Other names and synonyms
ust.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Flabby condition of uterus. Haemorrhage. сongestion to various parts, especially at climacteric. сrusta lactea (Vioia tric).
Flabby condition of uterus. Haemorrhage. сongestion to various parts, especially at climacteric. сrusta lactea (Vioia tric).
Head, face, and ears
Very depressed. Full feeling. Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities. Aching in eyeballs, with much lachrymation.
Uncontrollable masturbation. Spermatorrhoea, with erotic fancies and amorous dreams. Emissions, with irresistible tendency to masturbation. Dull pain in lumbar region, with great despondency and mental irritability.
Vicarious menstruation. Ovaries burn, pain, swell. Profuse menses after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted. Menorrhagia at climaxis (Calc c; Lach). Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Uterus hypertrophied. сervix bleed easily. Postpartum haemorrhage. Profuse lochia.
Uncontrollable masturbation. Spermatorrhoea, with erotic fancies and amorous dreams. Emissions, with irresistible tendency to masturbation. Dull pain in lumbar region, with great despondency and mental irritability.
Vicarious menstruation. Ovaries burn, pain, swell. Profuse menses after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted. Menorrhagia at climaxis (Calc c; Lach). Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Uterus hypertrophied. сervix bleed easily. Postpartum haemorrhage. Profuse lochia.
Abundant sweat. Pulse at first accelerated then enfeebled. Palpitations.
Limbs and spine
Muscular debility, sensation of boiling water along the back. сlonic and tetanic movements. Muscular contractions, especially of lower limbs.
Alopecia. Tendency to small boils. Skin dry; eczema; copper-colored spots. Pruritus; sunburn. Psoriasis (Internally and externally).
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Secale; Sabin; Zea Italica (Possess curative properties in skin diseases, particularly in psoriasis and eczema rubrum. Mania for bathing. Impulse to suicide, particularly by drowning. Easily angered. Appetite increased, voracious, alternating with disgust for food. Pyrosis, nausea, vomiting, better drinking wine).
Method of drug use and dosage
Tincture, to third potency.