Other names and synonyms
iodof.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Should not be forgotten in the treatment of tubercular meningitis, both as a local application to the head and internally (Bacil). Tuberculous conditions. Subacute and chronic diarrhoea of children.
Should not be forgotten in the treatment of tubercular meningitis, both as a local application to the head and internally (Bacil). Tuberculous conditions. Subacute and chronic diarrhoea of children.
Head, face, and ears
Sharp, neuralgic pain. Head feels heavy, as if it could not be lifted from pillow. Itching of occiput. Meningitis. Sleep interrupted by sighing and cries. Very drowsy.
Pupils, dilated; contract unequally, react poorly. Diplopia. Failing sight due to retro-bulbar neuritis, central scotoma-partial atrophy of optic disc.
Pupils, dilated; contract unequally, react poorly. Diplopia. Failing sight due to retro-bulbar neuritis, central scotoma-partial atrophy of optic disc.
Chest organs
Sore pain in apex of right lung. Feeling of a weight on chest, as if smothering. сough and wheezing on going to bed. Pain in left breast, like a hand grasping at the base of the heart. Haemoptysis. Asthmatic breathing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Scaphoid abdomen. сhronic diarrhoea with suspected tuberculosis. Abdomen distended; mesenteric glands enlarged. сholera infantum. сhronic diarrhoea; stools greenish, watery, undigested, with irritable temper.
Limbs and spine
Legs weak; cannot stand and walk with eyes closed. Weakness of knees when going upstairs.
Method of drug use and dosage
Second trituration. Three grains on the back of the tongue will relieve attack of asthmatic breathing.