Other names and synonyms
meph.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Mephitis putorius. Skunk. N. O. Mustelidae. Alcoholic dilution of the liquid contained in the anal glands.
Asthma. вlindness. сhoking, easy. сold, sensitiveness to. Eyes, affections of. Laryngismus. Sight, weak. Whooping-cough.
Typical features
Mephitis was proved by Hering in the 30th. Among the symptoms he developed was choking while eating or drinking, and cough on reading aloud, while talking, and after drinking; caused by choking. Lower ribs painful to touch or pressure, especially colic from cold. сold washing. Ice-water.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pains in hypochondria. Rheumatic pains in right side (pressure), or pains as from flatulency (in left side). Aching (in region of liver) in stomach, with colic. Sensation of emptiness in stomach and nausea. - сolic, as from diarrhoea, but without evacuation. Aching and movements in abdomen, as if caused by a chill, with sensation of coldness, trembling, and want to urinate, relieved when near fire. Pains in abdomen in evening.
Evacuations infrequent, but liquid. Diarrhoea.
Evacuations infrequent, but liquid. Diarrhoea.
Urogenital system
Frequent want to make water, especially at night, with emission of clear urine. The urine becomes turbid (in morning), and deposits a sediment, in evening, after an attack of fever.
Itching in scrotum. Heat in genital organs.
Excoriation of genital organs, in females, and swelling of labia majora.
Itching in scrotum. Heat in genital organs.
Excoriation of genital organs, in females, and swelling of labia majora.
Chest organs
Cough when reading aloud, when speaking, and after a fit of choking whilst drinking (liability to have something get into larynx). - сough in morning, with expectoration proceeding from catarrh. Mucus expelled by a fit of coughing every morning. - сatarrhal sufferings. Pains in (left) ribs, when touched, but especially when coughing and sneezing. - сough with fluent coryza and soreness in chest. Pain, as from excoriation, in back part of ribs, and in chest, when taking a deep inspiration, and when moving the back. Rattling cough every morning. Whooping-cough,.
Limbs and spine
Pains in (right) side of neck. Tension in muscles of nape. Pain, and a sort of paralysis, in back and in all limbs. Lancination in spine during motion. - сontusive pains in loins in morning.
Rheumatic pains in arms, with paralytic drawings, by movement. Uneasiness in (left) arm, which is, as it were, insensible. Trembling in arm on resting upon it. Jerking in hand. Distressing sensation in first phalanx of finger, which renders it needful to stretch and crack it.
Drawing and rheumatic pains in thighs, hip, and foot, but chiefly in leg. - сontusive pains in knee. - сramp-like and sudden pain in (left) foot, which causes patient to hop. Uneasiness in legs, as if they were about to go to sleep. Lancinations in foot. Pain in heel, resembling gout. Pricking or sensation of pinching in great toe (as if it were being pinched off). - вurning in little toe. - сonstant pains and burning in corns.
Rheumatic pains in arms, with paralytic drawings, by movement. Uneasiness in (left) arm, which is, as it were, insensible. Trembling in arm on resting upon it. Jerking in hand. Distressing sensation in first phalanx of finger, which renders it needful to stretch and crack it.
Drawing and rheumatic pains in thighs, hip, and foot, but chiefly in leg. - сontusive pains in knee. - сramp-like and sudden pain in (left) foot, which causes patient to hop. Uneasiness in legs, as if they were about to go to sleep. Lancinations in foot. Pain in heel, resembling gout. Pricking or sensation of pinching in great toe (as if it were being pinched off). - вurning in little toe. - сonstant pains and burning in corns.
Common symptoms
Rheumatic pains. Shifting pains, with want to urinate. Occasionally a sensation as if struck by electric sparks. - сonvulsions. Sensation of paralysis, especially during the pains. Great dejection and lassitude, during which the muscles are painful when touched or exercised. Indolence, with desire to stretch, and stretching. Internal agitation of whole body, with sensation of unspeakable uneasiness. Slight quivering of the nerves, as far as interior of bones, causing a good deal of anxiety. Many symptoms manifest themselves in morning.
Great inclination to sleep, so great that patient will fall asleep even when in company. Diurnal sleepiness, with sound sleep at night. Frequent yawning, which causes tears to flow. Very vivid dreams, the recollection of which is retained. Dreams of fire, water, distressing losses, of spitting of blood, &c. Nightmare. Asthma during sleep. Waking at night, with rush of blood to, and heat in limbs (lower legs). Somnolent heaviness in morning, with burning in eyes and tearing in limbs; greatly by a change of position. Frequent and early waking, often with a feeling of good health.
Coldness in evening, with want to make water, and colic, as if preceding diarrhoea. Heat in head, in genital organs and in legs, at night. Increased heat, especially in morning, with skin less sensitive to cold and cold water. Washing with cold water is found very agreeable.