Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Nat. order, Ranunculaceae. сommon name, Eisenhut. Habitat, Subalpine ranges in Lower Austria, etc. Preparation, Extract from the plant in flower, and also from the root.
This species possesses less acrid principles than any other.
Prover, Heinrich (0.1 gramme). Reil and Hope, Journal f.
Pharm., Tox., u. Therap., 1, 388. Pulse diminished several beats within the first two hours; sensation of warmth in the stomach; frequent eructations; a cool and dry skin; a marked increase of saliva (extract from the plant).
The extract from the root produced similar symptoms, with the addition of a slight crawling in the face and extremities; confusion of the head; a sensation from time to time of a pressive headache along the course of the longitudinal sinus and in the right temporal region; slightly dilated pupil; decided sleepiness, which caused a deep sleep the whole night through.
The next day entirely well.
This species possesses less acrid principles than any other.
Prover, Heinrich (0.1 gramme). Reil and Hope, Journal f.
Pharm., Tox., u. Therap., 1, 388. Pulse diminished several beats within the first two hours; sensation of warmth in the stomach; frequent eructations; a cool and dry skin; a marked increase of saliva (extract from the plant).
The extract from the root produced similar symptoms, with the addition of a slight crawling in the face and extremities; confusion of the head; a sensation from time to time of a pressive headache along the course of the longitudinal sinus and in the right temporal region; slightly dilated pupil; decided sleepiness, which caused a deep sleep the whole night through.
The next day entirely well.