Other names and synonyms
conv.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It is useful for heart affections. Dilatation of heart without compensatory hypertrophy; when venous stasis is marked. Increases heart’s action, renders it more regular. Soreness of uterine region, with palpitation of heart. Sensation as if heart ceased beating, then starting very suddenly. Movement in abdomen as from a fist of a child. Dyspnoea; dropsy; anuric tendency. Tobacco heart.
Open air.
Lying on back. Warm room.
Lying on back. Warm room.
Included in the composition
- 2.5€ Кардиосил (Фитасинтекс)
- 3-5.2€ Pumpan (5 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №32
- — Aurocard