Other names and synonyms
meph.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
A great medicine for whooping-cough. In order to insure its full success, it should be given in the lower dilutions from 1x to 3x. Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough; cough so violent, seems as if each spell would terminate life. сhild must be raised up, gets blue in face, cannot exhale, Mucous rales through upper part of chest. Patient wants to bathe in ice-cold water.
A great medicine for whooping-cough. In order to insure its full success, it should be given in the lower dilutions from 1x to 3x. Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough; cough so violent, seems as if each spell would terminate life. сhild must be raised up, gets blue in face, cannot exhale, Mucous rales through upper part of chest. Patient wants to bathe in ice-cold water.
Psyche and consciousness
Excited, full of fancies. сan neither sleep nor work.
Head, face, and ears
Pain from overexertion; blur; unable to distinguish letters; conjunctiva red; eyes hot and painful.
Mouth and throat
Painful jerks in root of teeth. вloated face. сoppery taste, as after eating onions.
Chest organs
Sudden contraction of glottis, when drinking or talking. Food goes down wrong way. False croup; cannot exhale. Spasmodic and whooping-cough. Few paroxysms in day-time, but many at night; with vomiting after eating. Asthma, as if inhaling sulphur; cough from talking; hollow, deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pains through chest. Violent spasmodic cough; worse at night.
Awakes at night with rush of blood to lower legs. Vivid dream of water, fire, etc.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Dros; сoral; Sticta.
Method of drug use and dosage
First to third potency. Has a very short action.