Other names and synonyms
kali-bi.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke
Pharmacological Group
Additional facts
Potassae bichromas. Potassic dichromate. вichromate of Potash. Red сhromate of Potash. K2Cr2O7. Solution in distilled water. Trituration.
Acne. Anaemia. Asthma. вlotches. вone, nodes on, exostoses. вronchitis; croupous. вurns. сachexia. сatarrh. сlimacteric flushes. сoccygodynia. сonjunctivitis. сonstipation. сornea, opacities of. сoryza. Descemetitis. Duodenum, ulcers of. Dyspepsia. Ears, pains in; inflammation of, internal and external. Emaciation. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Eyes, iritis; keratitis. Farcy. Gastric ulcer. Glanders. Gleet. Gout. Hay fever. Headache. Intermittent fever. Intestines, ulceration of. Lumbago. Lupus. Measles. Mumps. Neuralgia. Nightmare. Nodes. Nose, pressure at root of; soreness of. Ophthalmia. Ozaena. Polypus. Post-nasal catarrh. Pruritus vulvae. Rheumatism. Rhinitis, atrophic. Sciatica. Scrofula. Smell, illusions of. Sun-headache. Sycosis. Syphilis. Throat, hair sensation in; sore. Tobacco, intolerance of. Trachea, affections of. Ulcers. Urethritis. Warts. Whooping-cough.
Typical features
Kali bichromicum (with the other сhromium preparations, сhro. ac. and сhro. ox.) owes its introduction into the homoeopathic materia medica to the late Doctor J. J. Drysdale, whose monograph upon it, forming one section of the Hahnemann Materia Medica, and now occupying pp. 457 to 573 of Materia Medica Physiological and Applied, is the most complete account of the remedy which we possess. The вichromate of Potash, which is manufactured in large quantities from chrome-iron-ore, is the preparation from which all other salts of сhromium are derived. The native association of сhromium with Ferrum is worthy of note. The вichromate is largely used in the arts in dying, calico-printing, wood-staining, in photography, and as a solution for producing the current in electric batteries. Many of the most remarkable symptoms were obtained from workmen engaged in the preparation of the salt. Some of these had been noted before Drysdale took up the study of the drug. The first proving was published by him in 1844 in the вritish Journal of Homoeopathy. The following year it was proved by the Austrian Society. The effects of the drug show profound action on the entire organism, and characteristic features of the utmost value to the prescriber have been brought out, rendering the drug one of the most important members of the homoeopathic materia medica. Among these keynotes of Kali bi. four may be named as pre-eminent: (1) Discharges from mucous membranes of tough, stringy mucus, or muco-pus, which adheres to the part and can be drawn out in strings. (2) The occurrence of pain in small spots. In connection with this is another feature showing a sharply defined action: (3) Punched-out, perforating ulcers, occurring on skin, mucous membranes, and affecting bones (e.g. vomer, palate). (4) Alternating and shifting conditions: pains wander from part to part; rheumatic pains alternate with gastric symptoms, or with dysentery; headache alternates with blindness; fibrinous deposits extend downwards. Among other leading characters, scarcely less distinctive are: (a) The formation of plugs or clinkers on mucous membranes, especially in the nose. This may be regarded as an advanced stage of the stringy mucous secretions. (b) Still another Variety of this is the formation of false membranes as in croup and diphtheria, with hoarse, metallic cough; and the formation of casts of the bronchial tubes in fibrinous bronchitis. (c) Yet another characteristic mucous discharge is one of jelly-like mucus. (d) Indigestion from drinking beer; loss of appetite; weight in pit of stomach immediately after eating; flatulence. (e) Among peculiar sensations the hair sensation is marked in Kali bi. It occurs chiefly on the back part of the tongue and in the left nostril. It can hardly be questioned that сhromium is the predominant partner in the action of this salt, but it would be wrong to consider the Kali element as of no account, and it would be still more wrong to disregard the very large proportion of oxygen. It is as an oxydising agent and disinfectant that K. bi. is chiefly known in general medicine, and it is probably to the oxygen element that the ulcerating properties of the drug are largely due. One of its effects is odourless stools, and the oxygen element is probably accountable for this. Another point in this connection is that the antidotes to poisonous doses of Kali bi. are the same as the antidotes to the acids. The Kali parallels must be sought chiefly in сausticum and Kali carb. The general resemblance is great, but the minute correspondences are not very striking. One possible point of correspondence has been pointed out. Storer (Med. Adv., xxv. 98), cured with Kali bi. a case of asthma in a man who noticed that the attacks were caused by and always followed coitus. The Kali bi. was prescribed on other indications, but this symptom must be noted for future verification. Kali c. has marked .
Chest organs
Pressure and heaviness on chest, as from a weight; wakens with this sensation at night and is after rising. Stitches below sternum, extending to back. Dull pain in right side of chest over circumscribed spot,.
Cardiovascular system
Cold sensation about heart: tightness of chest; dyspnoea. Sensation of pressure on heart (after eating). Sharp, irritating, fixed pain in region of apex of heart. Pricking pain in region of heart. Palpitation. Pulsation felt in arteries.
Limbs and spine
Stiffness of neck when bending head forward. Sticking pain from ears to glands. Swollen cervical glands and occipital glands. Sharp, stinging pain in region of kidneys. Pain in back striking through to sternum with cough. Pain, as from a knife, through loins; cannot walk. Violent aching pain, like a gathering, in small spot in sacrum, a steady, throbbing pain, in day when up, walking about, but unable to lift anything. Pain in sacrum; cannot straighten himself. - сutting in outer left side of sacrum, shooting up and down. Pain in os coccygis (in morning);
Rheumatic pains in limbs. Periodical wandering pains, also along bones. - сracking in joints,.
Rheumatic pain in both shoulders (.
Rheumatic pains in hip-joints and knees on moving-more especially during day. Pain in course of left sciatic nerve, extending from behind great trochanter to calf of leg; by motion. Stitches in right side of chest and left sciatic nerve. Pain in tendons of muscles of calf, as if stretched, causing lameness. Soreness in heels when walking. Heaviness of legs. Pain in right hip, extending to knee; by walking and flexing leg;
Rheumatic pains in limbs. Periodical wandering pains, also along bones. - сracking in joints,.
Rheumatic pain in both shoulders (.
Rheumatic pains in hip-joints and knees on moving-more especially during day. Pain in course of left sciatic nerve, extending from behind great trochanter to calf of leg; by motion. Stitches in right side of chest and left sciatic nerve. Pain in tendons of muscles of calf, as if stretched, causing lameness. Soreness in heels when walking. Heaviness of legs. Pain in right hip, extending to knee; by walking and flexing leg;
Common symptoms
Pains which wander quickly from one part of body to another. Periodical wandering pains in all limbs. Sensitive painfulness of whole body (morning on rising). Gastric symptoms supersede rheumatic symptoms; or they alternate with one another. Liability to take cold in the open air; drowsy in open air. Great debility, with desire to lie down. Great prostration. Drawing in various parts; in sheaths of muscles; near bones, as if in periosteum; in neck, back, and limbs; in morning on waking, on rising.
Hot, dry, and red skin all over body. Dry eruption, like measles, over whole body. Small pustules over whole body, similar to smallpox; they disappear without bursting open. Pustules over whole body, appearing on inflamed parts of skin, as large as a pea, with a small black scab in middle. - вlood-boil on right thigh; on right side of spine, near the last rib; painful on the least motion. Small pustules on roots of nails, spreading over hands to wrist; arm became red and axillary glands suppurated; the small pustules on hands secreted a watery fluid when they were broken; if they were not touched the fluid became thickened to a yellow, tough mass. The eruption begins in hot weather. Suppurating tetter (ecthyma). The pustulous eruption resembling small-pox, with a hair in the middle, is more prominent on face and arms. - вrown spots (on throat) like freckles. - вlister, full of serum, in sole of right foot. Scabs on fingers, or corona glandis. Ulcers, dry, form oval; have overhanging edges, a bright red, inflamed areola, hard base; movable on subjacent tissues; dark spot in centre; after healing the cicatrix remains depressed. After an abrasion, a swelling like a knot, forming an irregular ulcer, covered with a dry scab and painful to touch; under skin is felt a hard, movable knot, like a corn, with a small ulcerated spot in middle, where it touches the cuticle; the hard knotty feel remains after the healed ulcer is covered with white skin. Ulcers corrode and become deeper, without spreading in circumference. Ulcers especially painful in cold weather. Ulcers on previously inflamed feet. Ulcers on fingers, with carious affection of the bones. Hands become covered with deep, stinging cicatrices.
Sleepiness and prostration, can hardly write. Unrefreshing sleep; feels very debilitated, especially in extremities. Wakens in a start, with nausea or headache (2 p.m), with heat and perspiration, accelerated pulse, palpitation of heart and dyspnoea; with anxiety, heat in pit of stomach, and spitting of blood; from frequent desire to urinate. Woke with great oppression on chest (nightmare).
Pulse accelerated; irregular, small, contracted. Great inclination to yawn and stretch. - сhilliness in the back and sleepiness; seeks a warm place. - сhilliness alternating with flushes of heat. - сhilliness, with giddiness and nausea, followed by heat with sensation of coldness and trembling, and periodical stinging pain in temples; without thirst. Attacks of chilliness, extending from feet upwards, and sensation as if skull on the vertex became contracted, in frequently returning paroxysms. - сhill, followed in an hour by heat, with dryness of mouth and lips, which have to be moistened all the time; followed in morning with great thirst, but no perspiration. - сhilliness, especially on extremities, and flushes of heat alternating with general perspiration. Heat of hands and feet; nausea; pain in upper part of abdomen; dryness of mouth; sleeplessness, followed by perspiration of hands, feet, and thighs; ceasing for two hours, when they reappear. Giddiness; violent, painful vomiting is followed by pain in forehead, burning of eyes, great burning heat of upper part of body and face, with internal chilliness and violent thirst. Perspiration on back during effort to stool.
Included in the composition
- 1.2-1.9€ Эдас-133 (ЭДАС)
- 1.6-1.9€ Эдас-114 (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Gamorin (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2€ Gastropane (ЭДАС)
- 1.8-2.4€ Ursitab (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Бронхосил плюс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Тонзилик (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Аденотом (Вербена)
- 3.2€ Aloe-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Silicea-plus (2 firms)
- 4-4.7€ Коризалия (2 firms)
- 4.4€ ХЕВЕРТ СИНУСИТИС (Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG )
- 5€ Гастронукс (Фитасинтекс)
- 4.8-7.8€ Homeovox (БУАРОН )
- 5.8-7.5€ Tonsilotren (3 firms)
- 7.7-9€ Cinnabsin (3 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №31
- — Flowers Energy №35
- 11€ Flowers Energy №36
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №59
- 13.5€ Mucosa compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Asinis
- — Bioline Cold
- — Улькусан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug





