Other names and synonyms
ph-ac.Description Source
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannPharmacological Group
Additional facts
(Phosphoric acid.
(From vol. v, 2nd edit., 1826.
(To prepare it, we take one pound of bones calcined white and broken into small pieces, place them in a porcelain jar, and pour over them one pound of the strongest sulphuric acid. The mixture is to be stirred with a glass rod several times during twenty-four hours, then well mixed and diluted with two pounds of good brandy, and the whole tied up in linen bag and pressed out between two smooth boards loaded with weights. What remains in the bag may be again diluted with two pounds of brandy, and the expressed fluid added to the first quantity. The whole is to be allowed to stand for two days, so that the cloudiness may settle down. The clear fluid is now to be decanted off, evaporated in a porcelain dish over the fire, and melted at a red heat. The melted phosphoric acid should be as clear as crystal, and while still warm it is to be broken into small fragments and preserved in a wellcorked bottle, because when exposed to the sir it soon completely deliquesces into a thickish fluid as clear as water.
A grain of this crystalline acid id dissolved in 100 drops of a mixture of nine parts of water with one part of alcohol (the alcohol being added in order to make it drop easily). The solution is succussed twice (with two strokes of the arm). A drop of this is again succussed with 100 drops of alcohol by means of succussion with two strokes of the arm. This is 1. And the process is repeated up to the trillion-fold dilution (III). A sugar globule the size of a poppy seed, and moistened with this trillion-fold dilution, is administered for a homoeopathic dose.
The following remarkable, pure, artificial morbid symptoms produced by phosphoric acid on the healthy body indicate of them selves the natural morbid states in which it is specifically curative by reason of homoeopathic similarity.
Every dose acts for more than two weeks in chronic diseases.
The over violent action of phosphoric acid is diminished by camphor.
(From vol. v, 2nd edit., 1826.
(To prepare it, we take one pound of bones calcined white and broken into small pieces, place them in a porcelain jar, and pour over them one pound of the strongest sulphuric acid. The mixture is to be stirred with a glass rod several times during twenty-four hours, then well mixed and diluted with two pounds of good brandy, and the whole tied up in linen bag and pressed out between two smooth boards loaded with weights. What remains in the bag may be again diluted with two pounds of brandy, and the expressed fluid added to the first quantity. The whole is to be allowed to stand for two days, so that the cloudiness may settle down. The clear fluid is now to be decanted off, evaporated in a porcelain dish over the fire, and melted at a red heat. The melted phosphoric acid should be as clear as crystal, and while still warm it is to be broken into small fragments and preserved in a wellcorked bottle, because when exposed to the sir it soon completely deliquesces into a thickish fluid as clear as water.
A grain of this crystalline acid id dissolved in 100 drops of a mixture of nine parts of water with one part of alcohol (the alcohol being added in order to make it drop easily). The solution is succussed twice (with two strokes of the arm). A drop of this is again succussed with 100 drops of alcohol by means of succussion with two strokes of the arm. This is 1. And the process is repeated up to the trillion-fold dilution (III). A sugar globule the size of a poppy seed, and moistened with this trillion-fold dilution, is administered for a homoeopathic dose.
The following remarkable, pure, artificial morbid symptoms produced by phosphoric acid on the healthy body indicate of them selves the natural morbid states in which it is specifically curative by reason of homoeopathic similarity.
Every dose acts for more than two weeks in chronic diseases.
The over violent action of phosphoric acid is diminished by camphor.
No old school authorities are cited.
The 1st edit has 571 symptoms, this 2nd edit 679; the сhr. Kr. has 818, 55 of the new symptoms being contributed by Dr с. Hering.
No old school authorities are cited.
The 1st edit has 571 symptoms, this 2nd edit 679; the сhr. Kr. has 818, 55 of the new symptoms being contributed by Dr с. Hering.
Vertigo all day.
Vertigo towards evening, when standing and walking, as if intoxicated; he staggers; no vertigo when sitting (several evenings).
Vertigo in the morning, making him fall, when standing.
Several mornings vertigo on rising from bed.
5. Heat in the head, which often caused vertigo, even when sitting; when writing he must often nod involuntarily; objects seemed to turn round; the table seemed as if falling; when he clutched hold of it in walking, and when he looked on ground when standing, he was like to fall forwards, and must make a step forwards in order to keep himself erect. [Myr.
Vertigo; the head tends to sink forwards and backwards (after some m. [Hrr.
Vertigo; in the morning in bed, when he shut his eyes, he felt as if the feet rose up and he was standing on his head. [Bch.
In the morning after rising from bed weakness of the head, as if he should stagger.
10. He cannot rid himself of a thought, and the connecting ideas, do not come.
He dare not be alone without falling into absence of thought and unconsciousness (in the morning) [Fz.
He cannot reflect on anything properly in account of want of ideas and weakness of mind; he became giddy on attempting to think about anything. [Hrr.
Lazy, obtuse, inactive mind, without imagination, indisposed for even agreeable mental work. [Stf.
In the evening when sitting he sees nothing by ciphers before the eyes, for an hour; at the same time he was very stupid and bad in the head - at last very hot.
15. He cannot bring his thoughts into proper connexion.
When reading there came a thousand other thoughts into his head, and he could not rightly comprehend anything; what he had read became as if dark in his head, and he immediately forgot all (for 48 h.); what he had long known, he can only recall with difficulty. [Myr.
Illusion of the senses; he imagines he hears a bell pealing and sees things lying near him (outside the sphere of vision) moving. [Fz.
His reason is affected. [Fr.H-n.
Emptiness in the head, for three hours. [Fz.
20. In the forenoon his head is cloudy, as if he had sat up all night or as if after a nocturnal debauch.
Dulness of the head (after 4 d.
In the evening when he comes into the warm room, he is dazed in his head.
Confusion of the whole head. [Hrr.
Confusion of the sinciput, especially of the orbits. [Gss.
25. сonfusion of the head as from excessive indulgence in venery, for three days (immediately). [Fr.H-n.
He feels quite empty in the head and tired in the limbs, as if he had not slept enough after a debauch (after 1 h. [Fz.
Roaring in the head.
Headache, like stupidity, with buzzing in the head; on coughing the head feels quite painful as if it would burst.
In the morning, pressure in the head and bitter taste in the mouth (the 5th morning).
30. Headache, in the morning immediately upon awaking, which goes off on rising.
Dull pain in the forehead an temples, during which, however, he is pretty lively. [Fz.
Dull creeping sensation in the sinciput, with sweat on the forehead (immediately). [Fr.H-n.
Shooting over the eye upwards into the head (when standing)(after 14 h.
Constant headache. [Hrr.
35. Severe headache, which compelled him to lie down, and his nape was stiff.
On the slightest shock or noise, the pains in the head became extremely violent. [Hrr.
Painful shock in the head when walking.
Extremely severe pressure in the head, in the afternoon.
Headache, as if the brain were pressed upwards, at the same time beating in it, like the beating of the pulse.
40. Single blows in the head as with a hammer.
In the morning on rising, and all the forenoon, a prickling headache.
Aching and shooting pain in all parts of the head, in fits.
Twitching in the head.
A great weight in the whole head which extended to the left frontal protuberance with a violent pressure. [Htn.
45. Headache as from a strain, like a weight in it.
His head is heavy. [Gn.
Headache in the occiput, which compels him to lie down.
On bending the head forwards a pressure forwards combined with heaviness in the occiput, which only goes off when he bends the head backwards (after 2.3/4 h. [Htn.
Aching pain in the right side of the occiput which partly spreads to the front; on pressing on it with the open hand and on turning the head it became more violent, all day (after 7.1/2 h. [Gn.
50. Aching pain in the brain behind the left ear (after 3 h. [Gn.
In the right side of the occiput a painful pressure outwards (after 2.1/4 h. [Htn.
A pressure as from a weight from above downwards in the head, or as if he had a blow on the top.
Intermittent pressure as with a blunt point, deep in the left side of the crown, so that he cannot tell the precise spot (after 7 d. [Gss.
Dull headache with pressure over the orbits and stitches behind the ears, in the afternoon for four hours. [Trn.
55. In the morning on awaking, severe headache, a pressure in the forehead so that she was quite stupefied and could not open the eyes; on account of the pain she could scarcely speak, the slightest movement increased it.
Violent headache; a forcing and pressing upwards in the crown, for three days.
Hard pressure on the left side of the forehead. [Hrr.
A violent out-pressing pain in the right frontal protuberance (after 2 h. [Htn.
An aching in the forehead as after a debauch. [Myr.
60. A hard pressure above the left temple extending to the occiput, with dread of moving. [Myr.
Squeezing pressure in and on the right temple, more violent on moving (aft. ¾ h. [Hrr.
A violent pressure outwards in the right temple (after 2.1/2 h. [Hrr.
A squeezing pressure in the right temple. [Gss.
Pain in the whole brain as if it were compressed (after 34 h. [Gn.
65. Squeezing pressure on both parietal bone, worse when moving. [Hrr.
Pain as if both temples were pressed towards one another, as if violently pinched together by forceps. [Hrr.
Boring aching pain in the left temple. [Fz.
Headache as if holes were bored through the skull, especially in the crown. [Fr.H-n.
Digging boring pain in the right side of the occiput (after 2 h. [Gn.
70. In the left temple a regularly intermitting, squeezing pressive pain as with a blunt hard body. [Gss.
Drawing pressure in the right parietal and occipital bones more violent when moving. [Hrr.
Tearing and squeezing pressure in the brain here and there (aft. 7 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the occiput aggravated by noise and by the slightest movement. [Hrr.
Pressure in the occiput as if he lay on something hard. [Myr.
75. Drawing in the left temple and tragus, which becomes an aching pain on moving (aft. ½ h. [Ws.
Tearing in the vertex and occiput. [Hrr.
Tearing in the left temple to the forehead, aggravated by movement (aft. ¼ h. [Hrr.
In the evening in bed, headache in both temples as if they were constricted in single jerks (tearings). [Fz.
80. Obtuse shooting pain out at the middle of the forehead. [Gn.
In the right temple an obtuse stab, as from a blunt arrow, darts deep into the brain in frequent attacks. [Gss.
Single sharp blows in the right temple. [Htn.
Violent shooting pain in the right temporal region which extended into the right eye. [Myr.
A severe shooting in the right temple. [Htn.
85. A sharp, long-continued stitch externally on the vertex, increased by touching.
Shooting drawing on the vertex, that is allayed pressure with the hand (after 20 m. [Ws.
Burning headache at the top of the brain.
On the head a burning stitch. [Fz.
Burning sensation on the right side of the hairy scalp (after 3.1/2 h. [Gn.
90. Dull pain on the hairy scalp.(after 3 h. [Gn.
The hairy scalp is painful when touched, as his hair were pulled, a kind of sore pain.
A painful elevation is formed on the scalp; he feel as if the hair were pulled at the part - when touched there was pain as if bruised.
Sensation of coldness on the hairy scalp. [Hrr.
Drawing pain in the occipital bone, every day; but on pain was caused by touching.
95. Aching pain on the occiput, as though he had lain on a hard stone, diminished by external friction. [Myr.
Pressive pain on the right temple (after 30 h. [Gn.
On the occiput where the muscles of the nape are inserted, pain, as if they were bruised. [Fz.
A drawing shooting aching in the nape, which extends unnoticed to the occiput, and there goes off (after 1.1/4 h. [Htn.
A twitching sensation in the nape, when at rest, but more frequently on raising up the head (from 6 to 8 d. [Bch.
100. Feeling of stiffness of the nape, when at rest, going off on moving (after 8 h. [Htn.
A painful aching on the left side of the neck, as if it would become sore internally, but which is not aggravated either by swallowing or by speaking (after 3.3/4 h. [Htn.
A pinching pain on a small point on the neck. [Htn.
Pressure in front and at both sides of the neck (after 4 h. [Hrr.
In the right cervical muscles there occurs, on turning the head, a spasmodic drawing pain extending to the right eye.
105. The right cervical muscles are very painful.
Painful stiffness in the left cervical muscles; tightness up into the head.
Burning sore pain on the side of the nape (aft. 9 h. [Fz.
Great pressure from the forehead down to the nose.
Aching and gnawing on the forehead at the root of the nose (after 5 h. [Fz.
110. Itching erosion on the forehead. [Ws.
Burning pain on the skin of the left side of the forehead (after 57 h. [Gn.
Warm feeling on side of the frontal bone. [Fz.
A large pimple on the forehead which came sore pain when touched and when let alone.
Fine, very transient drawing through the left cheek into the inner ear (after ¾ h. [Ws.
115. Heat of that half of the face on which he has not lain. [Fz.
(During a heat in the face, felt on touching it, a tension of the skin of the face, as if white of egg had dried on it.
In the morning immediately after rising, paleness of the face and tendency to stare (after 17 h. [Bch.
Paleness of the face. [Fr.H-n.
Crawling and creeping, as if a small insect ran about on the face and on some parts of the body. [Hrr.
120. вurning pain on a small spot on the left cheek. [Fr.H-n.
Eruption of some large pimples on the face.
Eruption of large pimples on the face.
Red pimples on the face, cheeks and nose, smaller than a lentil, filled with a little pus; they itch especially when touched (after 3 d. [Hrr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after ½ h.), and then contraction (after 1 h.), which lasted sixteen hours. [Frn.
125. The pupils became very contracted, without diminution of the power of vision (after ¾ h.
Contracted pupils (after ½ h.), for several days. [Stf.
Dilated pupils for six hours (after 3 h. [Myr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after 1 h. [Lr.H-n.
The pupil of the right eye became uncommonly dilated, so that the whole iris seemed to disappear (after 2 m.); the more he strained the eyes to see, the larger the pupil became, and after seven days it was four times larger than that of the left eye, which remained constantly normal. [Bch.
130. Very greatly dilated pupils (after 8.1/2 h. [Htn.
The eyes are glassy and dull (after 4 h. [Trn.
The eyes are quite lusterless (after 6 h. [Hrr.
Dull sunken eyes (after 5 h. [Hrr.
Blue rings round the eyes. [Hrr.
135. The eyes are surrounded with blue borders. [Myr.
Staring look. [Hrr.
Heaviness of the eyelids as if they would close (immediately). [Gss.
Pressive squeezing in the left superior orbital border. [Gss.
Aching and burning in the eyes; in the evening she cannot look into the light; but they are not gummed up in the morning.
140. Very transient burning in the left eye, as if something pungent had been smelt (aft. 1 h. [Myr.
Pain as if the eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into the head. [Gss.
Pressure in both eyes backwards (after 9 h. [Hrr.
Sudden pain in the left eye, as if a grain of sand were pressing on it, or as if a pimple were there. [Fz.
Burning in the integuments of the eye all day, and burning itching in the inner canthus.
145. Pressure on the left lower eyelid (aft. ¼ h. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right eyelid and feeling of heaviness in it. [Hrr.
Inflammation of the eye, a stye on the upper eyelid (after 24 h.
Burning under the upper eyelid.
A burning under in the inner canthus, usually in the afternoon, just as if too much air and light penetrated to that part; on closing the eyes it is less.
150. In the morning he has dry eye-gum on the lids, and on clearing this away they smart.
(The eyes are gummed up.
A constant pressure on the eyes, as from looking long at one object, which compels him to close the eyes (after ¾ h. [Htn.
The eyes feel as if pressed out, on account of which he must often wink (after ½ h. [Hrr.
A pressure on the eyes as if they were too large and had not room in their orbits; the eyes are immovable as if he had not slept enough, and at the same time the head feels stupid. [Myr.
155. Swelling and redness of the lower eyelids. [Lr.
Swelling of the lower eyelids. [Myr.
Swelling under the lower eyelids. [Myr.
The lower eyelid twitches towards the inner canthus (after 9 h. [Ws.
Shooting drawing through all the eyelids, from one canthus to the other, together with sharp pricks in the canthi themselves, and around the orbits (after 14 h. [Ws.
160. In the morning on opening the eyes they are painful; she cannot keep them open long.
Both eyes had a glassy look, and the eyeballs were very and almost involuntary mobils, chiefly when staring before him. [Bch.
A dull, sometimes shooting, sometimes burning, sometimes burning shooting pain forced the right eyeball towards its outer canthus; he could not then see anything with this eye, it seemed to him as if he were looking over an illmitable expanse of snow running up a hill, on which fiery shining points occasionally fell; when this had occurred several times the ebecame fiery and the falling points dazzling white (after 1.1/2 h. [Bch.
Quick stitches like electric shocks under the right eyelid; he must close the eyes. [Myr.
Aching stitches like electric shocks under the right eyelid; he must close the eyes. [Myr.
Aching pain under the lower left eyelid; it became violent by pressing on it with the finger and then went off immediately. [Gn.
165. Sharp shooting in the thin osseous wall of the orbit towards the root of the nose. [Myr.
A burning in the eyes, and the tears that occasionally came scalded still severely (after 6 d. [Bch.
Pain rather smarting than burning in the eyes, especially in the evening by candle light.
The inner borders of the eyelids are very cold, observed when shutting the eyes (after ½ h. [Htn.
Both eyes water. [Htn.
170. Smarting water runs out of the eyes (after some h.
A yellow spot in the white of the eye, towards the inner canthus, but more towards the cornea; at the same time a dimness of vision, which, however went off when he shaded the eye with his hand (causing the pupil to dilate). [Myr.
Dimness of the eyes; of she looks long at one place, there comes a flickering before the eyes; it commences to ache in the inner canthus - if she then rubs the eye, tears come, and the dimness goes off.
Weakness of the eyes, more in the forenoon than in the afternoon; distant objects seemed enveloped in a mist, and only became more distant on straining the sight; but every object which was somewhat illuminated dazzled him and caused aching in the eyes - the same happened when he suddenly came into the dark.
He sees better in the distance. Curative reaction.
175. When reading by candle light, glittering before the eyes.
Roaring before the ears, especially the right ear (after 15 h.
Roaring before the ears, with hardness of hearing.
Crying in the ear on blowing the nose.
Ringing like bells in the right ear. [Myr.
180. In both ears he did not hear a watch hung at a moderate distance, held at three spans from the ear he heard the ticking distinctly; but when held close to the ear he hear only a hissing in the ear itself, but not the ticking (after 1.1/2 h. [Bch.
The watch which in his usual state he heard at a distance of twenty paces, he could only hear at a distance of twenty paces, he could only hear at a distance of ten paces (after 6 d. [Bch.
At every stroke of the bell and at every musical note he felt stitches in his ears, like earache, also when he himself sang; but nonmusical sounds and noises, like the rattling of carriages, shutting of doors and the like caused no stitches, and he was quite indifferent to them (after 53 h. [Bch.
Musical notes were and continued to be intolerable to him, though they did not cause pain in the ear. [Bch.
Spasmodic drawing pain in the left ear. [Bch.
185. A long continued fine prick deep in the right ear (after 30 h.
Burning stitches in the ears.
Drawing pain in the left cheek and stitches in the ears.
Drawing in the right internal and external meatus. [Hrr.
Tearing in the external and internal meatus of the ears (after 30 h. [Myr.
190. Both ears are swollen, hot, with burning and itching).
Twitching tearing, sometimes only simple tearing, in the left auricle. [Hrr.
Painful drawing, as it were spasmodic pain in the right auricle (aft. 4.1/2 h. [Htn.
An almost painless stitch in the left ear that went off putting in the finger (after 6.1/2 h. [Gn.
Itching pricks in the interior of the right ear, continuing while moving the lower jaw (after 27 h. [Gn.
195. Pricking itching on the lobe of the right ear (after 2 h. [Fz.
Fine twitching on the right ear lobe (after 3 h. [Ws.
A large red lump behind the lobe of the ear, with sore pain per se, but much violent when touched.
(A creeping and burning in the nose.
Itching in the point of the nose; he must scratch there. [Myr.
Vertigo towards evening, when standing and walking, as if intoxicated; he staggers; no vertigo when sitting (several evenings).
Vertigo in the morning, making him fall, when standing.
Several mornings vertigo on rising from bed.
5. Heat in the head, which often caused vertigo, even when sitting; when writing he must often nod involuntarily; objects seemed to turn round; the table seemed as if falling; when he clutched hold of it in walking, and when he looked on ground when standing, he was like to fall forwards, and must make a step forwards in order to keep himself erect. [Myr.
Vertigo; the head tends to sink forwards and backwards (after some m. [Hrr.
Vertigo; in the morning in bed, when he shut his eyes, he felt as if the feet rose up and he was standing on his head. [Bch.
In the morning after rising from bed weakness of the head, as if he should stagger.
10. He cannot rid himself of a thought, and the connecting ideas, do not come.
He dare not be alone without falling into absence of thought and unconsciousness (in the morning) [Fz.
He cannot reflect on anything properly in account of want of ideas and weakness of mind; he became giddy on attempting to think about anything. [Hrr.
Lazy, obtuse, inactive mind, without imagination, indisposed for even agreeable mental work. [Stf.
In the evening when sitting he sees nothing by ciphers before the eyes, for an hour; at the same time he was very stupid and bad in the head - at last very hot.
15. He cannot bring his thoughts into proper connexion.
When reading there came a thousand other thoughts into his head, and he could not rightly comprehend anything; what he had read became as if dark in his head, and he immediately forgot all (for 48 h.); what he had long known, he can only recall with difficulty. [Myr.
Illusion of the senses; he imagines he hears a bell pealing and sees things lying near him (outside the sphere of vision) moving. [Fz.
His reason is affected. [Fr.H-n.
Emptiness in the head, for three hours. [Fz.
20. In the forenoon his head is cloudy, as if he had sat up all night or as if after a nocturnal debauch.
Dulness of the head (after 4 d.
In the evening when he comes into the warm room, he is dazed in his head.
Confusion of the whole head. [Hrr.
Confusion of the sinciput, especially of the orbits. [Gss.
25. сonfusion of the head as from excessive indulgence in venery, for three days (immediately). [Fr.H-n.
He feels quite empty in the head and tired in the limbs, as if he had not slept enough after a debauch (after 1 h. [Fz.
Roaring in the head.
Headache, like stupidity, with buzzing in the head; on coughing the head feels quite painful as if it would burst.
In the morning, pressure in the head and bitter taste in the mouth (the 5th morning).
30. Headache, in the morning immediately upon awaking, which goes off on rising.
Dull pain in the forehead an temples, during which, however, he is pretty lively. [Fz.
Dull creeping sensation in the sinciput, with sweat on the forehead (immediately). [Fr.H-n.
Shooting over the eye upwards into the head (when standing)(after 14 h.
Constant headache. [Hrr.
35. Severe headache, which compelled him to lie down, and his nape was stiff.
On the slightest shock or noise, the pains in the head became extremely violent. [Hrr.
Painful shock in the head when walking.
Extremely severe pressure in the head, in the afternoon.
Headache, as if the brain were pressed upwards, at the same time beating in it, like the beating of the pulse.
40. Single blows in the head as with a hammer.
In the morning on rising, and all the forenoon, a prickling headache.
Aching and shooting pain in all parts of the head, in fits.
Twitching in the head.
A great weight in the whole head which extended to the left frontal protuberance with a violent pressure. [Htn.
45. Headache as from a strain, like a weight in it.
His head is heavy. [Gn.
Headache in the occiput, which compels him to lie down.
On bending the head forwards a pressure forwards combined with heaviness in the occiput, which only goes off when he bends the head backwards (after 2.3/4 h. [Htn.
Aching pain in the right side of the occiput which partly spreads to the front; on pressing on it with the open hand and on turning the head it became more violent, all day (after 7.1/2 h. [Gn.
50. Aching pain in the brain behind the left ear (after 3 h. [Gn.
In the right side of the occiput a painful pressure outwards (after 2.1/4 h. [Htn.
A pressure as from a weight from above downwards in the head, or as if he had a blow on the top.
Intermittent pressure as with a blunt point, deep in the left side of the crown, so that he cannot tell the precise spot (after 7 d. [Gss.
Dull headache with pressure over the orbits and stitches behind the ears, in the afternoon for four hours. [Trn.
55. In the morning on awaking, severe headache, a pressure in the forehead so that she was quite stupefied and could not open the eyes; on account of the pain she could scarcely speak, the slightest movement increased it.
Violent headache; a forcing and pressing upwards in the crown, for three days.
Hard pressure on the left side of the forehead. [Hrr.
A violent out-pressing pain in the right frontal protuberance (after 2 h. [Htn.
An aching in the forehead as after a debauch. [Myr.
60. A hard pressure above the left temple extending to the occiput, with dread of moving. [Myr.
Squeezing pressure in and on the right temple, more violent on moving (aft. ¾ h. [Hrr.
A violent pressure outwards in the right temple (after 2.1/2 h. [Hrr.
A squeezing pressure in the right temple. [Gss.
Pain in the whole brain as if it were compressed (after 34 h. [Gn.
65. Squeezing pressure on both parietal bone, worse when moving. [Hrr.
Pain as if both temples were pressed towards one another, as if violently pinched together by forceps. [Hrr.
Boring aching pain in the left temple. [Fz.
Headache as if holes were bored through the skull, especially in the crown. [Fr.H-n.
Digging boring pain in the right side of the occiput (after 2 h. [Gn.
70. In the left temple a regularly intermitting, squeezing pressive pain as with a blunt hard body. [Gss.
Drawing pressure in the right parietal and occipital bones more violent when moving. [Hrr.
Tearing and squeezing pressure in the brain here and there (aft. 7 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the occiput aggravated by noise and by the slightest movement. [Hrr.
Pressure in the occiput as if he lay on something hard. [Myr.
75. Drawing in the left temple and tragus, which becomes an aching pain on moving (aft. ½ h. [Ws.
Tearing in the vertex and occiput. [Hrr.
Tearing in the left temple to the forehead, aggravated by movement (aft. ¼ h. [Hrr.
In the evening in bed, headache in both temples as if they were constricted in single jerks (tearings). [Fz.
80. Obtuse shooting pain out at the middle of the forehead. [Gn.
In the right temple an obtuse stab, as from a blunt arrow, darts deep into the brain in frequent attacks. [Gss.
Single sharp blows in the right temple. [Htn.
Violent shooting pain in the right temporal region which extended into the right eye. [Myr.
A severe shooting in the right temple. [Htn.
85. A sharp, long-continued stitch externally on the vertex, increased by touching.
Shooting drawing on the vertex, that is allayed pressure with the hand (after 20 m. [Ws.
Burning headache at the top of the brain.
On the head a burning stitch. [Fz.
Burning sensation on the right side of the hairy scalp (after 3.1/2 h. [Gn.
90. Dull pain on the hairy scalp.(after 3 h. [Gn.
The hairy scalp is painful when touched, as his hair were pulled, a kind of sore pain.
A painful elevation is formed on the scalp; he feel as if the hair were pulled at the part - when touched there was pain as if bruised.
Sensation of coldness on the hairy scalp. [Hrr.
Drawing pain in the occipital bone, every day; but on pain was caused by touching.
95. Aching pain on the occiput, as though he had lain on a hard stone, diminished by external friction. [Myr.
Pressive pain on the right temple (after 30 h. [Gn.
On the occiput where the muscles of the nape are inserted, pain, as if they were bruised. [Fz.
A drawing shooting aching in the nape, which extends unnoticed to the occiput, and there goes off (after 1.1/4 h. [Htn.
A twitching sensation in the nape, when at rest, but more frequently on raising up the head (from 6 to 8 d. [Bch.
100. Feeling of stiffness of the nape, when at rest, going off on moving (after 8 h. [Htn.
A painful aching on the left side of the neck, as if it would become sore internally, but which is not aggravated either by swallowing or by speaking (after 3.3/4 h. [Htn.
A pinching pain on a small point on the neck. [Htn.
Pressure in front and at both sides of the neck (after 4 h. [Hrr.
In the right cervical muscles there occurs, on turning the head, a spasmodic drawing pain extending to the right eye.
105. The right cervical muscles are very painful.
Painful stiffness in the left cervical muscles; tightness up into the head.
Burning sore pain on the side of the nape (aft. 9 h. [Fz.
Great pressure from the forehead down to the nose.
Aching and gnawing on the forehead at the root of the nose (after 5 h. [Fz.
110. Itching erosion on the forehead. [Ws.
Burning pain on the skin of the left side of the forehead (after 57 h. [Gn.
Warm feeling on side of the frontal bone. [Fz.
A large pimple on the forehead which came sore pain when touched and when let alone.
Fine, very transient drawing through the left cheek into the inner ear (after ¾ h. [Ws.
115. Heat of that half of the face on which he has not lain. [Fz.
(During a heat in the face, felt on touching it, a tension of the skin of the face, as if white of egg had dried on it.
In the morning immediately after rising, paleness of the face and tendency to stare (after 17 h. [Bch.
Paleness of the face. [Fr.H-n.
Crawling and creeping, as if a small insect ran about on the face and on some parts of the body. [Hrr.
120. вurning pain on a small spot on the left cheek. [Fr.H-n.
Eruption of some large pimples on the face.
Eruption of large pimples on the face.
Red pimples on the face, cheeks and nose, smaller than a lentil, filled with a little pus; they itch especially when touched (after 3 d. [Hrr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after ½ h.), and then contraction (after 1 h.), which lasted sixteen hours. [Frn.
125. The pupils became very contracted, without diminution of the power of vision (after ¾ h.
Contracted pupils (after ½ h.), for several days. [Stf.
Dilated pupils for six hours (after 3 h. [Myr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after 1 h. [Lr.H-n.
The pupil of the right eye became uncommonly dilated, so that the whole iris seemed to disappear (after 2 m.); the more he strained the eyes to see, the larger the pupil became, and after seven days it was four times larger than that of the left eye, which remained constantly normal. [Bch.
130. Very greatly dilated pupils (after 8.1/2 h. [Htn.
The eyes are glassy and dull (after 4 h. [Trn.
The eyes are quite lusterless (after 6 h. [Hrr.
Dull sunken eyes (after 5 h. [Hrr.
Blue rings round the eyes. [Hrr.
135. The eyes are surrounded with blue borders. [Myr.
Staring look. [Hrr.
Heaviness of the eyelids as if they would close (immediately). [Gss.
Pressive squeezing in the left superior orbital border. [Gss.
Aching and burning in the eyes; in the evening she cannot look into the light; but they are not gummed up in the morning.
140. Very transient burning in the left eye, as if something pungent had been smelt (aft. 1 h. [Myr.
Pain as if the eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into the head. [Gss.
Pressure in both eyes backwards (after 9 h. [Hrr.
Sudden pain in the left eye, as if a grain of sand were pressing on it, or as if a pimple were there. [Fz.
Burning in the integuments of the eye all day, and burning itching in the inner canthus.
145. Pressure on the left lower eyelid (aft. ¼ h. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right eyelid and feeling of heaviness in it. [Hrr.
Inflammation of the eye, a stye on the upper eyelid (after 24 h.
Burning under the upper eyelid.
A burning under in the inner canthus, usually in the afternoon, just as if too much air and light penetrated to that part; on closing the eyes it is less.
150. In the morning he has dry eye-gum on the lids, and on clearing this away they smart.
(The eyes are gummed up.
A constant pressure on the eyes, as from looking long at one object, which compels him to close the eyes (after ¾ h. [Htn.
The eyes feel as if pressed out, on account of which he must often wink (after ½ h. [Hrr.
A pressure on the eyes as if they were too large and had not room in their orbits; the eyes are immovable as if he had not slept enough, and at the same time the head feels stupid. [Myr.
155. Swelling and redness of the lower eyelids. [Lr.
Swelling of the lower eyelids. [Myr.
Swelling under the lower eyelids. [Myr.
The lower eyelid twitches towards the inner canthus (after 9 h. [Ws.
Shooting drawing through all the eyelids, from one canthus to the other, together with sharp pricks in the canthi themselves, and around the orbits (after 14 h. [Ws.
160. In the morning on opening the eyes they are painful; she cannot keep them open long.
Both eyes had a glassy look, and the eyeballs were very and almost involuntary mobils, chiefly when staring before him. [Bch.
A dull, sometimes shooting, sometimes burning, sometimes burning shooting pain forced the right eyeball towards its outer canthus; he could not then see anything with this eye, it seemed to him as if he were looking over an illmitable expanse of snow running up a hill, on which fiery shining points occasionally fell; when this had occurred several times the ebecame fiery and the falling points dazzling white (after 1.1/2 h. [Bch.
Quick stitches like electric shocks under the right eyelid; he must close the eyes. [Myr.
Aching stitches like electric shocks under the right eyelid; he must close the eyes. [Myr.
Aching pain under the lower left eyelid; it became violent by pressing on it with the finger and then went off immediately. [Gn.
165. Sharp shooting in the thin osseous wall of the orbit towards the root of the nose. [Myr.
A burning in the eyes, and the tears that occasionally came scalded still severely (after 6 d. [Bch.
Pain rather smarting than burning in the eyes, especially in the evening by candle light.
The inner borders of the eyelids are very cold, observed when shutting the eyes (after ½ h. [Htn.
Both eyes water. [Htn.
170. Smarting water runs out of the eyes (after some h.
A yellow spot in the white of the eye, towards the inner canthus, but more towards the cornea; at the same time a dimness of vision, which, however went off when he shaded the eye with his hand (causing the pupil to dilate). [Myr.
Dimness of the eyes; of she looks long at one place, there comes a flickering before the eyes; it commences to ache in the inner canthus - if she then rubs the eye, tears come, and the dimness goes off.
Weakness of the eyes, more in the forenoon than in the afternoon; distant objects seemed enveloped in a mist, and only became more distant on straining the sight; but every object which was somewhat illuminated dazzled him and caused aching in the eyes - the same happened when he suddenly came into the dark.
He sees better in the distance. Curative reaction.
175. When reading by candle light, glittering before the eyes.
Roaring before the ears, especially the right ear (after 15 h.
Roaring before the ears, with hardness of hearing.
Crying in the ear on blowing the nose.
Ringing like bells in the right ear. [Myr.
180. In both ears he did not hear a watch hung at a moderate distance, held at three spans from the ear he heard the ticking distinctly; but when held close to the ear he hear only a hissing in the ear itself, but not the ticking (after 1.1/2 h. [Bch.
The watch which in his usual state he heard at a distance of twenty paces, he could only hear at a distance of twenty paces, he could only hear at a distance of ten paces (after 6 d. [Bch.
At every stroke of the bell and at every musical note he felt stitches in his ears, like earache, also when he himself sang; but nonmusical sounds and noises, like the rattling of carriages, shutting of doors and the like caused no stitches, and he was quite indifferent to them (after 53 h. [Bch.
Musical notes were and continued to be intolerable to him, though they did not cause pain in the ear. [Bch.
Spasmodic drawing pain in the left ear. [Bch.
185. A long continued fine prick deep in the right ear (after 30 h.
Burning stitches in the ears.
Drawing pain in the left cheek and stitches in the ears.
Drawing in the right internal and external meatus. [Hrr.
Tearing in the external and internal meatus of the ears (after 30 h. [Myr.
190. Both ears are swollen, hot, with burning and itching).
Twitching tearing, sometimes only simple tearing, in the left auricle. [Hrr.
Painful drawing, as it were spasmodic pain in the right auricle (aft. 4.1/2 h. [Htn.
An almost painless stitch in the left ear that went off putting in the finger (after 6.1/2 h. [Gn.
Itching pricks in the interior of the right ear, continuing while moving the lower jaw (after 27 h. [Gn.
195. Pricking itching on the lobe of the right ear (after 2 h. [Fz.
Fine twitching on the right ear lobe (after 3 h. [Ws.
A large red lump behind the lobe of the ear, with sore pain per se, but much violent when touched.
(A creeping and burning in the nose.
Itching in the point of the nose; he must scratch there. [Myr.
Included in the composition
- 1.6-2.2€ Afosar (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Zen-sen comp (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.2€ Arsenic comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.7-2.9€ Nevrosed (2 firms)
- 3-3.2€ Sabal-prostata (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- — Damiana-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Psoralum (Доктор Н)
- 5€ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Климасед (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-6.4€ Nervoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №53
- 11€ Flowers Energy №54
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Dulkamara-plus (Доктор Н)
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug