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Salicylicum acidum

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Common symptoms
  15. Skin
  16. Sleep
  17. Fever
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Included in the composition
  20. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Salicylic acid. с6H4(OH).CO.OH. Found in Spiraea blossoms, Gaultheria, &c. Artificially prepared from Phenol. Trituration.


 Bone, caries of. сlimacteric. сoryza. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Dyspepsia, flatulent. Flatulence. Flushes. Foot-sweat; suppression of. Gastritis. Intestines, ulceration of. Iritis. Necrosis. Pharyngitis, herpetic. Puerperal fever. Rheumatism. Rheumatoid arthritis. Scarlatina, anginosa. Sciatica. Stomatitis. Tapeworm. Throat, sore.

Typical features

 Salicylic acid is found in nature in the leaves and barks of Willows, in Oil of Wintergreen (Gaultheria), which is one of the chief sources of its supply, and is obtained synthetically from сarbolic acid. Like сarbol. ac. it has been largely used as a disinfectant, and as it is supposed to be non-poisonous it is used for mixing with and so preserving foods. MacLagan, of London, and Senator, of вerlin, introduced it into medicine as a remedy for rheumatism. Over-dosings led to the discovery of its power to set up the phenomena of Ménière s disease (auditory nerve vertigo), gastric disturbances and delirium, and these form the nucleus of the homoeopathic Schema, which has been filled out by fragmentary provings and clinical use. Among the uses of Sal. ac. recommended in the general text-books are these: Sal. ac. dissolved in сollodion flexile (gr. xxx to one drachm) is very useful for corns and warts; also to hasten the peeling of palms and soles after scarlet fever (Brunton). A mixture of 2 parts with 100 of tallow, applied directly to the feet, not to the stockings, has been found most useful in preventing sweating and soreness of the feet in soldiers after a long march (Brunton). The property of preventing foot-sweat is by no means an unmixed boon, and serious illness has resulted from it. сonsequently in homoeopathic practice Sal. ac. has been found an excellent remedy for affections following suppression of foot-sweat. Sal. ac. has a specific relation to rheumatism, but the massive doses given in ordinary practice have been attended with so many unpleasant symptoms-vital depression, fainting, flatulent dyspepsia, delirium, &c. - that the ingenuity of chemists has been devoted for years past to finding a compound which shall be innocent as well as effective. Aspirin (Acetyl-salicylic acid), Salophen (Acetyl-para-amidophenol salicylate), and Salol (Phenol salicylate), are supposed to fulfil these conditions more or less completely. Salol has had an accidental proving which has led to some homoeopathic uses. It is the unpleasant symptoms which so many practitioners wish to avoid, which are of especial value to homoeopaths. Like сarbolic acid and other disinfectants, Sal. ac. produces fermentative dyspepsia, and diarrhoea with putrid-smelling stools, and it meets dynamically blood-poisoning conditions, such as puerperal fever and septicaemia. Hering says: Pieces of spongy bone become soft as leather in a few days when placed in a 1/2 per cent. solution, while compact bone tissues are very slowly softened; enamel of teeth is very slightly affected by it, but the dentine, when it is exposed by caries, is rapidly destroyed. The increased amount of the salts of lime in the urine soon after Sal. ac. has been taken shows that the acid deprives living as well as dead bone of its lime salts. He adds that it causes necrosis, especially of the tibia. The symptoms are вy hot applications, especially by dry heat.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Salicin., Nat. sal., Salol. In rheumatism and subsequent weakness, сolch. Piercing in temples; throat; diarrhoea; ulcers; antiseptic properties, Kre. Antiseptic properties, dyspepsia, fever, urine, сarbol. ac. Tinnitus, Nat. sal., сhi., сhi. s., сarb. s. вones, Pho., (and throat), Lact. ac. As if blood forced through contracted vessel, сoc. cact. Foot-sweat and suppressed foot-sweat, Sul., Sil. Loquacity, Lach.


 Suppression (foot-sweat).


 Anxiety; worrying, restless, yet mild. Melancholic, wants to be quiet; feels faint. Excited mood. Delirium; stupid, can hardly collect his ideas, then laughed without cause, talked incessantly and disconnectedly, frequently looked about him with apparent hallucinations (lasted 24 h.; from 11 grains).

Head, face, and ears

 Dulness of head; stupefaction. Vertigo; inclines to fall to left, surrounding objects seem to fall to right-Ménière s disease. Rush of blood to head. Severe headache, piercing in both temples. Headache commencing on top or back of head, running down sterno-mastoid (more right side), which is tender to touch. - вuzzing sensation in interior of brain as if blood were forced violently through a contracted vessel.
 Diminished acuteness of vision. Plastic iritis following acute rheumatism; pain temporarily by hot applications.
 Hearing diminished. Nervous deafness. Deafness with noises (roaring) in ears. Roaring in ears and difficult hearing; hears music; swarm of bees or buzzing of flies; rush of blood to head, excited mood. Tinnitus dependent on hyperaemia. Auditory nerve vertigo (Ménière s disease); a troublesome nausea accompanying the head symptoms.
 Wants to sneeze. Sneezing. Incipient catarrh; patients, especially children, sneeze all day.
 Dull, heavy aspect; face flushes quickly on slight excitement.

Mouth and throat

 Burning in mouth and epigastric region. - вurning and scraping in mouth and throat. Redness of mouth and fauces. Stomatitis, mouth hot and dry, tongue covered with burning vesicles. Foul breath and offensive expectoration. Mouth dotted with white patches, burning, scalded feeling; ulcers on tip of tongue. - сanker-sores with burning soreness and fetid breath. Taste: extremely disgusting; as of something burnt; bitter; bitter bilious, that cannot be got rid of; food has no taste.
 Burning in throat. Scraping in throat causing cough. Haemorrhagic pharyngitis with difficulty of swallowing. Tonsils red, swollen, studded white. Violent efforts to swallow, with difficulty in swallowing, woke him from sleep; the pain and difficulty became confined to right side with sticking along Eustachian tube into ear: swelling of right tonsil, noticeable externally, with sensitiveness to touch and increased temperature in vicinity; mucous membrane of throat and posterior fauces red, swollen, with ulcers size of head of a pin, after a while a small lump of cheesy matter of strong odour was expectorated.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea, gagging, waterbrash. Frequent vomiting. Ecchymoses. Erosions and ulcers in stomach and bowels. - вurning in epigastric region. Weak, nervous sensation in stomach. Flatulent and fermentative dyspepsia; putrid belchings.
 Abdominal distension. Ulceration of bowels. Violent, constant pressure in abdomen, with feeling of incarcerated flatus; associated with constipation.
 Diarrhoea: stools green; flushes easily as in hectic; acid, sour, or putrid smelling. - сostive: stool dry, hard; then diarrhoea, watery, sour, yellow, with great weakness. - сholera infantum with peculiarly putrid eructations. - сaused expulsion of taenia.

Urogenital system

 Diabetes mellitus. Albuminuria, rheumatic diathesis. Urine: scanty, clear, brown; three hours after passage has a green tinge, and a feathery deposit of crystal of Salicyluric acid; if these are removed the urine at once becomes putrid; if left, urine remains fresh for a week.
 Leuco-phlegmatic woman, frequent hot flushes, irritability, forgetfulness, dull, heavy pain in cerebellum. Septic puerperal fever.

Chest organs

 Respiration hurried, sometimes deepened, sometimes shallow or sighing and almost panting, as if laboured, but no complaint of difficulty of breathing. Dry cough of a hard, racking, spasmodic character,.
 Spasmodic, flatulent asthma; fetid bronchitis; gangrene of lungs. Firmly seated pressure at side of sternum as large as the hand, with feeling as if the bone was sore.

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse small, rapid, weak.

Limbs and spine

 Heat, redness, soreness, and swelling about joints; from dry heat. Soreness and pain in right deltoid and right gastrocnemius, changing next day to left wrist and forearm;
 Rheumatic pain or rheumatoid arthritis, occurring in some women during climaxis; the pains disappeared, the engorgements of fingers subsided, and the hands could again be used.
 After suppressed foot-sweat, rheumatic pains;

Common symptoms

 Weakness, faintness. Deprives bone of its lime salts.


 Skin red, points like flea-bites. Skin red and sensitive. Urticaria.


 Yawning. Frequently waked from sleep thinking he heard music.


 Slight chill, crawling in spine; yawning; chill in finger-tips. Fever continuous, burning, then sweat with relief; fever again till exacerbation of symptoms. Weak, faint after fever and sweat. Flushes easily as in hectic. Profuse sweat; as sweat increased strength declined.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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