforts to eructate, with pressure from stomach to throat, which suspends respiration. Empty or cold feeling in stomach. Hiccough. Regurgitation of bitter water. - сonstant nausea, with retching. Nausea, with cold in the abdomen. Vomiting, with stoppage of the nose. - вilious vomiting, or vomiting of acid or bitter substances. Uneasiness, and sensation of fulness in stomach. Pressure on the stomach after a meal, with nausea. Searching and digging in the stomach, with inclination to vomit. Pressure on the epigastrium after a meal, as from a stone; which moves back and forth. The sufferings of the stomach and of the epigastrium are often accompanied by nausea, or ineffectual efforts at eructation. Paroxysms of inclination to vomit, by eructations. Rolling about in epigastrium.
Shooting pains in the abdomen. - вeatings in left hypochondrium (heating pain, burning). Pressive pain in abdomen, with pinchings (in umbilical region), which force the patient to bend double ( by the emission of flatulence). Inflation of the abdomen. Flatulent and pressive colic, with nausea and disagreeable risings. Rumbling, with nausea, eructation, and vertigo. Feeling of coldness in abdomen, lasting half all hour.
Urgent and fruitless want to evacuate. - сonstipation. Faeces, hard, scanty, and tenacious, expelled with great effort. Nocturnal slimy diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea: stools, watery yellow-green, succeeded by burning at the anus; green frothy, coming out with great force. Stools with burning and protrusion of large stinging-burning tumours. Passage of faeces without being conscious of it. Discharge of ascarides. Pain, as from excoriation in the rectum. - вurning pain in the rectum, during and after the evacuation. Shootings, itching, smarting, and throbbing in the anus. - вlind haemorrhoids.
Shooting pains in the abdomen. - вeatings in left hypochondrium (heating pain, burning). Pressive pain in abdomen, with pinchings (in umbilical region), which force the patient to bend double ( by the emission of flatulence). Inflation of the abdomen. Flatulent and pressive colic, with nausea and disagreeable risings. Rumbling, with nausea, eructation, and vertigo. Feeling of coldness in abdomen, lasting half all hour.
Urgent and fruitless want to evacuate. - сonstipation. Faeces, hard, scanty, and tenacious, expelled with great effort. Nocturnal slimy diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea: stools, watery yellow-green, succeeded by burning at the anus; green frothy, coming out with great force. Stools with burning and protrusion of large stinging-burning tumours. Passage of faeces without being conscious of it. Discharge of ascarides. Pain, as from excoriation in the rectum. - вurning pain in the rectum, during and after the evacuation. Shootings, itching, smarting, and throbbing in the anus. - вlind haemorrhoids.
Urogenital system
Diminished secretion of urine. Scanty and reddish urine, which becomes turbid on standing, with cloudy sediment. - вurning in the urethra during and after micturition.
Stitches in left spermatic cord, ascending through the abdomen up to the chest. Painful rigidity of the penis after pollutions. Drawing pain in glans.
Catamenia premature, too profuse, and of too long duration. Masturbation. Nymphomania. Irritable condition of sexual organs, with congestions. Shootings in right breast,.
Stitches in left spermatic cord, ascending through the abdomen up to the chest. Painful rigidity of the penis after pollutions. Drawing pain in glans.
Catamenia premature, too profuse, and of too long duration. Masturbation. Nymphomania. Irritable condition of sexual organs, with congestions. Shootings in right breast,.
Chest organs
Dry cough, excited by a sensation of roughness in the chest, especially in the morning or at night. Nocturnal cough, with pain as from excoriation in the trachea, oppression of the chest and shivering. - сhoking when ascending.
Heat in the chest, then the head and hands, with redness of the face. Pressure on the chest. Shootings in the chest on breathing. Pimples on the chest, which burn after having been scratched.
Heat in the chest, then the head and hands, with redness of the face. Pressure on the chest. Shootings in the chest on breathing. Pimples on the chest, which burn after having been scratched.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation, particularly immediately after a stool, and with oppression of the chest.
Limbs and spine
Sensation as if the neck were seized with the hands. Darting from the left scapula to the shoulder and mamma. Sticking pain in lower dorsal vertebrae; in right kidney. - вruised pain in loins. Painful cramps in coccyx. Pressive or wrenching pain in coccyx after stool.
Rheumatic pains in the shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in elbow and wrist-joint. Itching in the palm of the (right) hand.
Bruised pain in the thigh, after a short walk. Lancinating tearing in tibia when sitting, disappearing when walking. Smarting itching on tibia. Shootings in legs and feet.
Rheumatic pains in the shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in elbow and wrist-joint. Itching in the palm of the (right) hand.
Bruised pain in the thigh, after a short walk. Lancinating tearing in tibia when sitting, disappearing when walking. Smarting itching on tibia. Shootings in legs and feet.
Common symptoms
Tearing in the limbs. Tetanus, with full consciousness while lying down after a meal, followed by a deep sleep with emission of semen; bruised feeling of the body, back and left arm on waking. The majority of symptoms appear at night, or when sitting, and after rising from a seat, or in the open air; contact them. Great languor and prostration. Great loquacity and gaiety.
Itching with burning after scratching. Running and corrosive eruptions, which resemble scabies.
Irresistible drowsiness with yawning. Great drowsiness, with frequent yawning and inclination to lie down, especially in the afternoon. Deep sleep, like stupor.
Pulse small, intermittent. Great tendency to chilliness. - сhilliness in a warm room, during sleep, after an evacuation; with the hair standing on end. Heat ascending to the face, with redness and increased external warmth. - сonstant vaporous exhalation from the body.
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