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L85.2 Keratosis punctata (palmaris et plantaris)

Medications used: More... hide
Pharm. gr. Substance Drugs
Betamethasone+Salicylic acid | | |
Cucurbitae semenis oleum

Tree of ICD-10 diagnoses

  1. Description
  2. Related diseases
  3. Related standards of medical care
  4. Basic medical services
  5. Clinics for treatment
L85.2 Keratosis punctata (palmaris et plantaris)


There is no detailed description, see related

Related diseases

Related standards of medical care

Basic medical services (according to which clinics are selected)

    • Medical consultations

    • Consultation with a dermatologist
    • Consultation of a physical therapy doctor
    • Consultation of a dietitian
    • Analyzes

    • Urine tests
    • General blood test
    • Diagnostics

    • Thermometry
    • Measurement of blood pressure
    • Electrocardiography (ECG)

Clinics with the best prices (of 9 selected medical services)

Total: 1738 in 109 cities
Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М.Кирова - Санкт-Петербург (M. Площадь Ленина) +7( 292-34-35
+7(812) 292-32-86
КБ №122 им. Л.Г. Соколова на проспекте Культуры - Санкт-Петербург (M. Озерки) +7( 363-11-22
+7(812) 559-95-95
Мединцентр в 4-ом Добрынинском переулке - Москва (M. Добрынинская) +7( 116-82-39
+7(495) 933-86-48
+7(495) 933-86-49
+7(499) 237-38-52
+7(499) 237-40-04
rating: 4.5
Мединцентр во 2-ом Боткинском проезде - Москва (M. Беговая) +7( 116-82-39
+7(495) 945-79-82
+7(495) 653-14-57
rating: 4.6
ФНКЦ ФМБА на Ореховом бульваре - Москва (M. Красногвардейская) +7( 116-82-39
+7(499) 725-44-40
Клиника Евроонко на Межевом Канале - Санкт-Петербург (M. Нарвская) +7( 116-82-39
rating: 4.5
РЖД-Медицина на Байдукова - Екатеринбург (M. Уральская) +7( 116-82-39
+7(343) 204-95-05
+7(343) 322-16-92
+7(343) 322-16-74
+7(343) 322-17-70
rating: 4.4
3475₽ (90%*)The clinic provides only 90% selected medical services
Поликлиника РЖД-Медицина на Надеждинской - Екатеринбург (M. Уральская) +7( 116-82-39
+7(343) 204-95-05
+7(343) 310-93-56
+7(343) 310-95-30
rating: 4.3
3475₽ (90%*)The clinic provides only 90% selected medical services
Поликлиника РЖД-Медицина на Гражданской - Екатеринбург (M. Динамо) +7( 116-82-39
+7(343) 204-95-05
+7(343) 358-34-16
+7(800) 234-34-34
rating: 4.6
3475₽ (90%*)The clinic provides only 90% selected medical services
РЖД-Медицина на Доватора - Челябинск +7( 116-82-39
+7(351) 268-46-52
+7(351) 268-71-97
+7(351) 268-25-49
+7(351) 268-23-65
rating: 4.6
3530₽ (90%*)The clinic provides only 90% selected medical services
* - the clinic does not provide 100% of the selected services. Learn more when you click on the price.
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.