Other names and synonyms
m-aust.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Unsteadiness and instability, ideas cannot be properly fixed and objects hover only half observed before the senses. Disposition to start. Vehemence and irascibility. Harshness in word and deed.
Reeling and staggering when walking.
Reeling and staggering when walking.
Head, face, and ears
Congestion to (without heat). сrawling in brain, root of nose and temples. Headache from mental exertion.
Tears in. Painfully, sore dryness of lids.
Sensation, as of a cold (or warm) wind blowing on.
Suppressed fluent coryza.
Sensation of a cold breath on.
Tears in. Painfully, sore dryness of lids.
Sensation, as of a cold (or warm) wind blowing on.
Suppressed fluent coryza.
Sensation of a cold breath on.
Mouth and throat
Tearing twitching in upper jaw (or in one eye - tooth) extending toward eye, in evening. Stitches in hollow t. toothache, warm drinks.
Foul odor from, early in morning. Salivation. Difficult speech.
Appetites, etc. Indifference to food, drink and smoking. Great appetite in evening. Ravenous hunger during chill.
Foul odor from, early in morning. Salivation. Difficult speech.
Appetites, etc. Indifference to food, drink and smoking. Great appetite in evening. Ravenous hunger during chill.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pressure in, from mental exertion. Pain in, as though a bruised place were pressed upon.
Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in abdomen and chill.
Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in abdomen and chill.
Urogenital system
Nightly involuntary discharge of, from weakness of urinary organs. Incontinence from weakness of sphincter vesicae. Interrupted urination, the urine passes drop by drop, with insensibility of urethra. Feeble stream.
Drawing and twitching in spermatic cord. Spasmodic retraction of testes. Violently excited sexual desire. Impotency from a sudden disappearance of voluptuous sensation during coition.
Menses: Of pale, watery blood, too early and too profuse. Uterine hemorrhage.
Drawing and twitching in spermatic cord. Spasmodic retraction of testes. Violently excited sexual desire. Impotency from a sudden disappearance of voluptuous sensation during coition.
Menses: Of pale, watery blood, too early and too profuse. Uterine hemorrhage.
Chest organs
Short, seeming to arise from epigastrium. Deep, sighing r., with involuntary swallowing at the same time, Slow, loud, snuffling expiration before, and a similar inspiration after midnight.
Pressive pain in, with anxiety. Violent palpitation.
Pressive pain in, with anxiety. Violent palpitation.
Limbs and spine
Heat in. Lumbar ache.
Rambling and gurgling down arm. Panaritia with throbbing in finger - tips.
Paralytic drawing in legs. Easy dislocation of ankle. Varicose veins during pregnancy. Ingrowing toe - nails, they grow into the flesh.
Rambling and gurgling down arm. Panaritia with throbbing in finger - tips.
Paralytic drawing in legs. Easy dislocation of ankle. Varicose veins during pregnancy. Ingrowing toe - nails, they grow into the flesh.
Common symptoms
Great tendency to take cold, on exposure to slight cold, nose, ears, hands and feet are frozen, and in a warm room they become hot, creep and itch. Great aversion to open air. Sensation of a cold wind blowing over entire body. Twitching pains here and there. вruised pain in parts upon which he does not lie. Many symptoms are intensified by motion.
Sleepiness with inability to sleep before midnight.
Warmth all over. Warmth constantly predominates.
Dif. diagnostics
Allied Remedies: Ign., M - arcot., Nux-v., Zinc.