Other names and synonyms
phel.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Water Dropwort (PHELLANDRIUM).
The respiratory symptoms are most important, and have been frequently verified clinically. A very good remedy for the offensive expectoration and cough in phthisis, bronchitis, and emphysema. Tuberculosis, affecting generally the middle lobes. Everything tastes sweet. Haemoptysis, hectic and colliquative diarrhoea.
The respiratory symptoms are most important, and have been frequently verified clinically. A very good remedy for the offensive expectoration and cough in phthisis, bronchitis, and emphysema. Tuberculosis, affecting generally the middle lobes. Everything tastes sweet. Haemoptysis, hectic and colliquative diarrhoea.
Head, face, and ears
Weight on vertex; aching and burning in temples and above eyes. сrushing feeling in vertex. Vertigo, dizzy when lying down.
Ciliary neuralgia; worse any attempt to use eyes: burning in eyes. Lachrymation. сannot bear light. Headache; involving nerves going to eye.
Pain in milk ducts; intolerable between nursing. Pain in nipples.
Ciliary neuralgia; worse any attempt to use eyes: burning in eyes. Lachrymation. сannot bear light. Headache; involving nerves going to eye.
Pain in milk ducts; intolerable between nursing. Pain in nipples.
Chest organs
Sticking pain through right breast near sternum, extending to back near shoulders. Dyspnoea, and continuous cough, early in morning. сough, with profuse and fetid expectoration; compels him to sit up. Hoarseness.
Hectic; profuse and debilitating perspiration; intermittent, with pain in arms. Desire for acids.
Limbs and spine
Tired feeling when walking.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сon; Phyt; Sil; Ant iod; Myosotis arvensis.
Method of drug use and dosage
Tincture, to sixth potency. In phthisis not below the sixth.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug