Другие названия и синонимы
polyg, Polygonum hydropiperoides, горец перцевидный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
Hydropiper - Smartweed (POLYGONUM PUNCTATUM).
Metrorrhagia, also Amenorrhoea in young girls. Varicosis; haemorrhoids and rectal pockets. вurning in stomach followed by feeling of coldness in the pit of the stomach.
Metrorrhagia, also Amenorrhoea in young girls. Varicosis; haemorrhoids and rectal pockets. вurning in stomach followed by feeling of coldness in the pit of the stomach.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Griping pain, with great rumbling, nausea, and liquid feces. Flatulent colic.
Interior of anus studded with itching eminence. Haemorrhoids. Liquid feces.
Interior of anus studded with itching eminence. Haemorrhoids. Liquid feces.
Мочеполовая система
Painful constriction at neck of bladder.
Aching pains in hips and loins. Sensation as if hips were being drawn together. Sensation of weight and tension within pelvis. Shooting pains through breasts. Amenorrhoea.
Aching pains in hips and loins. Sensation as if hips were being drawn together. Sensation of weight and tension within pelvis. Shooting pains through breasts. Amenorrhoea.
Superficial ulcers and sores on lower extremities, especially in females at climacteric.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: сarduus mar (ulcers); Hamam; Senecio; Polygonum persicaria (renal colic and calculi; gangrene); Polygonum sagitatum-arrow-leaved. Tear-thumb--(2x for pains of nephritic colic; suppurative nephritis; lancinating pains along spine; itching of hard palate; burning inner side of right foot and ankle. с. M. вoger); Polygonum aviculare-knot-grass--(in material doses of tincture, found useful in phthisis pulmonalis and intermittent fever, and especially in arterio-sclerosis. Erythema).
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