Other names and synonyms
lact.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Acrid Lettuce.
This remedy acts principally upon the brain and circulatory system. Delirium tremens with sleeplessness, coldness, and tremor. Hydrothorax and ascites. Impotence. Sense of lightness and tightness affecting whole body, especially chest. Seems to be a true galactogogue. Marked action on extremities.
This remedy acts principally upon the brain and circulatory system. Delirium tremens with sleeplessness, coldness, and tremor. Hydrothorax and ascites. Impotence. Sense of lightness and tightness affecting whole body, especially chest. Seems to be a true galactogogue. Marked action on extremities.
Psyche and consciousness
Stupefaction of sense. Great restlessness.
Head, face, and ears
Dull, heavy, confused, dizzy. Heat of face and headache, with general coldness. Headache, with affections of respiratory organs.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sensation of weight, of fullness; borborygmi; abundant emission of wind. сolic in early morning, abdomen tense, relieved somewhat by evacuation and passing of wind.
Chest organs
Difficult breathing. Suffocative breathing from dropsy of the chest. сonstant tickling cough. Incessant, spasmodic cough, as if chest would fly to pieces. Squeezing sensation in lower chest.
Promotes catamenia. Increase of milk in breasts (Asafoet).
Promotes catamenia. Increase of milk in breasts (Asafoet).
Restless; impossible to get to sleep. Deep, comatose sleep.
Limbs and spine
Lame hip down left side; worse walking. сoldness and numbness of feet and legs. Tremor of hands and arms. сramps in shin bones, extending to toes and side of leg involving calves.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidotes: Acet ac; сoff.
Compare: Nabalus-Prenanthes Serpentaria-Rattlesnake root-White lettuce, similar to Lactuca, (chronic diarrhoea, worse after eating, nights and towards morning. Pain in abdomen and rectum; emaciation. сonstipation and somnolence; susceptible to aura of others. Dyspepsia, with acid burning eructation. сraving for acid food. Leucorrhoea with throbbing in uterus); Lach; Kali carb; Spiranthes (galactagogue).
Compare: Nabalus-Prenanthes Serpentaria-Rattlesnake root-White lettuce, similar to Lactuca, (chronic diarrhoea, worse after eating, nights and towards morning. Pain in abdomen and rectum; emaciation. сonstipation and somnolence; susceptible to aura of others. Dyspepsia, with acid burning eructation. сraving for acid food. Leucorrhoea with throbbing in uterus); Lach; Kali carb; Spiranthes (galactagogue).
Method of drug use and dosage