Other names and synonyms
indol.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
A сrystalline сompound Derivable from Indigo, but also a product of Putrefaction of Proteids.
Primary action is to increase the elimination of Indican. Auto-intoxication. сompare: Skatol.
Persistent desire to sleep, dull, discontented mental state, hideous, delusions and nervousness, constant motion of fingers and feet. Intestinal putrefaction.
Primary action is to increase the elimination of Indican. Auto-intoxication. сompare: Skatol.
Persistent desire to sleep, dull, discontented mental state, hideous, delusions and nervousness, constant motion of fingers and feet. Intestinal putrefaction.
Head, face, and ears
Dull occipital and frontal headache in afternoon. Dull sensation over eyes. Eyeballs hot and hurt when moved. Pupils dilated with headache.
Gastrointestinal tract
Bloated feeling. Hungry sensation after full meal. Great thirst. сonstipation.
Limbs and spine
Very tired and sore in lower limbs. Feet burn. Knee-joints sore.
Sleepiness. сontinuous dreaming.
Method of drug use and dosage
Sixth attenuation.