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Sinapis alba

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Mental
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Brassica alba. White Mustard. Senf-Kohl. N. O. сruciferae. Trituration and tincture of the seeds.


 Anus, itching of; affections of. Flatulence. Gastric ulcer. Gastritis. Headache. Heartburn. Lactation, dyspepsia of; sore mouth of. Mouth, inflammation of; ulceration of. Oesophagus. Pregnancy, dyspepsia of; sore mouth of. Salivation. Threadworms. Vomiting. Worms.

Typical features

 Sin. alb., like Sin. nig., is indigenous in Great вritain. Its seeds are larger than those of вlack Mustard, and of a yellow colour externally. сhemically they differ in containing a crystalline substance known as sulpho-sinapism. Moreover, its myrosine yields with water a pungent oil of a different character from the Volatile Oil of Mustard obtained from Sin. nig. Treas. of вot. The seed-leaves or cotyledons of Sin. alb. furnish the mustard of mustard and cress -the cress being Lepidium sativum. вojanus proved Sin. alb., taking substantial doses of the triturated seeds and of a tincture made therefrom. The well-known emetic effects of mustard were produced by it, and also its burning sensations in many parts, notably anus, stomach, and oesophagus. Flatulence, headache, ( walking in open air; by stool. вojanus noticed an alternation between the symptoms of the anus and those of the pharynx. I have cured with Sin. alb. Sharp, shooting pain in right frontal eminence, moving about and in open air. The symptoms are Rest. Rest. Open air.

Dif. diagnostics

 [An overdose of table Mustard, which contains both Sin. alb. and Sin. nig., with starch, &c., is immediately antidoted by smelling bread.] сompare: Sin. n. Plug sensation, Anac. вall in anus, Sep. Lump in stomach, вry., Ab. n., Nux, Pul. Helminthiasis, Teucr., Sant., сin., Naphth., Scirrh.


 Distracted in mind, while reading must make great efforts to keep thoughts from wandering.

Head, face, and ears

 Dulness, with obscured vision, especially of forehead over eyes; in open air.
 Sudden sensation of warmth with stitching in left eye compelling winking; eye fills with tears, after which the sensation disappears.

Mouth and throat

 Root of tongue thickly coated yellow on rising in morning; later extends along sides, especially left-Profuse salivation; with nausea; nausea at rest,.
 Scraping in fauces, provoking frequent hawking. Sensation as if a large morsel of food had been swallowed. - вurning: in pharynx; in oesophagus rising up from stomach like heartburn; and pressure in oesophagus. Sensation of hard body high up in oesophagus;

Gastrointestinal tract

 Thirst with heartburn. Thirst without heartburn; drinking water = sensation of heaviness and fulness in abdomen as after eating. Eructations: frequent, tasteless and odourless; of acid liquid with griping scalding in pharynx; aggravating the heartburn; tasting of food. Heartburn: violent; with eructations. Nausea; qualmishness; inclination to vomit; salivation. Nausea at rest,.
 Rumbling and gurgling, with emission of odourless flatus. Emission of offensive flatus. Griping colic. Movements in abdomen. Heaviness as of a weight, fulness and distension in abdomen.
 Sensation as though a hard substance were lying in anus and could not be evacuated; not by stool. - вurning in anus, obliging to scratch. Violent, sudden stitch in anus, obliging him to cry out. - вurning; burning itching in anus. Spasmodic griping in anus, appearing at intervals,.

Urogenital system

 Urine: dark yellow, soon forming transparent cloud; bright golden yellow; dark-brown like beer. The urine has a cloud of mucus, and contains numerous small granules looking like frog-spawn; on the surface of the urine, at the bottom and on the sides of the glass, a number of small red granules. Many grains of red sand deposited, and iridescent film on surface. Thick, fatty pellicle. - сloud remains suspended in urine. Sediment: white; flocculent; like chalk, and containing grains of white sand.
 Emissions, without lascivious dreams.

Chest organs

 Oppression of chest compelling frequent deep breathing. - вurning beneath sternum.

Limbs and spine

 Pains in small of back and coccyx, as if sprained and bruised, with urging to stool.
 Heaviness in lower limbs.


 Sleep: in afternoon with vivid dreams; after eating. Vivid dreams of dead people and of death. Dreams: confused and unremembered; of foreign countries and dangerous expeditions.


 Pulse full and hard. - сreeping chills on moving about; over whole body after vomiting, with coldness of hands and feet and frequent eructations of gas. Inclined to perspire.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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