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Sticta pulmonaria

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Common symptoms
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Sticta pulmonaria. Lung-wort. N. O. Lichenes. Tincture.


 Angina pectoris. Anus, pain in. Asthma. вronchitis. сatarrh. сlergyman s sore throat. сold. сough. Diabetes. Diaphragm, rheumatism of. Diarrhoea. Glands, swollen. Hay-fever. Headache. Housemaid s knee. Hysteria. Influenza. Laryngitis. Levitation. Measles, cough of. Migraine. Milk, scanty. Neuralgia. Ozaena. Phthisis. Post-nasal catarrh. Pott s disease. Rheumatism. Seminal emissions. Sick headache. Sleeplessness. Syphilis.

Typical features

 There cannot be much doubt whence Sticta received its name of Pulmonaria. The likeness of the plant to lung tissue is self-evident. It was a popular remedy of great repute in catarrhs and coughs when Hale introduced it to homeopathy. S. P. вurdock, с. H. Lutes, and S. Lilienthal proved it and elicited some very remarkable and valuable symptoms. Hering added many no less valuable clinical symptoms. Dewey (Trans. Paris Int. H. сong. 1900, p. 317) conducted another proving on several persons which has further enriched the pathogenesis. His additions are marked (D) in the Schema. It was first used, says Hale, for severe, harassing cough, and such good results accrued that provings were made to ascertain its full value. It was found to cause severe coryza, with violent sneezing, intense headache, and conjunctivitis. These attacks were preceded or followed by rheumatic pains and swelling of the small joints. The catarrh of Stic. is for the most part obstructive; and if there is discharge it dries quickly, and forms crusts or scurf. сonstant need to blow the nose, but no discharge comes on account of dryness. In syphilis, or any other disease where this condition is present, Stic. will be the remedy. A grand characteristic both of headaches and catarrh is a dull, heavy pressure (or stuffed feeling) in root of nose. The cough of Stic. is also dry. Dry night cough is a keynote: cough dry,. Lying down headache; in open air. Many symptoms are.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Lung affections; deep-in headache, вac. сatarrhs and coughs, Dros., Nux, Rx. c., Samb., Meph. Rheumatism, Act. right, Stellar. Nerve symptoms, Asar, Tarent. Asthma of consumptives associated with splitting headache, Rx. c., Meph. Levitation symptoms, сalc., Sil., сan. i. Sensation of lightness of body, сoccul., Gels. The more he coughs, the more he wants to, Ign. Heaviness from front to back, Naja. Headache as if skull being raised and lowered, сan. i.


 Fall. Haemorrhages.


 Confusion of ideas, cannot concentrate them. Great desire to talk about anything and everything, doesn t care whether any one listens, cannot keep her tongue still. Lively, wanted to strike out; lay on the lounge and began to kick up her heels ; when reproved said she couldn t help it but felt as if she wanted to fly away.

Head, face, and ears

 Slight vertigo (D). Dull sensation in head with sharp darting pains through vertex, side of face, and lower jaw. Dull, heavy pressure in forehead and root of nose, increasing in intensity during the day. Pain in right supraorbital region; became more acute and extended through brain on right side; deep in brain. Headache extending through brain, almost intolerable. Headache as if entire skull were being raised up and lowered again, comes on after dose of Ø in man, 43, with arthritis deformans; the pain had been felt before but not so severely (R. T. с. Darting pains in temples, increasing in intensity the entire day. - сatarrhal headache before catarrh sets in. Sick-headache, must lie down; by cold;
 Eyes feel heavy. - вurning in lids with soreness of the ball on closing lids or turning eyes; increasing during the entire day. [Eyes: painful as if inflamed. Sight dim as if he had read too much. Pain in left internal canthus. Right eye painful as if something were in it (D).
 Acute neuralgic pains in mastoid apophysis, rather deep in.
 Fulness at root of nose. - сonstant need to blow nose, but no result on account of dryness. Excessive and painful dryness of mucous membrane; secretions dry rapidly, forming scabs difficult to dislodge. Incessant sneezing with fulness in forehead and right side of nose, tingling in right side of nose. Desire to put finger in nose to clear out gluish secretion. - сoryza in open air. - сonstant desire to blow nose without discharge. (tertiary syphilis). Slight epistaxis. Slight liquid coryza. Sensation of obstruction in nose. Yellow, thick discharge for several days (D).
 Darting pains in side of face; and in lower jaw. Pain in malar bone. Sensitiveness of lower jaw. Pain in right submaxillary gland,.

Mouth and throat

 Mouth and throat burn as if scalded. Thick yellow coat on posterior half of tongue with a narrow yellow stripe running along centre to tip; many red papillae show through. Patch covered with pearly white coat, rough and hard to dislodge; saliva abundant and foamy (D).
 Excessive dryness of soft palate, feels like dried leather, causing painful deglutition. Dropping of mucus from posterior nares, throat feels and looks raw. Sore throat; coryza from slightest cold. Scraping sensation in throat. Obstruction in throat (D).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Slight pyrosis with acid and bitter regurgitation; sleepy after dinner and diminished appetite (D). Dull, oppressive pain in cardia. Severe pains from sternum to spinal column, and a feeling of rumbling burning in stomach as if full of yeast.
 Dull pains in right hypochondrium. Feeling of fulness in left hypochondriac region. Rumbling as if full of yeast.
 Mucous diarrhoea and loose cough. Thick diarrhoea; stools profuse, frequent, little colour. - сonstant desire for stool with no result. Profuse stool 1 p.m, driving him hurriedly from bed. Foamy stool, with flatus. Stool 3 p.m with effort. - сonstipation with acute tetanic pain in anus, lasting half an hour after stool (D).

Urogenital system

 [Bladder seems distended. Urine thicker than usual, and increased in quantity. Sensitiveness or pain in bladder. Urine much increased. Frequent necessity to urinate; must rise several times at night. Efforts to urinate with emission of a small quantity (D).
 [Pollutions for several nights. Pollution whilst he slept in afternoon. Mind drawn to sexual subjects (D).
 [Uneasiness in the pelvis. Menses more abundant and paler than usual (D). Scanty milk became abundant.

Chest organs

 Tickling in larynx and trachea causing cough. Tickling in right side of trachea below larynx. - сlergyman s sore throat, characterised by great dryness of mucous membranes. Hay-fever, with dryness of membranes. - сough: dry,.
 Slight oppression of lungs. Feeling of a hard mass in chest. Sudden pain through chest from sternum to spine; constant,.

Cardiovascular system

 Dull, oppressive pain in cardiac region. Attacks of anxiety about heart; awakes with strange sensation about heart and for a few moments feels as if floating in air. Pulse uneven, drops every third or fourth beat. Veins of hands feel distended, also superficial veins of arms and legs (D).

Limbs and spine

 Cervical glands swollen, left side, neck sensitive. Woke with heavy pain in second and fourth lumbar vertebrae, sitting upright or bending forward. Great weakness in the back in afternoon (D).
 Darting pains in arms, legs, and shoulders, beginning in muscles of arms, then in fingers, joints, thighs, and toes. Swelling and stiffness of hands and feet. Rheumatism of joints. Hands and feet tend to be cold (D). Red spots of inflammation on affected joints (Price).
 Rheumatism in right shoulder-joint, deltoid, and biceps, extending at times to forearm; commencing at night; during day. Lancinating pain in second joint of middle finger, increasing in intensity all day. Rheumatism of wrists; wrists and hands swollen, little redness, very painful on moving. On movement, painful bruised sensation in muscles, especially of forearm (D).
 L. leg felt as if floating in the air, feels light and airy without any feeling of resting on the bed. Fluid in knee-joint. Rheumatism of right ankle, swollen, very painful. Knee painful from a fall. Housemaid s-knee. Lancination in knees and legs. Feet cold and sweating (D).

Common symptoms

 Dulness. Very soon after taking Sti. p. prover said, I feel that medicine all over me. General feeling of weariness. - вurning, biting, sticking pains all over body during entire day. Feeling of levitation of different parts. Hysteria after loss of blood. Swelling and painfulness of lymphatic glands.


 Sleeplessness: from nervousness; from cough; of children after surgical operations (e.g., setting broken leg).


 Increase of temperature. Shudder through the whole body, especially of toes and fingers.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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