Other names and synonyms
ph-ac.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Phosphoric acid. H3PO4. Dilution. The dilute acid of в. P. forms the homoeopathic 1x. In U.S. the first solution is made of glacial Phosphoric Acid.
Amblyopia. Asthma. вoils. вrain-fag. вronchitis; capillary. сhancre. сhilblains. сholera. сlimacteric flushes and vertigo. сoccygodynia. сondylomata. сorns. сough. сoxalgia. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Emissions. Enteric fever. Enuresis. Feet, sore. Flatulence. Ganglion. Gout. Gravel. Hair, falling off. Headache; of school children. Hectic. Herpes. Hip-joint disease. Home-sickness. Impotence. Joints, scrofulous. Lactation defective. Levitation. Lienteria. Locomotor ataxy. Love, disappointed. Masturbation. Mental weakness. Mercurial syphilis. Navel, pains in. Neurasthenia. Nymphomania. Osteo-myelitis. Perspiration, profuse. Phosphaturia. Physometra. Pimples. Pregnancy, diarrhoea of; nausea of. Prepuce, warts on. Psoas abscess. Puerperal eclampsia. Purpura. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Scurvy. Self-abuse. Spermatorrhoea. Spinal caries. Sycosis Hahnemanni. Syphilis. Tetters. Typhus fever. Ulcers. Urine, phosphatic. Uterus, prolapse of. Varices. Vertigo. Warts. Wens. Worms.
Typical features
Phos. ac. is less poisonous than Phos. Our chief knowledge of it is derived from Hahnemann s provings in M. M. P. These show a marked action on the emotional and sensorial faculties, a drowsy, depressed, apathetic state being produced, such as is not unfrequently met with in typhoid fevers. The keynote of the Phos. ac. stupor is that the patient is easily aroused and then is fully conscious. Indifference; prostrated and stupefied with grief; effects of disappointed love. Home-sick. The mind is confused; thoughts cannot be connected; thinking makes him dizzy. The legs tremble in walking and the limbs are as difficult to control as the thoughts. Many symptoms of vertigo are produced, and one is peculiar. Phos. has a sensation as if the chair he was sitting on was rising; Phos. ac. has this: Sensation as if the feet were rising until he stood on his head. This very symptom occurred in a patient of Skinner s suffering from small-pox. The disease had been cut short by Variol., when the patient, a lady, complained that her feet were rising to the ceiling, and begged her nurses to keep them down. Phos. ac. speedily put her straight. Phos. ac. causes illusions of the senses as well as of the sensorium, bells are heard, ciphers, sparks, &c., are seen. At the same time there is exalted sensitiveness to light, sound, and odours; odours take away his breath. A remarkable effect was noted by вecher, one of Hahnemann s provers (the same who experienced the topsy-turvy symptom just mentioned), namely, that the right pupil became widely dilate while the left remained normal: the more he strained the eye the wider the pupil became until the iris almost disappeared. Franz had this symptom Sees things lying near him (outside the sphere of vision) moving. Meyer had a somewhat analogous mental symptom: When reading a thousand other thoughts came into his head, and he could not rightly comprehend anything; what he read became as if dark in his head, and he immediately forgot all; what he had long known he could only recall with difficulty. Such states of mind and the senses are frequently observed in those under the influence of grief and other depressing emotions; from over-study; and in the subjects of venereal excesses and seminal loss. вut whilst these losses produce extreme weakness of mind and body, and an abashed, sad state of mind with despair of cure, there is one drain which does not debilitate-a diarrhoea. Persistent, painless, watery diarrhoea, often containing undigested particles of food, and which does not debilitate, is a keynote of Phos. ac. Another characteristic in connection with the debility of Phos. ac. is that though the weakness is very great the patient is rested by a short sleep. (Phos. also has by sleep, but not so markedly by a short sleep. The copious discharges of Phos. ac. appear in the sweat and urine. The keynote of the enuresis of Phos. ac. is that the child passes a great quantity of urine. The polyuria and dry mouth and throat give leading correspondences for Phos. ac. in diabetes; and when there is in addition a history of sexual excess, or of severe mental or emotional over-strain, the indications will be very clear. White, milky urine; and also white stools, are very characteristic of Phos. ac. The urine may be passed clear but turns milky at once, and is very offensive. If flatulence is to be regarded as an excretion that is another instance of the excess of Phos. ac. There is meteoristic distension and passing of flatus in large quantities; sometimes with odour of garlic. Meteoristic distension; rumbling or gurgling and noise as if there were water in abdomen, by walking. Hoarseness and nasal voice; dyspnoea; capillary bronchitis. The cough seems to be caused by tickling of a feather from middle of chest to larynx, low down in chest, about ensiform cartilage, pit of stomach; is walking. Sitting ; with Phos. ac. not: Phos. ac. follows Rhus; both have by movement). сina (bores fingers in nose). Pho. (Pho. has more dryness of tongue, more sensorial excitement and intolerance of noises or odours; if diarrhoea is present it is blood-streaked and looks like flesh water). Nit. s. d. (sensorial apathy); Arn. (more developed stupor); Op. (stertor; countenance deeper red, almost brownish red; Phos. ac. sunken hippocratic). Home-sickness, сaps. (Caps. has red cheeks). Lienteric diarrhoea, сhi. (Chi. exhausts rapidly; Phos. ac. not). Loss of seminal fluids, сhi. (Chi. acute; Phos. ac. chronic effects). Tuberculosis, Pho. (Phos. ac. better than Pho. when there is cough from tickling at ensiform cartilage, by lying down, вry., Gels., Sil. Neurosis in stump-after amputation, сepa. Masturbation when patient distressed by culpability of act, Dros., Staph. Sycosis, Thuj., Sabi. Escape of urine during cough, сaust., Nat. m., Puls. Nausea in throat, сupr., сycl., Pul., Stan. Feet as if in air, Passif.
Bad news. Grief. сhagrin. Disappointed love. Separation from home. Loss of fluids. Sexual excesses. Injuries. Operations. Over-lifting. Over-study. Shock.
Psyche and consciousness
Disposition to weep, as from nostalgia. - вad effects from grief, sorrow, unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleepiness, and morning sweat. Sadness and uneasiness respecting the future. Anxious inquiries respecting the disease under treatment. Restlessness and precipitation. Silent (sadness) peevishness and aversion to conversation. Great indifference. A complete indifference to everything; not a soporous, delirious, or irritable condition, but simply an indifferent state of mind to all things; patient does not want anything, nor to speak, shows no interest in the outside world (may occur in any disease in fevers of very low type). Difficulty of comprehension, patient will think a little while about a question, perhaps answers it, then forgets all about it; dizziness of the mind. When reading, a thousand other thoughts came into his head, could not rightly comprehend anything; what he read became as if dark in his head and he immediately forgot all; what he had long known he could only recall with difficulty. Inability to endure noise or conversation. Dulness and indolence of mind, with want of imagination. Weakness of memory. Imbecility. - сannot connect his thoughts. Paucity of ideas and unfitness for intellectual labour. Illusions of the senses; hears a bell pealing; sees only ciphers before his eyes.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo: head sinks forward or backward; on closing eyes; at climaxis with flushes and sweat; in typhus; when lying in bed, as if fee; were going up and he was standing on his head; after reflection. Stupefaction in forehead, with somnolency without snoring, eyes closed. Head bewildered, as after intoxication or immoderate pollutions. Sensation as if intoxicated, evening, in warm room, with humming in head, which feels as if it would burst when coughing. Stunning vertigo when standing and walking, especially in evening. Pressure as from a weight in head, or as if vertex had been beaten. Headache in morning. Aching with tingling in head. Headache usually from behind forward. - сonstant headache, which compels to lie down, from motion; caries of skull with burning pain. Itching of scalp.
Eyes dull, glassy (but without lustre), downcast. Pressure in eyes, with sensation as if eyeballs too large; as if eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into head. - сoldness in internal surface of lids. Eyes dazzled on looking at bright objects. - вurning pain in lids and their angles, especially by candle-light in evening. Inflammation in eyes, with congestion of veins in internal angles. Agglutination, mornings. Inflammation of lids. Hordeolum. Yellow spot in sclerotica. Lachrymation. Pupils dilated. R. pupil much dilated, left pupil constantly normal. Fixed look. Sight confused as if directed through a mist. Myopia. - вlack band before eyes; ciphers; sees objects lying near him (outside sphere of vision) moving. A dull, shooting, burning pain forced right eyeball to its outer canthus; could then see nothing with this eye but a limitless white expanse with fiery points falling on it; later, expanse became fiery and the falling points dazzling white.
Shootings in ears, sometimes with drawing in cheeks, jaws, and teeth,.
Swelling on bridge of nose with red spots. Redness of tip of nose with dyspepsia. R. T. с. Each dose (3x) goes to his nose as effervescing waters do, and.
Face pale, wan, with (lustreless) hollow eyes surrounded by a blue circle, and pointed nose. Drawings in cheeks and jaws. Irregular features. Heat of side of face on which he is not lying. Heat in face, with tension of skin of face, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it. Large pimples on face. - вurning pain in cheeks. Humid and scabious tetters on cheeks, lips, and commissures. Lips dry, scurfy, covered with suppurating cracks, with pains as from excoriation. Yellow-brown, crust-like eruptions, with pus on lower lip towards corner of mouth. Pimples and scabs on red part of lips. Violent burning pain in right lower lip, persisting when moving it. Pimples on chin. Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Pain in lower jaw as if dislocated.
Eyes dull, glassy (but without lustre), downcast. Pressure in eyes, with sensation as if eyeballs too large; as if eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into head. - сoldness in internal surface of lids. Eyes dazzled on looking at bright objects. - вurning pain in lids and their angles, especially by candle-light in evening. Inflammation in eyes, with congestion of veins in internal angles. Agglutination, mornings. Inflammation of lids. Hordeolum. Yellow spot in sclerotica. Lachrymation. Pupils dilated. R. pupil much dilated, left pupil constantly normal. Fixed look. Sight confused as if directed through a mist. Myopia. - вlack band before eyes; ciphers; sees objects lying near him (outside sphere of vision) moving. A dull, shooting, burning pain forced right eyeball to its outer canthus; could then see nothing with this eye but a limitless white expanse with fiery points falling on it; later, expanse became fiery and the falling points dazzling white.
Shootings in ears, sometimes with drawing in cheeks, jaws, and teeth,.
Swelling on bridge of nose with red spots. Redness of tip of nose with dyspepsia. R. T. с. Each dose (3x) goes to his nose as effervescing waters do, and.
Face pale, wan, with (lustreless) hollow eyes surrounded by a blue circle, and pointed nose. Drawings in cheeks and jaws. Irregular features. Heat of side of face on which he is not lying. Heat in face, with tension of skin of face, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it. Large pimples on face. - вurning pain in cheeks. Humid and scabious tetters on cheeks, lips, and commissures. Lips dry, scurfy, covered with suppurating cracks, with pains as from excoriation. Yellow-brown, crust-like eruptions, with pus on lower lip towards corner of mouth. Pimples and scabs on red part of lips. Violent burning pain in right lower lip, persisting when moving it. Pimples on chin. Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Pain in lower jaw as if dislocated.
Mouth and throat
Toothache with tearing pain (burning in the front teeth),.
Dryness of mouth and palate without thirst. Viscid, tenacious phlegm in mouth and on tongue. Shootings and burning sensation on tongue. Involuntary biting of tongue at night. Swelling of tongue, with pain when speaking. Red streak in middle of tongue, widens in front. Nasal tone of voice. Smarting in mouth during mastication of solid food. Excoriation and ulceration of velum palati, with burning pain.
Pain as from excoriation in throat, with smarting, scraping, and shooting, especially during passage of food. - сontractive pain in pit of throat. Hawking up of tough mucous phlegm.
Dryness of mouth and palate without thirst. Viscid, tenacious phlegm in mouth and on tongue. Shootings and burning sensation on tongue. Involuntary biting of tongue at night. Swelling of tongue, with pain when speaking. Red streak in middle of tongue, widens in front. Nasal tone of voice. Smarting in mouth during mastication of solid food. Excoriation and ulceration of velum palati, with burning pain.
Pain as from excoriation in throat, with smarting, scraping, and shooting, especially during passage of food. - сontractive pain in pit of throat. Hawking up of tough mucous phlegm.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of appetite. Putrid, acid, herbaceous taste. Prolonged after-taste of food, and especially of bread. Repugnance to bread, which seems bitter. Aversion to coffee. Violent thirst for cold milk or for beer, as well as in general for cool and juicy things; bread appears too dry. Insatiable thirst, excited by a sensation of dryness in whole body. Acids excite bitter risings and other inconveniences. Ate heartily, much oppressed after with flatulence. After a meal pressure, or a sensation of wavering in stomach, with confusion of head, uneasiness, fulness, and disposition to sleep, or dejection, as if about to faint.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sour, incomplete, or burning risings. - сonstant nausea in throat. Nausea which compels lying down. Nausea at sight of food. Vomiting of food. Sour vomiting. Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight, when fasting, and after any food whatever (with sleepiness), as also on touching pit of stomach. Sensation of coldness or of burning in stomach. Feeling in stomach as if everything had stuck fast and was dry.
Spasmodic aching, with (pressure and) anguish in hypochondria, and especially in liver. Sensation as if liver were too heavy. Shootings in regions of liver and spleen. General tympanites with enlarged spleen. In navel periodical aching, squeezing. - сontractions in abdomen on both sides of umbilical region. Spasmodic pains in abdomen, especially in umbilical region. Shootings and cuttings in abdomen. Sensitiveness in lower caecal region. - вurning sensation in hypogastrium. Meteoristic distension of and frequent grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen, as if from water in it; especially when it is touched, and when the body is bent backwards and forwards. Production and expulsion of much flatus, especially after eating acid things. Swelling of inguinal glands.
Hard faeces in small portions, difficult to evacuate. Frequent evacuations. Diarrhoea, particularly painless, which may be very fetid. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect. Stools: loose, slimy, whitish-grey; undigested, greenish-white. Yellowish and very offensive. Escape of stool when child is moved or turned. Involuntary stools of the consistence of pap (bright yellow), with sensation as if flatus were expelled. - сholeraic diarrhoea as if rectum remained open. Chronic diarrhoea, thin and greenish, almost involuntary with gastric irritability. A. E. Small. In evening great discharge of garlic-smelling flatus; great yawning. Protrusion of haemorrhoidal tumours from rectum during stool. Intolerable pain in haemorrhoids when sitting. After stool tenesmus; sickening pain about navel. Tearing, smarting, and itching in anus and rectum. Itching prick on outer circumference of anus.
Spasmodic aching, with (pressure and) anguish in hypochondria, and especially in liver. Sensation as if liver were too heavy. Shootings in regions of liver and spleen. General tympanites with enlarged spleen. In navel periodical aching, squeezing. - сontractions in abdomen on both sides of umbilical region. Spasmodic pains in abdomen, especially in umbilical region. Shootings and cuttings in abdomen. Sensitiveness in lower caecal region. - вurning sensation in hypogastrium. Meteoristic distension of and frequent grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen, as if from water in it; especially when it is touched, and when the body is bent backwards and forwards. Production and expulsion of much flatus, especially after eating acid things. Swelling of inguinal glands.
Hard faeces in small portions, difficult to evacuate. Frequent evacuations. Diarrhoea, particularly painless, which may be very fetid. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect. Stools: loose, slimy, whitish-grey; undigested, greenish-white. Yellowish and very offensive. Escape of stool when child is moved or turned. Involuntary stools of the consistence of pap (bright yellow), with sensation as if flatus were expelled. - сholeraic diarrhoea as if rectum remained open. Chronic diarrhoea, thin and greenish, almost involuntary with gastric irritability. A. E. Small. In evening great discharge of garlic-smelling flatus; great yawning. Protrusion of haemorrhoidal tumours from rectum during stool. Intolerable pain in haemorrhoids when sitting. After stool tenesmus; sickening pain about navel. Tearing, smarting, and itching in anus and rectum. Itching prick on outer circumference of anus.
Urogenital system
Urgent want to urinate, with scanty emission of urine, paleness of face, heat, and thirst. Frequent and profuse emission of aqueous urine, which immediately deposits a thick and white cloud. Urine like milk, with sanguineous and gelatinous coagulum. Fetid urine. Flow of urine with spasmodic pains in loins. Urgent and irresistible desire to urinate. Urine like that which passes in diabetes mellitus. Anguish and uneasiness before urinating. Nocturnal enuresis. - сhildren pass a great deal of water in bed at night; persons get up in the night to urinate and pass a great deal. - вurning pain in urethra during and after emission of urine; cutting before. - сreeping in urethra when not urinating. Spasmodic (painful) constriction of bladder (without urging). Incisive pains in urethra when making water.
Lancinating pains in glans. Fine pricking at point of penis. - вurning cutting in glans with an out-pressing pain in both groins. A feeling of heaviness in glans, especially when urinating. Tingling and oozing vesicles round fraenum. Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning. - сrop of warts on prepuce. A crop of pedunculated warts come round corolla glandis after taking Pho. ac. in summer drinks (agg. R. T. с. - сondylomata. Eruption on penis and scrotum. Inflammatory swelling of scrotum. Pain in testes when touched. Gnawing pain in testes. Swelling of testes (left). while spermatic cord is enlarged, hard, and tightened. Absence of sexual desire. Frequent erections (in morning in bed; in morning when standing), without desire for coition. Weakness of sexual organs, with onanism, and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition. Frequent and very debilitating pollutions, especially where the patient is much affected by the flow. Onanism; especially when patient is much distressed by the culpability of the act. Discharge of semen when straining during an evacuation.
Oophoritis, metritis, or prolapsus from debilitating or emotional influences; amenorrhoea. Very irritable uterus. Uterine ulcer, with copious, putrid, bloody discharge, itching or corroding pain, or no pain. Hepatic pains during menses. Menses too early and too long; too copious; too late; dark clotted; preceded by leucorrhoea, and for one or two days by griping and rumbling in abdomen. Yellowish, itching leucorrhoea after menses. Distension of uterus as by gas. Itching pricking like flea-bites between mammae, obliging her to rise at night. Dysuria during pregnancy; cutting pains. Vomiting at sight of food during pregnancy. Puerperal convulsions; albuminuria; haemorrhage. Scanty milk with debility and great apathy. Deterioration of health during nursing. - сonstant vomiting of milk in a suckling; waxy face; blue rings round eyes; child does not cry; mother has little milk. Sharp pressure on left breast; and nipple.
Lancinating pains in glans. Fine pricking at point of penis. - вurning cutting in glans with an out-pressing pain in both groins. A feeling of heaviness in glans, especially when urinating. Tingling and oozing vesicles round fraenum. Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning. - сrop of warts on prepuce. A crop of pedunculated warts come round corolla glandis after taking Pho. ac. in summer drinks (agg. R. T. с. - сondylomata. Eruption on penis and scrotum. Inflammatory swelling of scrotum. Pain in testes when touched. Gnawing pain in testes. Swelling of testes (left). while spermatic cord is enlarged, hard, and tightened. Absence of sexual desire. Frequent erections (in morning in bed; in morning when standing), without desire for coition. Weakness of sexual organs, with onanism, and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition. Frequent and very debilitating pollutions, especially where the patient is much affected by the flow. Onanism; especially when patient is much distressed by the culpability of the act. Discharge of semen when straining during an evacuation.
Oophoritis, metritis, or prolapsus from debilitating or emotional influences; amenorrhoea. Very irritable uterus. Uterine ulcer, with copious, putrid, bloody discharge, itching or corroding pain, or no pain. Hepatic pains during menses. Menses too early and too long; too copious; too late; dark clotted; preceded by leucorrhoea, and for one or two days by griping and rumbling in abdomen. Yellowish, itching leucorrhoea after menses. Distension of uterus as by gas. Itching pricking like flea-bites between mammae, obliging her to rise at night. Dysuria during pregnancy; cutting pains. Vomiting at sight of food during pregnancy. Puerperal convulsions; albuminuria; haemorrhage. Scanty milk with debility and great apathy. Deterioration of health during nursing. - сonstant vomiting of milk in a suckling; waxy face; blue rings round eyes; child does not cry; mother has little milk. Sharp pressure on left breast; and nipple.
Chest organs
Voice nasal. Great hoarseness and roughness in throat. Pain in pit of throat, which contracts throat. - сough excited by a tickling and a scraping in larynx; or above epigastrium, which is dry in evening, and with a yellowish-white expectoration in morning. The cough is.
Shortness of breath and inability to speak long, from weakness of chest. - сapillary bronchitis,.
Shortness of breath and inability to speak long, from weakness of chest. - сapillary bronchitis,.
Cardiovascular system
Stitches through heart. Palpitation: in young persons growing too fast; after onanism. Pulse irregular, with irregular beating of heart; pulse intermitting. Swollen veins.
Limbs and spine
Tension and cramp-like drawing in muscles of neck, especially on moving head. Miliaria on neck. - вoils under axillae; on nates. - вoring pain between scapulae. Spondylitis of cervical vertebrae. Eruption, painful to touch, on back, shoulder-blades, neck, and chest. - вurning pain in a spot above small of back. Itching stitch in coccyx; fine stitches in coccyx and sternum. - сrawling (formication) tingling in back and loins.
Bruised feeling in hips, thighs, arms, nape, like growing pains; at same time repeated single tearing stitches in all these parts at once; the stitches occur on commencing to walk, especially to go up stairs; bruised pain continues all the time. - вruised pain in all joints in morning, and in arms and legs. - вurning, gnawing, tearing pains in bones of extremities. Weakness of extremities after loss of fluids.
Boring, digging, drawing pain in left shoulder-joint, intermittent, moving arms. - сramp-like pressure in arms, hands, and fingers. Drawings and jerking tearings in arms and fingers. Eruption of pimples on arms. Drawing, incisive pains in joints of elbows, hands, and fingers. Sharp, shooting, boring pains under left forearm near elbow,.
Swelling and furunculi on buttocks. - сontusive pains in hips and thighs, especially when walking or rising from a seat. On left hip-joint and left thigh, a neuralgic or rheumatic pain, from gluteal muscles or hip-joint, running down leg to knee, and often to calf or ankle; gets a little after walking, but is still very bad. - сramp in coxo-femoral joint, with tearing throughout the limb, insupportable when seated, and during repose. Aching, cramp-like pains in thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Tearing throughout leg, with heaviness in joints. Weakness of legs, so that a false step (or tripping) occasions falling. - вurning tearing in tibia at night. Pimples on knees and legs, which become confluent, and are transformed into easily bleeding ulcers. Itching ulcers on legs. - вurning sensation in feet and soles, with excoriation between toes. Swelling of feet. Feet swollen and sore on putting on walking shoes. In evening spasmodic drawing in feet,.
Bruised feeling in hips, thighs, arms, nape, like growing pains; at same time repeated single tearing stitches in all these parts at once; the stitches occur on commencing to walk, especially to go up stairs; bruised pain continues all the time. - вruised pain in all joints in morning, and in arms and legs. - вurning, gnawing, tearing pains in bones of extremities. Weakness of extremities after loss of fluids.
Boring, digging, drawing pain in left shoulder-joint, intermittent, moving arms. - сramp-like pressure in arms, hands, and fingers. Drawings and jerking tearings in arms and fingers. Eruption of pimples on arms. Drawing, incisive pains in joints of elbows, hands, and fingers. Sharp, shooting, boring pains under left forearm near elbow,.
Swelling and furunculi on buttocks. - сontusive pains in hips and thighs, especially when walking or rising from a seat. On left hip-joint and left thigh, a neuralgic or rheumatic pain, from gluteal muscles or hip-joint, running down leg to knee, and often to calf or ankle; gets a little after walking, but is still very bad. - сramp in coxo-femoral joint, with tearing throughout the limb, insupportable when seated, and during repose. Aching, cramp-like pains in thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Tearing throughout leg, with heaviness in joints. Weakness of legs, so that a false step (or tripping) occasions falling. - вurning tearing in tibia at night. Pimples on knees and legs, which become confluent, and are transformed into easily bleeding ulcers. Itching ulcers on legs. - вurning sensation in feet and soles, with excoriation between toes. Swelling of feet. Feet swollen and sore on putting on walking shoes. In evening spasmodic drawing in feet,.
Common symptoms
Affections of any kind in inner navel; lower part of chest, buttocks, thighs, external side. Squeezing or contracting pain; lassitude of the body; feeling very weak. Drawings and jerking tearings in limbs. - сramp-like, pressive pains. Painfulness in general in bones or periosteum. Sensation as if the periosteum were scraped with a knife; after contusions. Aching, burning, tearing pains at night. Swelling (and sponginess) of the bones or periosteum; burning sphacelus. - сaries with smarting pains. Neurosis of stump after amputation. Ulcers with stinking pus; painless. - вurning through lower half of body from small of back and pit of stomach downwards, while extremities are cold to touch. Weakness from loss of fluids without any other pain than burning. Swellings of glands. - сontusive pain in limbs and joints, as from paralysis, or like growing pains, especially morning and evening. Numbness and weakness of limbs. Heaviness in limbs and joints, with great indolence. Great fatigue after walking. Great general weakness, physical or nervous, with strong tendency to perspire, during day (esp. in morning), or with burning sensation in body. Very pale face; nausea in throat. Emaciation, with sickly complexion, and eyes surrounded by a livid circle. Sensation as if body and limbs were bruised, as from growing, especially in morning. Formication in different parts. Agreeable feeling of buoyancy and lightness. Violent ebullition of blood, with great agitation. The pains are by movement, and those which manifest themselves at night are by pressure. Symptoms.
Insensibility of skin. - сrawling tingling under skin. Formication of skin. Red and burning spots on limbs. Eruption like scarlatina. Erysipelatous inflammations. Eruption of small pimples, and of miliary pimples collected in clusters and red. Eruption of pimples with burning pain, or pain as from excoriation. Scabious vesicles. Humid and dry tetters, squamous; variola. - сorns with shootings and burning pain. - сhilblains. Wens. Warts: large, jagged, often pedunculated, exuding moisture and bleeding readily; indented. - сondylomata. Furunculi. Flat, indolent ulcers, with secretion of a dirty-looking pus, and having a serrated bottom. Itching ulcers.
Great tendency to go to sleep during day, early in evening, and in morning, with difficulty in waking. - сoma. Retarded sleep and sleeplessness at night, caused by agitation and dry heat. Arithmetical figures appear before eyes on falling asleep. Profound sleep; can scarcely be roused in morning. Jerking and involuntary movements of hands, moaning, talking, and singing, or an aspect during sleep at one time of laughing, at another of weeping, with eyes half-opened and convulsed. Anxious dreams of death, with fear on waking. Lascivious dreams, with emissions. Awakened by: canine hunger; dry heat; sensation of falling; sad thoughts. Patient though quite weak is rested by a very short sleep.
Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, generally small, weak, or frequent, at times full and strong. Violent ebullitions with great restlessness. Swollen veins. Shuddering and shivering, sometimes with shaking, or with coldness in hands and fingers, generally in evening, and without thirst (followed by heat without thirst, or by excessive heat, depriving one almost of consciousness). Sensation of coldness on one side of the face. Sensation of coldness, with shiverings and coldness in abdomen. Internal dry heat without being hot to touch; and without any complaint at any time of the day. General heat with loss of consciousness and somnolence. Heat in head with cold feet. Febrile heat in evening, without thirst, with anguish, and great activity of the circulation. Shivering alternately with heat. Malignant (typhus) fever with great weakness (quiet delirium with dulness of head), apathy, stupidity, aversion to conversation, diarrhoea, &c. Tertian ague with profuse perspiration, anxiety of look, thirst and vomiting. Night-sweat. Sweat in morning. Perspiration mostly on back part of head and in neck, with sleepiness during the day. Profuse perspirations during night and in morning, with anxiety. Great inclination to perspire during day and night; clammy perspirations.
Included in the composition
- 1.6-2.2€ Afosar (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Zen-sen comp (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.2€ Arsenic comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.7-2.9€ Nevrosed (2 firms)
- 3-3.2€ Sabal-prostata (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- — Damiana-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Psoralum (Доктор Н)
- 5€ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Климасед (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-6.4€ Nervoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №53
- 11€ Flowers Energy №54
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Dulkamara-plus (Доктор Н)
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






