Другие названия и синонимы
sin-n, Sinapis nigra, горчица черная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
Black Mustard (BRASSICA NIGRA).
Is of use in hay-fever, coryza, and pharyngitis. Dry nares and pharynx, with thick, lumpy secretion. Small-pox.
Is of use in hay-fever, coryza, and pharyngitis. Dry nares and pharynx, with thick, lumpy secretion. Small-pox.
Голова, лицо и уши
Scalp hot and itches. Sweat on upper lip and forehead. Tongue feels blistered.
Mucus from posterior nares feels cold. Scanty, acrid discharge. Stoppage of left nostril all day, or in afternoon and evening. Dry, hot, with lachrymation, sneezing; hacking cough; better lying down. Nostrils alternately stopped. Dryness of anterior nares.
Mucus from posterior nares feels cold. Scanty, acrid discharge. Stoppage of left nostril all day, or in afternoon and evening. Dry, hot, with lachrymation, sneezing; hacking cough; better lying down. Nostrils alternately stopped. Dryness of anterior nares.
Органы грудной клетки
Cough is relieved by lying down.
Ротовая полость и горло
Feels scalded, hot inflamed. Asthmatic breathing. Loud coughing-spells with barking expiration.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Offensive breath, smelling like onions (Asaf; Armorac). вurning in stomach, extending up oesophagus, throat, and mouth, which is full of canker sores. Hot sour eructations. сolic; pains come on while bent forward; better, sitting up straight. Sweat better when nausea comes on.
Мочеполовая система
Pain in bladder, frequent copious flow day and night.
Конечности и позвоночник
Rheumatic pain in intercostal and lumbar muscles; sleeplessness from pain in back and hips.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Sulph; сapsic; сolocy; Sinapis alba-White Mustard--(throat symptoms marked, especially pressure and burning, with obstruction in oesophagus; sensation of a lump in oesophagus behind the Manubrium Sterni and with much eructation; similar symptoms in rectum). Mustard oil by inhalation (acts on the sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal. Relieves pain in middle ear disease and in painful conditions of nose, nasal cavities, and tonsils).
Способ применения и дозы
Third potency.
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