Другие названия и синонимы
nat-ar, Natrum arsenicosum, натриум арсеникозум.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
Arseniate of Sodium(NATRUM ARSENICUM).
A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis (Ars; сhrysoph ac; Thyroid). вronchitis of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold and conserves strength and appetite (Cartier).
A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis (Ars; сhrysoph ac; Thyroid). вronchitis of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold and conserves strength and appetite (Cartier).
Голова, лицо и уши
Floating sensation on turning head quickly; aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits. Headache; worse pressure and tobacco smoke.
Watery discharge; drops into throat. Feels stopped; pain at root. Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw. Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. сrusts in nose.
Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis. Eyes feel weak, stiffness of balls and tendency of lids to close. Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind. Agglutination in morning. Dry, painful, burning; soon tire. Å’dema of orbital region. Supraorbital pain.
Watery discharge; drops into throat. Feels stopped; pain at root. Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw. Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. сrusts in nose.
Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis. Eyes feel weak, stiffness of balls and tendency of lids to close. Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind. Agglutination in morning. Dry, painful, burning; soon tire. Å’dema of orbital region. Supraorbital pain.
Ротовая полость и горло
Dark, purplish, swollen, oedematous; red and glassy.
Органы грудной клетки
Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration. Oppression of chest and about heart, and also larynx. Miner s asthma. Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled.
Конечности и позвоночник
Aching in arms; worse in shoulder. Pain in anterior crural nerves. Joints stiff. Feels tired all over. Knee-joints crack.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Ars; Kali carb; Apis.
Способ применения и дозы
Third to thirtieth potency.